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1、考研词汇专题, 翻译词汇专题,Alex,appetite pitait 食欲,胃口 欲望(for) 兴趣,趣味,嗜好,爱好(for),How about your appetite today? 今天你的胃口怎么样? Doctor: how is your appetite? 医生:怎么是你的胃口? Money can buy food, but not an appetite. 钱可以买到食物,却买不到好胃口。,2009,association ,susiein; ,suiei- n. 联合,联系;结合;关联;交往,交际,结交 友谊;伙伴(或合伙、合作、合股)关系 协会,团体,社团,会,社,

2、学会,联合会;联盟,同盟,Association to allow more beautiful to attract our eyes become hot! 让更多美好的公会成为吸引我们目光的热点! The association in this model of entrepreneurship with high levels of innovation, technology, scale and growth. 这种企业人培训的模式结合了高水平的创新,科技规模以及发展。,deliberate dilibrt adj. 深思熟虑的,深谋远虑的,考虑周到的 慎重的,谨慎的,审慎的,仔细

3、的 故意的,蓄意的,有意的,存心的,预谋的 沉着的,从容(不迫)的,不慌不忙的;悠闲的 vt. 仔细考虑,慎重考虑,思考: to deliberate a question 思考问题 She deliberated her decision for several days. 她对她的决定仔细考虑了几天。 讨论;商议,商量,磋商: We deliberated the difficult problems. 我们研讨了这些难题。 vi. 仔细考虑,深思熟虑,反复考虑,思考(about,on,upon,over): The director deliberated for a long time

4、 before giving his decision. 在做出决定之前,主任仔细斟酌了很久。 讨论,商议,协商(about,on,upon,over),disposition ,dispzin n. 性格;懒惰,脾气,气质 倾向(性),意向,癖性 物质自然的倾向 (房屋的)布置;排列;配置;安排;整理 常用复数【军事】(部队的)部署,How to control oneself disposition? 怎样控制自己的脾气? We hold the goods at your disposition. 咱们保留货物等候你们处置。,enslavement insleivmnt n. 奴役;征服

5、;束缚 被奴役;被征服;被束缚,It is, in fact, an act of enslavement. 实施上,它就是一种对人奴役的行为。 Enslavement of Aborigines through forced labor. 奴役原住民族的制劳动力。 Love saw the enslavement of sin, and sought an instrument of emancipation. 爱是看见了罪的奴性,就寻找一个释放的途径。,express ikspres vt. 表达;快递 adj. 明确的;迅速的;专门的 n. 快车,快递,专使;捷运公司,to expres

6、s an idea clearly 清楚地讲述(或表达)一个想法 Flowers express feelings in the best way . 鲜花表达感情的最好的方法。,for the most part adv. 就绝大部分而言,在极大程度上;多半,大部分;一般地;大概;大抵,Make good food choices for the most part, but try to make room for a treat. 在大多数情况下选择一种好的食品,而且试图为治疗腾出空间。 The BBC gets its funding from the Government/publi

7、c: TV licence secure it, for the most part. BBC从政府/公众获得资金:在很大程度上,电视特许执照确保了这一点。,headway hedwei n. 前进;前进速度 进步,进展 【航海学】航速;全速航行 主英国英语(同一航班、列车、公共汽车运行时的)两班间隔时间;间隔距离,The ship made little headway in the storm. 航船在“暴风骤雨”中几乎无法前进。 We are making little headway with the negotiations. 我们在谈判中没有取得什麽进展。,incidental ,

8、insidentl adj. 附带的,伴随的,次要的,非主要的 偶然发生的 易于发生的;难免的 由引起的 n. 附带事件,小事 偶然事件,The time in which equipment is in actual use, such as production time, incidental time, development time (program), etc. 指实际使用设备的时间,例如生产时间、附随工作时间、程序开发时间等等。,The picnic planners left out of account that it might rain. 计划去野餐的人没考虑到会下雨。

