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1、 2.39% shenzhen chiwan petroleum supply base co., ltd. full text of first quarterly report of 2012 part important notice 1.1 the directors, supervisors and senior management guarantee that there are no omissions, misstatement, or misleading information in this annual report. they are responsible, in

2、dividually and jointly, for the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the information herein. 1.2 the first quarterly financial report has not been audited. 1.3 mr. fan zhaoping, chairman of the board, mdm. yu zhongxia, financial controller and mdm. sun yuhui, financial manager, guarantee the auth

3、enticity and integrity of the financial result in this quarterly report. part profile of the company 2.1 main accounting data and financial indicators unit: rmb mar 31, 2012dec 31, 2011 change ( ) total assets total shareholders equity attributed to shareholders of the company 4,164,672,854.73 3,647

4、,993,280.18 14.16% 1,188,024,557.18 1,160,341,793.12 shares capital net assets per share attributed to shareholders of the company 230,600,000.00 5.15 first quarter of 2012 230,600,000.00 5.03 first quarter of 2011 0.00% 2.39% change (%) total revenue121,102,282.8999,430,234.96 21.80% net profit att

5、ributed to shareholders of the company net cash flow from operating activities net cash flow from operating activities per share basic eps diluted eps weighted average roe weighted average roe after deducting non-recurring gains & losses 27,682,764.06 57,465,347.35 0.25 0.12 0.12 2.36% 2.36% 23,122,

6、679.90 53,109,011.18 0.23 0.10 0.10 2.19% 2.16% 19.72% 8.20% 8.70% 20.00% 20.00% 0.17% 0.20% items of the non-recurring gains & losses applicableinapplicable items of the non-recurring gains & losses other non-operating revenue and expenditure excluding the above-mentioned items influence on income

7、tax influence on minority shareholders equity total 1 the amount from the beginning to the end of report period -15,755.34 3,938.84 2,131.90 -9,684.60 b b b b b b b b b b 2.2 total number of shareholders and the top ten tradable shareholders at the end of the period unit: share total number of share

8、holders the top ten tradable shareholders 8,542 name of shareholders china logistics holding(12) pte.ltd. china mechants securities (hongkong) ltd guotai junan securities(hongkong) limited sun lifeng li mingya li shuchun wu chi li pan bo core pacific-yamaichi international (h.k.) limited cai gang sh

9、are 45,890,000 3,159,603 831,150 583,466 550,480 517,116 408,000 392,100 390,002 359,000 type part significant events 3.1 explanation on the significant changes for main accounting data and financial indicators. applicableinapplicable (1) the ending balance of cash and cash equivalents is rmb 1.12 b

10、illion with an increase of 178.42% compared with the balance at the year beginning, which is due to the increase of bank loans, issuance of medium term notes and the maturity of short-term break-even financial products purchased from banks with the companys idle funds. (2) the ending balance of acco

11、unts prepayment is rmb 2.07 million with an increase of 46.05% compared with the balance at the year beginning, which is due to the increase of prepayment for car insurance. (3) the ending balance of accrued interest receivable is rmb 0.38 million with a decrease of 48.93%, which is due to the recei

12、ving of bank loans interest. (4) the ending balance of other current assets is rmb 100 million with a decrease of 72.95%, which is due to the maturity of short-term break-even financial products purchased from banks with the companys idle funds. (5) the ending balance of accounts payable is rmb 13.7

13、9 million with an increase of 36.41%, which is due to the increase of rents payable. (6) the ending balance of interests payable is rmb 23.12 million with an increase of 165.96%, which is due to the increase of interests from shareholders loans and interests from bonds. 2 (7) the ending balance of l

14、ong-term loans is rmb 499 million with an increase of 38.71%, which is due to the increase of bank loans. (8) the ending balance of bonds payable is rmb 400 million with an increase of 100%, which is due to the issuance of five-year medium term notes. (9) from january 1 to march 31, 2012, the sellin

15、g expense is rmb 0.42 million with an increase of 43.83% compared with the same period of last year, which is due to the increase of expense paid to intermediary. (10) from january 1 to march 31, 2012, the financial expense is rmb 25.92 million with an increase of 68.91% compared with the same perio

16、d of last year, which is due to the increase of interests. (11) from january 1 to march 31, 2012, the investment income is rmb 13.30 million with an increase of 305.87% compared with the same period of last year, which is due to the increase of investment income from cse and receiving investment inc

