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2014高考英语信息匹配、任务型阅读基础训练题(9)及答案【2014安徽省皖南八校第一次联考】任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案写在答题卡相应题号的横线上。It is very important to make a student feel safe in the classroom, because students study well in the environment where they feel safe and respected. All students including those with learning difficulties can study well if they feel mentally and emotionally comfortable in the classroom. In addition, when feeling safe in an atmosphere, they can openly express their concerns. Therefore, teachers are required to devote time to making students feel comfortable in class and must view it as an investment in strengthening the teacher-student relationship.What makes a student feel safe in the classroom depends upon the quality of the relationship he shares with his teachers. With this aim, its quite necessary to build trust in the classroom. Trust building is a slow process which can be achieved through healthy interaction (互动) between students and teachers. Also developing respect for each other is necessary. When teachers truly listen to students and respect in the classroom is mutual between teacher and student, a productive classroom can be formed. Teachers feel good about the lessons they teach and students are engaged in learning. Teachers must try to build small but real life connections with the students and when one is able to do that, it creates a more relaxed atmosphere that supports studies. Gradually, students will feel a greater level of trust in teachers.A positive environment is also very important for students to feel safe in the classroom. To create such an environment, teachers must display positive messages and quotes in the classroom and even ask students to contribute them. Make it a rule that only positive things will be talked about in the classroom. Prevent students from talking about other students private lives in an unkind way and stop them from bullying (欺凌) each other. Also, the most important is that teachers must try to make all students feel like they are an important part of the class.TopicMaking students feel safe in the classroom(76)_(77)_ students studiesEncouraging students to (78)_ themselves openly Making teachers and students (79)_ alone better with one anotherDeterminingfactorsThe (80)_ of the teacher-student relationship A positive environment in the classroom(81)_来源:Z_xx_k.Com来源:Z+xx+k.ComBuilding trust in the classroom来源:Z。xx。k.ComInteracting with students (82)_(83)_each otherTruly listening to students Making sure of mutual respectCreating a positive environmentOnly displaying positive messages and quotes (84)_ talking about negative thinks and bullyingGiving students a (85)_ that everyone is an important part of the class【参考答案】76. Importance / Significance / Benefits / Advantages 77. Improving 78. express 79. get 80. quality 81.Ways / Tips / Advice / Suggestions / Methods / Means 82.healthily 83.Respecting 84.Forbidding 85.feeling【2014山东省济南外国语学校质量检测】阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)阅读下面短文并回答问题,然后将答案写到答题卡相应的位置上(请注意问题后的字数要求。1The number of children younger than 12 entering the hospital for eating disorders increased 119 percent between 1999 and 2006, according to a new report suggesting eating disorders for this age group are on the rise.2The new report summarizes data from 200 recent research studies that examined eating disorders. It is published by the American Academy of Pediatrics and suggests that pediatricians screen for eating disorders as part of annual checkups or during pre-participation sports exams. 3Since eating disorders will impact a childs entire health, the report recommends that pediatricians should monitor patients for medical or nutritional problems, and ensure patients receive appropriate treatment such as medical care, mental-health treatment and nutritional intervention.4Pediatricians are encouraged to advocate for legislation and policies that ensure appropriate services for _, including medical care, nutritional intervention, mental-health treatment and care co-ordination, conclude report author Dr. David Rosen of the University of Michigan and his coauthors.5There is also an increasing recognition of eating disorders in males, which now represent up to 10 percent of all cases of eating disorders, as well as in children of younger ages. 6While gender, body type, and weight can be indicators of an eating disorder, it is becoming more common for both boys and overweight children to succumb to an eating disorder. Therefore, when evaluating patients, the report urges that pediatricians should not only track weight and height, but body mass index (BMI), too. In girls, the report urges doctors to track menstrual cycles, and to be specific about questioning diet, eating patterns, and body image.7People with eating disorders often use their control over food in an attempt to compensate for overwhelming feelings and emotions. Eating disorders are also often tied into a persons own body image and have been previously linked to higher rates of self-harm.8Eating disorders are treated most commonly through psychotherapy, and a full recovery is possible for most people who experience an eating disorder.76. What is the main idea of the text? (no more than 8 words) 77. Fill in the blanks with proper words in paragraph 4. 