人教版 Go for it八年级英语上册Unit4 How do you get to school(Section A)的教学设计_第1页
人教版 Go for it八年级英语上册Unit4 How do you get to school(Section A)的教学设计_第2页
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1、本课题是人教版 Go for it八年级英语上册Unit4 How do you get to school(Section A)的教学设计。其指导思想是依据新课标,通过促进学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养的整体发展来培养学生综合语言运用能力。根据新课标所提倡的“面向全体学生,为学生全面发展和终身发展奠定基础”的理念,本课设计为一个用环游地球80天这一经典故事将交通方式的教学串起来的过程。由于这个故事的广为人知和其本身故事情节的吸引力,能最大程度地调动所有学生的兴趣,使其乐于参与教学活动成为教学的主体。同时通过跨文化意识的渗透,使学生拓宽了视野、了解了世界,情感也得到

2、了升华。为体现新课标“整体设计目标,体现灵活开放; 开发课程资源,拓展学用渠道”的基本理念,并实施新课程所倡导的“任务型教学”。在设计本课时,我翻看了原著和电影,从网上查找了许多相关资料,将整个Section A部分的教材布局和教学内容做了很大的调整,将知识点的教学也进行了合并整合。整个教学过程围绕两条主线展开。 一条是任务主线。由环游地球80天中的主人公Mr Fogg 带领学生重游世界为线索,从中选取四个极具特色的国家,从London到France再到India;然后经过中国到达Japan;在到达the USA 后再回到London。通过Mr Fogg在不同的国家,与不同的人,用不同的人称来

3、讨论不同的交通出行方式,了解到世界各地的交通特色,也为后面Section B部分的对各国学生上学的交通方式的阅读教学作一个铺垫。整个过程一环扣一环,首尾呼应,融为一体。另一条知识教学主线从教学数字和路程,交通工具和花费时间的单词句型开始。然后以第一、二人称、第三人称和复数人称逐一进行操练,以及最后综合人称的操练和短文总结。整个知识教学过程从词到句,由句到文,层层递进,循序渐进,反复操练,符合学生的认知特点。 本课设计的最大特色就是以环游世界的故事为主线,教学设计新颖,教学过程流畅,前后呼应,融为一体。同时,教学语言知识反复呈现,学生操练充分,记忆深刻,掌握度与有效度高。尤为突出的是本设计可以开

4、拓学生视野,了解世界文化,是渗透跨文化意识的极好案例。2.教材分析:(1)根据课程标准,分析本课教学的基本要求(2)分析本课内容的知识体系(地位和作用)(3)分析本课内容与相关知识的区别和联系(4)说明教学内容的调整、整合、解构和补充本课主是要谈论如何到达某个地方(talk about how to get to places),涉及到交通工具(transportation)、行程距离(how far)和所花费的时间 (how long)。本课的教学内容以Section A部分为主:SectionA1a-1c(P19)主要是引入新句型How do you get to school?以学生熟悉

5、的日常生活来教授和操练此句型的不同人称形式(第二和第三人称)。在2a-2d(P20)中,首先以数字作为教学铺垫,以便教授新句型How long does it take? 在3a-3b-4(P21)中,在复习how do you get to .? 和how long does it take?的基础上,引入How far is it from . to .? 以一篇小短文和一个对话来操练和巩固此三个主要句型。第4部分是一个Info gap race (信息沟比赛),让学生在具体情境中来操练这三个句型。本课涉及的相关知识主要是一般现在时的特殊疑问句形式,以及对数字的复习,补充和运用。很多学生在

6、小学已经学过交通工具介词表达法,如:by bus/train, car./on foot. 这些知识可能会对本课的交通工具动词词组表达法,如:take the bus/train/car/walk等的学习产生干扰。在设计本课时,我对原教材内容和教学顺序作了极大的调整。 首先我将交通工具(how)、行程距离(how far)和所花费的时间 (how long) 的三个主要教学句型和内容整合在一起同时操练,并逐步变换人称形式对其进行反复操练。对于原教材我只截取了Section A 部分的1a, 1b, 2a,2b 和3a. 将其整合在每个教学环节中。其呈现操练的顺序也有不同。首先是2a&2b. 然

7、后才是1a, 1b,1c&3a. 同时补充了一些新的与环游故事相关的交通工具的教学,如:hot- air balloon, carriage, yacht, airship, sleigh。并且在教学数字时增加了“thousand”比较大的一些数字的教学。 亮点与反思: 本课设计的最大亮点就是对原教材的重新开发和整合利用。以原教材为基础,对其内容进行整合,对教学先后顺序进行调整,对教材的内容进行适当的删减和补充,从而最优化地使用教材和最大化地提高教学效果。3.学情分析:(1)分析学生的学习起点,可能遇到的困难和问题及其依据(2)确定促进学生有效学习,解决困难的思路和策略。对于八年级第一学期的学

