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-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 1 大学生英语演讲竞赛参赛选手演讲 稿( 精选多篇) 英特网会越来越流行 good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen: my topic today is “the internet will become more popular.” the internet, which was unfamiliar to human beings is totally accepted by most of people. especially these days, it has been developing faster and faster, people do not have much time to do everything by themselves. so making full use of the internet is a good way to color ones life. for instance, students could learn more and more from all over the world so that they -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 2 can broaden their horizon and enrich their knowledge. absolutely, the bridge that connects the whole world is the internet. secondly, scientists and mathematicians, too, can share research results in order to promote the wheel of human society much more quickly. i suppose the key factor of importance of internet is to find a good job . in the society which is full of competition, more information means more opportunities. a job hunter can get on the internet to browse for a favorable job. well, from what has been mentioned above, i believe with the high speed and efficiency, the internet will become more and more popular among people in the near future. 英特网会越来越流行 good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen: my topic today is “the internet will become more popular.” the internet, which was unfamiliar to human beings is totally accepted by most of people. especially -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 3 these days, it has been developing faster and faster, people do not have much time to do everything by themselves. so making full use of the internet is a good way to color ones life. for instance, students could learn more and more from all over the world so that they can broaden their horizon and enrich their knowledge. absolutely, the bridge that connects the whole world is the internet. secondly, scientists and mathematicians, too, can share research results in order to promote the wheel of human society much more quickly. i suppose the key factor of importance of internet is to find a good job . in the society which is full of competition, more information means more opportunities. a job hunter can get on the internet to browse for a favorable job. well, from what has been mentioned above, i believe with the high speed and efficiency, -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 4 the internet will become more and more popular among people in the near future. from: /fhylc/ /ksylc/ /bjw/ /bgty/ /dfpk/ ladies and gentlemen: good aftrnoon. my topic today is “the internet will become more popular.” the internet, which was unfamiliar to human beings is totally accepted by most of people. especially these days, it has been developing faster and faster, people do not have much time to do everything by themselves. so making full use of the internet is a good way to color ones life. for instance, students could learn more and more from all over the world so that they can broaden their horizon and -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 5 enrich their knowledge. absolutely, the bridge that connects the whole world is the internet. secondly, scientists and mathematicians, too, can share research results in order to promote the wheel of human society much more quickly. i suppose the key factor of importance of internet is to find a good job . in the society which is full of competition, more information means more opportunities. a job hunter can get on the internet to browse for a favorable job. well, from what has been mentioned above, i believe with the high speed and efficiency, the internet will become more and more popular among people in the near future. thank you very much! goodaftrnoon, ladies and gentlemen: my topic today is “the internet will -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 6 become more popular.” the internet, which was unfamiliar to human beings is totally accepted by most of people. especially these days, it has been developing faster and faster, people do not have much time to do everything by themselves. so making full use of the internet is a good way to color ones life. for instance, students could learn more and more from all over the world so that they can broaden their horizon and enrich their knowledge. absolutely, the bridge that connects the whole world is the internet. secondly, scientists and mathematicians, too, can share research results in order to promote the wheel of human society much more quickly. i suppose the key factor of importance of internet is to find a good job . -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 7 in the society which is full of competition, more information means more opportunities. a job hunter can get on the internet to browse for a favorable job. well, from what has been mentioned above, i believe with the high speed and efficiency, the internet will become more and more popular among people in the near future. thank you very much! 电信局党总支的参赛选手演讲稿 各位领导、各位评委、党员同志 们: 大家好。我是来自党总支 的参赛选手,今天我演讲的题目是为 用户服务,电信局党员冲锋在前 。 “喂,您好,欢迎使用中国电信 10000 号客户服务热线,请问有什么可 以帮您”?每当您在使用电话、小灵通 或上网遇到问题,拨打 10000 时 ,您就可以听到这样如和风般的 动听话语;当您的问题获得圆满解决后, -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 8 您是否感受到电信服务正如时下窗外和 煦的春风,轻柔地温暖着您的心田。 这,就是我们电信人的空中服务 厅,每天 24 小时,从不间断。我们的 另一个对外服务窗口营业厅,也是 一样。也许您会问:“ 他们整天不就是 接接电话,受理业务,动动嘴皮子吗? ”其实不然。营业厅的共产党员 同志说:“ 我作为一名普通的电信 营业员,每天都会遇到形形色色前来办 理各种业务的用户,有语调清晰谈吐文 雅的白领,有和蔼可亲慈眉善目的老人, 也有性急如火、易发脾气的急性子,我 们都会尽心尽力地为他们服务。我们最 大的快乐是解决用户的实际困难,同时 给他们推介我们的新业务,使用户的通 信过程更为畅通便捷,让用户切身体会 我们是在用心服务。 ” 对此,曾在老山前线荣立过二等 功的营业部主任共产党员 同志经常对他的部门员工说:“为用户 服务,首先,是要热心,能够站在用户 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 9 的角度去考虑问题,“ 想客户之所想,急 客户之所急” 。想象一下,如果我们是 不懂电信知识的普通用户,遇到了困难 或障碍,我们是多么渴望得到热心的帮 助啊!热心,是尽心尽力作好自己的本 职工作,换取用户的“ 放心 ”。 其次,要有耐心。既然用户咨询 问题,就是对我们的信任。也许,我们 的工作太细微,遇到的问题不一定每一 个都很重要,但我们决不能轻视这些小 问题,事无巨细,我们都应该耐心的给 予解答和解决。 还有一点那就是细心。整天与电 话号码、话费以及能精确到几分几秒的 通话菜单打交道,如果不能做到心细如 丝,那就可能“ 失之毫厘,谬以千里 ”。 任何一个错误,都会给用户和各个环节 的工作带来不必要的麻烦。只有捧出一 棵真心,用户才会信任你。在“用心服 务”的同时,带上我们真诚的微笑,给 用户留下温馨美好的印象。版权所有 由于用户需求的多样性,我们只 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 10 有立足自已的岗位,不断学习创新,总 结经验,提高自已,才能紧跟前进的步 伐,满足广大客户日益广泛和个性化的 需求,为他们提供优质的服务。如果说 服务工作是一座山,我们便是那登山的 人,学习就是那登山的镐;服务工作是 一条船,我们就是那划船的人,而学习 就是那划船的桨。只有学习才能解决工 作中的一切难题,正是在工作中这种学 习的磨砺,我们的精神更加富有,对未 来更加充满信心。 商业客户部的共产党员同 志正是这样一个典型。他不顾基础差、 年龄偏大等不利条件,带头积极自学, 经常不耻下问,还率先在家中自费购置 电脑上网,下班后就投入到学习中,现 在他已成为我们定远电信的宽带服务专 家。为用户服务,他有这样的感触, “每 次当用户深夜找到我们的时候,我们理 解用户不能上网时是多么的着急,我们 没有推脱,而是义无返顾地为用户解决。 因为我们时刻铭记着用户至上、用心 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 11 服务的含义!当用户快乐的使用着中 国电信的宽带网时,我们心里比蜜还要 甜”。 我们常说,用户就是上帝。也许, 大家会觉得上帝虚幻了一些,其实,用 户就是实实在在的人群,需要的是实实 在在的感觉,而这感觉就是来自我们所 提供的实实在在的服务。为他们服务是 光荣的,光荣的根源在于我们以
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