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1、阶段综合检测(二) (时间:100分钟;满分120分) .阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A I spent six months studying in ,During my third year of universityBrazil.Many are worried about travelling to Rio but I ,Rio de Janeiro) you it is worth a visit.Now I want to share my top 使确信can assure(recommendations for experiencing Rio less a

2、s a tourist and more like a native Brazilian. Pedra Bonitaafternoon spend an some Brazilians love to routesRio is full of hiking ,and hiking.My favourite route of all has to be Pedra Bonita.Pedra Bonita involves a steep but s heat,climb of about an hour through tall trees,and I admit it is difficult

3、 in Riostanding high above the you are rewarded at the top with a wonderful view of the city,green landscape and blue sea below. Mureta da Urcabut a lot of the best One thing you are sure to find in Rio is an amazing sunset,Mureta da Urca is the most relaxing spots tend to be full of tourists.In my

4、opinion,with the figure of Christ the Redeemer place to watch the sun set over the silver sea,standing tall in the background. Pedra do Salis it Monday nights on in the city centre and a Pedra do Sal is historical area ,Hundreds of people gather in the street)brought to life by the sound of samba(桑巴

5、everyone party with becomes a giant street set food and drink stalls are up and it enjoying the happy sound of live samba! Picanhabe would ,it to could bring back the UKI was If there one Brazilian food served alongside rice and beans. ,picanha.It is the tastiest cut of steak I have ever tasted 作者主要

6、提供了在里约热内卢旅游的几个最重要的建议。【语篇解读】 The writer once went to Rio de Janeiro to 1 stay there as a tourist for six months Atime international student study as a short-B 页 1 第Cask Brazilians for recommendations Dlearn how to be a native Brazilian B 细节判断题。根据第一段第一句话可知,上大学三年级期间,作者曾到巴西的里约热内卢学习了6个月。再结合最后一段中的“I could

7、 bring back to the UK”可知,作者是英国人,到里约热内卢是短期留学。 2Which of the following is the favourite of body-builders? APedra Bonita. BMureta da Urca. DPedra do Sal. Picanha. CA 推理判断题。根据第二段可知,Pedra Bonita是徒步旅行的一条路线,要攀爬大约一小时的陡峭山路,这是喜欢健身的人的最爱。 3What can you enjoy in Pedra do Sal? AA wonderful view of the city. BAn a

8、mazing sunset. CA giant street party. DA nice Brazilian food. C 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Hundreds of people gather.and it becomes a giant street party”可知,Pedra do Sal是城市中心的一个区,周一晚上,成百上千的人聚集成一个巨大的街头派对,每个人都享受桑巴的快乐。 B He was struggling (费劲) to tie his shoes.I was struggling with ”Thank you,whether I should help h

9、im.I did,and he was grateful.“he said. I could help.I just thought it would be easier for m glad “II said. ” me to reach,and forced to look down most of the time.His arms and He was a disabled man,would of us rest t do what the and 扭曲的legs were twisted () terribly,he couldn) to (反应consider easy task

10、s.He always managed to look up to see how you reacted making me feel comfortable. ,however,he had a big smilehis words,I was still on my knees by his wheelchair. he said. ” “Nice shoes,I said. ” ,“Thanks.No one ever complimented me on them before 页 2 第“No one has the same view of the world as I do,”

11、 he replied. “Tell me about the world as you see it,” I said smiling. “Most people can see if someone is comfortable with them or not in their eyes.I see it in their feet.” he said.“If people keep moving their feet,I just let them go,because I know theyre impatient with me.I dont want to make people

12、 uncomfortable.” “What about me?” I asked. “I could see your compassionAnd then you came down to my level.I was the one who was nervous.” he said.“I dont normally have someone look me in the eye.” “They dont know what theyre missing,” I told him. “My old face is nothing to brag (自夸) about,” he said.

13、 “But that smile is so big.” Yes,and its not only a big smile but an attitude. 【语篇解读】 本文通过作者帮助一位残疾人系鞋带告知我们,并不是很多人都愿意来帮助残疾人,他们的帮助里更多的是一种同情和怜悯。 4The underlined word “compassion” is the closest in meaning to Aattention Bpity Dtrust duty CB 词义猜测题。根据上下文语境可知,compassion在这里的意思为“同情;怜悯”,只有B项最接近其意。 5We learn t

14、hat the disabled man Ahad great difficulty looking after himself Balways asked people for help Ccouldnt have a big smile Dliked to talk about peoples shoes A 推理判断题。根据整篇文章可知,作者帮助这位残疾人系鞋带,可见这位残疾人是不能自己照顾自己的。 6Why did the writer feel comfortable? AHe had a nice talk to the man. BThe man looked him in th