9、 Both from this side and from the other we are also reproached for leaving out of account the solidarity of mankind and considering man in isolation. 从这两方面,我们又被指责为无见于人类的协和一致,而认为人是处于孤立之中。,out of account 不考虑 ,置之度外,overrule ,uvru:l vt. 驳回,批驳;宣布无效;拒绝: to overrule an objection 驳回不同意见 否决(或驳回)的意见: The Pres

10、ident has overruled the bill. 总统已否决了该项议案。 压制,(在压力下)使变更: He had to overrule his petty officials to accept him. 他不得不压制他的下属接受他的观点。 统治,支配;对施加影响;掌握: to overrule the whole world 主宰全世界 to overrule the nuclear reaction,secure sikju adj. 安全的;无虑的;有把握的;稳当的 vt. 保护;弄到;招致;缚住 vi. 获得安全;船抛锚;停止工作,The dam secured the

11、city from the flood. 这座大坝保护了该城免受洪水的袭击。 Can you secure me two good seats for the concert? 你能为我弄到两张音乐会好座位的票吗? Provide secure shelter for poultry, rabbits and other animals that could be attacked. 提供安全的庇护所的家禽,兔和其他动物就可能受到攻击。,tuition tju:in n. 学费;辅导费 教学;讲授;教诲,In the suitcase, the guitar tutor found the t

12、uition by intuition. 在手提箱里,吉他导师凭直觉发现了学费。 Even in England, tuition fees are capped by the government at low levels. 在英国,甚至学费被政府限制在一个很低的水平上。 Due to high tuition fee, most of ordinary families cannot afford to send their children to boarding schools. 因为较高的学费,大部分普通家庭无法担负他们的孩子上寄宿学校的费用。,2008,disclaim disk

13、leim vt. 否认,拒绝;放弃,弃权;拒绝承认 vi. 否认;放弃;弃权,She disclaimed responsibility for the accident. 她拒绝对事故承担责任。 We disclaim sympathy with him in practical action. 我们在实际行动中不予他以同情; The manufacturers disclaim all responsibility for the damage caused by misuse. 制造商拒绝因使用不当而造成损坏承担责任。,intent intent n. 意图;目的 意义;含义;意思 【法

14、律】(犯罪或侵权行为的)故意 adj. (注意力等)集中的;目不转睛的 专心致志的;专心的 下决心的;坚决的;有固定目标的 急切的;渴望的 intently adv. 专心地;一心一意地;心无旁物地,A 10-year-old Chinese boy listens intently as a visiting researcher tells him a story. 一个10岁的中国男孩正专注地听着一名来访研究员给他说的故事。 Find a quiet place where you can be alone and intently listen to your heart where

15、God communicates. 找一安静你可以独处的地方,专注地以你心聆听,这是主与你交通之处。,as well founded 有说服力的,站的住脚的 no power of reasoning (丝毫)没有推理能力 adds humbly 谦卑地附加说;还谦虚地说 common/ general/ ordinary/ usual run of sth 普通类型的 common run of men 普通人 be injurious to 对产生危害;对有害;有害 moral character 道德人格,道德个性,2007,discipline disiplin n. 学科;纪律;训练

16、;惩罚 vt. 训练,训导;惩戒,The football team was disciplined by a professional trainer. 这支足球队受过专业教练员的训练。 Good schools have good discipline. 好的学校有好的纪律。 It requires discipline and time to follow correctly. 正确地遵循咜们需要训练及时间。,forge f:d n. 熔炉,锻铁炉;铁工厂 vi. 伪造;做锻工 vt. 伪造;锻造,The smith forged the horseshoe with great ski

17、ll. 那铁匠非常熟练地锻造马蹄铁。 They forge the signatures of consumers. 他们伪造消费者的签名。 After graduating, we would step into the social forge. 毕业后我们都将步入社会的大熔炉。,part and parcel (of) 重要(或主要、基本)部分;不可缺少的部分,In other words, we regard morality as rooted in the nature of things, part and parcel of the world, as discoverable

