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语法一 =从句从句的做题思路=判定是什么从句一、关于定语从句(前提:懂得判断是哪一种从句)1 修饰某一名词或代词的句子叫定语从句。2 连接词that/which/who/whom/whose/when/where/why/as What/howthough) he likes her very much, he dare not tell her.=He dare not tell her, though he likes her very much. though(放主句后面不倒装)c. 动词提前Try as she may, she still couldnt convince her parents that she was more suitable for a lawyer than a teacher.d. 补语提前Pleasant as they made it to travel, we felt tired after the long journey.Although they made it pleasant to travel,2. 关于since/before/untilIt is/has been several months since we last spent the holiday in the country together.It was ten years since we had had such a wonderful time.Before He left before I could say “thank you” to him. 来不及Three years passed before I knew it. 才It wont be long before we have a monthly exam.It will be ten years before we meet again. It was ten years before they met again.Until/till (主句谓语持续性)Not until(主句谓语短暂性)George worked for IBM until/till 2000. 直到靠近,我才认出他。Until he came up to me, I recognized him. (此句错误)=I didnt recognize him until he came up to me.3. 关于“一就” Hardly when No sooner than As soon as The moment/time/minute/second +句子 Immediately/instantly/directly +句子 On doing/名词Hardly (No sooner) had I got home when (than) the rain poured down.The moment she saw the robber, she screamed.Instantly he saw the drowning girl, he jumped into the river.Upon arrival/ On arrival / On arriving, I will pay a visit to you first.4 It is/was +时间点+when 与强调句型的区别 It was midnight I fell asleep.A. when B. that C. while D. becauseIt was at noon we arrived in the village. A. before B. while C. when D. that5 Unless 如果不(除非)/if 如果 _you go all out to do the work, I dont think you can achieve your goal as planned.A. UnlessB. Even C. SinceD. TillHe never speaks _ he is spoken to, for he is not much of a speaker.A.when B.if C.unless D.until6 as if(though) 似乎/仿佛/好像 +真实/虚拟7 even if /though 即使8 in case/for fear that 以防/惟恐9 What/whatever/no matter what; how/however/no matter howWhat(ever) +名词 How(ever) +形容词/副词Whatever difficulties we meet with, it is best to face them and try to solve them.However late it is, Ill wait for you.No matter how busy he is, he is ready to help others.No matter +疑问词=引导状从疑问词 +ever=引导名从/状从Whatever you say, I wont believe you. = No matter what(状语从句)I wont believe whatever you say. = anything that(宾语从句) Whoever / No matter who comes, dont let him in. (状语从句)Whoever / Anyone who leaves last should turn off the lights. (主语从句)10 Where +句子 (特别是引导地点状从和定从的区别) I have forgotten where we went yesterday.Where we went yesterday is covered with all kinds of flowers.Oh! This is where we came yesterday. This is the place where/in which we came yesterday.I will make a mark where the teacher emphasizes.11 now that=since=when; in that=because; not thatbut that=not becausebut because12. 当先行词被the same,such,so修饰时,This is the same book as you bought yesterday. 同一类 .that 同一个This was so difficult a problem as we couldnt work out.(后面句子不完整)This was so difficult a problem that we couldnt work it out.(后面句子完整)This was such a difficult problem 1The famous scientist grew up _ he was born and in 1930 he went to Shanghai.A. when B. whenever C. where D. wherever2. The photo was taken _ stood a famous high tower.A. where B. in which C. which D. there3.You must be firm _ you think yourself to be right.A. in which B. where C. what D. no matter how4. The writer has written many English poems, _ his teachers and friends hadnt expected.A. as B. which C. of which D. that 5. Such things _ you described are rare now.A. like B. as C. that D. which6_ life pace continues to speed up, we are quickly losing up the art of enjoyment.A. With B. As C. when D. While 7_ the day went on, the weather got worse.A. With B. Since C. While D. As8After the war, a new school was put up _ there had been a theater.A. that B. where C. which D. what9You should make it a rule to leave things _ you can find them again.A. when B. where C. what D. which10_ it is true that a successful businessman or inventor will usually become rich, many other people who are outstanding in their fields take little notice of personal possessions.A. While B. Since C. Unless D. If 11. As we all know, it was _ that resulted the terrible accident.A. because of her carelessness B. her being careless C. because she was careless D. she was careless12The whole country cheered on Nov.15th _ China completed a clean sweep for the first victory in 18 years in regaining the Womens Volleyball World Cup title.A. that B. when C. until D. which13He had to be reminded two or three times_ he could avoid making the same mistakeAbefore B. when C. until D. as14. _ you dont have my phone number, its 780-7842. I look forward to meeting you soon.A In case B. On purpose C. As long as D. By the way15. Take this baggage and hang it _ you can find enough space.A. which B. in which C. at the place D. where 16. We shall never give in _ they might do or say about our plan.A. no matter how B. what C. whatever D. although 语法二 =非谓语非谓语做题思路1判断主被动2判断时间(要发生/正在进行/已完成)非谓语 =不能做谓语的动词形式 1 Doing 主动 正在进行 eg. The man standing there is my teacher.2 being done被动 正在进行 eg.I think the book being written by him will sell well.3 having done主动 已经完成 只能做状语eg Having finished his homework, he went out to play.4 having been done被动 已经完成 只能做状语eg Having been taken care of well, the old man recovered soon.5 done 被动 已经完成fallen leaves( 这里表完成,不表被动) The house broken into is my sisters.6 (onlyjust)to do主动 将来7 to be doing主动 正在进行8 to be done 被动 将来9 to have done主动 完成10 (to have been) done被动 完成非谓语Having done所表达的动作在谓语动作之前完成,一般放句首做状语。非谓语doing所表达


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