已阅读5页,还剩95页未读 继续免费阅读




学习目标:1:掌握生词与词组:invite; disappointed; film; smell; prepare sth for sb. say thanks to sb ;a ticket to. 2.学习如何表达个人情感,能够询问并表达对事物的感觉。重点:能通过课文所呈现的图片,信息掌握“系动词+adj.”的用法难点:掌握系动词+adj 的用法课前预习:1.尝试朗读Section A所出现的单词并能拼写它们。2.找出下列短语并译一译:invite your parents to go to the movies. Prepare some delicious food for us; Sounds great! on ones way to sp.felt disappointed; be able to do sth. a ticket to.理解:1、invite 2.邀请、招待 。invite sb (to sw ) 邀请某人(到)2、 eg:Lily上个星期邀请我参加了他的聚会。Lily me last Sunday. invite sb to do sth (邀请某人做某事)。eg: 。2、say thanks to sb向某人表示感谢。例举类似的短语:向某人问好 向某人告别 向某人道歉 3.句子理解: 1.-How do the parents feel?- They feel happy. 2.How do the flowers smell?.They smell nice. 4.想一想:造一造句子:taste/ delicious. look/ happy. sound/ wonder; feel/excited.课堂教学过程:.预习展示:1:小组合作朗读1a.并抽查个别组进行表演.2:再读1a 进行理解课文检查:要求能小组进行就对话提问并回答问题:(3:造一造句子检查。想一想:造一造句子:taste/ delicious. look/ happy. sound/ wonder; feel/excited.合作学习展示: 1.阅读1 a 并完成1b.2.完成1c小组合作练习,然后展示。3.完成1d,小组讨论完成并展示答案和进行纠正。4.完成2.小组合作进行对话并展示。.巩固落实:1. 听力技能训练:(全班整体活动和抽查)完成Part 3.2. 完成Part 4: (小组合作学习)进行创造性的对话练习,检查学生对“link-v+adj”用法的掌握情况,.当堂检测:一.词汇 1Yesterday was my birthday.I i_some good friends to my birthday party .2.Wang xiaogang often helps us ,We should say t_to him.3.I was d_yesterday ,because I couldnt buy the tickets.4.Stupid is another of saying s_.5.The s_on his face shows that he is very happy .6.The litter here s_terrible.Lets keep away from it.并默写下列单词或者短语:邀请,招待_ 担心的,烦恼的_ 微笑_ 失望的,沮丧的_品尝,尝味_ 向道谢_拓展延伸:完成句子1、We will (过夜) at the teachers house this evening .2、Why do you (看起来很兴奋)?3、It is (我最喜欢的之一) moives .4、Li lei wants to (去看电影)5、He (看起来很开心)today . Section B 学案课前预习:1. 预习本课的单词和词组并做好课堂展示的准备。2. 阅读并大声朗读1a.3. 找出1a里出现的不懂得单词,短语和重要句子:e.g: He seems a little unhappy. Feel disappointed, watch a movie, see a movie(film);4. 找出对话中有关谈论电影及其它东西的句子:_.理解:seems a little unhappy 为系表结构。seem to do sth 看起来/似乎做某事。eg :看起来他认识我。He seems me . 常见的用法还有:It seems+ that-clause.eg:看来天快下雨了:It seems that it is going to rain.5. 预习2a,并独立完成2b.6. 大声朗读4a;4b方框里的句子,并完成4b.Teaching procedure.预习展示:1:小组合作朗读1a.并抽查个别组进行表演.2:再读1a 进行理解课文检查:要求能小组进行就对话提问并回答问题:3:找出1a 中谈论电影及其它事物的句子并翻译成汉语。4.大声朗读2a里的单词,理解其意义和用法并尝试造句。.合作学习展示:.巩固落实:1. Listening-skill practice. Part 3.(Whole-class task) Listen to the passage and complete the sentences. Play the material for the students to do it and check the answers with them.(Evaluating)2. Part 4a.Ask some students to read it and check and evaluate.3. Part 4b.Get the students to do it in groups and then check it.当堂检测:一短语翻译:(1)的票/入场券 (2)觉得很失望 (3)似乎看起来不高兴_ (4)看电影_二、用所给词的正确形式填空。1、The moive is (fun)and (interest).2、I hope everything (go )well .3、I like apples (well)of all. 4.Please dont _(worry) about him. He is safe. 5.I felt _(失望的)when I saw him. Unit5 Topic1 Section C学习目标:1:掌握生词与词组:care for; lonely, lively; cheer up; almost; mainly.2:.继续学习表达情感的单词和句子。3: 继续谈论电影。重点:通过图片信息和所给词汇帮助进行阅读,提高阅读理解能力。难点:能借助问题复述课文。课前预习:1. 预习本课出现的单词,短语并背熟它们。2. 阅读和大声朗读1a.指导:完成阅读前的两个任务(1,2)猜猜课文讲的是什么,然后进行课文阅读。译一译:one of the most popular American movies;a story about.;care for.;be sad;be lonely and become angry; teach sb to do sth. lively songs; cheer sb up.重点句型 及单词理解:(1)The father was lonely and often became angry because of the noisy children .(2)Maria taught the children to sing lively songs perform short ,funny plays to cheer them up(3)lonely 孤独的,寂寞的。alone 与lonely 比较:alone 既可作副词,又可作形容词,说明客观存在。eg:她独自在家. She is at home.lonely 形容词 侧重人的心理。eg: 我从不感到寂寞。I never feel .(4)、noisy 嘈杂的,喧闹的,是noise的形容词形式,作“声音”讲的名词还有sound , voice.noise 指令人不愉快的响声,说话声或嘈杂声。sound 指可以听到的任何声音。