18、 as the other facts of nature. 换言之,我们认为道德观植根于事物的本性之中,是世界的重要部分,与自然界中其他事物一样,是可以被发现的。,undue ,ndju: adj. 不合适的;不恰当的;不正当的 过度的;过分的;不合情理的 尚未到期的,He showed undue concern over her. 他对她表现出过分的关心。 Humility needs to be pitched with much care lest it lets people take undue advantage of you. 但是你需要很小心的对待谦逊,因为人们会不适当的利

19、用你的谦逊。,2006,articulate :tikjult; :tikjuleit adj. (人讲话)发音清晰的,分节发音的,分明的,可听懂的 能说话的,有说话能力的 (人)表达能力强的,善于表达的,口才好的;嘴快的,心直口快的 表达得清楚有力的;能系统地阐述的,清楚地提出的 清晰的;有明显特征的 组织缜密的;精心构思的;结成有机整体的,When I asked a question, he answered it fully and articulately. 当我提一些问题时,他都会尽力完整明白地解释给我听。 Cultivating an appreciation for other

20、 art forms will enhance your ability to write articulately about film. 培养对于其它种类艺术的鉴赏能力,得以让你明白了当地评论一部电影。,cook kuk vt. 烹调,煮,烧,做(饭): She cooked her meals on a gas range. 她在煤气灶上做饭。 篡改;伪造(账目等): Lily was dismissed from the bank for cooking the books. 莉莉由于篡改账目被银行开除了。 vi. 烹调,做菜 n. 厨师,厨子,doctor dkt n. 医生;博士

21、vt. 修理;窜改,伪造;在(食品中)搀料,为(食品)加添加剂; 为治病;授以博士学位 vi. 就医;行医,He doctored up his plans. 他窜改了计划。 He doctored the accounts. 他窜改了账目。 to doctor the wine 在酒里搀麻醉药; to doctor up the food with spices 在菜里搀入香料,in the light of 按照,根据,依照;鉴于,由于,考虑到,照顾到;从的观点 亦作 in light of,But it has an equally sacred right to explain tha

22、t position in the light of the opposing one, to document that position, and to bolster it, not with emotion but with fact. 但它也拥有一种同样神圣的权利,从对立者的角度去阐明自己的观点,以实据证明自己的立场,用事实而不是以感情去作证自己的论点。,of great account 很重要的;很有价值的;很有意义的;很有威望的 of small account 不大重要的;没有多大价值的 of no account 不重要,plead pli:d vt. 借口;为.辩护;托称

23、vi. 恳求;辩护,The woman charged with murder was said to be mad and unfit to plead. 被控犯谋杀罪的女人据说疯了,因此不适合出庭申辩。 Everyone should have a lawyer to plead his case. 每个人都应该有个律师为他的案件辩护。 That nurse should not plead inexperience in excuse of her mistake. 那个护士不应该借口缺乏经验来为她的错误辩解。,2005,identity aidentti n. 同一,一致;同一性;相同

24、 身份;本身;本体 同一人;同一物 个性;特性,You are beginning to awaken this identity within yourself. 你们已经开始唤醒自己内在这一身份。 It helps build an identity for a small boutique, says Johnson, 29. “它帮助小精品店建立一个名份,”29岁的约翰逊说。 In fact, we had no reason to expect complete identity of classical and quantum mechanical forms. 事实上我们也没有理

25、由要求经典形式同量子力学的形式完全一致。,integration ,intirein n. 结合;综合;整体;一体化 集成,Secondly, the issue of safe production should be to focus on integration. 其次,安全生产问题应该在整合中加以重点考虑。 The market integration advancement will affect the region economy development in many aspects. 市场一体化的推进将在许多方面影响区域经济发展。,other than 与不同,非 除了,Ha

26、ve we anything to drink other than milk? 除了牛奶我们还有什么可以喝的。 Can we talk about something other than sex? 除了性,我们就不能说点别的吗? No one can plan my future, other than myself. 没有人可以为我规划未来,除了我自己。,overwhelmingly adv. overwhelming的变形 overwhelming ,uvhwelmi adj. 势不可挡的,压倒之势的 制服的;无法抗拒的,Recognizing the threat to our country, the United States Congress voted overwhelmingly last year to support the use of force against Iraq. 美国国会,认识到


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