



1、2019年高考英语数词名词专题复习一、专有名词主要是指人名、地名或某类人或事物的名称,如Beijing,China等普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadness等。普通名词(Common Nouns)1不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns)抽象名词(Abstract Nouns/物质名词(Material Nouns)2可数名词(Countable Nouns)集体名词(Collective Nouns)/ 个体名词(Individual Nouns)个体名词和集体名词可以用数目来计算,称为可数名词(Countable Nouns),物质名词和抽象名词一

2、般无法用数目计算,称为不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns)。二、Proper Nouns:指人名、地名及某些人和事物专有的名称Diana; Beijing; Americans; English; May; New Years Day专有名词的第一个字母要大写专有名词如果是含有普通名词的短语,则必须使用定冠词the姓氏名如果采用复数形式,则表示该姓氏一家人(复数含义)翻译:1长城_ _ _2颐和园_ _ _3紫禁城_ _ _ 4美国_ _ _5联合国_ _ _6怀特一家 7布朗一家 三不可数名词1Abstract Nouns:表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念2Material

3、Nouns: 指无法分为个体的物质常见的不可数名词:进步 喜悦 趣味,乐趣 兴奋 消息 信息 纸张 水 牛奶 忠告 行李 设备 一杯水 两张纸 三瓶牛奶 一则好消息 在。取得进步 改错:1The progress he has made in art are beyond what we can imagine.2 Would you like to be kind enough to give me some advices on how to learn English well?3 May I have your attention please? Here are some good

4、news for you.4Some people think cooking is really a fun.Collective Nouns: 表示若干个个体组成的集合体army; audience; crew; family; team; police; government; public四、集体名词集体名词有时作单数看待,有时作复数看。一般来说,视为整体时作单数看,突出它的成员时作复数看。His family _ not large. (be)His family _ all music lovers. (be)集体名词只用作复数:police , cattle , people 警

5、方正在搜寻与那个案子相关的证据The police _ _ _ the evidence related to the case.牛主要靠吃草为生。Cattle _ _ _ grass.集体名词用作不可数名词: clothing, jewellery, furniture, luggage (baggage),machinery, wealth五、名词的数1.规则名词单复数变化:(1)一般的词,包括元音字母加y结尾的词,直接在词尾加s(2)以-s, -x, -ch, -sh结尾的词在词尾加es box watch match class fox branch (3)以辅音字母加y结尾的词,变y

6、为i再加esfactory dictionary library city boy valley toy way ray day play key (4)以f或fe结尾的词,应变f或fe为v再加-eslife wife knife half leaf, wolf thief roof proof belief chief (5) 以o结尾的有生命的词加es;无生命的加s:以oo结尾的加sphoto radio piano zoo studio bamboo kangroo tomato potato, hero (6)改变字母man woman policeman saleswoman foo

7、t tooth goose mouse (7)加字母child ox 改错1His company has several branch in big cities such as Beijing and Guangzhou.2Children should learn to share toies with their partners.3 He never goes to work on feet.4 He has offered much proofs to prove he is not guilty.(8)名词只能用复数形式的短语做操 做笔记 轮流 交朋友 握手 如下 大量地,大批的

8、 六、名词的所有格1原则上只用于表示有生命的人或物的名词用s属格,如:the teachers book; the horses tail2of属格:多用于无生命现象的名词当一个名词有较长的定语时,就只能用of短语来表示所有关系。书的封面 名胜地 李平弟弟的玩具 3以s结尾的复数名词的所有格形式只在词后加教师节 难童鞋 妇女节 儿童节 两者或两者以上共有的所有格形式只在后者用所有格形式,如:Tom and Mikes room;若表示分别拥有时,则要在每个名词后用所有格形式,如:Toms and Mikes rooms约翰与乔丹共住的房子装饰得很好。_ is well decorated.七、

9、名词在句子中的作用 (Function)功 能 例 子 主语Bush was elected president. 表语These are not goats but sheep. 宾语She was reading a book.同位语Mr. Smith, the manager, will host the meeting. 定语You are supposed to gather at the school gate. 补语Marx made London the base of revolution. 状语The couple walked shoulder to shoulder.

10、呼语Be quiet, children. 连词The moment they saw the tower, they cheered.专题综合测试(一)一、 单句填空1.My first (impress)of her was that she was a kind and beautiful business woman.2.In most countries,either paper of other things made from metal (be)recycled for future use.3.Large amounts of money (be)spent on the b

11、ridge,which (expect)to be completed the next students (be)boys,and part of them (be)interested in biology.5.Do you still believe in your next-friend?-yes,I always hold the (believe) that he is an honest fellow.6.Still many students havent realized reading English newspapers (be)of great help to thei

12、r English study.7.Yesterday,an expert together with some assistants, (send)there to help them.8.The minister stressed that under no circumstances (be)the disabled to be looked down upon.9.Anyway,I cant cheat parentsits against all my (principle).10.What the Chinese teacher does and says (be)of great

13、 importance to students.11.Are you prepared for the questions can be beyond (expect)and difficult to answer at times.12.Do you know why Jane was so angry? -Her roommate gave in to (curious)and opened the letter addressed to her.13. Hapiness and success (dependence)on ourselves, and we must seize the

14、 chance.14.We bought the house for its (convenient).It is very near the shop where I work.15.Not only I but also Jane and Mary (be)tired of the examination one after another.二、语法填空 Sometimes Chinese English teachers 1(puzzle)by such questions as “Can you tell me how to read smoothly?” “Have you got

15、any skills in reading?” Actually, many of the teachers cant give students an efficient way to deal with reading. Anyway, 2 often simply say, “Read more and practice more,and you 3 (get)more experience in English reading.”Frankly,these teachers good 4 (suggest)are only helpful to deal with 5 (various

16、)of questions in the examinations of reading comprehension.Personally,I think the skill for reading comprehension should be based 6 the knowledge of English writing.Since the English passages 7 (write)under some rules or principles,the science of reading and understanding may have a close relationsh

17、ip with writing.Reading comprehension cant be independent from the knowledge of writing. So 8 (do) better in reading comprehension,we should learn the knowledge of writing, study how questions 9 (design)and the relationship 10 questions and the reading materials. 专题综合测试(二)一、单句填空1.She apologized to m

18、e for her inappropriate (behave)toward me .2.My (suggest)is that we should always have a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach.3.I have many bad (habit).Which one should I give up first?4.She was saying mean things about Sarah to other friends when she didnt know the (true),but I dont want to

19、 tell her that to her face.5.Oh,here (come)the waiter.6.Most of the (family)of the this village have private cars.7.In (real),violent crimes are still extreme rare.8.My sister is easy to recognize as shes the only one of the women who _(wear)evening dress.9.At present,one of the arguments in favor o

20、f the new airport (be)that it will bring a lot of jobs to the area.10.It is ones inner beauty that (matter).11.I love traveling and seeing different (place).12.There was some (confuse)as to whether we had won or lost.13.He never ceased to be amazed by her (strong).14.They have changed the (appear)of

21、 the whole house.15.The entrance of the underground is five (minute)walk from here.二、语法填空 Jane was walking round the department store.She remembered how difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father.She wished that he was as easy to please as her mother, 1 was always delighted with perfume. Besides,shopping at this time of the year 2 (be)not a pleasant experience:people stepped on your 3 (foot)or pushed you with their elbows,hurrying ahead to get to a bar


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