17、ome from financial products. (12) from january 1 to march 31, 2012, the investment income from joint ventures is rmb 6.88 million with an increase of 110.06% compared with the same period of last year, which is due to the increase of investment income from cse. (13) from january 1 to march 31, 2012,

18、 the non-operating income is rmb 3,600 with a decrease of 98.95% compared with the same period of last year. the decrease is caused by the disposal income of waste materials in last year and this year doesnt have this income. (14) from january 1 to march 31, 2012, the net profit attributed to non-co

19、ntrolling interests is rmb 2.12 million with an increase of 219.76% compared with the same period of last year, which is due to the equity integration of blogis holding and leads to the increase of net profit attributed to non-controlling interests. (15) from january 1 to march 31, 2012, the cash pa

20、id to employees is rmb 19.17 million with an increase of 32.36% compared with the same period of last year, which is due to the increase of employees salary. (16) from january 1 to march 31, 2012, the tax paid is rmb 18.33 million with an increase of 52.92% compared with the same period of last year

21、, which is due to the increase of income tax, property tax and land use tax. (17) from january 1 to march 31, 2012, the cash received from other investment related activities is rmb 377 million with an increase of 100% compared with the same period of last year, which is due to the maturity of short

22、-term break-even financial products purchased from banks with the companys idle funds. (18) from january 1 to march 31, 2012, the cash paid for fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets is rmb 97.62 million with an increase of 39.70% compared with the same period of last year, which

23、 is due to the payment for construction. (19) from january 1 to march 31, 2012, the cash paid for other investment related activities is rmb 100 million with an increase of 100% compared with the same period of last year, which is caused by the purchase of short-term break-even financial products fr

24、om banks with the companys idle funds. 3 (20) from january 1 to march 31, 2012, the cash received from absorbing investment is rmb 0 with a decrease of 100% compared with the same period of last year. the decrease is caused by the receiving of additional investment for its subsidiaries from sharehol

25、der in last year and there is no such cash received in this period. (21) from january 1 to march 31, 2012, the cash received from bonds issuance is rmb 400 million with an increase of 100% compared with the same period of last year, which is due to the issuance of medium terms note in this period. (

26、22) from january 1 to march 31, 2012, the cash received from other financing related activities is rmb 17.26 million with an increase of 100% compared with the same period of last year, which is due to the receiving of construction funds from shareholder. (23) from january 1 to march 31, 2012, the d

27、ebt redemption is rmb 60.27 million with a decrease of 48.92% compared with the same period of last year. the decrease is caused by the paying back of rmb 48 million loans to shareholder last year and there is no such debt redemption in this period. (24) from january 1 to march 31, 2012, the cash pa

28、id for dividends or interests is rmb 15.94 million with a decrease of 33.40% compared with the same period of last year. the decrease is caused by the paying back of rmb 9.08 million loan interests to shareholder last year and there is no such cash paid in this period. 3.2 significant event and its

29、impact 3.2.1 non standard opinion applicableinapplicable 3.2.2 the company offers funds to the controlling shareholder or its related parties or provides external guarantees in violation of the prescribed procedure. applicableinapplicable 3.2.3 signature and performance of significant contracts in d

30、aily operation applicable 3.2.4 others inapplicable applicableinapplicable (1) implementation of internal control according to the requirements of csrc shenzhen bureau, the sixth tele-communication meeting of the sixth board of directors has reviewed and approved the implementation scheme of interna

31、l control on april 22, 2011. in the report period, ernst & young hua ming presented audit report of internal control and thought that there was effective internal control in the important perspectives of the company. there were self-assessment report of internal control for year 2011 and audit repor

32、t of internal control for year 2011 on securities times, hong kong commercial daily and on march 28, 2012. 4 3.3 fulfillment of commitment by the company, shareholders and actual controllers applicableinapplicable 3.4 prediction and explanation on important changes of profit in next report period ap

33、plicable 3.5 other significant events 3.5.1 stock investment applicable inapplicable inapplicable 3.5.2 reception for the investors according to relative regulations of listed company information disclosures guide issued by shenzhen stock exchange and working system in management of investor relatio

34、nship of the company, the company carried out the principles of fairness, justice and publicity when receiving interview and investigation and developing activities, guaranteed all investors enjoying right to learn the truth, other lawful rights and interests, introduced practical situation of the c