8、生来说,在经过小学和七年级一年的英语学习,已经具备了一定的英语基础。他们已经掌握了简单数字,一般现在时态,时间的表达, 对世界各国情况的也有些粗略的了解等,这些对于学生学习本课有关交通,行程距离和花费时间都很有帮助。但由于学生在小学所学的交通工具的介词表达法,如:by bus/train, car./on foot.印象深刻,运用度较高。由于思维定式和先入为主的心理,这些知识可能会对本课的交通工具动词词组表达法,如:take the bus/train/car/walk等的学习产生负迁移和干扰。所以学生在口语和书面表达时很容易犯语言错误,如:I by bus to school.同时由于对It

9、 takes 表示花时间的句型的take的理解偏差,学生也很容易写出 “ I take 30 minutes”这样的句子。还有就是对于路程距离中以百,千位数字的表达,部分学生也难以一时熟练掌握。 对于可能出现的困难,我想可以从以下几个方面去解决。首先,对于句型的学习,可以采取对比归纳法。让学生仔细观察,发现总结规律,然后再反复造句举例练习。对于较大数字的学习和记忆可以采取记忆竞赛等挑战性活动来进行反复操练。当然,不能因为学生犯语言错误而制止其表达,多表扬、勤鼓励的评价方法仍是提高学生积极性,提高学生语言能力的重要途径。 亮点与反思: 本课学情分析的亮点是从心理学的角度,对学生的学习心理进行分析

10、,发现学生学习心理需求和心理障碍;从自己的教学实践经验出发,准确定位学生学习可能遇到的语言学习困难;以教育学理论为依据,采取恰当有效的教学方法来解决学生的学习困难。4、教学目标设计:用具体、明确、可操作的行为语言,描述本课的知识、技能、能力、方法、情感、态度、价值观等方面的教学目标。(一)语言知识目标1.能正确运用how引导的特殊疑问句, 如:How do you get to school? How long does it take? How far I it? 2. 能熟练运用表达使用不同的交通工具句型,掌握与之有关的短语, 如:walk, take the bus/train/subw

11、ay/, by boat/bus/train/plane, ride a bike/3. 复习基数词并能正确地运用时间和距离的表示方法,如:ten minutes, thirty-five minutes4. 能掌握并使用以下词汇:how long, how far, get to, bicycle, subway, car, train, bus stop, train station, bus station, subway station, minute, kilometer, mile, transportation.(二)语言技能目标1. 能对交通方式进行问答,如:How do yo

12、u /they/we get to ?How does he/she go to?I walk/take the bus/train/subway/ to school. He/She goes to by bus/train/ subway/on foot2. 能对所需的时间进行问答,如:How long does it take? It takes about 20 minutes.3. 能对两地距离进行问答,如:How far is it fromto ? About six kilometers/ nine miles.4. 能读懂有关交通方式的短文,并提取有效信息。5. 能写简单的有

13、关交通出行方式的短文或调查报告。(三)情感态度目标1在谈论交通工具的同时,有意识地引导学生正确选择交通工具出行。2在“交通运输”的主题下,自然渗透“遵守交通规则”的意识。3学会了解同学,相互沟通,相互合作,培养乐于助人的精神。(四)文化意识目标1 了解不同国家不同地区的交通规则。2了解世界各地在出行方面上,因各国各地区文化意识、实际情况的差异,所使用的交通工具也有所差异。(五)学习策略目标1交际策略:通过pairwork和survey, 帮助学生实现语言的交际和交流, 通过“ask and answer”鼓励学生个性化问答,主动参与到课堂学习活动中。2资源策略:鼓励学生利用多种资源收集各种交通

14、工具的表达法,并了解更多国外交通方式的信息。3认知策略:大胆猜测单词意思,积极进行口语实践,并通过撰写调查报告提高自己处理数据的能力。4调控策略:通过课堂各项活动反馈, 不断反思,明确学习现状,适时调控学习策略。5.重点难点设计:本课的教学重点和教学难点及依据1 教学重点(1)重点词汇:how long, how far, get to, bicycle, subway, car, train, bus stop, train station, bus station, subway station, minute, kilometer, mile, transportation.(2)重点句

