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1、最新 料推荐Beneath billowing clouds,在翻騰的雲霧之下3inChinas far southwestern Yunnanprovince,處在中國西南邊境的雲南省4lies a placeof mystery and legend. 是個充滿神秘與傳奇的地方5Of mighty rivers and some of the oldest jungles in the world.這裏有浩瀚的河川及世上年代最悠久的森林6Here, hidden valleysnurturestrange andunique creatures,隱密的溪谷培育出不可思議及罕見珍奇的生物7a

2、nd colorful tribalcultures.和多采多姿的民族文化8 Jungles are rarely found this far north of the tropics.離熱帶地區這麼遠的北邊森林是很罕見的景觀9 So, why do they thrive here?那麼此區為何會有茂盛的森林?10And howhas this rugged landscape come to harbor thegreatest natural wealth in all China? 這麼惡劣的地理環境是如何庇護全中國最重要的自然資源?14In the remote southwest

3、 corner of China,在中國西南方的偏僻角落一個慶典即將舉行15a celebration is about to take place. 16Dai people collect water for themost important festival of their year.傣人為他們一年中最重要的節慶取水17The Daicall themselves the people of the water. 傣族人自稱為水鄉之人18Yunnans rivervalleys have been their home for over 2,000 years. 兩千多年來他們一直以

4、雲南的河谷為家19 By bringing the river water to the temple,他們將河水帶到佛寺20they honor thetwo things holiest to them- 以河水浴佛來體現他們認為最神聖的兩件事21Buddhismandtheirhome. 佛教與家庭 23The Dai give thanks forthe rivers and fertile lands whichhave nurtured their culture. 傣族以此敬謝河川與良地豐富了他們的文化與生活25Though to some it might seem just

5、an excuse for the biggest water fight of all time.也許對某些人來說這個潑水儀式只是藉口讓他們打場最過癮的水戰27Dai livesarechanging astowns get bigger and modernize 由於城鎮的擴大及都市化傣族的生活形態正逐漸改變28buttheWater Splashing Festivals still celebrated byall. 但大家仍會慶祝潑水節29The rivers which lie at the heart of Dai life and culture河川深深影響傣族的生活和文化3

6、0flow from the distant mountains of Tibet, 河流源自遙遠的西藏高山31southwardthrough central Yunnan in great parallel gorges. 往南流經雲南中部穿越重重的巨大峽谷32 The Dai now live in the borders of tropical Vietnam and Laos,如今傣族居住在鄰近越南與泰國的熱帶地區33but their legends tell of how their ancestors came here但他們的傳奇故事敍述了祖先如何沿著河流34by follo

7、wingthe rivers from mountainland sinthe cold far north. 從遙遠寒冷的北方高地來到這裏35 Lying at the far eastern end oftheHimalayas, 橫斷山脈位於喜瑪拉雅山最東邊36theHengduanmountains formYunnans northernborderwith Tibet. 是雲南北方與西藏的邊界37Kawakarpo, crownof the Hengduan range,is a site of holy pilgrimage.橫斷山脈的頂峰卡瓦格博雪山是朝聖的聖地 38 Yet,

8、 its formidable peak remains unconquered. 然而它令人畏懼的山頂至今無人能征服39Yunnans mountains are remote,rugged and inaccessible.雲南群山偏僻、崎嶇,人類很難接近40Here theair is thin and temperatures can dropbelow minus 40degrees. 這裏的空氣稀薄溫度能降到零下40 度42 This is home to an animal thats foundnowhere else on Earth. 但地球上有某種動物卻只生活在這裏43T

9、heYunnansnub-nosed monkey. 雲南金絲猴44Itsfoundonly in thesefew isolated mountainforests. 它們只在這些孤立的山林出沒45 No other primate lives at such high altitudes.沒有其他的靈長類動物能居住在這麼高的海拔46but theseare true specialists.它們是真正的專家47These ancient mountain dwellers have inspired legends.這些古老的山居動物造就許多傳奇故事48Local Lisu people

10、consider them their ancestors,俚索族視它們為自己的祖先50 calling them the wild men of the mountains.稱它們為山中1最新 料推荐野人51During heavy snowfalls,even these specialists cannot feed. 遇上大雪時期就連這些森林專家也無法覓食52 It seems a strange place for a monkey. 這對猴子來說似乎是個奇怪的居住地53 Between snows, the monkeys waste no time in their search

11、 forfood. 雪一停歇,這些猴子立刻把握時間去尋找食物54At this altitude,there are fewfruits or tender leaves to eat.在這高度很少有果子及嫩葉可吃5690% of theirdiet ismade up of the fine dry wisps of a curious organism.它們九成的食物來自一種很像束狀乾草的奇怪有機物體58Half fungus, half plant-its lichen. 半菌半植物的地衣59Howhave monkeys,normallyassociated withlowlandju