35、ompany and prevented the company from leaking information and related insider dealing. the company has ensured the communication ways successfully for the investors and received many enquires by telephone. but there are no investors asking for visiting on the spot or submitting written questionnaire

36、s. 3.6 investment of financial derivatives applicableinapplicable 3.6.1 holdings of investment of financial derivatives at the end of report period. applicableinapplicable part iv attachment 4.1 balance sheet date: mar 31, 2012 ending balance unit: rmb beginning balance items consolidated parent com

37、pany consolidated parent company current assets: cash and cash equivalents deposit reservation for balance 1,119,584,393.02 - 697,528,852.53 - 402,122,936.70 - 324,237,017.87 - lendings to banks and other financial institutions held for trading financial assets notes receivable accounts receivable a

38、ccounts prepayment insurance premium receivable - - - 49,483,158.32 2,066,345.47 - - - - 43,350,804.81 584,325.89 - - - - 38,761,849.27 1,414,854.45 - - - - 32,246,795.90 363,576.52 - 5 - - - reinsurance accounts receivable reinsurance reserve receivable accrued interest receivable dividend receivab

39、le other receivables - - 379,711.12 7,320,562.96 - - 379,711.12 65,732,253.42 1,042,293,996.55 - - 743,516.68 7,743,467.02 - - 743,516.68 69,228,865.68 690,801,414.95 redemptory monetary capital for sale inventories - 1,306,082.45 - 1,012,390.33 - 1,129,514.30 - 801,510.26 current portion of non-cur

40、rent assets other current assets sub-total current assts - 100,000,000.00 1,280,140,253.34 - 100,000,000.00 1,950,882,334.65 - 369,620,000.00 821,536,138.42 - 369,620,000.00 1,488,042,697.86 non-current assets disbursement of entrust loans and advance financial assets available for sale held-to-matu

41、rity investment long-term accounts receivable long-term investment on stocks investment real estate fixed assets construction-in-progress engineer material liquidation of fixed assets capitalized biological assets oil and gas assets intangible assets development expenditure goodwill long-term deferr

42、ed expenses deferred income tax assets other non-current assets sub-total non-current assets total assets - - - - 332,019,512.89 765,041,368.33 483,090,923.36 279,826,416.17 - 875.45 - - 925,299,342.58 - - - 16,752,609.82 82,501,552.79 2,884,532,601.39 4,164,672,854.73 - - - - 1,203,825,272.60 115,0

43、13,653.05 83,871,206.14 59,681.00 - 875.45 - - 355,101,635.71 - - - 85,701.63 1,757,958,025.58 3,708,840,360.23 - - - - 325,138,453.01 707,482,188.70 437,846,577.37 341,476,044.19 - - - 921,544,551.30 - - - 16,752,609.82 76,216,717.37 2,826,457,141.76 3,647,993,280.18 - - - - 1,196,944,212.72 116,38

44、0,151.11 68,311,365.75 16,652,681.00 - - - 359,318,178.34 - - - 85,701.63 1,757,692,290.55 3,245,734,988.41 current liabilities short-term loans borrowing from the central bank 150,000,000.00 - 150,000,000.00 - 210,000,000.00 - 210,000,000.00 - 6 - - - - accept money deposits and call loans from ban

45、ks other financial institutions transactional monetary liabilities) notes payable accounts payable down payment received - - - - 13,789,312.02 2,644,943.64 - - - - 13,697,019.39 - - - - 10,108,928.11 2,093,276.87 - - - - 10,036,686.11 financial assets sold for repurchase commission payable payroll p

46、ayable tax payable accrued interest payable dividend payable other payables dividend payable for reinsurance reserves for insurance contract acting trading securities acting underwriting securities - - 13,659,519.50 25,886,923.32 23,118,874.96 8,382,728.01 159,618,328.20 - - - - - - 12,000,591.39 16

47、,894,721.75 22,420,678.87 172,217,592.16 - - - - - - 16,729,891.85 25,815,966.83 8,692,594.04 8,382,728.01 184,460,828.33 - - - - - - 13,198,897.59 17,086,958.44 8,692,594.04 224,504,487.28 - - - - current portion of non-current liabilities other non-current liabilities sub-total current liabilities

48、 non-current liabilities long-term loans 549,650,000.00 - 946,750,629.65 - 499,200,000.00 549,650,000.00 - 936,880,603.56 - 499,200,000.00 549,820,000.00 - 1,016,104,214.04 - 359,900,000.00 549,820,000.00 - 1,033,339,623.46 - 359,900,000.00 bonds payable long-term accounts payable 400,000,000.00 157

