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1、EMC认证考试认证:1、EMC认证介绍EMC及联盟公司VMware Pivotal等将以前所未有的强劲势头推出品种丰富的行业领 先平台、系统与解决方案。重新定义五大核心,前瞻IT解决方案闪存存储:EMC XtremIO全闪存阵列与企业级应用。EMC XtremIO正在打破销售记录 和性能记录,这款产品之所以能有如此惊人的表现,我们是有充分的理由的。无论企业希 望以更快的速度部署新一代工作负载,还是希望更高效地运行传统应用程序,这款销售速 度最快的平台都可以直接满足他们的需求。作为唯种兼顾丰富线内数据服务与真正一致性能的横向扩展全闪存阵列,XtremIO拥有令人动容的应用程序加速实力、超强的总体

2、工作负载整合能力以及按需拷贝与虚拟化 功能,因而被Gartner视为全闪存魔力象限的领军产品。即将发布的XtremIO系列更将系能提升至令人叹服的新高度!创新存储及融合基础架构:创新存储平台及融合基础架构。由于市场对云就绪与快速 部署新一代工作负载始终保持极高的热情,因此,能对源自多家供应商的计算、网络以及 存储资源进行有效整合的融合基础架构 (CI)系统应运而生,为广大客户提供实现混合云 计算的快速通道。在过去五年中,CI市场保持快速增长,改变了整个行业提供和使用IT服 务的方式。此外,EMC和联盟公司VMware Pivotal等将以前所未有的强劲势头推出品种丰富创新的行业领先平台与解决方

3、案,满足不同客户不同需求混合云:聚焦2.5平台,迈向企业混合云。IT科技浪潮,时刻在推动企业变革、颠覆 竞争格局。以云计算、大数据、移动化和社交化为代表的“第3平台”必将成为主流。但从传统的“第2平台”到“第3平台”,将是一个循序渐进且步步惊心的历程,企业如何才 能实现平滑过渡?据Gartner的资料显示,将近四分之三的大型企业都期望在2015年采用混合部署。作为云计算的领导者EMC隹出了创新混合云解决方案又是如何让企业能够以前所未有的速 度和简单性实现混合云?大数据:大数据与业务数据湖。数据湖是一种为进行大数据存储、管理和分析而提供 的平台,可将业务数据整合到一个通用结构中,从而进行分析和利

4、用。EMC致力于重新定义传统数据体系结构,将那些采用死板且难以扩展的专有配置的体系结构重新定义为现代 化的“数据湖”,通过基于本地或基于公共云的交付模式提供敏捷且可横向扩展的开放式体 系结构,从而帮助组织优化关键业务流程,发掘新的创收机遇。数据保护:数据保护与可用性。今天的我们正处于IT传统架构与第3平台共存和平滑 演进的关口,传统数据保护方案已无法契合今日的大势所趋。安全威胁、架构瓶颈和高昂 成本,迫使企业必须应变!市场留给企业的时间非常紧迫,企业应该如何行动?EMC完整最新数据保护解决方案,使您在软件定义的世界里从容实现数据连续高可用,高效的备份和归档以及能交付各种服务级别的数据保护即服务

5、!2、EMC认证考试科目TRACKLEVELSPECIALTY*?EXAM DESCRIPTIONEXAM #CREDENTALVERSIONEMCISAAssociat eIn formatio nStorage andMan ageme ntIn formatio nStorage andMan ageme nt v3Exam ?E05-001v 3.0EMCDSAssociat eData Scie neeData Scie nee andBig Data An alyticsExam ?E20-007EMCDSSpeciali stAdvaneedAn alyticsAdva need

6、 An alyticsSpecialist ExamforData Scie ntists?E20-065v 1.0EMCCISAssociat eCloudIn frastructu re and ServicesCloudIn frastructure andServices v2Exam ?E10-002v 2.0EMCBAAssociat eBackupRecoveryBackup RecoverySystems andArchitectureExam ?E20-005EMCCASpeciali stCloudIn frastructu reCloudIn frastructureSp

