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XX年哈德斯菲尔德大学奖学金申请攻略 哈德斯菲尔德大学(University of Huddersfield)成立于1841年,是英国一所著名的公立大学。哈德斯菲尔德大学的社会工作科目和媒体学习科目是在英国位居前列,学校在提供高质量教学的同时也突出行业特色。通过实用性和行业特色的方法以及结合具有高学术标准的实际工作经验,学校增强了毕业生劳动市场上的竞争力。下面是出guo为大家并翻译的哈德斯菲尔德大学奖学金介绍,希望对你有帮助。 Scholarships 1.Scholarships for new international undergraduate and Masters students Key Facts ?2,000 for every year of study Eligible programmes BA, BSc, BEng, MA, MSc, MBA Considered automatically (no application required) Must be an international self-funded student paying full overseas fees The University will award scholarships of up to ?2,000 per year for every year of your course* to our international applicants.* We will automatically consider any full-fee paying international applicant that has to pay overseas fees that makes an application to the University. There is no need to fill out an additional application form and we will advise you if you have been suessful when you receive an offer of a place from us so that you can begin to plan your finances. *Excludes placement years *Applicants with refugee, asylum-seeker status or indefinite leave to remain in the UK, or those here on dependency visas will not qualify. 核心事实: (1)每年2000英镑; (2)符合资格的课程(项目)文科学士、理科学士、工程学士、理科硕士、工商管理硕士; (3)自动考虑,不需要申请; (4)必须为国际自费生,按海外比例支付全额学费。 哈德斯菲尔德大学每年将给学校的国际申请人* 发放高达2000英镑的奖学金,在课程的每一年*都发放。 对于申请哈德斯菲尔德大学、并且按照国际比例支付海外全额学费的国际申请人,学校会对其自动考虑。不需要填写其他申请表。如果申请成功,学校会在你拿到录取通知书的时候通知你,以便你可以开始计划预算。 备注:*实习年不发放奖学金; * 具有难民身份的申请人、庇护寻求者身份的申请人、永久离开自己国家到英国定居的申请人和持有依赖签证的申请人不能申请。 2.Scholarships to progress from Bachelors to Masters Key Facts: ?4,000 Eligible programmes MA, MSc Considered automatically (no application required) Must have graduated from the University of Huddersfield in the last two years Must have a minimum of 2.1 degree classification Scholarships of ?4,000 are available for students studying an undergraduate degree and wish to also study a Masters degree at the University. To be eligible you must receive a 2.1 (upper second) on your undergraduate programme at the University of Huddersfield, be self-funded and be applying for your Masters degree within two years of graduation from the University. You can also apply if you are studying one of our degrees off-campus. You will be considered automatically when you apply so there is no need to fill in a separate application. 核心事实: (1)奖学金数额为4,000英镑; (2)符合资格的课程(项目)文科硕士、理科硕士; (3)自动考虑,不需要申请; (4)必须已经从哈德斯菲尔德大学毕业,毕业时间为过去两年; (5)最低学位等级必须达到2.1. 该奖学金数额为4,000英镑,颁发给在哈德斯菲尔德大学学校本科学位、并且有意继续学习哈德斯菲尔德大学硕士学位的学生。为了符合资格,你在哈德斯菲尔德大学的本科课程成绩必须达到2.1(二级甲等),必须为自费生,必须在毕业之后的两年内申请硕士学位。如果你正在哈德斯菲尔德大学校园以外学习哈德斯菲尔德大学的学位,你也可以申请。申请的时候你会自动被考虑,因此不需要填写单独的申请表。 3.Africa School of Education and Professional Development Scholarships This scholarship is worth ?2000 towards the cost of your tuition fees, in addition to the Scholarships for new international Masters students. It is available for all African students who are self-funded and have applied for a postgraduate taught course in the School of Education and Professional Development. Students will be automatically considered for this so a separate application form is not required. 该奖学金数额为2000英镑,用于学费减免。为硕士生国际新生提供的奖学金不算在内。该奖学金针对所有自费的、并且已经申请教育与职业发展研究生院研究生授课型课程的非洲学生。学生会被自动考虑,因此不要求填写单独的申请表。 4.Chevening Scholarships This prestigious and highly petitive award is a full scholarship covering your tuition fees and living expenses. Chevening Scholarships are the UK governments global scholarship programme, funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and partner organisations. The programme makes awards to outstanding scholars with leadership potential from around the world to study postgraduate courses at universities in the UK. The Chevening programme was established in 1983 and has developed into a prestigious international scheme. Chevening Scholars e from more than 150 countries and territories worldwide (excluding the USA and the EU), and this year the Scholarships will support more than 1500 individuals. There are over 43,000 Chevening alumni around the world who together prise an influential and highly regarded global work. The programme provides full or part funding for full-time courses at postgraduate level, normally a one-year Masters degree, in any subject and at any UK university. These scholarships can not be awarded in conjunction with the University of Huddersfield Scholarships for new international undergraduate and Masters students. 