15、型:How do you /they/we get to ? I walk/take the bus/train/subway/ to school.How does he/she go to? He/She goes to by bus/train/ subway/on footHow long does it take? It takes about 20 minutes.How far is it fromto ? About six kilometers/ nine miles.2 教学难点(1) 正确区别并熟练运用交通工具的动词表示法(如:walk, take the bus/tra

16、in/subway/)和介词表示法(如:by boat/bus/train/plane, ride a bike/)。 这是因为学生在小学所学的(by+交通工具)的介词表达交通方式印象深刻。所以在表达时很容易犯口头语言错误, 很容易说出I by bus to school.这样的句子。(2)熟练使用It takes 的句型来表示花费时间。因为在七年级学过spend表达花费时间,对于It takes 的句型还很陌生,需强化训练。 (3)学会用百、千数字的表达较远的路程距离。虽然七年级已多次学到基数词但都是百位以下的数字。在本节课中由于教学需要,百、千位以上的数字需要用到,可以作为课外拓展知识来教

17、学,但有一部分学生很难一时熟练掌握。6.教学策略与手段:本课教学中所运用的教学模式、教学策略和教学手段,包括课前准备:(1)学生的学习准备;2教师的教学准备;3教学环境的设计与布置;4教学用具的设计和准备。 本课采用“任务型”的教学模式,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。在学习过程中进行情感和策略调整,以形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。本课采用的教学方法有:1)情景教学法,设置“重游世界80天”的教学情景,使学生身临其境,将具体生动的形象展示给学生,使教学在生动活泼的情景中进行,提高学生兴趣。2)多媒体辅助教学法。运用多媒体

18、来辅助教学并贯穿整个教学过程。这样增加了直观性和趣味性,加大了课堂密度,提高了教学效果。3)合作学习法,让学生开展小组合作调查活动,培养学生的合作意识。4)小组竞赛法和游戏法,激活课堂气氛,提高学生兴趣。运用交际法,设置情境,让学生展开自由的语言交流。 本课的教学手段主要以多媒体来辅助教学。1)学生课前准备:让学生课前阅读或查阅环游世界80天的原著或影视资料,对该故事有一个大致的了解。并利用网络查阅各国或各地的交通特色,体会它们的不同之处。收集有关交通工具的英文单词。2)教师教学准备:教师要制作多媒体课件,准备电脑和世界地图,以及不同国家的小国旗。3)教学环境的设计和布置:将教室布置成小组合作

19、形式。4)教学用具的设计和准备:教师自己制作五面不同国家的国旗(英国,法国、印度、日本、美国)。7. 教学过程:这是教学设计的主体部分。分几个环节具体说明教学活动的安排,包括学生学习活动、教师指导活动、师生交互活动。应采用文字叙述加点评的格式,不要采用表格或流程图的形式。Unit4 How do you get to school(Section A)-人教版 Go for it八年级英语上册Step1 Warming up & leading in Let the students watch the video of a part of the movie called Round the

20、 World in Eighty Days. T: Have you seen the movie? Do you like the story? Do you know the name of the movie? Ss: Yes/No. Help the students speak out the name loudly. Then show the post of the movie and the cover of the original book.T: Well, this is an interesting story full of unexpected experience

21、. Its very famous and many people around the world love it. Do you remember the leading character, Mr Fogg and his traveling route around the world? Now lets review it. 设计说明:以轻松的电影片段容易激起学生学习兴趣,顺利导入新课的主题任务。Step 2 Presentation & learning1. Show the photo of the leading character, Phleas Fogg and some

22、pictures of the different countries such as France, India, China, Japan, America and so on to review the traveling route.T: He traveled around the world. But Do you know how far he traveled? Then show a map of the world, and draw the route with lines from one country to another country. And teach th

23、e numbers and the new words “hundred” “thousand” “miles” and “kilometers”. 1) Ask the students to finish 2a&2b on page 20 and have a memory challenge to practice the numbers. 2) Show a chart of the distance between these countries.London -Paris about 110 km Paris -Turkey-India about 3000km India-Chi

24、na-Japan about 5000km Japan - USA about 8000km The USA-London about 2000km Ask the students to practice the conversation:A: How far is it from_ to _?B: Its _ kilometers.T: Well. We have known the distance between the countries. But do you know how he go from one place to another place? What kinds of

25、 transportation do you know?2. Show some pictures of different kinds of transportation. Then teach the new phrases of transportation “take the bus, take the train, take the plane, take the subway, ride the bike, walk.” Add some other kinds of transportation mentioned in the original book, such as “

26、hot- air balloon, carriage, yacht, airship, sleigh” and so on. 1) Practice and memorize the new phrases of transportation by playing a guessing game.)Imagine you are the reporter to interview Mr Fogg, your partner. Practice the conversation: A: How do you get to _ ?B: I _ to _. T: Ok, now we know th

