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Used to drag mountain national park tourism based on GIS spatial decision support systemAbstract:GSMNP) filled with many diversity, historic sites, and biological for visitors to explore and experience recreation opportunities. The park widely available to visit the potential activities to plan the park that will better balance their interest and limit caused great challenges. Because in the park in space and no space data association separation resources and activities, by using GIS to storage, management, analysis, and visualization of data became a reasonable choice. However, just GIS function is not enough to make the park visitors simple formulation program. This paper provides an easy-to-use graphic user interface design of GIS function and SDSS based on GIS spatial decision system (SDSS) used to help people visiting more efficiently GSMNP selection and planning their activities to balance their personal interests and restrictions.Keywords: geographic information systems; Spatial decision support system; National park; tourism 1. Introduction (GSMNP) is a full of biological diversity, historic sites, and recreation of opportunity for those inside the natural treasures to explore. With all the people in the park and enjoy the adventure something GSMNP), attracted (than any American other national park twice as many tourists. However, many tourists is all a came to the park, dont know where to begin to explore in the GSMNP provided in large amounts of optional activity. Even when they visit to know what likes to go to tourists, they often dont know where is the most to meet their expectations of place. A repeat visit the park visitors may also want to explore park new they havent involved, but except in some of the most famous in the park where the little destination outside. Most of the park visitors running along the park, path, and famous attractions activities, to explore equally attractive but not be known area. 308 square kilometers of GSMNP had something to give each came to the park and can have an unforgettable memories that will tourists wish and park resources of match up. This natural problems involved in the spatial aspect natural geographical information system (GIS) and spatial decision system (SDSS) application. This paper has provided a SDSS based on GIS application to assist park visitors find different hidden from the GSMNP treasures and matching their personal interest and the parks numerous available resources. Such a based on GIS for park visitors SDSS than will provide a useful tool to make their activity plan more convenient, and from matching personal interests and park resources to increase satisfaction.2. Background In 1934, GSMNP built, and is the eastern United Statess second largest national park (figure 1). It takes its extraordinary biological diversity, more than an estimated 100,000 species of plants and animals in this in famous in the world. More than 70% of forest park, in the eastern United States is providing the greatest forest landscape. The park from the amplitude of the elevation at the southwest corner of the park to the eastern United States 204 meters of Tennessee third highest peak, the highest point 1830 meters Clingman s Dome. Mountain ridges and valleys, in every corner of stunning scenery shows like Anakeesta outcrops of Charlies Bunion, The Chimneys and Needle s Eye address structure for park provides a unique individual character make visiting these classic people impressed. GSMNP elevation of amplitude the changes that like people from Georgianorth to Maine travel experience as the dimension of the change. For example, in a typical south lowland tree species, like liquidambar formosana is rich, but high some altitude in northern like can usually grow species gray mountain. In GSMNP vegetation, animal and climate in the lower elevations, walking and driving is a place in the high altitudes with local exploration will have a totally different experience. Wild flowers in the spring makes half full of vigour. Many tourists in the parks color to make their travel, whether color rich chun xias wild flowers or in September, October and Novembers color is gorgeous leaves. The waterfall is another good park attractions, and can in many areas and park tops found. Abrams waterfall and Laurel waterfall attracted the most attention, because they are the most easy to access, and more dramatic waterfalls SpruceFlats Falls and Forney Creek as Cascades are often careless tourists ignored. More than 528 kilometers of road and 33 kilometers of rivers and streams covered much of the park geographical areas. The kinds of animal park from insects to large mammals animal is white tail deer, elk and and bear. Park with the world most would-be RongYuan 30 species. Because of the abundance of the GSMNP met some wild animals is almost certain. Fishing is park another major attractions. The brook trout is the park and the only local species, rainbow trout and brown in cold streams trout is the massive capture. In addition to large quantities of biodiversity and topographical diversity, park also provides early Appalachian boundary of human history. Like in the northeast corner of the park at the southwest corner of the Cataloochee area and in the famous CadesCove through some recovery in the park the buildings, like the cabin, churches, barns, factories, schools, provide a picture of early human life. A factory, barns and houses in the small settlement can be found a series of low park. Makes people once called it out of the house of mountain graveyard in the whole park can they can find. Many