湖北省松滋市实验初级中学八年级英语上册《Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show教案设计 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
湖北省松滋市实验初级中学八年级英语上册《Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show教案设计 (新版)人教新目标版_第2页
湖北省松滋市实验初级中学八年级英语上册《Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show教案设计 (新版)人教新目标版_第3页
湖北省松滋市实验初级中学八年级英语上册《Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show教案设计 (新版)人教新目标版_第4页




Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show.Teaching aims and demandsa. Knowledge objectsKey words and phrases: meaningless,action movie, cartoon.Key structures: What do you think of? I like because . I want to watchbecause .b. Ability objects:Students can learn to express personal ideas about TV shows and movies by using some description words.Students can learn the skills of listening.(3)Students can improve their speaking by using the target language.c. Moral object: (1) According to communicating with others, know others ideas about TV shows and movies.TV shows and movies are wonderful, but dont watch TV too much and try to protect our eyes.Teaching key points and difficultiesa. Teaching key points: (1)Some words& phrases: meaningless,action movie, cartoon.(2) Key structures: What do you think of? I like because . I want to watchbecause .(3) How to talk about your likes and dislikes about movies and TV shows.b. Teaching difficulties: How to master the skills of listening.Teaching methods and learning methodsa. Teaching methods: Multimedia teaching method , Situational teaching method, Task-based teaching methods-extensive listening , intensive listening, summarize information about the listening materialb. Learning methods: Discuss in groups, predicting of the listening material, listen for key words, summarize the information according to the chartTeaching Procedures:Step1: Preparation 1. Greetings and tell students the rules of competition. 教师和学生进行简单的交流沟通,拉近与学生的距离。在新课前就讲清本节课的竞赛机制:如果你能表现得好,就可以为自己的小组赢得一朵小花。 2. Game - Who has the best memory? 学生先看一段视频剪辑,然后按顺序记住看到的电影或电视类型,在教师的指令下进行抢答。(逐一呈现所看到的所有电视及电影图片,复习学过的电视及电影种类,并在黑板上贴出种类图) .Step 2: Presentation.1. Present the new words.呈现新词汇action movie 和 cartoon, 教读单词。 2. Ask students ideas about action movies and cartoons, present some sentences. 对新词汇图片问答,呈现句型(What do you think of action movies?/ Do you like cartoons? / Do you want to watch cartoons? ), 并导出新词meaningless 3. Ask students to think of more description words about TV shows and movies. 启发学生想出更多的形容词,分褒义词及贬义词贴在黑板上。Step 3: Pair work. 1. Teacher set an example for students, ask and answer questions about the pictures on the blackboard. 教师找一位学生上前,利用黑板上的图片及形容词卡进行贴图,为学生做好pair work的示范。 2. Ask and answer questions to finish 1a. 学生两人一组用目标语言进行问答,完成1a. Step4: Listening practice.(1) Predicting the listening material. 让学生在听前做听力预测,预测What are John and Mary talking about?及What kinds of TV shows or movies do they like? Why?(2) Listen and answer the questions.(整体把握文章大意)Q1: What are John and Mary talking about?_Q2: What did John and Mary decide to watch at last? _听力策略:Youd better know what information youre listening for.(3) Listen again and fill in the chart.(关于喜好的填空) 听力策略: Youd better take some notes while listening. (4)Listen for the third time and finish another chart.(关于原因的填空) 听力策略:Youd better pay attention to the key information while listening. (5)Pair work: Ask and answer questions about John and Mary. (6) One student give us a report about John and Mary.Step 5: Production. Talk show(1) Present five popular TV shows. 呈现五个受欢迎的电视节目:舌尖上的中国,中国好声音,央视新闻,快乐大本营及爸爸去哪儿。 (2)Invite three students to have a talk show with the teacher. 教师邀请三位学生一起做现场talk show 示范。 (3)Students work in four, have their own talk show. 学生四人一组(一个男/女主持,三个嘉宾),进行talk show演练。 (4)Show time. 两组学生上前展示talk show. (5)Moral Education: 1.Dont watch TV too much, its bad for eyes. 2. Choose the programs which are good for you.Step 6: Progress Summarize what we have learned today. 分三大板块总结本


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