7、ecialist ExamforCloudArchitects ?E20-020v 2.0Cloud ServicesCloudExpert Exam forE20-92EMCCAExpertServicesCloud0v 2.0Architects ?VMAX3 Solutio nsSpecialiVMAX3Specialist ExamforE20-50EMCSAstSoluti onsStorage7v 1.0Admi nistrators ?SymmetrixSolutio nsSpecialiSymmetrixE20-51EMCSAstSoluti onsSpecialist Exa

8、mfor7v 7.0StorageAdmi nistrators ?EMCSASpecialiCLARiiONCLARiiON Solutio nsSpecialist ExamforE20-52v 5.0stSoluti ons2StorageAdmi nistrators ?Storage AreaNetwork (SAN)SpecialiStorage AreaE20-53EMCSAstNetwork SANSpecialist Examfor2v 6.0StorageAdmi nistrators ?Network AttachedNetworkStorage (NAS)Special

9、iE20-53EMCSAstAttachedSpecialist Examfor8v 5.0Storage NASStorageAdmi nistrators ?VNX Solutio nsSpecialiVNXSpecialist ExamforE20-54EMCSAstSoluti onsStorage7v 8.0Admi nistrators ?Isilo n Soluti onsSpecialiIsilo nSpecialist ExamforE20-55EMCSAstSoluti onsStorage9v 1.0Admi nistrators ?EMCSASpecialiVPLEXV

10、PLEX SpecialistE20-56v 1.0stExam for StorageAdmi nistrators ?2XtremIO Solutio nsSpecialiXtremIOSpecialist ExamforE20-56EMCSAv 1.0stSoluti onsStorage8Admi nistrators ?RecoverPo intSpecialiSpecialist ExamforE20-57EMCSARecoverPo intv 1.0stStorage5Admi nistrators ?Data Doma inSpecialiSpecialist ExamforE

11、20-58EMCSAData Doma inv 1.0stStorage5Admi nistrators ?NetWorkerSpecialiSpecialist ExamforE20-59EMCSANetWorkerv 7.0stStorage7Admi nistrators ?EMCSASpecialiAvamarAvamar SpecialistE20-59v 7.0stExam for Storage8Admi nistrators ?SymmetrixSymmetrixSoluti ons ExpertE20-81EMCSAExpertSoluti onsExam for Stora

12、ge4v 7.0Admi nistrators ?CLARiiON Solutio nsCLARiiONExpert Exam forE20-82EMCSAExpertSoluti onsStorage2v 5.0Admi nistrators ?VMAX3VMAX3 Solutio nsE20-80EMCSAExpertSoluti onsExpert Exam ?New7v 1.0Federati onEn terprise HybridHybrid CloudSpecialiCloud SpecialistE20-26EMCCADstSoluti ons -Exam for Cloud6

13、v 1.0Federati onAdmi nistrators ?NewProductProductScaleIO 1.xScaleIO 1.xE22-21Tech noloTech noloServer-basedServer-based SAN4gygySANExam ?SpecificSpecificProductDataData Protectio nTech noloSpecialiProtectio nAdvisor 6.xE22-24gystAdvisor 6.xExam ?7SpecificProductProductViPR SRM 3.xViPR SRM 3.xTech n

14、oloTech noloStorageStorage ResourceE22-26gygyResourceMan ageme ntExam?5SpecificSpecificMan ageme ntProductProductViPRViPR Con trollerandTech noloTech noloCon trollerData Services 2.xE22-28gygyand DataExam ?Update3SpecificSpecificServices 2.xFederati onHybrid CloudEn terprise HybridSpecialiE20-35EMCC

15、EstSoluti ons -Cloud Specialist6v 2.0Federati onExam for CloudEn gi neers ?NewEMCCESpecialiHybrid CloudFederati onE20-26v 1.0stSoluti ons -En terprise Hybrid6Federati onCloud SpecialistExam for CloudAdmi nistrators ?NewUnity Soluti onsSpecialiSpecialist ExamforE20-39EMCIEstUnityImpleme ntati on3v 1.

