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八年级英语语法知识点总析一词语链接:1. translate (v.) translation (n.) translator (n.人), pronounce (v.) pronunciation (n.) advise (v.) advice (U.n.), improve (v.) improvement (n.), breathe (v.) breath (n.) 2. correct (v.;adj.=right)wrong 3. repeat = say again 4.write/spell (v.) writing/spelling (n.) 5. base (n./v.) basic (adj.)6. remember-forget, shy-outgoing(shy-shyer/shier-shyest/shiest), start-end, deep - low (反义词) 7. start=begin/open(同义词) 8. forget forgot -forgotten, hear -heard -heard, send sent -sent 9. other 与else(别的,其它的) else作形容词时,通常放在疑问代词what或anything , something, nothing, nobody,等不定代词之后; else作副词时,通常放在疑问副词或anywhere等不定副词之后。other作形容词,通常放在被修饰的名词之前; other还可作代词。A. 1. What else do you want? Is there anybody else in the room?2. When else can I come? Would you like to go somewhere else?B. Please come some other day. 请改日再来。Do you want any other colours?10. each与everyeach 指两者或多者,强调个体情况,既是代词,又是形容词,常作主语/宾语/同位语等。every指三者或三者以上,强调全体情况,只是形容词,只作定语(与all近义)例:1.Each of them has a bag with them.(主) 2.He gave one to each of us two.(宾) 3.Each boy has a ball in their hands.(定) 4.They each have four wheels. (同) 5.Every student has gone to the shop.(定语)=All of the students have gone to the shop.注意:1). each和every作定语时,后面名词只用单数,谓语动词用单数。(例3、5) each作同位语时,谓语和其前面的主语保持一致。(例4) 2). each of后面接带the的复数名词或复数宾格代词,谓语动词用单数。 3). “every+基数词+复数名词”或“every+序数词+单数名词”表“每(隔)-”的意思。例:1.The Olympic Games are held every four years(every fourth year). 2. every other day (每隔一天)=every two days11. hope 与 wish (wish 常用于表示某种愿望,实现的可能性较hope小)A. I hope (that) I can visit the Great Wall next week. (接宾语从句) I hope to visit the Great Wall next week. (接不定式作宾语)简单应答语:I hope so. (我希望如此) I hope not. (我希望不是); wish不能用。B. I wish ( that )I could fly to the moon some day. (宾语从句常用虚拟语气) I wish to fly to the moon some day. (接不定式作宾语) I wish you to have a pleasant journey. (wish后接不定式作宾语补足语) I wish you a pleasant journey. (wish后可接双宾语) I wish you happy all your life. (wish + 宾语 + 宾语补足语adj.)12. advice不可数名词, 可用名量词短语修饰 a piece of advice, some pieces of advice give sb. some advice (给某人提建议); ask (sb.) for some advice (向某人征求建议)二短语:1. match-with-_ 2. translate-into- = put-into-_ 3. write down_ = put down 如果接名词,可放在后面或中间;如果接代词, 只能放在中间。 write down these words = write these words down = write it/them down4. each other = one another _ (each other“两者之间”;one another“多者之间”) LiLei and I often help each other. They complain to one another. 5. enjoy oneself = have a good / nice / wonderful time_ 6. all the time = always_7. borrow sth. from sb._ lend sth. to sb._ 8. pen friend = pen pal_9. go with _ 10. watch / see a film_ 11. write - to -_12. give sb. some advice on/about (doing) sth._与ask for some advice on/about(doing) sth. _13.do some concerts_14. help sb. with sth. = help sb. (to) do sth. _15. make a mistake_ 16. send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb._17. enjoy (doing) sth._ enjoy oneself (doing sth.)_ 18. talk about sb./ sth. with sb. _ 19. speak to sb._20. take a (deep) breath_21. have a conversation with sb._22. practise (doing) sth._23. show/take sb. around someplace_ 24. be good / bad for_; be good to sb. _; be good at- _25. say hello to- _ 26.the English name for-_ 27. be good at 与do well inbe good at 擅长,表示长久性的爱好,不能用于表具体的一次性的行为,常用一般时。do well in 在某方面做得好,可用于表长久性也可用于一次性的行为,可用各种时态。例:He is good at singing. = He does well in singing. He did very well in the sports meeting last year.28. the number of - -的数量(谓语用单数形式) a number of - 许多的- (修饰可数名词复数,谓语用复数形式) 例:The number of the students in our class is 52. A number of students are planting trees.29. in the order_30. for example 与such as_31. learn-from-_32. on the Internet/radio_33. in groups_ 34. make a study plan for-_ 35. think about _36. on the phone_ 37. advise sb. (not) to do sth. _ 38. look sth. up in the dictionary _ 39. invite sb. to someplace _, invite sb. to an activity _, invite sb. to do sth._ 40. leave sth. someplace _forget与leave 忘记某物或忘记某事用forget,后可接名词、代词、不定式或动名词作宾语。