1、第三讲词性转换(构词法)118悟需考明确考向练負题,明考同,高效调关r语法填空【典题试做】1. (2019 全国卷 I )lt is difficult to figure out a global population of polar bears as much ofthe range has bee n poorly(poor) studied; however, biologists calculate that there are about 20,000 25, 000 polar bears worldwide.2. (2019 全国卷 I )ln recent years so
2、me Inuit people in Nun avut have reported in creases in bear sightings around human settlements, leading to a belief(believe) that populations are in creas ing.3. (2019 全国卷 n )Her years of hard work have finally(fi nal) bee n ack no wledged after a customer nominated(提名)her to be Cheshire Woman Of T
3、he Year.4. (2019 全国卷 n )We are so proud of her.It wonderful(wonder).5. (2019全国卷 in )When they were free from work, they invited us to local events and let us know of an interesting competition(compete) to watch, together with the story behind it.6. (2019全国卷 n )They also shared with us many tradition
4、al(tradition) stories about Hawaii that were hugely(huge) popular with tourists.7. (2018 全国卷 I ) Running is cheap, easy and it s always energetic(energy).8. (2018 全国卷 n )A taste for meat is actually(actual) behind the change: An important part of its corn is used to feed chicke ns, pigs, and cattle.
5、9. (2018 全国卷 n )According to the World Bank, China accounts for about 30 percent of total global(globe) fertilizer con sumpti on.10. (2018全国卷 n )I nascientist(scie nee) who studies ani mals such as apes and mon keys.11. (2017 全国卷 n )This development was only possible with the introduction(introduce)
6、 of electric- powered engines and lifts.12. (2017 全国卷n )The Central London Railway was one of the most successful(success) of these new lin es, and was ope ned in 1900.1. 给出其他词性形式(通常为动词、形容词)提示词,填写名词;2. 考查形容词和副词之间的词性转换。短文改错【典题试做】1. (2019 全国卷 I )To every one sispris ing, the ball went into the n et. s
7、urprising t surprise2. (2019全国卷 n )What I want is not just an ordinarily cafe but a very special one.ordinarilyordinary3. (2018 全国卷 I )1 felt happily that their life had improved. happily f happy4. (2018全国卷 川)Immediate, I raised my hand. Immediate f Immediately1. 名词与其他词性的误用;2. 形容词与副词之间的误用。一.考点突破针对提能
8、二明垮点,攻甫难,肓效捉升r考点一动词、形容词转化为名词1.动词转化为名词后缀例词-ion /-ti on/-si on/-ati onexpectf expectati on期望correct f correcti on改正attractf attractio n吸弓丨discussf discussi on 讨论;辩论 特殊:expla in f expla natio n解释admit f admissi on 接纳; 准许入学 competef competiti on比赛,竞争pronounce f pronun ciati on发音describef descripti on 扌苗
9、写 decidef decisi on决定celebratef celebrati on 庆祝;庆祝会 con clude f con clusi on 结论 invite f invitation邀请graduatef graduati on 毕业-er/-orreadf reader读者drive f driver 司机;驾驶员 announ cef announcer 广播员con duct t con ductor 指挥;售票员-me ntpunish t puni shme nt惩罚achieve achieveme nt 功绩;成就 treatT treatme nt 对待; 治疗
10、 equip t equipme nt 装备; 设备 gover n t gover nment 政府 特殊:argueT argume nt 辩论; 论据-an ce/-e neeappearr appeara nee出现; 外貌perform t performa nee 表演; 节目 exist t existe nee 存在;生存 prefer t prefere nee 偏爱 refer t refere nee 参考; 查阅 特殊:guider guida nee 指弓丨;指导-ingbegi n t begi nning开始-ure/-turefail tfailure失败;倒闭
11、pressT pressure 压力departr departure 离开;出发mix t mixture 混合;混合物特殊:exposer exposure 暴露-yrecover t recovery恢复; 痊愈discover t discovery发现其他chooser choice选择vary t variety多样化;种类tendf tendency 趋向;趋势2形容词转化为名词后缀例词-ageshorts shortage不足;短缺-cyaccurate accuracy准确性private privacy 隐私; 私密 efficie ntefficie ncy 效率;功效f
12、lue nt t flue ncy流利;流畅-domfree freedom自由;自主特殊:wiseTwisdom 明智;智慧boredT boredom 厌烦-en ce/-a neediffere nt t differe nee差异sile nt t sile nee沉默patie nt t patie nee 耐心、 absenT absenee 缺席 presentT presenee 出席 con fide nt t con fide nee 信心、 convenient t convenience 便利 importa nt t importa nee 重要-n essweakT
13、 weak ness虚弱; 弱点kind t kindn ess 仁慈;好意 carelessr carelessness 粗心大意-thwarm 宀 warmth温暖; 热情特殊:stro ngi stre ngth 力气;强项 dee depth 深度long t len gth 长度wide t width 宽度_y/-ty/-ityhon estT hon esty诚实difficult t difficulty困难safer safety 安全 cruel t cruelty 残酷;残暴 特殊:respon sibler respon sibility责任disabler disab