tourists have been attracted to the human life border, and spend their time in the exploration of human history, this in GSMNP everywhere. GSMNP provides an idyllic setting give people enjoy solitude, a place to the family, a refuge to friends. For leisure car and camper hinterland camping ground and develop good campsitev are open to visitors. Some visitors enjoy Cades Cove bike through the relaxation, others want to find challenging to one of the many peaks in the park of hiking. Is fond of fishing and canoeing in the people enjoy streams, and boaters and turbulence Fontana Lake leisure skiers enjoy opportunities. Many national parks have a specific interest to cater to the tourists, and GSMNP in its area has can provide almost any to explore what the people. Given its beauty and place GSMNP attracts more than nine million every year, visitors will not curious. But, the park widely available to visit the potential activities to plan the park that will better satisfy their interest caused great challenges.3. GIS database created The first step TrailFinder SDSS development is to collect all kinds of GSMNP physical elements of the data set (for example: roads, and streams, path), park attractions (for example: waterfalls, observatories, historical sites, peak), and park facilities (e.g. visitor center, campsites, HuLinZhan, refuge). Most of the data sets from national park administration staff acquired the geographic information system. This project selection ArcGIS software (Environmental by telephone underInstitute, true Redlands, CA) as a development platform ArcObjects mainly because its open development environment. ArcObjects can be used for any Microsoft component object model compatible programming language to develop customized GIS application (Zeiler, 2001). This custom ability based on GIS in a developing custom SDSS in the analytical process and graphical user interface is vital. Data set is organized into a ArcGIS geographic database as separate elements class (equivalent to the layer; see map of GIS Zeiler, 1999). Each separate elements in such can be represented as SDSS analysis factor or limiting factor. Additional properties are added to the path of more effective elements to support analysis. For example: a wild flowers will be added to attribute the trail elements give users a choice of specific spring, summer or fall in standard of wild flowers. Based on the route arranged met wildflowers for perfect opportunity, very good, and good or bad. Because the objectivity of wildflower natural season, this option for winter is not optional. Each route was also give difficulty levels have simple, medium, difficult and hard to give users a choose specific they hope consumption much. These values from elevation gain, route, and system developer of slope experience. Deer, elk, the bears probability model is used to give the user another option to evaluate different paths meet wildflowers opportunities. 4. system design In TrailFinder SDSS himself suitable for solving the space application of decision-making problem appear. Analysis results not only dependent on various elements and attributes of distribution, but also rely on in reflect user personal influence decision-making process involves value decision. SDSS framework allows users to explore a variety of options to help support their decision-making process. Since each park visitors may have different restrictions (for example: physical conditions or time limit) and preferred activities (e.g., horseback riding, fishing, camping, ornamental flowers or wild animals), in system design contains a may be the decision-making process in the park visitors by considering the limitations and factor of comprehensive set is very important. In addition, the system must allow users to their designated various factors of the importance of decision making. These are the user specified limits, factors and important level is used to a TrailFinder SDSS were developed to for advice on path classification and a row after the most can satisfy user standard route algorithm. Figure 2 shows a system design flow chart. Design a user friendly interface, it will throughout the application to an intuitive and informative guide users, its way in application development in the important factor. The user interface should let users what they want to do and it is a relatively easy to communicate with system requirements (Densham and Rushton, 1987, p. 77). ArcObjects open development environment custom Visual Basic programming is used for TrailFinder SDSS application design easy to expand dialogue window and analysis process. In a graphical user interface requires no GIS knowledge of the user can use system way is design. When customers start TrailFinder SDSS application, they would like to see introduced with a system of welcome window. A group of limiting factors are given in this dialog for customers to choose. The first limit to provide users with a walk, ride horses, and in select three options or drive travel mode. If a user choose to walk, all the route will be included into the analysis. If the user specifies the way, only a horse riding will be analyzed. If the drive by choice, only for car open highway will be considered. The user can also click View Trail Map connection to browse includes all the Trail, in GSMNP riding route, good road Map. Next the user choice they want to experience the type of route. They chose a simple, medium, difficult, or difficult route difficulty level and specify they want to travel many miles on schedule. In the application of TrailFinder decision support analysis will show those to meet these standards