例:I forgot my English book, and my mother forgot to remind (提醒) me then. 把某物忘在某处用leave,常以leave sth. someplace形式出现。 例:I leave my English book in the reading room. 三重点句式:1. 建议句式:1). Would you like to go to the park with us? (用动词时用不定式to do)2). Would you please open the door for me? (用动词时用动词原形)3). Could you give me a hand, please? (用动词时用动词原形)4). Shall we go to the park together? (用动词时用动词原形)5). Why dont you write it down? =Why not write it down?(用动词时用动词原形)6). How/What about going swimming? (用动词时用动名词doing)7). I hope I can finish the work in an hour. (用动词时用动词原形)8). Lets play football on the playground, shall we? (用动词时用动词原形)9). Youd better (not) go to the mountain today. (用动词时用动词原形) 10). Its better to wear warm clothes when you go out. (用动词时用不定式to do) 11). Its a good idea to check your notebook every day. (用动词时用不定式to do)12). You should always speak English in class. (用动词时用动词原形)13). Try not to translate every word. (用动词不定式(not) to do)2. welcome (sb.) to 欢迎(某人)到 welcome (sb.)back to欢迎(某人)回到 例:Welcome (you) to China/my school/my home Welcome (you) back to China/school! Welcome back home/here! (home, here adv. 副词前不用介词)3. Its a good idea to do sth. 做某事是个好主意 Thats a good idea.=Good idea. 好主意 Its difficult to remember new words. (动词不定式做真正的主语)4. Try not to translate every word. (动词不定式做try的宾语) try to do sth. =do ones best to do sth (尽力做某事) try not to do sth(尽量不做某事)例:1. Try to work out this problem. 2. We should try to study English well. 3. We should try not to sleep in class.5. Sb. + take + time + to do sth. = It + takes + sb.(代词用宾格) + time + to do sth.(某人花费时间做某事;后者中it做形式主语,不定式做真正主语)例:He takes half an hour to do his homework every evening. =It takes him half an hour to do his homework every evening.6. advise sb. (not) to do sth. (建议某人做某事)例:She advised us not to look up every new words in the dictionary while doing readings.7. The best way to learn English is speaking it as often as possible. (不定式做定语)8. Do you find it easy to have a conversation in English? (it形式宾语,不定式真正宾语)9. What makes you shy? (形容词做宾语补足语)10. Its sometimes hard to understand American and British accents. (不定式做真正主语) 11. Tell him how to be a good student. (“疑问词+动词不定式”做宾语)12. I left my homework at home. (leave sth. someplace把某物忘在某处用leave)13. Remember to speak English all the time. (不定式形式做remember的宾语) 14. This is a great / good way to do sth. (不定式作定语) This is a great way to solve the problem.15. Number the pictures in the order you hear them. (定语从句)四语法点滴:基础时态的复习P168页 模块释疑P160页五常识:如何学好英语Module 2 Experiences一词语链接: 1. experience n.v. experienced adj. 2. compete v.- competition n. competitor (n.人)3. wonder n.- wonderful adj. 4. music n. musician n.(人) 5. Italy n. Italian adj. 6. west n. western adj. 7. sit v. seat n. 8. beside = next to 9. brilliant =excellent 10. problem (需解决的问题work on-solve/work out) 和question (需回答的问题-ask/answer) 11. buy sell 12.entertain v. entertainment n. 13. sell sold sold, dream dreamed /dreamt-dreamed / dreamt 14. name = say out, reckon = think of 修饰mark用high活 low。15. experience(“经验”,不可数;“经历”,可数) This is a maths teacher with rich experience in teaching. Could you tell me your experiences in Africa?二短语: 1. take off a. _- put on b. _- land (in / on / at); take off from-_The plane takes off from Hong Kong, and lands in New York. 2. come true_3. be/go/stay abroad_ 4. more than = over_ 5. sell out_ 6. roast duck_7. send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb. _ 8. travel around the world_ all over China_9. one day = some day_ 10. enter a competition_ 11. dream about / of_12. take photos of-_ 13. Guess what!_ 14. a visit to someplace_15. invite sb. to do sth._ invite sb. to sp. / the activity_ 16.send sb. sth. =send sth. to sb. _ 17. the price of _ 18. intodays newspaper_19. a kind of_, all kinds of_, different kinds of_20. give a concert_, go to a concert_ 21. at the end (of-)_ 22. refer to_22. try doing sth._与try to do sth. _(=do ones best to do sth.) The little boy tried to draw a nice horse. (努力去做,争取使某事成功) The little boy tried drawing a horse. (初次尝试去做某事,不带有目的性)三重点句式: 1. It sounds brilliant! Her voice sounds very sweet. (系表结构) 2. WeiMing has been all over China by plane. 