16、0En gi neers ?NewVPLEX SpecialistSpecialiExam forE20-26EMCIEstVPLEXImpleme ntati on0v 1.0En gi neers ?VMAX3 Solutio nsSpecialiVMAX3Specialist ExamforE20-30EMCIEstSoluti onsImpleme ntati on7v 1.0En gi neers ?VMAX3VMAX3 Solutio nsE20-80EMCIEExpertSoluti onsExpert Exam ?New7v 1.0EMCIESpecialiSymmetrixS

17、ymmetrixE20-33v 7.0stSoluti onsSolutio ns5Specialist ExamforImpleme ntati onEn gi neers ?CLARiiON Solutio nsSpecialiCLARiiONSpecialist ExamforE20-34EMCIEv 5.0stSoluti onsImpleme ntati on0En gi neers ?Isilo n Soluti onsSpecialiIsilo nSpecialist ExamforE20-35EMCIEv 1.0stSoluti onsImpleme ntati on7En g

18、i neers ?Network AttachedNetworkStorage (NAS)SpecialiE20-36EMCIEAttachedSpecialist Examforv 5.0st1Storage NASImpleme ntati onEn gi neers ?XtremIO Solutio nsSpecialiXtremIOSpecialist ExamforE20-36EMCIEv 1.0stSoluti onsImpleme ntati on8En gi neers ?EMCIESpeciali stContentAddressedStorage CASContent Ad

19、dressedStorage (CAS)Specialist ExamforImpleme ntati onEn gi neers ?E20-370v 5.0RecoverPo intSpecialiSpecialist ExamforE20-37EMCIEstRecoverPo intImpleme ntati on5v 1.0En gi neers ?RecoverPoi nt/SESpecialiRecoverPo intSpecialist ExamforE20-37EMCIEstSEImpleme ntati on7v 1.0En gi neers ?Data Doma inSpec

20、ialiSpecialist ExamforE20-38EMCIEstData Doma inImpleme ntati on5v 1.0En gi neers ?EMCIESpecialiVNXVNX Solutio nsSpecialist ExamforE20-39v 8.0stSoluti ons0Impleme ntati onEn gi neers ?EMCIESpeciali stNetWorkerNetWorkerSpecialist ExamforImpleme ntati onEn gi neers ?E20-593v 7.0EMCIESpeciali stAvamarAv

21、amar Specialist Exam for Impleme ntati on En gi neers ?E20-594v 7.0EMCIEExpertSymmetrixSoluti onsSymmetrixSoluti ons ExpertExam forImpleme ntati onEn gi neers ?E20-818v 7.0EMCIEExpertCLARiiONSoluti onsCLARiiON Solutio nsExpert Exam forImpleme ntati onEn gi neers ?E20-850v 5.0EMCIEExpertNetworkAttach

22、edNetwork AttachedStorage (NAS)E20-860v 5.0Storage NASExpert Exam forImpleme ntati onEn gi neers ?EMCIEExpertVNXSoluti onsVNX Solutio ns Expert Exam forImpleme ntati onEn gi neers ?E20-885v 8.0EMCIEExpertNetWorkerNetWorker ExpertExam forImpleme ntati onEn gi neers ?E20-893v 6.0EMCIEExpertAvamarAvama

23、r Expert Exam for Impleme ntati on En gi neers ?E20-895v 7.0EMCPESpeciali stCLARiiONCLARiiON Installation and Troubleshoot ing Exam ?E20-611v 6.0EMCPESpeciali stVMAX FamilyVMAX FamilySpecialist ExamforE20-624v 1.0PlatformEn gi neers ?EMCPESpeciali stIsilo nIsilo n SpecialistExam for PlatformEn gi ne

24、ers ?E20-655v 2.0EMCPESpeciali stCelerraNetwork AttachedStorage (NAS) Installation and Troubleshoot ing Specialist Exam?E20-661v 6.0EMCPESpeciali stEMC Cen teraEMC Cen teraSpecialist ExamforPlatformEn gi neers ?E20-670v 6.0EMCPESpeciali stVNXVNXSpecialist Exam for Platform En gi neers ?E20-690v 8.0E

25、MCTSESpeciali stIsilo nIsilo n SpecialistExam for Tech ni calSupportE20-657En gi neers ?EMCTASpeciali stVNXSoluti onsVNX Solutio nsDesign Exam forTech no logyArchitects ?E20-324EMCTASpeciali stBackupRecoverySoluti onsBackup Recovery Soluti ons Desig n Examfor Tech no logy Architects ?E20-329EMCTASpe