15、e eye. 页 3 第CHe didnt move his feet before the man. DThe man had a big smile on the face. D 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“he had a big smile,making me feel comfortable”可知答案为D。 7What can we infer from the passage? AThe disabled man had something wrong with his mind. BNot many people went down to the mans level. CT

16、he man was good at telling people about the world. DThe writer would not give the man more help. B 推理判断题。根据整篇文章可知,并不是所有人都愿意来帮助残疾人,所以答案为B。 C Sonia Denoncourt is one of the most successful personalities in many what name doing s soccer.She made her the world of womenrefereeing soccer matches. s job”st

17、ill think of as a “manat the age of The Canadian began her career as a referee in 1978,female the first in 1994,became 14.She worked her way up,and international FIFA referee.Sonia was the first woman to referee a top she became the first female in EL Salva in 2019.A year later,s professional game,m

18、en) in Brazil.She has refereed at thousands s first division game(甲级队to referee a menand ,including over 100 international games,three World Cupsof games at all levels,two Olympic Games. Her goal has always been to encourage more young women to become involved but she is sure that progress is possib

19、le.,in the games.She accepts that it can be difficultfootballing huge not a from Canada,which is became “I a top referee and I am t change anything any one can.And I wouldn,“so if I can do it,nation,” she said about my life because my career has given me incredible opportunities.”this figure had ,th

20、ere were only 4 female referees on FIFAs list.In 2019,In 1994000 listed FIFA referees and assistants.She is now ,risen to 552over 18 percent of 3in women of promote the role to s of Head FIFA Womenrefereeing and continues there is still a long way to go in the battle for equality in the game. ,socce

21、r.Howeverinternational the top at female see unusual still It is very to a referee 页 4 第tournaments.Some people say this is because the women referees arent fit enough at the highest level.But for Sonia,this is simply an excuse to hide the widespread opposition to women doing what is considered a “m

22、ans job”“It is a social thing,” she says.“In some countries women in positions of authority are just not accepted.” Even Sonia admits,“Football is still a mans world.” But,things are changing,thanks to pioneering women like Sonia. 【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了Sonia从事一直被认为男人才能做的足球裁判工作,并执法了很多比赛,她的行为鼓舞了很多年轻女性投身裁判工作。

23、8Which of the following words can best describe Sonia Denoncourt? AAmbitious and inspirational. BTough and generous. CProud and patient. DStrict but caring. A 推理判断题。根据第一段第二句,第三段第一、二句及第四段可知,Sonia做了被认为男人才能做的工作,而且还做得十分出色,由此可推断出,她是有雄心的,并且她的事迹鼓舞人心。 9We can learn from the 4th paragraph that Sonia Ahas nev

24、er been accepted as a referee Bhas had a great impact on womens refereeing Chas won a battle in competing with male referees Dhas already considered herself as a leading referee B 推理判断题。分析文章结构可知,第四段是对第三段中心句(第一句)的例证,即说明Sonia的行为鼓舞了很多年轻女性投身裁判工作,由此可推断出,Sonia对女性投身裁判工作有很大的影响。 10What made women have diffic

25、ulty in working as referees? ABeing unfit enough. BDeep-rooted prejudice. CWeak physical power. DA lack of experience. B 推理判断题。根据最后一段的描述可知,人们一直认为足球是男人的运动, 页 5 第女性不适合从事裁判工作,由此可推断出,传统的偏见是女性从事裁判工作的最大阻碍,故B正确。 11What is the best title for the text? AA Woman Bringing About Changes BA Woman Having Her Drea

26、m CA Woman Doing a Mans Job DA Woman Involved in International Games C 标题归纳题。本文主要讲述了Sonia从事一直被认为男人才能做的足球裁判工作,并执法了很多比赛,她的行为鼓舞了很多年轻女性投身裁判工作,故C作标题最能概括文章内容。 D 【导学号:19142050】 “Beating is a sign of affection,cursing (骂) is a sign of love.” Many may not expect to hear the words of the old Chinese saying in

27、 these modern timeswith parents wealthier and better educated than they have ever beenbut experts say they still ring true. Today,it seems,Chinese parents are more likely to send their children to pre-college military academies in the United States in the hope that some tough love will pave the way

28、to success. “Good education doesnt mean letting your child enjoy privileges,especially our boys,” said Song Wenming,an entrepreneur (企业家) in Jinhua,East Chinas Zhejiang Province.“They should be raised in tough conditions to know what to fight for in the future.” In August,Song sent his 17-year-old s

29、on to Valley Forge Military Academy (VFMA) in Pennsylvania.And he is far from alone,even though it takes a lot of money around $48,000 per yearto send a child to a strict military school. Statistics show that an increasing number of Chinese students have been registering with such academies. A few y