3. There is a lot to see and do there. (不定式作定语) 4. Ive never been to Shanghai. Have you ever been abroad?(have been to,去过某地) 5. Pizza has always been my favourite food. (have been + 表语,表状态的延续) But I dont like sandwiches or ice cream. 6. He hasnt ever tried skiing. 7. What do you reckon (= think) will it rain today? (认为, 觉得) I think hell come back soon. = I reckon hell come back soon. 8. Sally has invited me to stay with her in England one day. 9. What kind of prizes are there for these competition? 10. Whats the price of a plane ticket to the USA? (涉及price的提问使用what) 11. Whats the score of the match? (涉及score的提问使用what) 说明:涉及price, mark, score, population, temperature等提问时使用what作为疑问词。四语法点滴:1. 现在完成时 (参考P168 -169页) have gone to & have been tohave been to: 去过某地 (但已经回来, 人不在某地)have gone to: 去某地了 (说话时,某人在去某地的途中或已到某地)句中常用ever, never, once(一次),twice(两次), three times(三次) 等时间状语时, 用 have been to 例:The girls have gone to the shops. (They are on the way to the shops or arrive at the shops.)The girls have been to the shops. (They went to the shops and they came back or went to other places.)2. 主语+谓语+表语 (S+V+P) (谓语为连系动词Link v.) 例:A. He was ill last week.(形) B. Keep quiet, please!(形) C. I feel very well today.(形) D. The mooncake tastes like the pie.(介短) E. LiLei became a soldier.(名) F. The food has gone bad.(形) G. The bread feels hard.(形) H. LiLei fell ill last Monday.(形) I. In spring, the weather gets warm and the trees turn green.(形) 注意:常见连系动词: 1).be, keep, stay(保持), remain(保持), come (true)等 2).感官动词feel(感觉/摸上去), look, seem, smell, taste, sound等。 注意:主语和感官动词常呈被动关系。 3).表“变化”的动词:become, turn, get, grow, go, fall(ill/asleep)等。五常识:旅游经历Module 3 Journey to space一词语链接:1. several = a few 2. discover v. discovery n. 3. recent adj. recently adv. 4. over = more than 5. alone = by oneself 6. extrance exit, manned - unmanned (反义)7. prefer = likebetter 8. secret n.secretary n.(人) 9. explore v. explorer n.(人) exploration n.(事) 10. mission= task 11. busy adj. business n. 12. return = come back / give back (return后面不能再加back) return to/from 12. discover 与invent discover:发现 其对象是一直存在的,以往未被人们认识或发现。invent: 发明 其对象是以前没有的东西,而且往往是物质性的东西。例:Columbus discovered America. Thomas Edison invented many useful things. 13. also, too 与either also 比too更正式,只能用在肯定句中,一般紧紧靠近动词(多在动词之前,或be动词、助动词及情态动词之后)。too 一般放在句末,或作为插入语放在句中,只能用在肯定句中,口语常与also通用。 either 用于否定句,放在句末。例:My father is a teacher, my mother is also a teacher. My father is a teacher, my mother is a teacher, too. My father doesnt go to work today, my mother doesnt, either.14. none, nobody与no one的用法: none即可指代人,也可指代事物,表示“没有一个人/东西”(强调数量)作主/宾语等。后面可跟of短语。作主语时,如其指代的是复数名词,谓语用单、复数都行(强调整体时谓语常用复数;强调个体时则常用单数);如其指代的是不可数名词,谓语用单数形式。常用来回答how many或how much以及特定范围的问题。例:1.-How many of the women are nurses? None(of them is/are). (主语)2.-How much water is left in the bottle? None(of it is). (主语)3.-Which of the boys plays football well? None(of them does). (主语)4. Are there any students in the classroom?-None. (主语)5. I understood none of the questions. (宾语)6. None of us like/likes it. (主语) nobody和no one都指代人,表示“没有人”(强调人),做主语时,谓语用单数,后面不跟of短语。常回答who和不确定的问题,在句中做主语或宾语。例:1. Luckily, nobody/no one was hurt in this accident. (主语)2.-Who went to the zoo last week?. Nobody/No one (did). (主语)3. I can see nobody in the room. (宾语)15. alone 与lonely alone 用作形容词,表“单独的”(=by oneself)一个人或物,说明客观情况;只作表语。lonely用作形容词,表“孤独、寂寞的”内心感受,说明主观情况。作表语或定语。 例:I was alone at home, but I dont feel lonely. alone 还可用作副词,表示“独自地”一个人或物=by oneself。 例:The lonely boy had to walk there alone. alone 作形容词,还可意为“仅仅;只有”,必须放在所被修饰的名词、代词后面。 例:You cant live on meat alone. = You cant only live on meat. 16. real 与truereal 指实际与其外貌或传说相符(客观状况);true 则指与实际或真实情况相符,而非虚假的(抽象内涵)。在表示某事是真实的时候,往往可以通用。 例:Is this real leather or plastic? That is a true friendship/story. Tell me the true / real reason for your absence. really 与trulyreally 常用于表说话的语气或程度(客观状况);truly 常用于表态度(抽象内涵)。 