voice 主要指人说话或唱歌时的声音,即“说话声,嗓音”。3.尝试着完成1b.回答1c 里的问题检查自己是否理解了课文。Teaching procedure:.巩固落实:1.Finish 2a.Do it in groups and then ask some to do it in class.2.Finish 2b.Write down the conversation between Michael and Mr.Brown in your exercise book and act it out in front of the class.(assessing)1. Part 3.Learn to sing the song,Do Re Mi.当堂检测:1.单词和词组:cry (反义词) mad (同义词) lonely (同义词) at first (反义词组) 使振作起来,使高兴起来 到处 活泼的;充满生气的 2.根据汉语提示完成句子。1、He can (照顾)himself.2.Wang lin was able to (使振奋起来)himself.3. (起先,开始),she sang an English song . 4.I couldnt stand the loud rock music.I almost went _(发疯的)。 5.There are many classmates in my classroom but I still feel _(孤独的)Section D.课前预习:1. 复习本话题前面三个部分并独自完成Grammar and Functions 部分。2. 从Part1阅读文章里找出下列单词和词组:形成;成立 主要地 与某人和解 和平 文化 手势,姿势 中国文化的重要的部分_.过去受老年人的欢迎_.3. 阅读part1 ,理解课文,完成Part1里的回答问题任务,大声朗读课文.4. 理解并掌握:1、be full of 装满,充满,同义词组为be filled with .eg:杯子里装满了牛奶。The glass milk.=the glass milk.in the end (同义词) , (反义词) Teaching procedure:.预习展示:1. Work in groups,read the text in groups loudly and then ask several groups to read the passage in class.2. Ask some students to finish writing out the phrases: 形成;成立 主要地 与某人和解 和平 文化 手势,姿势 中国文化的重要的部分_.过去受老年人的欢迎_.合作学习展示:1. Get the students to read Part1 again and finish the task in Part1 in groups and present it in class.(assessing)2. Go through “Grammar and Functions” with the students, checking the answers and explaining sth important.3. Part 2a: Work in pairs and talk about the pictures with the help of the key words.4. Writing practice.2b.Get the students to do it in groups and present their writing in class.当堂检测:根据句意及汉语提示完成下列各题: 1.Chinese _(文化) is more and more popular around the world. 2.More and more young people _(变得对.感兴趣) Beijing Opera. 3.What is his _(角色) in the play?The old king. 4.People all over the world love_(和平). 5.Li Xiang finished his task with a strong _(手势)。 6.The custom _(形成)about two hundred years ago. 7.You should _(与.和解)him and become good friends. 8.Zhao Benshan _(受.欢迎)the young and the old. 9.The room _(装满) all kinds of books. Unit5 Topic2 Section A课前预习:1. 写出下列词汇的汉语意思,然后朗读并默写:strict_;shy_, send_be strict with sb_. take it easy_2. 从1a和3中画出含有because引导的句子,你会发现这些句子结构都是由连词_把前后两个简单句连接起来的,前一个简单句表示_(结果/原因),后一个简单句表示_(结果/原因)试着写两个与其结构相同的句子:_3. 将下列句子翻译成汉语:1.Anything wrong?_ 2.What seems to be the problem?_4.阅读和理解1a ,大声朗读1a。5.通过全文预习,写出表示情感的形容词,看谁写得多:_ _.6.预习指导:理解并能运用:1. Anything wrong? 有什么不对吗?/有什么麻烦吗?完整句应是: 2. She is crying in the bathroom because she did badly in the English exam. * do badly in *在方面做得好 3.* be strict with sb 对某人严格要求 * be strict in sth 对某事严格要求 eg: 老师对我们要求很严格。Our teachers . 王先生对自己的工作要求严格。Mr. Wang . 4. * be worried about 担心. / worry about 担心 eg: I am worried about your future. = I about your future. 5. So I send this card to cheer you up. * send sb sth = send sth to sb (上学期学过的带双宾的结构)eg: 李兵送给我999朵玫瑰。Li Bing 999 roses. = Li Bing 999 roses to .Teaching procedure:.预习展示: 1. Group work first(Read 1a together in groups and then ask several to act it out.(Assessing)2. Check if the students have read and recited the new words and phrases.3. Get two students to translate the sentences into Chinese:1. Anything wrong?_ 2. What seems to be the problem?_4.Ask some students to say out the words about feelings._.合作学习展示:1. Group work and finish 1b and 1c.(Evaluating).巩固落实:1.Part 2.Ask the students to finish 2a by themselves and then get several to say out the sentences they have made. (Evaluating)2. Part 3.Choose the correct words or phrases to complete the e-card. then listen and check.