30、ears ago,there were no Chinese students at Valley Forge.Today,there are 28.“All of the Chinese students at Valley Forge came from wealthy families,some of them were spoiled,” said Jennifer Myers,director of marketing and communications at the school. 页 6 第Songs only son,Song Siyu,had a rocky start d

31、uring his first six weeks at the school.The teenager said he went to the school voluntarily but did not expect it to be as difficult. Now,three months later,he has perfected the art of taking a bath in 35 seconds,finishing a meal without looking at his food,and making his bed with precision.He can e

32、ven take criticism,no matter how unreasonable. “The training is hard but I know it is good for self-development of individuals,” said Song Siyu.The endless training and scolding are just ways to build up our character,they are not personal. But his enthusiasm is not universal.Ten of the thirteen Chi

33、nese students who joined the academy this year have transferred to other schools. But for those who stick with it,there is a reward for all the hard work. 【语篇解读】 父母不应该太溺爱孩子,给孩子过于舒服的生活环境,而应该让他们在艰苦的条件下锻炼自己,通过自己的努力获得成功。 12From the second paragraph,we can know the old Chinese saying is Aout of date in m

34、odern times Bdisagreed by rich parents Cstill worth trusting Ddeeply believed by better educated parent C 细节理解题。根据前文和“still ring true”可以推断出,中国古代谚语在现代生活中还是经受得住考验、值得信赖的。 13The underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 means that ASong sent his only son to military school,so he feels lonely BSong is the only

35、one who sends his child to military school Cthere are other people sending their children to military school besides Song Dthe fee of the military school is so high that only Song can afford it C 句意理解题。根据“he is far from alone”及第六段内容可以推断出,去那个学校的不止Song的儿子,还有其他人。 14How many Chinese students are there a

36、t Valley Forge before this year? A10. B13. D 15. C 25. 页 7 第D 细节理解题。根据“Today,there are 28.”和倒数第二段中的“Ten of the thirteen Chinese students who joined the academy this year.”可知,现在这个学校中有28个中国学生,而今年的13个中国学生中有10个已转走了,由此推断出,以前这个学校有25个中国留学生。 15Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? AIts li

37、kely that more and more Chinese students will attend VFMA. BMost Chinese parents approve of educating their children by beating and cursing nowadays. CSong Siyu had no difficulty in adjusting to the life at VFMA. DMost Chinese students support the way of education at VFMA. A 推理判断题。根据第七段中第一句和第二句可以推断出

38、,到VFMA上学的中国学生越来越多。 .阅读七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) big is one found that there Some social scientists have 16 selectinggifts. are mistake people often make when they different about receivers care more The problem is that things.They care about more than just the experience of opening receivers value gifts

39、 they can use and enjoy ,the gift.Typicallythroughout the entire time that they own it.Here are some examples of the mismatch givers think other people want and what other people really want in between what gift-the gifts they receive. It is fun for them to see the receivers open those gifts.But man

40、y receivers 17 such as a gift certificate to a restaurant or tickets to a game. ,prefer gifts of experiences, So-givers like to select gifts that can be fully enjoyed immediately. 18 Gift 开,givers prefer to give a smaller bunch of flowers that are in full bloom (for exampletheir to see often 19 But

41、receivers like of over 花) a bigger bunch buds(花蕾) they get to enjoy the gift for longer. buds blooming over timethe more the receiver ,Gift-givers think that the more thought they put into a giftwill appreciate the gift.They think their thought will be evident to the receiver when 20 that person ope

42、ns the gift. But many receivers prefer the opposite. Agivers like to choose more expensive gifts. Gift-B 页 8 第CThe flowers look more beautiful and more attractive. DGift-givers like to give material things like cool clothes. EThe givers think that the gifts they choose will be more surprising. FBut

43、receivers cant always tell how much thought went into a gift. GAs a result of the mistake,gift-receivers often end up less happy with the gifts than the gift-givers think. 【语篇解读】 社会科学家发现,人们在挑选礼物时会犯巨大的错误。挑选礼物的人认为接受者所想要的与接受者真正所想要的之间存在着一些不匹配之处。 16G 根据前面的“there is one big mistake people often make”可知,这个

44、错误会导致礼物的接受者没有送礼者想象的那么开心。 17D 根据后面的“But many receivers prefer gifts of experiences”可知,送礼者喜欢送一些像漂亮的衣服之类的物质类的东西,但接受者更愿意收到体验性的礼物。故正确答案为D。 【易错分析】有些同学可能会误选B。原因是只注意到首句的形式要一致,而没有准确理解段落的意思,其实从段落内容中根本推断不出送礼者喜欢选择昂贵的礼物。 18A 根据后面的举例“盛开的花束和未开的花蕾”可知,送礼者喜欢挑选立马就能充分享受的礼物,但很多接受者喜欢的却完全相反,他们希望享受这个礼物更长时间。 19C 根据前面的“.give

