



星月学校(三起)四年级英语上册期末测试题亲爱的小朋友,一定要看清楚题目的要求哦一、找出每组中与其他不同的一个,将其字母序号写在题前括号中。5分( ) 1. A. April B. animal C. June ( ) 2. A. left B. right C. near ( ) 3. A. Sports Day B. take pictures C. listen to music( ) 4. A. biscuits B. fruit C. sweets ( ) 5. A. run fast B. the long jump C. the high jump 二、英汉互译。14分1. turn on the light_ 2. go straight on _ 3. come in_ 4.in the park_5. 当然_ 6.good luck_7.汤_ 8.坐飞机_9.向左转_ 10.起床_11. high jump_ 12.wash clothes_ 13.跑_ 14. 每天_ 三、火眼金睛,单项选择。36分( )1.what are you doing. Mum? Im _vegetable. A. cooking B. cook C. run ( ) 2. Amy, can you _fast? A. running B. runs C. run( ) 3. Can you play the flute, Sam? No .I_ A. can B. cant C. dont( ) 4. They _ going to Hainan. A. is B. are C. am( ) 5. Were going _ plane. A. by B. on C. in( ) 6.She is going to_ her teacher. A .look B. see C. visit( ) 7.Xiaohong is going to get up_5oclock.A. on B. at C. for( ) 8. Were going to have a_ A. Sports Day B. sport Day .C. sports day( ) 9. Im the_.A. winer B. win C. winner( ) 10. Im going to_ the high jump. A. do B. make C. have( ) 11.Whats that? Its _ animal. A. the B. an C. a( ) 12. Happy birthday to you , Amy. A. Thank you B. excuse me C. ok( ) 13.We_ go to the park in July. A. can B. is C. are ( )14.你想知道有多少人在7月过生日时.你应该说_A. how much birthday are there in July? B. how are you in July?C. how many birthdays are there in July?( )15.大明想知道 Sam来自哪里时.应该怎么说_A. What are you doing, Sam? B. Where are you from, Sam?C. What are you going to do, Sam?( )16 .Ling ling的妈妈想知道她想吃大米吗.应该怎么说_A. Do you want some rice? B. Do you want rices? ( )17.姐姐有一个运动日.你祝福她应该怎么说:_A. Come on B. Thank you C. Good luck( )18.你为运动场上的运动员加油时.你应该说_A. Come! B. Come in please. C. Come on!四、画龙点睛,用所给单词的适当形式填空。5分1. Can I _ (have) some bread?2. Hes hungry. He wants some_(sweet)3. I dont like January and February. Its cold and there_(be) snow.4. Im_ (go) to go to Hong Kong in July.5. Shes_ (write) a letter.五从右边找出左边问题的答语,将其字母序号写在提前括号中。10分( )1、What are you doing ? a. No, I cant.( )2、Where is the train ? b. Yes, please.( )3、Happy birthday! c. Its at the station.( )4、Do you want some rice? d. Yes, I have.( )5、Have you got a cat? e. Thank you.( )6、Can you run fast? f. Im writing a letter.六、请你根据实际情况回答问题。15分1. Can you make dumplings? 2. Whats your favorite month? 3. How many students are there in your class? 4. Can you run fast? 5. What are you going to do tomorrow? 七. 阅读理解 15分Tomorrow is a sports Day. Daming is going to run the 800 metres. Sam is going to run the 400 metres. Amy is going to do the long jump. Lingling is going to do the high jump. Daming and Amy are the winners.( )1、Tomorrow is a new Day.( )2、Daming is g


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