当堂检测:一、根据汉语及首字母提示完成句子。1 The boy didnt pass the English_-(考试)2 The little girl is always very_(害羞的)3 My parents are very_ about my study.(严格的)4 Jim is ill and his mother is very _ about his health.(焦虑的)5 He did b_in the English exam.He felt sad.二用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.he did_(badly)than before.2.I am surprised _(meet)her.3.She seems so sad and _ ( happy ) 4.She is lonely and she has no friends _(talk)with.5.Thank you for _(tell)me. Section B课前预习:1.阅读并大声朗读1a.2.写出下列单词和短语的汉语意思,然后朗读并默写。 fail_.feeling_,joke._, by the way_.talk to others._suggestion_.have no friends=_(in English).make friends with sb_at ones age._.3.在Section A里我们已经学习了because 引导的原因状语从句,在本课的1a里找出类似的句子,在其下面划伤划线。4.Miss Wang给了LiHong什么建议?_.5.译一译:(1)How are you feeling today? (2)Why dont you talk to someone when you feel sad? (3)Everyone gets these feelings at your age. (4)There, there! Itll be OK.6.指导:I am feeling really sad because I failed the English exam. *fail(in) sth 在.方面不及格 *pass 通过 eg: I failed the math exam. = I pass the math exam. Dont worry. Everyone gets these feeling at your age. * at ones age 译为: eg: 你爸爸在你这样的年纪就开始挣钱了。Your father began to make money .Teaching procedure:.预习展示:1. Group work first(Read 1a together in groups and then ask several to act it out.(Assessing)2.Check if the students have read and recited the new words and phrases3.Get some students to translate the sentences into Chinese: (1)How are you feeling today? (2)Why dont you talk to someone when you feel sad? (3)Everyone gets these feelings at your age. (4)There, there! Itll be OK.合作学习展示:1.Finish 1b together:Ask the students to finish it in groups then get some to check by themselves.2.Finish 1c:First do it alone then check the answers by others.3.Finish 2a together:Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks. Play the material for them(twice) to finish the task,then check the answers with them.(Evaluating) .巩固落实:1.Finish 2b:Work in pairs first,then act it out in class.(assessing).2.Finish 3a and 3b with the whole class.(Explaining sth).当堂检测:一根据句子意思及首字母提示完成下列各题: 1.Are you f_ well today,Mike?Not bad. 2.Mary couldplay the piano at h_ early age. 3.would you like s_to help you? 4.Tina seemed unhappy because she f_ the English exam. 5.He likes telling us j_ after class and makes us laugh.二根据中文意思完成下列句子:1.Kate 对大家很友好,所以,Ann 想和她交朋友。Kate is friendly to everyone,so Ann wants to _ _ _ her.2.我今天早上没赶上早班车. I _ _ _ the early bus.3.让我给你讲个笑话。Let me _ _ _ to you.4.顺便问一下,你父母最近好吗? _ _ _,How are your parents doing?5.你今天觉得怎么样? _ are you _ today?Section C学习目标:1.掌握生词与词组:usual, as usual, either,accept,lovely,helpful, international.2.掌握的句型:(1)How time flies! (2)The food was not as delicious as ours,either. (3)I live as happily as before.3.学习语法:同级比较as.as.; not as/so.as4:.重点:学习掌握同级比较。5. 难点:用同级比较结构写有关描述自己和朋友。课前预习:1.自己朗读和背熟本课的出现的单词和短语:usual, as usual, either,accept,lovely,helpful, international。2.阅读课文1a 并下列短语和句子,译一译:.How time flies!_! How I wish to visit you!_. What more._The food was not as delicious as ours,either._. I live as happily as before._(get)be used to sth/doing sth. 3.找出课文里出现的含有asas, not as/so.as 的句子,并尝试着造些类似的句子: _指导:并试着理解掌握as . as:同级比较:结构:as +形容词/副词的原级+as .*用于比较句型,中间插入的是形容词或副词的原级。意思是达到与什么相同的程度。如:He is as strong as a horse. 他力大如牛。 eg:Sue is Lily。(和.一样高)I want to live happily before。(和.一样)My computer is just yours.我的电脑跟你的电脑一样的新。*not as . as或not so .as主要用于两种事物比较时“甲方与乙方不一样,或甲方不及乙方”,是否定句型,as/so和as之间用形容词或副词原形eg: I am not / tall you.我没你那么高。李明这次考试没有李华考得好。