例:Its really nice of you to say so. I m truly sorry for doing that. 17. arrive, get 与reach arrive vi. (不及物动词),表示到某地时(名词),后面接介词in(大地方)或at(小地方)。get vi. (不及物动词), 表示到某地时(名词),后面接介词to。但地方如为home, here. there副词时,上述两个动词都不用介词。 例:1. He has arrived in Beijing. They arrived at the small village last night. Tom has arrived here. 2. I got to Beijing two days ago. Has he got home? reach vt. (及物动词),后面直接接地点名词;vi. (不及物动词),后面直接接home, here, there等地点副词。 例:They have reached Beijing. LiLei reached home late last night. 注意:单独使用时常用arrive, 而不用其他两个词。 例:They had left when I arrived.18. pay, spend, cost 与take Sb. pay (sb. money) for sth. 某人为-付款LiLei paid me five yuan for the knife. I have paid for the tickets.(pay宾语常为金钱或表代价的词, 可带双宾语) Sb. spend time / money (in) doing sth. 某人花费时间或金钱做某事 Sb. spend time / money on sth. 某人在某事物上花费时间或金钱 I spend half an hour (in) doing my homework every evening. He spent 20 yuan on the dictionary. Sth. cost (sb.) money 某物花费某人金钱或代价(cost后面可带双宾语) The dictionary cost him 20 yuan.(=He paid 20yuan for the dictionary./ He spent 20 yuan on the dictionary) The dictionary costs 20 yuan. ( 问句:How much does the dictionary cost?) It + take + sb + some time + to do sth. 做某事花费某人时间或精力 (不定式真正主语,take 后面可带双宾语) It has taken him two months to get there. (=He has spent two months in getting there.)How long does it take to reach Beijing? Sb. + take + some time + to do sth. 某人花费时间/精力做某事 He took an hour to finish the work. = It took him an hour to finish the work. (=He spent an hour in finishing the work./ He spent an hour on the work.)说明:pay, spend常以人作主语;cost常以物作主语;take常以事情(不定式)做真正主语(后置,it做形式主语)19. prefer 的用法: prefer (to do / doing) sth.I prefer to swim / swimming in the river. (不定式表具体性,动名词表习惯性) prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth. = like - better than -.(喜欢做前者而不喜欢做后者)He prefers this book to that one. He prefers skating to dancing. prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. = prefer doing sth. to doing sth.(宁愿做-而不做-)I prefer to learn English rather than play the piano on Sunday.= I prefer learning English to playing the piano on Sunday.20. beyond 用法: prep. (表位置)在-的那边,远于He came from beyond the sea (海外). (表时间)迟于- He came here beyond nine oclock. (表范围、限度)超出 Some spacecraft have gone beyond the solar system. (常用于问、否句)除-以外 I cant tell you anything beyond what you know. adv. (在或向远处) Look beyond, youll get a good view from here. 二短语: 1. on the space station _2. space shuttle_ 3. the solar system _ 4. be on the news_ 5. on business_6. millions of_ 7. go/travel around_ 8. more than = over_9. the Milky Way_10. in the sky_, in space_, in the universe_ 11. so far_ 12. finish (doing) sth._ 13. keep sth. secret _14. one day _15. all the time_ , from time to time_16. use sth. to do _;use sth. for (doing) sth. _ 17. name-after-_ be named after_18. send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb. _ 19. show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. _20. would like to do sth._ 21. receive/get sth. from sb._22. in the last -years_ 23.ask sb. to do sth. _; ask sb. for sth._24. try to do sth. _25. be part of_26. most of _27. a visit to someplace_28. so many_ ( )与so much_( ); too many _与too much_(many后接可数复数名词;much后接不可数名词)29. too much与much too too much (太多的-),修饰不可数名词,表数量,可省略后面的不可数名词;much too (简直太-),修饰形容词或副词,表程度,后面所被修饰的词不能省略。He eats too much (food), so he is much too fat.三重点句式: 1. what are you up to? (= What are you doing?) 2. What do you think of it? = How do you like it? (你觉得-怎么样?) 3. It has taken several months to get there. How long does it take to reach Beijing? 4. But astronauts have already been to the moon. No one has been there recently. 5. I hear they have gone to Shanghai on business. Some spacecrafts have gone beyond the solar system.6. Id like to show it to them. 7. None of them have / has an environment with air, so people-. No one has discovered any life in space yet. 8. It is hard to understand how large the universe is. 9. So far / Until now / Up to now theres only life


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