27、e distance and the transportation, but we dont know how long it takes. Now lets see the time he spent.3. Show a chart about the time he spent. Teach the new word “minute(s)”. Then practice the conversation:London -Paris about five days Paris -Turkey-India about 20days India-China-Japan about 30days

28、Japan - USA about 20days The USA-London about 15days A: How long does it take to _?B: It takes _ days/minutes. T: How wonderful! Do you want to travel around the world? Mr Fogg wants to travel again. Maybe this time he can save more time because he has the new transportation. Today lets go around th

29、e world with Mr Fogg. 设计说明: 通过与学生共同回忆Mr Fogg 的环游经历逐步呈现新句型“How far? How ? How long?”. 并同时进行新课单词的教学。Step3 Task1 ( In France) 1. Show a map of the world and the route from London to Paris.T: Mr Fogg first leaves from London to Paris. How far is it from London to Paris, do you remember? Ask the students

30、 to answer it. T: How does he get to Paris? Which is the best vehicle for Mr Fogg to take from London to Paris? Now lets choose one vehicle for him. Ask the students to give their own opinions and the reasons. T: Maybe he can take the train under the sea. Its the only undersea railway in the world.

31、It quite famous. But how long does it take? Let me tell you . It just takes 50 minutes. It must be special and convenient. 2. Show a picture of Mr Fogg in Paris.T: Great. Mr Fogg gets to Paris fast. He meets many French people. We know the French like to go on vacation in their free time. So Mr Fogg

32、 wants to know how they go on vacation.T: Now he is talking with some French people about their transportation. Imagine you are a Frenchman or Frenchwoman and your partner is Mr Fogg. Make a conversation in pairs. Model: A: How do you go on vacation to the beach/ mountain/country? B: I often_ to go

33、on vacation./ I often go on vacation by _.A: How long does it take? B: It takes _ minutes.A: How far is it from your house to the _? B: Its _ miles/kilometers.设计说明:以第一站Paris为地点,通过扮演Mr Fogg和法国人讨论休闲度假的交通出行方式,操练句型“how, how long , how far”的第一、二人称的用法。并同时可以巩固复习Unit3 有关度假的知识。Step 4 Task 2 ( In India) 1. Sh

34、ow a map of the world and the route from Paris to India.T: Now Mr Fogg leaves for India. How far is it from Paris to India?S: Its 3000 kilometers. T: How does he get to India? What do you think?S: Its too far. So he can take a plane there.T: Good idea. How long does it take?S: Maybe 24 hours.T: Grea

35、t. Mr Fogg arrives in India easily and fast. He thinks India is a very interesting country. So he wants to know if the Indians go to work by elephant yet. But now its different from before. 2. Show some pictures of the most common transportation - Auto rickshaw and other popular transportation in In

36、dia. T: After he talked with some Indians about the transportation. A reporter wants to interview him. Imagine you are the reporter and your partner is Mr Fogg. Make a conversation in pairs. Model: A: How does the Indian usually get to work? B: He/She usually _ to work./ He/She usually get to work b

37、y _.A: How long does it take? B: It takes _ minutes.A: How far is it from his/her house to the workplace? B: Its _ miles/kilometers. T: Ok. Mr Fogg has known something about India. Now he wants to tavel to the next place. Do you know where he is going. S: Its China.T: Yes, you are right. He goes to

38、China by plane, but he cant stay for a long time because a friend in Japan is waiting for him. So he leaves for Japan.设计说明:以第二站India为地点,通过扮演Mr Fogg和印度人讨论上班工作的交通出行方式,操练句型“how, how long , how far”的第三人称的用法。Step 5 Task 3 ( In Japan) Show a map of the world and the route from China to Japan T: How far is

39、 it from China to Japan?S: Its 300 kilometers. T: How does he get to Japan? What do you think?S:Its not far. And there is a beautiful sea between them. So he can take a ship to enjoy the beautiful view in the sea.T: Good idea. How long does it take?S: Maybe 20 hours.T: Great. Mr Fogg gets to Japan h

40、appily. He finds many women dont go to work after they got married. So he wants to know how these housewives go shopping.T: After he talked with some Japanese housewives about their transportation. The reporters are interviewing him. Imagine you are a reporter and your partner is Mr Fogg. Make a con

41、versation in pairs. Model: A: How do the housewives go shopping ? B: They _ to go shopping./They always go shopping by _.A: How long does it take? B: It takes _ minutes.A: How far is it from their house to the shop? B: Its _ miles/kilometers.T: Ok. Mr Fogg knows something about Japan. Now he wants t