78. Why do people with eating disorder use their control over food?79. What factors are important to evaluate a girl who is suffering eating disorder?80. Translate the underlined the sentence in paragraph 3. 【参考答案】76. Eating Disorders in Kids on the Rise77. patients with eating disorders78. To compensate for overwhelming feelings and emotions79. menstrual cycles, body image, diets , eating patterns.80. 由于饮食紊乱对孩子的整个健康有影响,报告建议儿科医生密切关注病人的医疗营养问题,保证他们得到妥善医学治疗治,心里治疗和营养干预。【2013界广东省惠州市模拟】信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应 选项字母涂黑。 以下是伦敦市著名旅游景点或线路的游览票介绍A. Tickets for London Eye Flight (30 mins,$22)Paris has the Eiffel Tower, and New York has the Empire STATE. Now London has the British Airways London Eye an extraordinary symbol for this extraordinary city. The worlds largest observation wheel offers a spectacular way to take in over 55 of Londons famous landmarks!B. Tickets for Madame Tussauds (Flexible, $ 25)Madame Tussauds Waxwork Museum is well known for the huge collection of wax(4n) figures of famous people. In this museum, visitors will encounter Henry VIII and his six wives, the present Queen, leading figures of the French Revolution, and many other famous figures, including sports or pop stars. It is a must-sec attraction in London.C. Tickets for the Tower of London plus River Cruise(4.5 hours, $66)The Tower of London is one of the worlds most famous and spectacular castles. Dont you want to discover its 900-year history as a royal palace and castle, prison and jewel house? Take a river cruise on the River Thames. It is a visit to the Tower of London and drop off at St. Pauls Cathedral. If you have kids ,they will love it!D. London Duck Tours (80 mins , $ 30)Dont miss the exciting adventure created for visitors to London, taking in the sight by road and river! No one has ever seen anything like it before on the streets of London, let alone the river! It is more than just a sightseeing tourits an adventure. Dont miss this one!E. Discovering London (9 hours, $ 100)In this trip, you will explore the best of London with a morning tour of the worlds most famous city by road and river. Your experienced and qualified guide will take you through Westminster Abbey, changing the guard at Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London and much, much more!F. The Original London Sightseeing Tour (24 hours pass, $ 40)See Londons major sights on an open-top double-decker bus. Join one of four circular tours at any one of their pick up points and see every major sight in London including the Tower of London, St. Pauls Cathedral and Piccadilly. Simply “Hop on and Hop off ,at your choice of famous landmarks to enhance your visit to London!以下是一些游客的信息,请匹配适合他们的旅游景点成线路。46.Mr Bush came to London on business from America two weeks ago. During his spare time, he has visited most of the attractions in London with his clients in their private cars. However, this weekend he plans to take a public transportation vehicle to go around this big city. Due to an accident several years ago, Mr Bush doesnt dare to take a boat again.【答案】F【解析】根据Mr Bush想要做公交车去伦敦旅游,而不愿做船;选项F The Original London Sightseeing Tour可以做双层巴士旅游,并且围绕伦敦旅游,故选F。47.Louis, a young Frenchman, went to London for a visit last week. Today is his last day there. He has visited the London Eye, the Tower of London and most other famous attractions. So today, he would like to do something unusual, exciting or dangerous. It will be best if it is something he cant do in other cities. However, he has only $35 left for his last day trip.【答案】D 【解析】Louis想花35美元在伦敦去旅游,主要去看一些不寻常的,有刺激的并有危险的旅游项目。选项DLondon Duck Tours这次旅游花费30美元;根据Dont miss the exciting adventure created for visitors to London,主要去有刺激的冒险的地方,故选D。 48.Kathrin is a German college student whose major is world history. From reading her textbooks she got to know stories of many historical figures. She is eager to see what they look like. Also, in her spare time, she likes to listening to pop music. It is her dream to have her photos taken with her favorite stars, but she doesnt have enough money to attend their concerts.【答案】B【解析】Kathrin是德国的大学生,她的梦想就是和著名的影星去拍照。选项B Tickets for Madame Tussauds在这个博物馆,游客会遇到亨利八世和他的六个妻子,现在女王,法国革命的领军人物,和许多其他著名人物,包括体育和流行明星。这正好符合Kathrin的要求,故选B。