新目标八年级英语下册Unit 8 Section A 教学设计与教案_第1页
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新目标八下Unit 8 Section A 教学设计与教案 任课班级 初二(1)班 授课时间 2011 年 5月16 日 教学设计1 教学思路 本单元的教学目标是 如何询问对方意见,如何提出建议,如何就别人的建议发表看法。本节课是第一课时,首先通过复习与本单元相关联Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music?, 从而引入新课内容Why dont you get her a scarf ?。利用多媒体,采用任务型教学法,通过竞赛等形式,充分调动学生的积极性,让学生自主掌握教学目标。2. 设计理念 面向全体学生,在教师的引导下,通过多媒体设计各种图片帮助 学生加深对所学语言的理解,激发学生用英语进行交流的热情,通过竞赛等形式,充分调动学生的积极性,注重过程评价,促进学生发展。形成一定的综合语言应用能力。教学目标2 认知目标 A)Vocabulary: suggestion,personal,special,comment,scarf,camera,album B) Sentence:Suggestions: What should I do. ? Why dont you do ? Why not do ? What about doing ? How about doing ?Comments: Thats a good idea. Thats boring. Thats too personal. Thats not creative enough. Thats not interesting enough. That sounds good.2. 能力目标:让学生学会如何询问对方意见,如何提出建议,如何就别人的建议发表看法。3. 情感目标:培养学生学习英语的强烈兴趣,乐于参加各种活动的积极情感,善于合作,培养学生团结协作精神。教学流程1 One-minute dialogue.2 Word competition.3 Lead in grammar inUnit 84 Practice in pairs5 Teach new words6 Ask students to do1a.7 Listen to the tape. Do 1b.8 Dialogue in pairs.9 Listen to the tape.Do 2a and 2b10 Dialogue in pairs groups.11 Sum up.12 Homework.研讨课教案 任课班级 初二( 1)班 授课时间 2011 年 5月16 日 教材 人教版(新目标)八年级下册第八单元第一课时。 教具 单词卡片、录音机、幻灯片等。 教学方法张思中教学法,任务型教学法,归纳法。 教学目标 1.认知目标 A)Vocabulary: suggestion,personal,special,comment,scarf,camera,album B) Sentence:Suggestions: What should I do. ? Why dont you do ? Why not do ? What about doing ? How about doing ?Comments: Thats a good idea. Thats boring. Thats too personal. Thats not creative enough. Thats not interesting enough. That sounds good.2.能力目标:让学生学会如何询问对方意见,如何提出建议,如何就别人的建议发表看法。3.情感目标:培养学生学习英语的强烈兴趣,乐于参加各种活动的积极情感,善于合作,培养学生团结协作精神。教学重难点1 掌握询问对方意见的句型:What shall Iwe do . ? What shall I get my mom for her birthday ?What how about doing. ?Why dont you do . ?Why not do ?2 掌握评价意见的句型 :Thats boring.Thats too personal.Thats a good idea.That sounds good.Thats not creative enough.Thats not interesting enough.教学步骤1. One-minute dialogue.2. Words competition.3 Lead in grammar inUnit 84 Practice in pairs5 Teach new words6 Ask students to do1a.7 Listen to the tape. Do 1b.8 Dialogue in pairs.9 Listen to the tape.Do 2a and 2b10 Dialogue in pairs groups.11 Sum up12 homework教学过程Step 1: GreetingStep 2: Revision1 one-minute dialogue (Its turn to Row 3 today. )2 words competition (all the class )Step 3:Lead in grammar in Unit 81 At first ask students to review grammar in Unit 7 ( Would you mind doing. ? or Could you please do ? ) according to some pictures in slides. And review some more drills of suggestions2 Lead in grammar in Unit 8 : Why dont you do. ? Why not do ? Or What how about doing ? 3. practice: show some pictures to practice grammar.Step 4: Learn new words in Section A1 Show some pictures in slides to learn new words one by one 2 Read together ,then read one by one.Step 5: Practice1 Show some pictures and let students answer these new words we have just learned2 Do 1a. let students speak and complete the following chart. cheapexpensiveboringinterestingStep 6: Listening1 Do 1b. Play the tape and number . Check answers .Step 7: PairworkStep 8: listening2 Do 2a. Play the tape and check them . Check answers.2 Do 2b. at first let students read new words and sentences in SUGGESTIONS and COMMENTS. Then listen and complete the following chart.Conversation 1Conversation 2Conversation 3Suggestion 1a CD Comment 1not special enoughSuggestion 2Comment 23 Explain some difficult phrase in Comments:too personal 太私人化的。not special enough 不够独特的。Thats a good idea 那是个好主意。not creative enough 不够有创意 Step 9: Pairwork Step 10: Sumary Sum up1 Words in Unit 8 Section A suggestion,personal,special,comment,scarf,camera,album2 Focus in Unit 8 Section ASuggestions: What should I do. ? Why dont you do ? Why not do ? What about doing ? How about doing ?Comments: Thats a good idea. Thats boring. Thats too personal.Thats not creative enough. Thats not interesting enough.That sounds good. Step 11:Homework1 Recite words and phrases in Section A2 请挑选合适的词填到“ ”内。3 Look at this picture.Who is he If he come


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