



1、2010年石家庄市高三年级模拟试题(二)英语A卷参考答案语音:1 5 BACBD单选:6 10 CBCDA11 15 BDABC16 20 ACDAB完形填空:21 -25 BCADB26 30 CADAC31 -35ABCDA36 40 BCADB阅读理解:41 -44 CBDA45 48 CADB49 -52 CDBA53 56CABD57 60 BCAD补全对话:61 -65 DFBEA英语B卷参考答案11 15 BDABC 16 20 ABDAC语音:1 5 CABCD 单选:6 10 BCBDA完形填空:2125 CBADB26 30 CADAB阅读理解:4144 BCDA45 48

2、 CADC57 60 CBAD补全对话:6165 DFBEA单词拼写:66. secretary67.sankprete nding71.moder n72. buriedcabbages改错:76. impress 改为 impresses77. soteachers31 35 ACBDA36 40 BCADC49 52 BDBA53 56CACD68. specially69. governments70.73. marriage74. foreig n75.改为but78. teacher改为79. comparing 改为 compared80. actively 改为 active

3、81.正确82.in stead 后力口 of83. myself 改为 ourselves84.去掉 from85. as 改为 that书面表达:One possible versionDear Li Jun,Glad to hear from you. I d likhaoe my idea about studying abroad with you.Studying abroad is becoming more and more popular nowadays. As far as I am concern ed, we can lear n adva need tech no

4、logy and get better prepared for the future if educated abroad. Besides, living abroad can broaden our understandingof a differentculture. But on the other hand, we may be faced with many problems. Above all, youllhaveto speak a Ian guage and experie nee a culture quite differe nt from your own. Being far away from your pare nts and friends may make you feel Ion ely and helpless. Fin ally, study ing abroad costs much more tha n study ing home.So, think twice before you decide. Choose the way th


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