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TheInfinitive动词不定式 动词不定式的构成 肯定式 to 动词原形 否定式 notto 动词原形 复合结构 forsb todo 动词不定式的用法 动词不定式可充当的句子成分 主语宾语定语表语状语宾语补足语注 动词不定式不能作谓语 A 不定式作主语 一定要带to 谓语动词要用单数 Toplayvideogameisfun TolearnEnglishwellisimportant 不定式作主语时 常用it作形式主语 而将真正的主语即动词不定式放在句末 构成固定句型 Itis n forsb todosth 用于此句型的名词有 pity shame pleasure one sduty one sjob fun joy goodmanners badmanners等 Ittakessb sometime todosth 该句型意为 做某事花费某人多长时间 It s adj for ofsb todosth 该句型意为 做某事对某人来说是 不定式作主语的常用句型 1 It scleverofyoutorefuseher 2 Itwascarelessofhertomakesuchamistake 3 It sverykindofyoutohelpus 1 It snecessaryforyoutogiveupsmoking 2 It seasyformetodothat 3 It sveryhardforhimtostudytwolanguages 形容词为描述人的品质的词 使用of 形容词修饰不定式时用介词for 形容词修饰逻辑主语时用介词of good kind nice clever foolish right honest careful polite wrong bad foolish careless forsb ofsb 的区别 用介词后面的代词作主语 用介词前边的形容词作表语 造个句子 如果道理上通顺用of 不通则用for 1 It sveryniceofyoutosayso Youarenice 通顺 所以应用of 2 It shardforhimtofinishtheprojectbyhimself Heishard 人是困难的 不通 因此应用for 不定式像名词一样 可以放在be动词后面 1 MywishistovisitLondonnextyear 2 Tom sideaistogotoForestParktohaveapicnic 3 Theimportantthingistosavelives 4 Mywishistowriteagoodbookforchildren 5 Ourworkistobuildthehighway 6 MyjobistoteachEnglish 7 Myideaistoclimbthemountainfromthenorth 8 Mysuggestionistostartworkatonce B 不定式作表语 one swish job aim goal ambition plan dream way work hope duty idea suggestionistodo be 1 Ihopetobeadoctor Shedecidedtomakeanothertry Theyallwanttoseethefilm Wehopetobebackhomeat6 00 5 Freddidn thaveanymoney sohedecidedtolookforajob 常见的能跟带to不定式的动词及短语 want wish hope decide learn plan wouldlike getreadytodo C 不定式作宾语 e g Ifinditdifficulttounderstandhim Wethoughtitwrongnottohelpher Theyfounditimpossibletogeteverythingreadyintime it作形式宾语 而将真正的宾语动词不定式置于句末 sb believe think consider feel make find it adj todosth 1 Idon tknowwheretogo 2 Hedidn tknowwhattodo howtodoit 3 Canyoutellmehowtogetthere 4 Ican tdecidewhichtochoose 5 Theteachershowedushowtouseacomputer 疑问词 不定式 结构可以转换为从句形式 1 Idon tknowwhereIwillgo 2 Hedidn tknowwhathewoulddo howhecoulddoit 3 CanyoutellmehowIcangetthere 4 Ican tdecidewhichIwillchoose 5 Theteachershowedushowwecoulduseacomputer 不定式与疑问词连用 构成不定式短语 作宾语 1 Wehavecometolearnfromyou 2 Igotupearlytocatchthebus 3 Theboyisoldenoughtogotoschool 4 Hewastooexcitedtosayaword 5 Shewassurprisedtohearthenews 6 I mgladtomeetyou D 不定式作状语 不定式结构可以作状语 修饰动词 形容词 副词等 表示目的 原因 结果等 表示目的 表示原因 表示结果 表示目的 Hecameherejusttoaskmesomequestions Heboughtabicycletogototownmorequickly Hewenthometoseehismother HecamehereinordertoseeCharlie Heshoutedandwavedsoastobenoticed Hewentearlyinordernottomissthetrain Iturnedtheradiodownsoasnottodisturbhim 为了强调表示目的的不定式结构 通常可以用inorder not to或soas not to soasto不能放在句首 可以和sothat引导的目的状语从句转换 MrLigotupearlysoththecouldcatchtheearlybus MrLigotupearlysoas inordertocatchtheearlybus 表示结果 一般用在enoughto too to等结构中 可以和so that引导的结果状语从句转换1 Heranfastenoughtocatchupwiththem 2 Heistooyoungtogotoschool 3 Shewastooexcitedtosayaword Heransofastthathecaughtupwiththem Heissoyoungthathecan tgotoschool Heisn toldenoughtogotoschool Shewassoexcitedthatshecouldn tsayaword 表示原因 be adj glad sorry sure happy afraid surprised等表情感的形容词后 todosth 下列动词用不定式作宾语补足语时 带to ask tell order want invite allow like warn encourage teachwouldlikesbtodo 1 Mymotheralwayslikesmetogetupearly 2 LucyoftenteachesmetolearnEnglish 3 Shedoesn twanthertoattendthemeeting 4 Iaskedhimtoshowmethenewdictionary 5 Sheaskedmetostaythere 6 PleaseallowmetointroduceMr Whitetoyou E 不定式作宾语补足语 下列动词用不定式作宾语补足语时 必须省去不定式符号to e g 1 Heobservedsomeoneopenthedoor 2 Iwatchedthemgetintothecar 3 Didyounoticehimleavetheroom 学会记忆 作宾补不带to 一感 feel二听 hear listento三使役 让 let make have五看 