49.Lin Yang is a Chinese teacher who teaches history in a high school. This Friday, he will go to London to take a short-term course. After that, he will stay there for one more day and he plans to visit a famous attraction. He is very interested in the old castles and relics in London. In his view, appreciating beautiful castles on a boat is the most enjoyable thing. Unluckily, he will only have 6 hours for leisure time that day.【答案】C【解析】Lin Yang是一位高中历史老师,他想在去伦敦的时候抽出留个小时的时间去游览一下一些城堡和遗址。选项C Tickets for the Tower of London plus River Cruise这个旅行只需4.5个小时,根据The Tower of London is one of the worlds most famous and spectacular castles.可以参观一些城堡,故选C。50.Steve is a post-graduate student who has never been to London. Next weekend, he will go there with his professor to attend a meeting. According to his professor, he will have two hours of free time after the meeting. He intends to visit the most famous place in London where he can see the whole city. The ticket shouldnt cost more than S25.【答案】A【解析】Steve是一个从来没有去过的研究生,他要用2个小时的时间去看一下整个城市,票价不能超过25美元。选项A Tickets for London Eye Flight需要30分钟22美元;能够看见伦敦著名的London Eye,在那里能够看见几乎整个伦敦,故选A。【参考答案】信息匹配 4650 FDBCA【2013届广东省高三上期末华附、省实、广雅、深中四校联考】信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。以下为几则招聘广告:A. The candidates will be expected to drive new business through telephone sales. However, the role does include meeting clients face to face, attending industry events, managing one or two members of staff, finding new advertisers and gaining repeat business from existing clients. Therefore, we are looking for sales professionals with media sales backgrounds, and experience in managing a team. B. Bright Social Care Agency is calling for experienced support workers who can take care of adults with autism to register for work as soon as possible. The duties of this post include interacting with the service user, promoting independent living, and assisting with personal care. Therefore, the applicants should have experience as a support worker and good interpersonal skills. If youre interested, please send your CV to .C. Balfor Education is looking for teachers who are dedicated to childrens learning and able to manage a classroom efficiency. We offer flexible teaching assignments that meet your own requirements and have a number of strong relationships with many schools. The ideal candidate should have the qualifications for a teacher and have knowledge of the National Curriculum. A flexible and friendly attitude is also an essential quality.D. Tutor Doctor is looking for experienced and capable English tutors. If you have relevant experience of tutoring or teaching and know how to get the very best out of your students in a 1 to 1 situation, then we would love you to join the Tutor Doctor team. Also, you must have the passion and capability to help others learn and fulfill their potential. Most tuition happens between 4:30 pm and 8 pm of weekdays, and at weekends.E. The client is looking for experienced, reliable caring individuals to look after physically sick adults in their own home. You are required to follow all rules and regulations in relation to care, and perform such other duties as may reasonably be required. You must be self-motivated, flexible, caring and sensitive to the needs of others and to the sick.F. I run a small local family magazine which relies on adverting revenue, and I need someone to help sell advertising space for the magazine. This job would ideally suit someone who used to work in sales and now needs to work hours that fit around school hours and sports days. The job wont make you rich but it will give you the opportunity to work your own hours, from home, in an enjoyable role for a well respected magazine. 请阅读以下几位求职者的相关信息,然后匹配适合他(她)的工作。61. Henry is a high school student in America. He used to do many kinds of jobs when he was a young boy, such as selling newspapers and magazine. He does not want to depend on his parents for his pocket money or waste his time hanging round at weekends. He is fond of communicating with strangers and has developed some selling skills.【答案】F【解析】Henry 是一位美国的高中生,他想做零工来为自己挣零花钱,他喜欢和陌生人交流进而提高他的销售技能。选项F叙述的是想招聘一位能够卖杂志上的广告版面的销售人员,这个工作适合学生做,这正好符合Henry的要求,故选F。 62. Miss Harrison has worked in a newspaper agency for five years. She was responsible for the advertisements in the newspaper and for a work team consisting of five members. She gave up her previous job because she had to move with her husband to a new city. She is good at dealing with strangers.【答案】A【解析】Miss Harrison在一家报社工作5年了,她负责报纸的广告部分,她有自己的团队,因为要和丈夫搬到另一个城市,所以不得不放弃这个工作,她喜欢和陌生人打交道。选项A招聘一位销售人员并且有管理团队的经验,这正好符合Miss Harrison的要求,故选A。63. Anna is a college student whose major is English. Since she came to college, she h


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