49、,393,214.35 400,000,000.00 140,130,172.17 special accounts payable accrued liabilities deferred income tax liabilities other non-current liabilities sub-total non-current liabilities total liabilities - - - 722,776,976.35 1,779,370,190.70 2,726,120,820.35 - - - 722,776,976.35 1,621,976,976.35 2,558,

50、857,579.91 - - - 723,114,314.14 1,223,144,486.31 2,239,248,700.35 - - - 723,114,314.14 1,083,014,314.14 2,116,353,937.60 owners equity( shareholders equity) paid-in capital (capital stock) capital reserves - 230,600,000.00 234,141,186.09 - 230,600,000.00 204,534,849.49 - 230,600,000.00 234,141,186.0

51、9 - 230,600,000.00 204,534,849.49 less : treasury stock 7 - - - special reserves surplus reserves general risk reserve retained earnings translation reserve - 242,990,556.25 - 480,292,814.84 - - 242,990,556.25 - 471,857,374.58 - - 242,990,556.25 - 452,610,050.78 - - 242,990,556.25 - 451,255,645.07 -

52、 total chiwan base shareholders equity non-controlling interests total shareholders equity total liabilities and equities 1,188,024,557.18 250,527,477.20 1,438,552,034.38 4,164,672,854.73 1,149,982,780.32 1,149,982,780.32 3,708,840,360.23 1,160,341,793.12 248,402,786.71 1,408,744,579.83 3,647,993,28

53、0.18 1,129,381,050.81 1,129,381,050.81 3,245,734,988.41 4.2 income statements (from jan 1 2012 to mar 31 2012) unit: rmb current periodsame period last year items 1. gross revenue incl. operation revenue interest revenue earned premium commission revenue 2. total operating cost incl. operating cost

54、interest expenses commission expenses surrender value consolidated 121,102,282.89 121,102,282.89 - - - 98,761,110.62 45,949,634.38 - - - parent company 68,265,309.72 68,265,309.72 - - - 56,381,361.21 26,067,406.83 - - - consolidated 99,430,234.96 99,430,234.96 - - - 76,860,216.39 37,501,047.37 - - -

55、 parent company 52,993,097.74 52,993,097.74 - - - 38,870,957.89 20,098,280.90 - - - net payments for insurance claims- net provision for insurance contracts- expenditures dividend policy- amortized reinsurance expenditures- business surcharge taxand 10,406,541.31 4,263,796.329,007,576.083,518,197.51

56、 selling expenses418,353.25 290,876.25 administrative expenses financial expenses assets impairment loss 16,062,605.98 25,923,975.70 - 8,638,944.10 17,411,213.96 - 14,713,166.70 15,347,549.99 - 7,648,554.26 7,605,925.22 - 8 to - - plus: fair value change income(“-” for net loss) investment income(“-

57、” for net loss) incl: investment income from associate and joint venture - 13,295,337.56 6,881,059.88 - 13,295,337.56 6,881,059.88 - 3,275,751.11 3,275,751.11 - 58,280,929.35 3,275,751.11 exchange earnings(“-” for net loss) 3. operating profits(“-” for net loss) plus: non-operating income less: non-

58、operating expenses - 35,636,509.83 3,620.00 19,375.34 - 25,179,286.07 2,000.00 6,000.00 - 25,845,769.68 344,319.76 2,800.00 - 72,403,069.20 321,985.00 2,000.00 incl: loss of liquidation of non-current assets 4. total profit(“-” for net loss) less: income taxes expenses 5. net profit(“-” for net loss

59、) net profit attributable controlling interests net profit attributable non-controlling interests 6. earnings per share 1) basic earnings per share 2)diluted earnings per share 7. other comprehensive income 8. total comprehensive income to - 35,620,754.49 5,813,299.94 29,807,454.55 27,682,764.06 2,1

60、24,690.49 - 0.12 0.12 - 29,807,454.55 - 25,175,286.07 4,573,556.56 20,601,729.51 20,601,729.51 - - - - 20,601,729.51 - 26,187,289.44 4,838,764.04 21,348,525.40 23,122,679.90 -1,774,154.50 - 0.10 0.10 - 21,348,525.40 - 72,723,054.20 3,466,109.96 69,256,944.24 69,256,944.24 - - - - 69,256,944.24 total


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