26、ciali stXtremIOSoluti onsXtremIO Solutio ns and Desig n Specialist Examfor Tech no logy Architects ?E20-526v 1.0EMCTASpeciali stVMAX3Soluti onsVMAX3Solutio ns andDesig n SpecialistExamfor Tech no logyArchitects ?E20-542v 1.0EMCTASpeciali stVNXSoluti onsVNX Solutio nsSpecialist ExamforE20-545v 8.0Tec

27、h no logyArchitects ?EMCTASpeciali stIsilo nSoluti onsIsilo n Soluti ons and Desig n Specialist Examfor Tech no logy Architects ?E20-555v 1.0EMCTASpeciali stEMCAvailabilitySoluti onsEMC AvailabilitySolutio ns andDesig n SpecialistExamFor Tech no logyArchitects ?E20-588v 1.0EMCTASpeciali stBackupReco

28、verySoluti onsBackup RecoverySolutio nsSpecialist ExamforTech no logyArchitects ?Upda teE20-591v 6.0EMCTAExpertVNXSoluti onsVNX Solutio nsExpert Exam forTech no logyE20-880v 8.0Architects ?EMCTAExpertBackupRecoverySoluti onsBackup RecoverySoluti ons ExpertExamfor Tech no logyArchitects ?E20-891v 6.0

29、EMCTAExpertVMAX3Soluti onsVMAX3 Solutio nsExpert Exam ?NewE20-807v 1.03、EMC解决方案EMC提供的解决方案,按照行业分为四大类:通信、媒体和娱乐业解决方案,能源解 决方案,医疗保健和生命科学解决方案,公共事业部门解决方案。1)通信、媒体和娱乐业解决方案面向媒体和娱乐的大数据解决方案使用面向媒体和娱乐的EMC Isilo n 横向扩展媒体数据存储解决方案,获得性能、效 率、可扩展性和易用性。通信、媒体和娱乐分析解决方案利用分析评估数据对收入的影响并了解用于提高运营效率和改善客户体验的战略。通信、媒体和娱乐网络解决方案通过云提

30、供的开源战略(OSS)和网络运营优化加快云采用和共享服务模式的发展步Documentum APxCelerator应付帐款自动化解决方案Documentum APxCelerator提供一流的应付帐款自动化,减少处理时间和成本,提高 可见性/控制力。2) 能源解决方案:EMC Isilon PetroVault, Reduce primary storage costs and complexity.Ever- in creas ing data volumes required for upstream oil and gas explorati on are placing an enor

31、mous burden on traditionalstorage in terms of cost and complexity.More data when optimized provides better options, but it can also causeperforma nee bottle necks and man ageme nt complexity. Because speed is param ount in upstream workflows, compa nies tend to add more and more primary storage to e

32、n sure data is quickly available.In a typical deployment model, all data is stored on a tier 1 type architecture, which works to drive up costs and management complexities.Typically,less than 30perce nt of data on primary storage has bee n accessed in the last six mon ths, so paying for that data at

33、 top-tierpremium rates is not cost effective. In addition,adding more capacity to traditional networkattached storage (NAS) has consequences. It s labor -inten sive,can cause dow ntime, and in creases adm ini strativeoverhead.To remedy this situatio n, new in terpretatio n tech no logies require mor

34、e datatypes to be on li ne. In creased compute capabilities and evo Iving an alysis methods en able more iteratio ns and create eve n more data.3)医疗保健和生命科学解决方案:Data Is Helping Drive a New Era in Healthcare.The Healthcare Digital Uni verse Is Big and Growi ng Exp onen tially: Healthcare represe nts a

35、 sig nifica nt perce ntage of the overall Digital Uni verse, and is grow ing at 48% per year eve n faster tha n the rest of the Digital Uni verse.4)Key Healthcare Trends Will In crease Growth of and Depe ndence on Data:New healthcare applicati ons and regulatory/complia nee challe nges will drive data growth.Aging populations and physician shortages mean providers wi


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