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1、Lesson 2 Hiroshimathe “Liveliest” City in Japan,Book 1, Zhang Hanxi,Teaching plan,1. Warm-up questions 2. Background information 3. Writing style and skills 4. Rhetorical devices 5. Detailed study 6. Exercises after the text 7. Homework,1. warm-up questions,(1) Can you illustrate the greatest invent

2、ions all over the world? How would it affect people? (2)What do you know about Japanese tradition? What do you think of Japan and Japanese people?,(3)Is the Anti-Japanese War a psychological scar in our mind? Shall we always keep it in mind?,Wikipedia: ground zero,The Hiroshima Prefectural Industria

3、l Promotion Hall was only 150 m from the hypocenter, or ground zero, of the atomic bomb explosion over Hiroshima.,The term Ground Zero may be used to describe the point on the earths surface where an explosion occurs. In the case of an explosion above the ground, Ground Zero refers to the point on t

4、he ground directly below explosion (see hypocenter). The term has often been associated with nuclear explosions and other large bombs, but is also used in relation to earthquakes, epidemics and other disasters to mark the point of the most severe damage or destruction. Damage gradually decreases wit

5、h distance from this point.,A City of Peace,Hiroshima overcame the tragic atomic bombing to become a city that symbolizes peace and extols humanity. The A-bomb experience is the wellspring of Hiroshimas continual plea for the abolition of nuclear weapons. Along with this, to preserve the sanctity 圣洁

6、of human life, personal dignity, and the opportunity to lead a tranquil安静的 life in a comfortable environment, we intend to be a city that contributes to lasting world peace through national, regional, and interpersonal exchange.,A City of Culture,While preserving our plentiful water, greenery, and n

7、atural environment to create a safe, comfortable, pleasant, and high-quality urban environment, we intend to be a city where people lead energetic, healthy, comfortable, and worthwhile lives, an energetic city that attracts people, a city that fosters culture and humanity.,An International City,Taki

8、ng advantage of the refined sensibilities and natural creativity of its people and its wealth of technology and culture, the City of Hiroshima will promote vigorous international exchanges, cooperation, and joint activities in business, culture, sports, academics, and other fields. At the same time,

9、 as the core city of the Chugoku-Shikoku中国-四国 Region, it seeks to become a vital, outward-looking hub with sufficient urban functions and infrastructure to support these activities.,本片是由加拿大和日本1995年合拍的一部电视电影。影片在几位亲身经历二战的老兵的回忆中,以详尽的史实和鲜为人知的、大量的历史镜头真实地再现了那段惨绝人寰的战争。影片中国际较量、尔虞我诈的政治斗争和宏大的战争场面都将给观众留下难忘的记忆。

10、,本片导演罗杰斯波蒂斯伍德从1971年替影片大丈夫担任剪辑而开始涉足影坛。1982年由他编导的动作片48小时和次年导演的战争片危城十日,让他声名渐扬。直到1997年导演了007系列的明日帝国,罗杰斯波蒂斯伍德才声誉大振,成为知名导演,而2000年的第六日更增加了他在国际影坛上的知名度。,Questions for understanding Para 1,1. What is the author? His nationality? 2. How did he get to Hiroshima? 3. What was weighing heavily on his mind? What do

11、es he come to Hiroshima for? What was his attitude towards Hiroshima? 4. Why did he call his trip to Hiroshima a far great adventure?,Questions for understanding,5. What impression do you have about the cab driver? 6. How did the author think of the Japanese people? 7. Why did the usher heave a long

12、 almost musical sigh? What effect does this have on you?,Detailed Study of the Text,1. slip: to move glidingly, smoothly, secretly or unnoticed 2. lump: a mass of sth. solid without a special size or shape a lump of lead, sugar Black coffee, 2 lumps, please! a hard swelling on the body She was afrai

13、d when she felt a lump in her left breast.,to have a lump in ones throat: to have a tight feeling in the throat because of strong emotion, such as sorrow, pity, gratitude, or excitement, etc. All during her husbands funeral, she had a lump in her throat. Johns mother had a lump in her throat at his

14、college graduation.,Detailed Study of the Text,3.on my mind: troubling ones thoughts, causing anxiety, unhappiness. When you have sth. on your mind, you are completely preoccupied and obsessed. His failure weighs heavily on his mind. He has got too much on his mind to worry about your problem.,Detai

15、led Study of the Text,cf: in ones mind: think about, think of I think I know whats in your mind. Her mother was always in her mind.,Detailed Study of the Text,4. the very act of stepping on this soil: Action and act: Action refers primarily to the process of acting; act to the result, the things don

16、e. eg.The rescue of a shipwrecked crew is a heroic action while the launching of the lifeboat, a brave act.,Detailed Study of the Text,on this soil: on this land, on this earth, ground (soil: an emotive word) A person in exile comes back to his motherland, he kneels down to kiss the soil. Here it su

