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the ninth period communication workshop (ii)teaching goals 教学目标1. target language目标语言 重点词汇和短语 to sum up, for example, as a result, however, in addition, apart from, although, such as, according to2. ability goals 能力目标 to practice writing a reportto practice using formal linkersto practice using synonyms to avoid repetitionenable students to show sympathy in communication and use ellipsis in speaking.3. learning ability goals 学能目标 enable students to write a report.teaching important points教学重点how to write a reportteaching difficult points教学难点how to use formal linkers and how to avoid repetitionteaching methods教学方法 speaking, discussing and writingteaching aids 教具准备multi-computerteaching procedures & ways 过程与方式step i revisioncheck the homeworkstep ii writing: a reportbefore you startdeal with ex1.ask students to match sections a-d with the headings in ex1 on page 12.t: here is a report on noise pollution and noise control measures in china. please read the report quickly and match sections a-d with the headings in ex1 on page 12.deal with ex2.first explain the function of linking words and expressions. then ask students to finish ex2.t: in this class we are going to using formal linkers. (show the following on the powerpoint.)linking words are essential for your writing to be natural and clear.the function of linking wordslinking devices are neither nouns, nor verbs. they provide a text with cohesion and illustrate how the parts of the text relate to each other. here are some of the functions which linking words provide.adding extra information to the main point, contrasting ideas, expressing cause and effect, showing exactly when something happened (narrating), expressing purpose (why?) and opinion, listing examples, making conclusions and giving emphasis.grammatical differencessome linking words must be followed by a clause (subject + verb + object).e.g. whilewhybecausealthoughsowhereaswhenother linking words should be followed by a noun phrase (linking word + (the) + noun/pronoun or gerund)e.g.because ofdespiteduringin spite ofthe majority of linking devices can be followed by either a noun phrase or a clause.here is a list of the principal linking words in english, their function and if their position is usually fixed. linking words - by viv quarryadding and contrastingexpressing cause / reason*andas well asbesidesmoreover,furthermore,what is more,in addition,not only . but alsoanother point is thatrelative clauseswhowherethatwhichwhoseto whomwhenwhatwhy*buthowever,althoughdespitein spite ofnevertheless,on the contrary,on the one handon the other hand,whereaswhilebut whilefor one thing,in contrast,neither . norbecauseassinceas a result,this is whybecause ofdue toowing to for this reason,expressing effect / result*soso . thatsuch a . thatthereforethusconsequently,too . for / tonot enough . for / tonarrationexpressing purposefirst (of all)at firstat the beginningin the beginningthennextbeforeafterafter thatafterwardswhenwhileduringsoonprior toimmediatelyoncesuddenlyas soon asonno sooner . thanhardly . whenfinallyeventuallyat the endin the endat lastto begin with,untiltoso as toin order thatso thatfor (non-specific)expressing opinioni would say thatin my opinion,i think (that)i believe (that)personallyapparently,giving examplessumming up / concludingemphasisfor example,for instance,this includessuch as e.g. (for example)i.e. (that is)all in alloverallgenerallyin conclusion,on the wholein the mainto sum up,especiallyparticularlynaturally,exactly becauseabove allwhateverwhenevertoo / enoughthe more .* avoid starting a sentence with these words.step iii practicedeal with ex1 in language power on page 60. students work individually to finish the exercise in eight minutes. then they will compare their answers in groups. then teacher will ask four students to read the article (each student one paragraph) and check the answers during this procedure.step iv synonymsdeal with ex3&4 on page 13.t: in writing we can avoid repetition by using synonyms. find words and expressions in the report which are similar to the given words and expressions in ex3 on page 13. do the exercise individually. then we will check the answers together.deal with ex4 in the same way.step v practicedeal with ex2 in language power on page 60.ask students to work in pairs and use a good dictionary when necessary.step vi write a reportfirst explain the stages to write a report to students. then students will work in groups to write the report.t: attention, please! in this class weve learned how to use linking words and expressions and how to avoid repetition. these are techniques to write a report. next we will learn the stages to write a report. how many stages are there to write a stage?ss: five. t: please read the five stages together.stage 1 choose the subject for your report.stage 2 find out statistics and information about the topic of your report.stage 3 plan your report. decide if the statistics should be included in the positive or negative facts. think of one or two recommendations for the conclusion.stage 4 write your report. try to avoid repeating words and expressions.stage 5 check your report.students are given enough time to write the report. after they finish the report, ask several students to read their reports to the class. or show their reports on the projector, correct the mistakes with the whole class if there is any. if time is limited, students may finish writing the report out of class.step vii homework1. do ex3 on page 61.2. finish the report.a sample of a report global warmingthere are many problems concerning the environment. pollution, destruction of the rainforests, and the consumption of all of our planets natural resources are just a few. none of these issues quite compare to the problem of global warming. global warming is caused when factories and cars burn fossil fuels and let off carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. carbon dioxide in the atmosphere plays an important role in warming the earth by trapping the earths heat, in whats called the greenhouse effect. the burning of fossil fuels has generally increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. the carbon dioxide then puts a layer on the greenhouse gasses. the greenhouse gasses let in rays from the sun but dont let them out. as the concentration of greenhouse gases grows, more heat is trapped in the atmosphere and less escapes back into space. this increase in trapped heat changes the climate and alters weather patterns, which may hasten species extinction, influence the length of seasons, cause coastal flooding, and lead to more frequent and severe storms.global warming is a problem that affects not just some people, but everything and everyone. people must take action to stop global warming and must realize the severity of this problem before it is too late. the future depends on what we do now to slow the process of global warming.are governments doing enough to p


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