志奋领奖学金声誉很高,竞争十分激烈,属于全额奖学金,涵盖学费和生活费。志奋领奖学金是英国政府的全球奖学金计划,资金由外交联邦办公室和合作机构共同提供。志奋领奖学金颁发给从世界各地来英国大学学习研究生课程的具有领导潜力且成绩突出的学生。志奋领奖学金成立于1983年,已经发展为富有国际声誉的奖学金计划。获得志奋领奖学金的学生世界各地150多个国家和地区(不包括美国和欧盟成员国)。今年,志奋领奖学金将提供1500多项奖学金。全世界有超过43,000 名志奋领毕业生,他们共同构成了具有影响力的被高度认可的全球性人际网络。志奋领奖学金计划为研究生阶段的全日制课程提供全额或部分资金,一般适用于一年制硕士学位,不分学科和大学。 志奋领奖学金不能和哈德斯菲尔德大学为其国际本科新生和硕士新生提供的奖学金同时发放。 5.Santander Scholarships The University of Huddersfield is part of the Santander Universities Global Network a work of over 1,000 universities in 20 countries across the world. Santander supports the Global University Network by funding scholarships for students to study in other parts of the world or to undertake short study trips. Our Santander Scholarships assist the most academically able graduates from leading universities across the world to pursue degree programmes at the University of Huddersfield.Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence and are awarded by a University panel. We have three ?5,000 scholarships each year for students from: Bangladesh,Brazil,Canada,Ghana,India,Nigeria,Pakistan,Russia,United States. 哈德斯菲尔德大学是桑坦德大学全球联络的一部分。桑坦德大学全球联络包括20个国家的1000多所大学。桑坦德支持全球大学联络,为在世界其他地方学习或有意短期学习出游的学生提供各种奖学金。 学校的桑坦德奖学金支持毕业于世界各地顶尖大学的最有学术能力的学生,为他们在哈德斯菲尔德大学学习学位课程提供支助。桑坦德奖学金根据优秀发放,由大学专门小组发放。哈德斯菲尔德大学每年为以下国家的学术提供三项奖学金,每项数额为5000英镑: 孟加拉国、巴西、 * 、加纳、印度、尼日利亚、巴基斯坦、 * 、美国。 6.Sapphire Jubilee Scholarships To memorate the 65 anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Seconds aession to the throne. To support our very best graduates from across the Commonwealth and to help them realise their full potential we have launched a scheme that provides free research degrees. These scholarships mean that suessful applicants pay no tuition fees to the University. The scheme is available to University of Huddersfield students from monwealth countries, as follows: Undergraduates who graduate with first-class honours and postgraduate Masters (taught or research) students who graduate with a distinction. Suessful applicants will be required to undertake a research degree on a full-time basis and within 12 months of graduation. The breadth of research degrees available reflects the full range of fields in which the University of Huddersfield advances research, innovation and collaboration. These include the following broad themes spread across all seven of our academic Schools and more than 70 research institutes and centres: Culture and creative arts Engineering and physical sciences Energy, sustainability and climate change Healthcare, social services and education Security and global uncertainties The digital economy, business and enterprise How to apply: When pleting the application form for a postgraduate research degree, you must state within the form that you are applying under the Sapphire Scholarship scheme. 为了庆祝女王伊丽莎白二世登基50周年,学校提供蓝宝石周年纪念奖学金。 为了为英联邦国家最优秀的毕业生提供支持,帮助他们全面实现潜力,学校启动了提供研究型学位的计划。也就是说,成功申请蓝宝石周年纪念奖学金的学生不需要向哈德斯菲尔德大学支付学费。 该计划适用于英联邦国家的在哈德斯菲尔德大学学习的学生。具体要求如下: (1)申请人需要持有一级本科荣誉学位,或持有研究生硕士(研究型或授课型)学位、并且成绩达到优秀; (2)成功的申请人需要学习一年的全日制研究型学位。 研究型学位涉及哈德斯菲尔德大学从事教育、创新和合作的所有领域。包括学校七个研究生院和70多个研究机构、研究中心的以下课题: (1)文化和创意艺术; (2)工程和物理科学; (3)能源、可持续性和气候变化; (4)医疗、社会服务和教育; (5)安全和全球不稳定性; (6)数字经济、商务和创业。 填写研究生研究学位申请表的时候,必须在申请表内说明你是在蓝宝石奖学金计划下申请。 Research scholarships As part of a major expansion in research activity the University has made available University Research Scholarships. These scholarships are for strategic recruitment to important areas of research within the University. Fee waivers available to University research scholars are15%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. The decision will be made by the individual Schools and may be awarded to applicants whose proposal addresses one of the strategic research aims. To apply please plete the online application form, marking it clearly with fee-waiver scholarship application. 作为研究活动主要扩展的一部分,哈德斯菲尔德大学提供有几项大学研究型奖学金。 这些奖学金的目的是在哈德斯菲尔德大学战略性地补充重要的研究领域。大学研究型奖学金获得者可享受15%, 25%, 50%, 75% 和100%的学费减免。奖学金决定由各个研究生院做出,奖学金颁发给研究计划涉及战略性研究目标的申请人。 申请研究型奖学金,请将线上申请表填写完整,并在学费减免奖学金申请中清晰标明。 