17、ggests the emotion of the author. He thinks his country is responsible for the A-bomb destruction. He is preoccupied. He has the feeling of atoning for偿还 the crime.,Detailed Study of the Text,Rhetorics: Metonymy(借代、换喻),Metonymy can be derived from various sources: a. Names of persons Uncle Sam: the

18、USA b. Animals the bear: the Soviet Union the dragon : the Chinese (a fight between the bear and the dragon) c. Parts of the body heart: feelings and emotions head, brain: wisdom, intelligence, reason grey hair: old age,d. Profession: the press: newspapers, reporters etc. He met the press yesterday

19、evening at the Grand Hotel. the bar: the legal profession e. location of government, business etc. Downing Street: the British Government the White House: the US president and his government the Capital Hill: US Congress Wall Street: US financial circles Hollywood: American filmmaking industry,5. ad

20、venture: a journey that is strange and exciting and often dangerous, sth. you do or a situation you become involved in that is rather unusual, exciting and dangerous. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,Detailed Study of the Text,Detailed Study of the Text,6. reportorial:

21、 of / about a reporter the adj. form of reporter 7. crime: an offence which is punishable by law, an immoral act,rhetorics,Rhetorical Question: a question that needs no answer, but used for emphasis,9. preoccupy: to fill ones mind completely so that not enough attention is given to other present mat

22、ters When he is preoccupied with his hobby, he has no idea of what is going on around him. I was too preoccupied to hear the bell. He had a preoccupied look on his face, as if sth. was troubling him.,Detailed Study of the Text,preoccupation: extreme concern for sth. Reading is his main preoccupation

23、 It seemed to me that the Japanese did not have the same extreme concern which is bothering me. I was totally absorbed in the consideration of the crime, but the Japanese did not appear to be so.,Detailed Study of the Text,10. rub shoulders with: to meet and mix with (people) This is not the sort of

24、 club where the great rub shoulders with the humble. A person in my position rubs shoulders with all kinds of people. In our class, people of all trades (porter, carpenter, coppersmith, etc.) rubber shoulders with each other.,Detailed Study of the Text,11. oblivious: be unaware of, not noticing, unc

25、onscious of, lacking mindful attention Their government is oblivious of the rights of the poor. I am oblivious of my former failure. I was so preoccupied with the book that I was oblivious of the surroundings.,Detailed Study of the Text,eg.I was so preoccupied with the beautiful woman I met on the b

26、us that I was oblivious of the pickpocket beside me / of what the conductress was yelling when the bus came to a stop.,Detailed Study of the Text,Detailed Study of the Text,12. bob: to move up and down quickly and repeatedly eg.The cork软木 on the fishing line bobbed up and down on the water.,13. rite

27、: a ceremonial act with a fixed pattern, usu. for a religious purpose, form of behaviour with a fixed pattern I dont know much about the rites of that church. Secret society has their special rites. ceremonial / burial / marriage rites On Sunday we make our ritual visit to the the pub at lunchtime.

28、(humorous usage),Detailed Study of the Text,14. formula: an expression which is often used in a particular situation, esp. one that has come to sound stupid and meaningless They exchanged the set of conventionally fixed pattern of daily greetings.,Detailed Study of the Text,Detailed Study of the Tex

29、t,15. facade: front or face of a building towards a street or open place 16. grin: broad smile that shows the teeth. It intends to imply naive cheerfulness. 17. rear-view mirror: a mirror (as in an automobile) that gives a view of the area behind the vehicle,Detailed Study of the Text,18. martyr: pe

30、rson who is put to death or caused to suffer for his beliefs a martyr to a cause / love / duty Eternal life to the revolutionary martyrs! v.: to put to death, cause to suffer, to torture out of cruelty,Detailed Study of the Text,19. lurch: to move with irregular sudden movements, to move unsteadily,

31、 clumsily, with heavy rolling and swaying back and forth 20. in response to: as an answer to She opened the door in response to the knock.,Detailed Study of the Text,In response to your inquiries, we regret to inform you that we cannot help you in this matter. Twice I put the request to him but he s

32、aid nothing in response.,Detailed Study of the Text,21. twist: to wind a number of threads, etc. together to make a rope by twisting threads to twist the hair to make it curl to turn, to change direction abruptly to twist the cap of a tube of tooth paste He twisted my arm. Give the handle a twist, t

33、hat will open the box.,Detailed Study of the Text,22. screech: to make a sharp, high-pitched noise 23. halt: to stop or pause, mainly used in the phrase come to a halt 24. ignorance: lack of knowledge Please forgive our ignorance. Poverty, disease and ignorance remain major world problems. We are in

34、 complete ignorance of his plan.,Detailed Study of the Text,ignorant: To be ignorant of sth. is not to know it. He is quite ignorant of Latin. She was ignorant of his presence.,Detailed Study of the Text,cf: disregard, neglect material worldly as opposed to spiritual earthly care: daily life and worries, cares on the earth which is in contrast with that in heaven, in death.,Detailed Study of the Text,3. Writing style and skills,Style: narration Elements: when where what who how,when many years after the atomic bombing where the city of Hiroshi


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