route. The user then select the season they visit the park. Some of the roads and paths in winter is impassability done, and if chose winter also wont add to the output. And certain path only in spring, summer, fall wild flowers will exuberant. Users to choose season set up another route to consider restrictions. The final limit is whether that visitors to request specific facilities or resources park specific activity of the interested. For example: only those who have the refuge or remote camps path should be included only analysis, if visitors to rural communities camping excursion/travel interested. If the user selects the fishing activities in the selection box and only 1.02-3.20m buffer is users have the stream can be fishing in analysis path will be evaluated. Based on the users choice user interface limit the information provided in the application of narrow SDSS considered route number. Limit dialog box also includes a advanced search option. If the user know a particular elements in the park, they can inquire directly the elements of the data. Users simply input elements of the name, the system will display a map of the elements, and display a can reach his route list. For example, users can knock into The Charlie s Bunyon, The system output will include an amplified to a map of this area and one can reach The elements of The Appalachian Trail list includes route, The Heifer, how Boulevard Trail, Dry Trail Sluice Gap. This function when the user know they are going to want to see something and dont know where it is located very useful when. The next dialog allows users GSMNP assigns them to be in physical and cultural factors, visiting the important degree. There are two pages for different factors user ratings. All the factors of the important level with a default low as a start. If to a specific factors for users to have higher interest, he would be important for medium level change or high. Factor is more subdivision. The first kind, the interest points, including the waterfall, observatories, historical relics and natural sites. Park facilities including category includes the factor might be interested if the user program, when they visit the park when staying in the camp, or visit HuLinZhan or having a picnic. Another category of biological classification will park, and allows users to specify specific flora and fauna hierarchical factors, including wild flowers, deer, elk, deer, black bear. With more about the park when the biological diversity of data are available, the extra factor can be used to to join the user interface. Many visitors to the park to park facilities, and dont know they knew what classification based on. TrailFinder system design for each factors include a therefore links to other information page give users a designated for a factor in before an important level a chance to investigate the facilities. Each factor was hyperlinks to a display relevant factors position map and they each description information. For example, the waterfall factor was link to a display of the falls in the park all major map. The user can also through a on the map click view the pictures of every shop. Camping factor is connected to a remote hinterland retain information, with all the rules and regulations of the maps and each remote hinterland camp for independent pictures of users browse camp. Based on GIS TrailFinder SDSS analysis model of applications include two main customization assemblies. The first program sets read user specified will be used in the search space and the ArcGIS database query to identify a can meet user specified limit the restrictions. The candidate route A second program sets based on factors and they were users to choose important level to evaluate candidate route. The level of various factors importance are converted into digital weights assigned to each factor. A high important level of factor than other factors receives a higher weights. Each candidate route is all user specifies the respective balance the importance that the level of comprehensive evaluation by factor. For each candidate route generates a comprehensive score. For example, if a user will falls and black bear points high level; Flowers, campsites and observatories points medium level; The rest of the set to the default value, more importance assigned to a way of wild flowers line and after a may encounter the bears area of travel. Meeting these criteria and also contains the wildflowers, camping ground, or observatories route will get a higher score than other routes. If, while no falls and the black bear, a high, medium factors composite index route will be based on their integrated assessment report. When the analysis was finished, the system will display a map and a suggestion route report. These are suggested route is highlighted to map and users can get easy-to-use tools to explore the results. Users can be amplified and narrowing the map, roaming the way to click on specific elements interact information retrieval. The report includes a was suggested the list and each route route information collect. Users can interact with the tools described in front of each are advised to explore the display on the map to make final decision route. Users also have the opportunity to change their limits and preferences, and use the standard system based on changes to reassess route. Once you make a final decision, the user then show that they can from which entrance into the park. The system will automatically find from entry to choose the best path to the source of the route. A variety of options to help support


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