14、ility无能;伤残老点二名词、动词转化为形容词后缀例词-ableacceptr acceptable可接受的comfort t comfortable 舒适的 fashi onr fashi on able 时髦的 suit t suitable 合适的reasorr reason able 有道理的-almusic t musical音乐的origin t original最初的personr personal 个人的; 私人的 centerr central中央的;中心的n aturer n atural自然的;天生的续表后缀例词-fuldoubt t doubtful怀疑的forget
15、 t forgetful健忘的harm t harmful 有害的hopeT hopeful 有希望的 peacer peaceful 禾口平的-edscarer scared感到恐惧的con fuser con fused 感到困惑的un derli ne r un derli ned 加下划线的-ingsurprise r surpris ing令人惊异的convince r convincing 令人信服的 satisfy r satisfy ing令人满意的-ibleaccess accessible容易取得的horror r horrible可怕的;恐怖的terror r terri
16、ble 可怕的-iveactr active积极的;活跃的effect r effective有效的;生效的attractr attractive有吸引力的impressr impressive给人深刻印象的-ouscon ti nue r con ti nu ous不断的;持续的an xiety r an xious 忧虑的caution r cautious 十分小心的;谨慎的 curiosity r curious 好奇的 humor r humorous 幽默的-sometire r tiresome令人厌倦的trouble r troublesome 麻烦的-ytaster tast
17、y美味的;可口的health t healthy 健康的wealth t wealthy 富裕的;丰富的-erneasT easter nwest t western东方的;向东的西方的;向西的child t childish孩子气的-ishfool t foolish愚蠢的;可笑的self t selfish 自私的名师点津-ed形容词多表示主语所处的状态,意为“感到的”,通常修饰人;-ing形容词多表示主语所具有的特征,意为“令人的”,通常修饰事或物。考点三形容词转化为副词的规律类别例词直接加-lyclearT clearly 清楚地 greatT greatly 很,大大地以辅音字母加-
18、y结尾的形容词,变 y为i再加-lyhappyT happily 咼兴地heavyT heavily 沉重地词尾为-ble/-le的形容词,去掉 e,再加-yterrible t terribly可怕地;极度地gen tleT gen tly 轻轻地词尾为-ue的形容词,去掉e再加-lytrueT truly真实地词尾为-ll的形容词,直接加-yfull t fully充分地;完全地dull t dully 迟钝地词尾为-ic的形容词,加-allybasicT basically 主要地;基本上 scientific t scientifically 合乎科学地名师点津注意以下形容词变副词的拼
19、写:wholetwholly 完 全地;shyshyly害羞地;drytdryly/drily 干燥地。 解题指导触类旁il寻方sx,求弟拿握“査路”*厘清两种情况,突破词性转换一、从句法功能上看,厘清“修饰与被修饰”i 名词在句中作宾语,放在冠词、形容词或形容词性物主代词之后。例 1 (2017 全国卷 川)She is determined to carry on with her(educate).分析education前面有形容词性物主代词her,此处应该使用动词educate的名词形式education作宾语。例 2 (全国卷 川)Some people think that the
20、 great Chinese scholar Confucius, who livedfrom roughly 551 to 479 B . C., influeneed the(develop) of chopsticks.分析development 根据空前面的the和空后面的of可知,此处需用名词。2. 形容词在句中作定语,常放在名词之前。例 3 (2017 全国卷 I )It was a relief and I came to a suddenly stop just in the middle ofthe road.分析suddenly tsudden此处需要用形容词修饰后面的名词
21、stop,表示“突然的停止”。3. 形容词在句中作表语,常放在 be, get, become, rema in等系动词后。例4(全国卷 川)At one time, I even felt my parents couldn t understand me so I hoped I could be freely from them.分析freely tfree 此处需要用形容词作表语。be free from them摆脱他们。4. 形容词在句中作宾语补足语,之前常有使役动词、感官动词或介词with加名词或代?词。例 5 As I walked, I looked up, trying t
22、o realize what made this day so(beauty).分析beautiful 使役动词make之后跟复合宾语,用形容词作宾语补足语。5. 副词在句中修饰动词。例 6 (全国卷 I )The title will be(official) given to me at a ceremony inLondon.分析officially 此处表示(大使)这个头衔将在伦敦的一个仪式上正式授予给我,分析句子结构可知,应该使用副词 officially作状语修饰谓语动词be given。6. 副词在句中修饰形容词或其他副词。例 7(全国卷 n )Dad and I were te
23、rrible worried.分析terrible terribly 此处应用副词 terribly修饰形容词 worried。7副词用在句首,修饰整个句子,表示状态、原因等。例 8(广 东卷)(lucky), he also had a cow which produced milk every day.分析Luckily此处为副词用于句首,表示状态。&要特别注意有使役用法的动词的分词形式用作形容词时的区别。如amazed常修饰人的内心感受,表示“吃惊的”;amazing常修饰事物,表示“令人吃惊的”。例 9(全国卷 n )There were many people waiting at
24、the bus stop, and some of themlooked very anxious and(disappoint).分析disappointed空处和前面的 anxious并列,表示人的内心活动,应使用-ed形式的形容词,此处表示“他们中有些人看起来既焦虑又失望”。二、从“词性”变化上看,厘清“词形”的变化特点词形变化是重点,注意特殊的变化:以-e结尾的形容词变副词,切记true需把e去掉加-ly ;以-ble,-ple结尾的形容词都是去e加-y。另外需注意形副同形词。例 10(全国卷 I )ln stead , he hopes that his bus in ess wil
25、l growsteady.分析steadysteadily谓语动词grow是不及物动词,意为“增长,增强”,此处应该使用副词steadily作状语修饰grow。 grow steadily意为“稳定地增长”。例 11(全国卷 n )Recent studies show that we are far more productive at work if we takeshort breaks(regular).分析regularly此处需要用副词修饰谓语动词短语take short breaks o例 12(陕西卷)My uncles immediate jumped up and shot
