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高中英语课标词汇add up upset/ ignore calm calm()down concern be concerned about walk the dog loose go through netherlands german german set down series a series of outdoors on purpose in order to dusk at dusk thunder entire power face to face curtain dusty no longer partner settle suffer suffer fron highway recover get/be tired of pack pack(sth)up suitcase overcoat teenager get along with fall in love exactly disagree grateful dislike join in swap item elevator petrol gas official voyage because of native come up apartment actually AD base at present gradual Danish vocabulary make use of spelling latter identity fluent singapore malaysia such as frequent frequently usage command request expression midwestern african spanish play apart(in) eastern southeastern northwestern recognize lorry accent lightning straight block cab journal transport prefer disdvantage fare flow ever since persuade cycle graduate finally schedule fond be fond of shortcoming stubborn organize care about determine determined change ones mind journey altitude make up ones mind give in valley pace bend attitude boil forecast parcel insurance wool as usual reliable view pillow midnight at midnight flame beneath temple cave carthquake quake right away well pipe burst million event as if at an end nation canal steam dirt ruin in ruins suffering extreme jnjure destroy brick dam track useless shock rescue trap electrcity disaster dig out bury mine miner shelter a(great)number of title reporter bar damage frighter frightened frightening congratulation judge sincerely express outline headline cyclist quality mean active generous self selfiah selflessly devote devoted found republic principle peaceful mankind lawyer guidance legal fee out of work hopeful youth league youth league stage vote attack violence as a matter of fact blow up equal in trouble willing unfair turn to lose heart escape blanket cducate educated come to power beg relative terror cruelty rewardvset up sentence be sentenced to anti anti-black president opinion rare valuable survive vase dynasty in search of amaze amazing select honet design fancy style decorate jewel artist belong belong to in return troop reception at war remove less than former worth local apart take apart painting castle trial evidence explode entrance sailor sing maid think highly of informal debate ancient compete competitor stand for greece greek magical volunteer homeland regular basis athlete admit slave nowadays gymnastics stadium gymnasium as well responsibility replace motto swift charge in charge physical fine poster advertise glory bargain hopeless foolish pain one after deserve calculate universal simplify sum operator logical logically technology technological revolution artificial intelligence intelligent solve fromon reality personal personally tube as a result total totally sothat network web application finance mobile rocket explore anyhow goal happiness human race download virus signal type in a way coach arise with the help of clectronic appearance character mop deal with watch over niece wildlife protection wild decrease die out loss reserve hunt zone in peace in danger(of) carpet respond distant fur relief in relief laughter burst into laughter mercy certain importance rub protectfrom mosquito insect contain powerful affect attention pay attention to apperciate succeed secure income employ harm bite dinosaur come into being inspect incident dust according to fierce so that ending roll folk jazz musician dream of pretend to be honest attach attachto form passer-by earn extra instrument perform performance pub cash in cash studio millionaire play jokes on actor rely erly on broadcast humorous familiar be/get familiar with or so break up auractive addition in addition sort out dip confident brief briefly devotion afterwards invitation beard sensitive painful above all take place beauty harvest celebration hunter starve origin religious ancestor in memory of mexico feast bone belief dress up trick play a trick on poet arrival gain independence independent gather agriculture agricultural award rooster admire energetic look forward to easter day and night clothing chrstian as though have fun with cusstom worldwide fool permission parking permillion parking parking lot turn up keep ones word hold ones breath apologize drown sadness obvious wipe woven weep set off remind remingof forgive forgiven diet nut bean pea cucunmber eggplant mushroom peach lemon balance balanced diet barbecue mutton roast fry ought ought to bacon lose weight slim curiosity hostess raw vinegar get away with lie customer discount carrot earn onts living debt in debt glare spy spy on ilmit limited benefit breast garlic sigh combine cut down before long put on weight birthplace bring up novel adventure phrase author scene wander pavement businessman permit ahead go ahead by accident bay stare fault spot passage account account for embassy seek patience contrary on the contrary envelope unbelievable steak pneapple dessert amount take a chance rude manner scream genuine rag in rags indeed as for bow barber astronomy system solar system religion theory atom billion globe violent in time carbon atmosphere unlike fundamental harmful acid chain multiply oxygen lay eggs existvgive birth to thus in ones turnvdioxide carbon dioxide