42、o tavel to the next place. Do you know where he is going. He wants to go to the USA. 设计说明:以第三站Japan为地点,通过扮演Mr Fogg和日本主妇讨论购物的交通出行方式,操练句型“how, how long , how far”的第复数人称的用法。Step 6 Task 4 ( In the USA) 1. Show a map of the world, the route from Japan to the United States. T: How far is it from Japan to

43、the USA?S: Its 3000 kilometers. T: How does he get to The USA? What do you think?S: Its far. So he can fly to the USA. T: Good idea. How long does it take?S: Maybe 20 hours.T: Mr Fogg arrives in the United states early. He walks on the street near a school and meet a group of students. They are goin

44、g to school. Mr Fogg wants to know how they get to school. So he talks with them. Imagine you are Mr Fogg, and your partner is one student of them, make a conversation in pairs.Model: A: How do you get to school? B: I _ to school.A: How long does it take? B: It takes _ minutes.A: How far is it from

45、your house to school? B: Its _ miles/kilometers. T: Ok. These students are our friends now. Do you want to know their names? They are Bob, Paul, John, Mary and Yang Lan. Now lets open the Books to Page19 to know more about them.2. Do 1a, 1b and 1c.A: How does Bob/ Paul get to school?B: He takes the

46、train/bus T: Well. There are other students in the school. How about them? How do they get to school? How long does it take to get to school? Now lets listen and find it out.3. Do 2c T: Lin Fei is a hard working student. He lives far from school. How does he get to school? How long does it take? And

47、 how far is it from his home to the school? Lets read the 3a and find the answers.4. Do 3a. 设计说明:以第四站the United States为地点,通过扮演Mr Fogg和美国学生讨论上学交通出行方式,综合操练句型“how, how long , how far”的各种不同人称的用法。同时将课本内容串联起来,充分利用教材,训练学生的听力技能。Step 7 Survey Divide the class into groups of four. Each one acts the people fro

48、m different countries. Ask them to survey how the people travel in these different countries. T: Ok, Mr Fogg comes back to London from the Unites States by plane. After 20 days trip. He really wants to find out the most popular vehicle in the countries he traveled. Now lets help him make a survey to

49、 find out what kind of transportation is the most popular in these countries. People in different countries How How long How farA Frenchman An Indian A Japanese housewifeAn American Report: We find a Frenchman often_ for vacation. It takes him _ minutes. Its _ kilometers from his home to the place.

50、The Indian likes to go to work by_. It takes her _ minutes. Its _ kilometers from her home to the place. The Japanese housewife usually _ to go shopping. It takes him _ minutes. Its _ kilometers from his home to the place. The American students always go to school by _. It takes him _ minutes. Its _

51、 kilometers from his home to the place. We think _ is the most popular transportation. 设计说明:通过调查活动既可以复习之前所学的知识,更能锻炼学生的口述能力和合作意识。Step 8 SummaryT: Today we follow Mr Fogg to travel around the world. What do you learn from the trip. Now lets review it and get a summary.First Mr Fogg travels from _to_ .

52、 Its _ kilometers. It takes him _ minutes. He _ to the place. And he find the people usually _ for vacation. Then Mr Fogg travels from _ to _. Its _ kilometers. It takes him _ minutes. He goes to the place by _. And he finds the Indians usually _to work. Next Mr Fogg travels from _ to _. Its _ kilom

53、eters. It takes him _ minutes. He _ to the place. And he finds the Japanese housewives usually _to go shopping. After that, Mr Fogg travels from _ to _. Its _ kilometers. It takes him _ minutes. He gets there by _ . And he goes to the school _ and finds American students usually _to school. Finally

54、he _ back to London. He just spent 20 days traveling around the world. What a fantastic trip! T: Do you think Mr Fogg is a hero. He traveled round the world without plane at that time. He overcame so many difficulties. At last he won. So where there is a will, there is a way. Remember it. 设计说明:改变大家常

55、用的口头讲述总结方式,让学生在“做题”中来总结所学的知识。这种方法让学生印象更深刻,记得更牢固。同时这种总结方法既可以训练学生的阅读能力,也可以为之后的写作任务作好铺垫。同时在总结环节学生的道德感情也可以得到升华。Step9 homework T:Mr Fogg traveled to China, but he didnt stay in China for a long time. So he doesnt know about the transportation in China. Lets take the transportation in Wenzhou for example to write a letter about the transportation in China to Mr Fogg. In the letter you should write


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