26、 their arrows at thebird.分析immediate immediately此处修饰jumped up,故用副词形式。J跟踪检测迁移应用练摸拥练规吃,夯基促能I 单句语法填空1. (2020 张家口、沧州一模)Known as Golden Pebble Beach, Jinshitan is famous for its beautiful natural(n ature) seen ery.2. (2020 云南高中统一检测 )The ticket prices for China high- speed trains are reason able and, on m
27、ost routes, the frequency of departure is very high, so people can buy tickets conveniently(convenient).3. (2020 呼伦贝尔一模)lf we are satisfied(satisfy) with only a few rules we have memorized, we are not really lear ning the Ian guage.4 . (2020 张家口、沧 州一模)Over the years, Dalian s Jinpu New District has
28、successfully(success) held a number of special tourism festivals with its rich culture and tourism resources.5. (2020 湖北八市联考)All the in frastructure for 100 in door and outdoor garde ns at the exhibiti on will be fini shed completely(complete) at the end of March.6. (2020 陕西渭南中学质检 )Surprisingly(surp
29、rise), Sally was not driven out like the former teachers; in stead, she won respect from the stude nts.7. (2020 浙江建德期末 )She said the last vice-monitor, Joey, had been very rude and unkin d(k ind) to her.8. (2020 浙江杭高分校模拟)Exploration(s)(explore) of the Moon did continue after the astr on auts left, b
30、ut by robots in stead of people.9. (2020 北京东城二模 )However, for the majority western(west) people, university means freedom from home.10. (2020 德州夏津一中月考 )“We are now thinking about development, allowing the paintings to be more creative(create) , ” he said.n .单句改错1. (2020 贵阳一中月考 )Just recently, a loca
31、l woman Sarah Darling accidental dropped her engagement ring into his cup while she was giving him some change. accidentaiaccidentally2 .(2020 云南高 中统一检测)We felt happily to have do ne our part for theenvironment.happilyhappy3. (2020 绵阳诊断 )At this very moment, my parents came back and were quite surpr
32、ised to see all the rooms tidily and floors shining, tidily tidy4. (2020 郑州一中阶段检测 )During the day, you can walk or sit on a boat to enjoy thenatural scenery along the stream.The scene at night is attractively as well.attractivelyattractive5. (2020 广东五校协作体联考 )ln addition, the Internet makes surveying
33、 and voting easy and convenien ce, regardless of time and space. convenience convenient6. I will be fully occupied in preparing for an importance lecture coming the day after tomorrow. importance f important7. Taking an active part in various voluntary activities can also be of great beneficial. ben
34、eficial f benefit8. Passing through several streets, we saw no one but only rubbish here and there.An hour later, I still couldn t bear to keep my eyes widely open. widely f wide9. However, my favourite subject is music, especially classical music which often makes myheart peacefully.peacefully peac
35、eful10. I knew it was going to be hard to find another job in the competition petitioncompetitive|高考题型综合练I .语法填空(2020山西百日冲刺考试)The Truth About WhiskyWhisky is probably 1.the most famous product of Scotland.Whisky making provides work2. for several thousa nd people in the Scottish Hig
36、hla nds and isla nds.Whisky is Scotla nd iggest goods 3.sold(sell) to every corner of the world.The qualities of whisky come from the water which 4.is_used(use) to make it the rich “ peaty多泥炭的)water of Scotland.When whisky is first made, it is 5.actually(actual) clear, not brow n in colour.The colou
37、r comes from the woode n 6.containers(co ntainer) in which the whisky is stored for several years to allow it 7.t_mature(mature) from a little added sugar.For many years, whisky has been one of the most popular drinks all over the world, and Scotland 8.has produced(produce) more and more of it so fa
38、r.But whisky sales have not in creased as fast, so there are now large reserves of whisky in Scotla nd, especially the better and 9.more(much) expensive whisky.So a lot of the whisky sold today was made several years ago whe n people thought that whisky would get more and more popular.That is 10.why,_today, a lot of whis
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