preventfromv puzzle biology biologist gravity satellite gentle physicist block out climate crash spaceship pull cheer up float cabin now that break out watch out quiz minister prime minister rather than continent baggage chat scenery eastward westward upward surround harbour measure aboard settle down manage to do catch sight of eagle have a gift for within border slight slightly acre urban topic mix mixture bush maple frost confirm wealthy distance in the distance mist misty schoolmate booth downtown approximately dawn buffet broad nearby tradition terrify terrified pleased impress impressive achievement welfare project project institute specialist connection human being organization behave behaviour shade move off worthwhile nest bond observe observation childhood outspoken respect argue argument entertainment lead alife crowd crowd in inspire support look down upon/on refer refer to audience by chance come across rate sickness intend emergency generation kindness considerate consideration deliver carry on modest statistic sunburnt struggle decabe super output crop hunger disurbing expand circulate vietnam thanks to battle rid ridof be satisfied tith rfeedom would rather therefore equip grain export nationality occupation confuse regret chemical production bacteria pest build up lead to nutrition mineral discovery focus focus on soil reduce keepfree from/of root skim underline summary comment humour comedy up to now content feel/be content with performer astonish astonishing fortunate unfortunately badly off ordinary bored entertain throughout homeless moustache worn failure overcome leather pick out cut off chew convince convincing direct star in outstanding switzerland gesture particular particularly occasion budget actress throughout homeless moustache worn failure overcome leather pick out cut off chew convince convincing direct star in outstanding switzerland gesture particular particularly occasion budget actress slide amuse pancake explanation detective mountainous whisper vast mess react porridge drunk statement greet repressnt association dormitory canteen flight curious curiously colombia approach cheek defend defend against defence major misunderstand misunderstanding jordan dash adult spoken unspoken spain ltaly likely be likely to in general crossroads facial function ease at ease truly false anger lose face turn ones back to fist yawn subjective hug rank cassette theme central various cartoon be famous for whichever fantasy amusement swing attraction no wonder tourism wherever unique carpenter engine preserve length deed be modelled after sword tournament settler athletic translator minority cloth jungle creature sunlight advance in advance advanced brand get close to come to life outing admission shuttle freeway souvenir sneaker brochure characteristic radium painter put forward scientific conclude conclusion draw a conclusion analyse defeat expert attend physician expose exposeto cure challenge victim absorb suspect enquiry neighbourhood severe pump foresee blame pollute handle link linkto announce instruct construct construction contribute apart from firework chart positive (be)strict with movement make sense backward spin enthusiastic cautious reject universe unite kingdom consist consist of province divideinto clarify accomplish conflict unwilling break away(from) union credit to ones credit currency institution convenience rough roughly nationwide attract architecture collection administration port countryside enjoyable leave out description furnished fax possibility plus quarrel alike take the place of break down arrange wedding fold sightseeing delight royal uniform splendid statue communism thrill pot error tense consistent aspect impression take up constant constantly jet previous uncertain guide tablet capsule steward stewardess opening sidewqys surroundings surrounding tolerate lack adjustment mask be back on ones feet carriage press fasten belt safety belt lose sight of sweep up flash switch timetable slide into optimistic speed up mud desert citizen typist typewriter postage postcode button instant receiver dustbin ecology greedy swallow material recycle goods representative settlement motivation journalist editor photograph photographer delighted admirable unusual assist assistant submit profession professional colleague eager concentrate concentrate on amateur update assess inform deadline meanwhile depend on case accuse accuseof deliberately so as to(do sth) sceptical guilty dilemma demand publish section technical technically thorough gifted housewife crime edition ahead of department accurate senior polish chief approve process appointment aid temporary fall ill injury bleed ankle choke cupboard skin organ barrier poison ray complex varitty liquid radiation mild mildly pan stove tissue electric shock swell swollen scissors unbearable basin squeeze squeeze out over and over again bandage in place vital symptom kettle pour wrist damp sleeve blouse tight tightly firm firmly thorat ceremony bravery a number of put ones hands on treat apply pressure ambulance make a difference abstract sculpture gallery faith faithfully aim conventional typical evident adopt possess possession superb technique coincidence by coincidence a great deal shadow ridiculous controversial attempt on th


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