Li Ming didnt do / well Li Hua in the exam.4.指导:I was not used to anything here. * used to do sth _ * be/get used to sth/ doing sth 习惯于 eg: 小明习惯于这里的天气。Xiao Ming _ the weather here. 小刚习惯于住在这里。Xiao Gang (get) used to (live) here now. 5.指导:3. I am not afraid to talk with others now. * be afraid to do sth 不敢做某事 * be afraid of (doing) sth 害怕做某事 eg: 建峰害怕晚上独自外出。Jianfeng _ going out alone at night. 那个男孩不敢去碰那条蛇。The boy touch the snake. * be afraid that-clause(复习并造个句子)Teaching procedure:.预习展示:1.Ask several groups to read the new words and phrases in this section.(assessing)2.Ask several students to translate the key sentences and the important phrases into Chinese:.How time flies!_! How I wish to visit you!_. What more._The food was not as delicious as ours,either._. I live as happily as before._(get)be used to sth/doing sth. (assessing)3.Ask some students to write down the sentences which include:as.as, not as/so.as.合作学习展示:1.Read 1a in groups and finish 1b,then ask them to show their answers to the class.(evaluating)2.Finish 1c: work in groups to retell 1a based on the key words and the table in 1b.巩固落实:1.Part2. Complete the sentences with the words in the box:Ask the students to do it by themselves and then get some to give their answers and check (assessing).2. Part 3.Work in groups,Look at the table and make sentences with asasor not as/so as3. Part4. Group work: Make a similar table to compare one of your friends with you.Then write a passage.(Ask them to do it in groups first and then show what they write to the class ,checking it and assessing ).4.Part 5.Sing this song: work together.当堂检测:一根据句子意思及首字母提示完成下列各题:1.Im sorry.I dont know the way ,e_.2.Im very sorry.Please a_ my apology(道歉).3.Reading loudly is very h_ for English study.4.Marys sister didnt come home early today,she came home late as u_.5.His grandparents dont like the city life.They get u_ to the life in the countryside.二根据中文意思完成下列句子:1.时间过得真快!_ time _!2.他是新来的,他不习惯于这个学校的生活。 He is new .He didnt _ _ _ the life in this school.3.康康和汤姆跳得一样高。Kangkang jumps _ _ _ Tom.4.这部电影没有那部有趣。This film is _ _ _ _ that one.5.莉莉和爱丽丝一样漂亮。Lily is _ _ _ Alice. Section D学习目标:1.掌握生词与词组:useless; deal with; elder; refuse; sadness; anyone; unfair; though; even though.notany longer=no longer.2.掌握的句型:he doesnt hate the driver any longer. He no longer stays in his room by himself.3.复习原因状语从句和同级比较.4.重点:引导学生通过复习SectionA-C 的单词、句型和语音知识,总结本话题Grammar&Functions部分所学到的语法和功能。4. 难点:通过学习本话题提高自己能够和他人分享感受、给情绪低落的人以安慰并提出建议、表示问候、询问异常情况和表示感叹等语言表达的综合能力。课前预习:1.熟读本课要求认识和掌握的单词和词组,句型。2.把课文里的Grammar 和Functions部分熟读并复习SectionA-C.3.阅读1a 课文并完成1a 里的任务。4.再次阅读1a 并独自回答1b里的问题看看自己是否理解课文。5.大声朗读1a.Teaching procedure:.预习展示:1.Ask some students to read 1a loudly to check if they can do it.(assessing)2.Answer the questions in 1b to check if they can understand the text.(assessing)3.Write down the important sentences and key words in the passage._.合作学习展示:1.Read Grammar &Functions by yourselves and finish the task to consolidate what they have learnt in this topic.2.Read 1a in groups and finish the task in 1a together.Match the words or phrases with their meanings.(assessing).巩固落实:1.Part 2.Work in pairs and talk about how you deal with sadness.Then write a short passage. The following questions may help you.1.Why did you feel sad?2.How did you feel at first?3.What did you do to deal with sadness?4.How didi you feel later?.当堂检测:根据句子意思及中文提示完成下列各题。1.This question is so easy that _ (任何人)can a


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