45、rs prefer to give a smaller bunch of flowers that are in full bloom”可知,他们认为花卉看起来更漂亮,更吸引人。 20F 根据前面的关键词“thought”可知,F项“接受者们并不能说出送礼者花了多少心思在里面”符合语境。 【导学号:19142051】 .完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) Some people allow bad past experiences to keep them in fear.A personal example of this happened when I was in mid

46、dle school.We each were asked to give an oral 页 9 第21 in front of the whole class.When my turn came,I became 22 and I started swinging my legs back and forth.I did this during the entire presentation.I was a 23 student and I did not realize I was doing it. After I completed my presentation,I 24 did

47、or even wanted to give another oral presentation for the rest of my years in school. 25 I got older,I realized I wanted to improve my personality and build 26 over my fear.I began listening to motivational speeches.I would go to 27 seminars (研讨会) and found I was feeling better and better about mysel

48、f.This 28 me to want to reach out and help others in need. After listening to one particular speaker many times,I decided to write to him for 29 He had advised in his speeches that if there was something you wanted to 30 ,you should be persistent(坚持不懈的)So I became very persistent. I wrote to his off

49、ice many times and they 31 called me back.They offered me help by instructing me to 32 a local Toastmasters and see what it was all about.Toastmasters is a great organization for people who are interested in improving their 33 skills in preparation and presentation in front of a(n) 34 I certainly ne

50、eded to do this.I located the nearest Toastmasters and 35 a meeting. At first,I sat in the background and was too overcome by my 36 I did not even want to introduce myself.But by 37 this was just the false evidence appearing real,I 38 my fear and within a short period of time I was President of that

51、 Toastmasters. Dont get 39 in fears from unpleasant past experiences.Fears are 40 but false evidence appearing real,which are made broken. 【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述的是作者逐渐克服恐惧心理,建立自信的故事。 21A.presentation Btest Dannouncement promise CA 我们每个人都被要求在全班面前做自我介绍。下文“I did this during the entire presentation.”中的presentati

52、on为提示词。 22A.upset Bnervous Dcurious excited CB 根据后半句“I started swinging my legs back and forth”可知,我当时是很紧张的,故用nervous(紧张的)。 23A.careful Blazy 页 10 第Cyoung Dtop C 我是一个年轻的学生,并没有意识到在做什么,故用young。 24A.always Boften D never Csometimes D 根据上下文可知,完成介绍之后,我再也不想在学校里做口头介绍了。故用never(从未,决不)。 25A.Until BBefore DOnce

53、 CAs C 随着年龄的增长,故用as(随着)。 26A.health Bconfidence Dbusiness strength CB 随着年龄的增长,我意识到我想完善我的性格并且克服恐惧建立自信,故用confidence(自信)。 27A.disturbed Bsurprised D satisfying Cinspiring C 根据后半句“and found I was feeling better and better”可知,这些研讨会都是让人大受鼓舞的,故用inspiring(令人受鼓舞的)。 28A.frightened Bencouraged Dprevented Cconf

54、used B 前面提到这些励志演讲及研讨会都让我备受鼓舞,因此这句话表达的是“鼓励我伸出手去帮助那些需要帮助的人”,故用encourage(鼓励)。 29A.practice Bexperience D advice Cpleasure D 根据后一句“He had advised in his speeches.”可知,前一句的意思是“我决定写信向他征求建议”,故用advice(建议)。 30A.achieve Bchallenge D Cdevote succeed A 根据上下文意思可知,如果你想完成一些事情,你应该坚持不懈,故用 页 11 第achieve(完成)。 31A.proba

55、bly Bhardly D finally Cimmediately D 根据句中的“many times”可知,我给他们办公室写了很多信,他们终于给我回电话了,故用finally(终于)。 32A.manage Bcontact D control Corganize B 指导我联系当地的一家Toastmasters,故用contact(联系)。 33A.speaking Blistening Dwriting Creading A 根据上文可知,作者想提高演讲技能。而Toastmasters这个机构正是为了帮助人们提高演讲技能的,故用speaking(演讲)。 34A.mirror Bcompany Daudience teacher CC 是在观众面前展示,故用audience(观众)。 35A.arranged Bsuggested D hosted Cattended C 我找了最近的一家Toastmasters,并且参加了一次会议,故用attend(参加)。 36A.appearance Bbehavior Dfear Cposition D 起初,我坐在隐蔽处,感到非常害怕。此处是指被恐惧控制了。 37A.forgetting Bdoubting D realizing regretting CC 但是通过意识到恐惧


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