see watch lookat observe notice 可带可不带to help 总结 省to的不定式 1 情态动词 除ought外 oughtto 2 使役动词let have make3 感官动词see watch lookat notice observe hear listento smell feel find等后作宾补 省略to 4 wouldrather hadbetter5 Whydon tyou whynot 6 help可带to 也可不带to helpsb to dosth 7 hadbetter not 8 Will Wouldyouplease 1 Ihavealotofhomeworktodo 2 Doyouhaveanythingtosay 3 Myfatherhassomethingimportanttotellme 4 Wouldyoulikesomethingtodrink 5 Hereisabookforyoutoread 6 Ihavenotimetotalkwithher 7 Heneedsaroomtolivein 8 Hewasalwaysthelasttoleave 9 Bettywasthefirsttoknowthetruth 10 Sheusuallyhasalotofmeetingstoattendintheevening 11 Iwanttogetsomethingtoreadduringthevocation F 不定式作定语 不定式作定语时 通常总是以短语的形式在句中出现的 因此作定语时要放在它所修饰的名词或代词之后 不定式与所修饰的词构成动宾关系时 如果不定式是不及物动词 它后面应加上相应的介词1 Thenursehasfivechildrentolookafter 2 Let sfirstfindaroomtoputthethingsin 3 Pleasepassmesomepapertowriteon 4 There snothingforustoworryabout 5 Shehasanicepentowritewith 6 Heboughtaflatforthefamilytolivein e g Heistheonlypersontoknowthetruth Sheisalwaysthefirsttocomeandthelasttoleave 当名词被thefirst thelast theonly等序数词以及形容词最高级修饰时 常用不定式作定语 thefirst thelast thenext theonlytodosth 注意 作简短回答或避免不必要的重复时 动词不定式常常省去to后面的动词 只保留to A Wouldyouliketocometomyparty Marywantedtousemybike butIaskedhernotto usemybike B Yes I dloveto cometoyourparty Ex 1 Todothatsortofthingisfoolish 2 Iwanttoseeyouthisevening 3 Theworkyouhavetodonowistofinishitquickly 4 Wefoundahousetolivein 5 ShecameheretostudyEnglish 6 Iwarnedthepatientnottoeatcoldwateraftertheoperation 主语 宾语 表语 定语 状语 宾补 不定式短语 whatwhowhichhow 不定式whenwhere 用于tell teach how wonder learn show findout ask understand explain之后 在句中作主语 宾语 表语 作宾语 Idon tknowhowtodoit wheretogo whattosay whentobegin whichbustotake 做主语 Howtodoitisveryimportant WheretogoWhattosayWhentobegin 作表语 Thequestionishowtodoit wheretogetit whattosay 1 Thankyouforussowell A toteachB teachesC taughtD teaching2 IoftendosomeonSundays A washedB towashC washingD washes3 TheboyJackinClassOneismybrother A callB tobecalledC callingD called4 Itoftentakesmehalfanhourhome A WalkingB towalkC walkedD walks5 Don tforgethercleanwatereveryday A togiveB givingC givenD give 6 IthinkitisimportantEnglishwell A learningB learnC tolearnD learned7 Thefunnystorymadeusallhard A laughB tolaughC laughingD laughed8 Ourteachertoldushardatourlessons A toworkB workC workingD worked 9 Couldyoutellmethisnewspaper A toreadhowB howtoreadC whattoreadD whatread10 Idon tknownext A whattodoB whattodoitC howtodoD tohowdoit11 Myhairistoolong soImusthaveitthisafternoon A cutB cutsC cuttingD cutted12 Rememberlastforclassagain AA nottoB benottoC nottobeD nottocome13 Mr Smithaskedthemanthequeue A notjumpB didn tjumpC nottojumpD tonotjump 14 Whynotwithus Yousee it svery A go interestedB go interestingC togo interestedD going interesting15 Whatabouttothecinematonight That sagoodidea I dlikewithyou A going goingB togo togoC going togoD go going16 Everyonehereisbusyreadforthecomingentrancetests A getB togetC gettingD gets 17 We veworkedfortwohours Let sarest A stoptohaveB stophavingC tostoptohaveD stoppinghaving18 Wouldyoumindmeafavour 恩惠 A doB togoC doingD did19 Mr Wangaskedmehim A helpB helpsC tohelpD helping20 PleasetellJimnotlateagain A toB beC tobeD beto 23 Pleasedon tforgettome willyou A towriteB writingC write 22 Theboywantshisfatheraquestionaboutthemoon askingB toaskC askD asked 21 MissYangaskedtheboy thebabywassleepingintheroom A tostoptosingB tostopsingingC stopsingingD stoptosing 25 It saboutsixo clock Let s suppernow A stophavingB tostophavingC stoptohaveD tostoptohave26 We dbetter ontheroad Acarmayhitus A nottoplayB notplayC tonotplayD don tplay 24 Mothe
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