1.Vice-Chancellors Scholarship for University of Huddersfield graduates Research degrees can represent a natural progression for the best graduates. They offer a valuable opportunity to build on promise and realise potential. At the University of Huddersfield we support academic excellence through the Vice-Chancellors Scholarships - a scheme that aims to provide the best students with free research degrees. 研究型学位可以代表最优秀的毕业生的自然进步。研究型学位是很好的打造承诺和实现潜力的机会。 哈德斯菲尔德大学通过副校长奖学金,支持学术优秀。副校长奖学金计划的目标是为最优秀的学生提供的研究型学位。 Our research The breadth of research degrees available at Huddersfield reflects the full range of fields in which the University advances research, innovation and collaboration, including: Culture and creative arts Engineering and physical sciences Energy, sustainability and climate change Healthcare, social services and education Security and global uncertainties The digital economy, business and enterprise Who can apply? The Vice Chancellors Scholarship is available to University of Huddersfield students, as follows: Students who graduate with first-class honours degree or Masters students - taught or research, who graduate with a distinction. Suessful applicants will be required to undertake a research degree on a full-time basis within 12 months of graduation. How to apply? To apply please plete our online research degree application form, marking sure it is clearly marked that you are applying under the VCs Initiative. 研究型学位的研究 研究型学位涉及哈德斯菲尔德大学从事教育、创新和合作的所有领域,包括: (1)文化和创意艺术; (2)工程和物理科学; (3)能源、可持续性和气候变化; (4)医疗、社会服务和教育; (5)安全和全球不稳定性; (6)数字经济、商务和创业。 副校长奖学金提供给哈德斯菲尔德大学的学生,具体要求如下: (1)申请人需要持有一级本科荣誉学位,或持有研究生硕士(研究型或授课型)学位、并且成绩达到优秀; (2)成功的申请人需要学习一年的全日制研究型学位。 申请副校长奖学金,请完成学校的线上研究型学位申请表,并标明你是在副校长奖学金计划下申请。 2.Postgraduate Research in the School of Human and Health Sciences There is a wide variety of high quality research being carried out in the School through our Institutes and Research Centres, and this fosters a vibrant, suessful and highly supportive postgraduate research student environment. If you have recently graduated with a Bachelors or taught Masters degree, you are invited to apply to read for a Master of Science by Research or a PhD in the School. Postgraduate research student applications are specifically weled in the topic areas described below and the likelihood of a suessful application is significantly strengthened by selecting a research topic aligned to one of these areas, or topics that span discipline areas. Research areas and topics All research areas and topics will correspond to the priorities of the Institute for Research in Citizenship and Applied Human Sciences, the Institute of Skin Integrity and Infection Prevention, the Secure Societies Institute and our respective research centres. Each research centre or institute in the following list gives you aess to research topics that are currently active within the centre or institute. The lists are not intended to be exhaustive and proposals that bring together interests across these disciplinary areas are also weled. We also wele proposals that seek to build on expertise in innovative qualitative methodologies and advanced quantitative methods. Above all, it is remended that you speak to members of staff with relevant interests and expertise before submitting your proposal. Applied Criminology Centre Centre for Applied Childhood, Youth and Family Studies Centre for Applied Research in Health Centre for Applied Psychological Research Centre for Research in the Social Sciences International Research Centre for Investigative Psychology 学校的研究所和研究中心有众多高质量的研究,这为研究型研究生提供了富有活力的、成功且高度支持性的环境。如果你刚从学士学位或授课型硕士学位毕业,学校邀请你申请人体与健康科学研究生院的理科硕士和博士。研究型研究生的申请在以下描述的课题领域特别受欢迎,并且通过选择与这些领域相关的研究课题或跨学科领域的课题,申请极有可能成功。 研究领域和课题 所有的研究领域和课题都与公民研究与人类应用科学研究所、皮肤完整和感染预防研究所、社会安全研究所以及各个研究中心的研究重点有关。每个研究中心或研究所都会让你机会研究研究中心或研究所内部当前活跃的研究课题。列表中的研究中心和研究所并不详尽,跨领域的研究计划也受欢迎。学校也欢迎以创新性的定性定量研究方法为基础的整合专业知识的研究计划。另外,在提交研究计划之前,建议你先和相关领域和专业知识领域的工作人员商量。 犯罪学应用中心;儿童、青年和家庭应用研究中心;健康应用研究中心;心理学应用研究中心;社会科学研究中心;侦查心理学国际研究中心。 3.PhD Studentships in Materials Science (1)Summary of award (2)Award Description Applications are invited for fully funded EPSRC PhD studentships and University funded studentships in the area of Materials Science at the University of Huddersfield. Applicants should be of outstanding quality and exceptionally motivated. Completed applications, including all relevant documents requested above should be submitted. The closing date for the receipt of p


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