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7上 Unit 1This is me 1、 复习单词A. 拼读易错单词、重点单词grade,student,reading,classmate,over,classroom,dancing,swimming,age,cute,hobby,glad,glasses, masterB.重点单词用法1. graden.年级 He is in _Nine this year. He is in the ninth _this year.n.等级 She got good_ in her exams.2. readingn.阅读 We can get a lot from_.read (read, read) v. _often, and you can learn much.reader 读者 n. Writers now always try to satisfy_.3. after school/class at school in class (在课上) in the class (在班上)4. be good at sth/doing do well in sth/doing sth Are you good at _(run)? Lucy does better in _(cook)than Lily.5. overadv.穿过 Put it down _ there.adv.落下,倒下 He is careless enough to knock things_. Its easy to fall_ on snowy days.adv.结束 Classes are _at 11:15 in the morning.adv再,重新 Lets start all _againprep 在.上面 She put a blanket _the sleeping child.prep 悬在.上方 They held a large umbrella _ her.prep 穿越 ,从一边到另一边 Theres a bridge _ the river. Jump _ the chairprep遍及 all _the worldprep多于 He stayed in hospital for _a month.6. dancing have _lessonsdance v dancer n We are having _(dance). We want to be _(dance)7. swimming go _ swim v swimmer n one of the _ coats8. age He passed away at the _of 60 Lucy is a girl of my_.aged adj Here are volunteers _between 25 and 50 .9. hobby hobbies10. everyone 在否定句中表部分否定Not _likes telling jokes.This math problem is easy, but not _can work it out.11. glasses This pair of _isnt suitable for me. Please give me another pair.glass 玻璃杯(可数)玻璃(不可数) The window is made of glass. 窗户是由玻璃制成的。二重点句型1.Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。(用于第一次见面)2.Lets meet my friends. (祈使句,表命令或请求)3.I live with my family in Beijing.我和我的家人住在北京。 He with his family _(live) in Beijing.4.I wear glasses. 我戴着眼镜。(穿衣服,打领带,戴帽子都用wear) The girl _(wear) is my cousin.5.This is my cousin. 这是我表妹。(这种句型用于介绍人物)三复习语法学习重点:一般现在时中be动词的使用。(一)be动词:动词be (am, is, are)说明身份、年龄、状态等I am a teacher.I am 21 years old.Im very healthy.(二)be动词的人称变化:第一人称I,后面的动词用am;第三人称he/she/it, 后面的动词用is;第一人称复数we, 第二人称you, 第三人称复数they,后面的动词用are.(三)be 动词在一般疑问句和否定句中的表达:- Are you the student from Class Two?- No, Im not.- Is he Canadian?- No, he isnt.- Are they fond of pop music?- No, they arent.从上面例句中可看出,动词be一般现在时的一般疑问句,把be提到句首,它的否定句式是在be后直接加not。(四)be 动词的具体使用:1be + 形容词Im very tired.He is handsome and smart. 2. be + 名词Mike is a Canadian teacher.They are my close friends.3. be + 介词短语The flowers are in the vase.She is at home now.4. be + 形容词短语My holiday is always long enough.They are tired and hot.5. be +副词 Im home.They are abroad. 6. 用于表示时间:Today is Sunday.The next match will be at 7. 用am, is, are 填空1. I _ a boy. _ you a boy? No, I _ not.2. The girl_ Jacks sister。四 A. 语篇复习 阅读短文,回答问题。 Welcome to Class1, Grade7! Hi, Im Millie, a new student at Sunshine Middle School. Im 12 years old. I have short hair. I love reading. Now, lets meet my new classmates.Hello, my name is Simon. Im tall. I like sports. I often play football after school.This is Sandy. She is tall and slim. Her hair is long. She likes music.This is Daniel. He is from Nanjing. He is short. He is good at Maths.Answer these questions (no more than four words)1. What class are the four students in?_2. How old is Millie?_3. When does Simon often play football?_4. What does Sandy like?_5. Where is Daniel from?_B 书面表达根据以下要点写一篇 短文。我是李华,我12岁了,我来自泰兴,但是我现在和我的家人住在南京。我个不高,留着短发,戴着眼镜。我在阳光中学上学,我喜欢所有的功课,我最擅长语文。在校我有许多新朋友,他们都很好。_范文: I am Li Hua. I am 12 years old I come from Taixing, but I live with my family in Nanjing now. I am not tall. I have short hair and wear a pair of glasses. I study at Sunshine Middle School. I like all my lessons, and I am good at Chinese. I have many good friends at school, they are all very nice.五重点短语和句子1. 我爱电子狗I love e-dogs I love an e-dog2. 我的主人my master 你的主人your master 他的主人his master 她的主人her master 我们的主人our master 3. 看这本书read this book 看杂志read the magazine 看报纸read the newspaper 看电视watch TV 看比赛watch the match 4. 如何照看你的电子狗how to look after your e-dog 照顾 照看look after 看上去像look like 寻找look for 看着look at =have a look at 5. 第一天the first day 6. 在阳光中学at Sunshine Middle School 7. 有机会认识get to know 8 一些新学生some of the new students=some new students 10. 早上好good morning 下午好good afternoon 晚上好good evening 晚安good night 11. 两人一组合作work in pairs 12.见到你真高兴nice to meet you=glad to meet you=happy to see you 13. 欢迎来到七年级1班welcome to class One, Grade Seven14. 欢迎来到中国welcome to China 15. 阳光中学的一名新生a new student at Sunshine Middle School 16. 12岁twelve years old 17. 有一头短发have short hair 18. 爱看书love reading=love to read 19. 咱们来见见我的新的同学lets meet my new classmates 20. 爱运动like sports 21. 喜欢做某事like doing sth =like to do sth22. 想要做某事would like to do sth=want to do sth 23. 放学后踢足球play football after school 24. 既高又苗条tall and slim25. 她的头发很长Her hair is long 26. 爱音乐like music =like listening to music 27. 他来自南京He is from Nanjing=He comes from Nanjing 28. 他擅长数学He is good at Maths= He does well in Maths 29. 我很高兴Im happy 你(你们)高兴吗?Are you happy?30. 在那儿over there31. 我们的英语老师our English teacher 32. 我们的学校很漂亮our school is nice 33. 我们的老师很好Our teachers are nice 34. 爱跳舞love dancing 35. 她的爱好是跳舞Her hobby is dancing 36. 我明白了I see 37.和一样the same as 38. 放风筝fly kites 39. 喜欢玩游戏like playing games 40. 可爱的婴儿the cute baby41. 晚回家go home late 42. 和我的家人一起生活在北京live with my family in Beijing43. 戴着眼镜wear gla


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