12、ngle, 按理該住在低地森林的猴子60come to live such are mote mountain existence?怎麼會跑來住在偏遠的山區?61Thisis not the only remarkable animal found within these isolated high peaks.在這些孤絕的高峰之中還有更多奇特的動物62A Chinese red panda. 一隻中國紅色熊貓63Solitaryand quiet, it spends much of its time in the treetops. 生性安靜獨居大部份的時間都在樹上64Despite i

13、ts name,不管其名65the red panda is only a very distant relative of thegiant panda. 紅色熊貓只是大熊貓的遠親66Its actually more closely related to a skunk.它跟臭鼬反而有較近的血緣關係67But it does share the giant pandas taste for bamboo.但它確實跟大熊貓一樣喜歡吃竹葉68 Southwest Chinas red pandas are known for their very strong facial markings中

14、國西南方的紅色熊貓以明顯的臉部斑紋聞名69which distinguishthemfromred pandas foundanywhere else intheHimalayas. 這和其他生活在喜馬拉雅山的紅色熊貓大不相同70Like the monkeys, they were isolated in these high forests就像金絲猴一樣它們也被孤立在這些高海拔森林71 when the mountains quite literally rose beneath them這是因為近代地質史上的造山運動72in the greatest mountain -building

15、 event inrecent geologicalhistory. 將它們腳下的山地整個托起拔高73 Over the last 30 million years,在過去三千萬年74the Indian subcontinent has been pushing northwards into Eurasia.印度板塊一直向北推擠歐亞大陸板塊75 On the border between India and Tibet位於西藏與印度邊界的岩石76 the rocks have been raised eight kilometers above sea level,已經被推升到高達海平面8

16、 公里77 creating the worlds highest mountain range, the Himalayas.造就出世上最高的喜馬拉雅山脈78But to the east, 但往東方看去79therockshavebuckledintoa seriesofsteep north -southridges,連綿的山岩形成南北向的懸崖峭壁80cuttingdown through the heartofYunnan, 直接深入雲南中心81the parallelmountains of theHengduan Shan. 平行的橫斷山脈82These natural barri

17、ers serve toisolate Yunnans plantsandanimals 這些天然屏障阻絕了雲南境內的動植物互通有無83in each adjacent valley.每個山谷幾乎都自成一區84 While the huge temperature rangebetween thesnowy peaks 這裏的溫差很大,上面是積雪的山峰85andthe warmerslopes below下方是溫暖的緩坡86provides a vast array of conditions for life to thrive.氣候的多元性讓各種生命得以欣欣向榮87Throughsprin

18、g,整個春季88theHengduan slopes stage one of Chinas greatest natural spectacles.橫斷山脈的山坡呈現中國最壯觀的自然風光89The forests here are among the most diverse botanical areas in theworld.這裏的森林蘊藏全世界最豐富的植物品種90Over 18,000 plant species growhere,1 萬 8千多種植物有3千種是其他地區沒有的91ofwhich3,000 arefoundnowhere else. 92Until little mor

19、e than a century ago,this place was unknown outside China.還不到一百年前這裏是不為外界所知的93But then news reached the West 但後來消息傳到西方94of a mysterious,hidden world of the orient. 原來東方還有這麼一個神2最新 料推荐秘、不為人知的世界95 Hidden among the mountains,a lost Shangri -la paradise.隱藏在群山中的世外桃源96 Western high society, in the grip of a

20、 gardening craze,西方上流社會的園藝熱潮97was eager for exotic species from faraway places. 讓他們渴望遙遠國度的奇花異草98This gave rise to a new breed of celebrity adventurers,引領新一代的名人探險風99intrepid botanist -explorers known as the Plant Hunters.大膽的植物學家勘探者亦稱為植物獵人100 Yunnan became their Holy Grail.雲南成了他們的聖杯 101 Indiana Jones

21、The most famous was Joseph Rock,a real life Indiana Jones. 最出名的是喬瑟夫拉克現實生活中的印第安那鐘斯102Remarkablefilm footage capturedhis entourage on a series of expeditions,卓越的記錄片記錄他和同伴一系列的遠征104asthey pushed into the deepest corners of Yunnan. 進入雲南最深的角落105 In glorious color he recorded the plant life he found他用特別照相玻

22、璃板106onspecial photographicglassplates. 記錄五彩繽紛的植物107Sending thousandsofspecimens back to the West,把數千種樣本送回西方108 the Plant Hunters changed thegardens of the world forever.植物獵人一舉改變了世界的花園109Rocks success wasborn of a massive effort. 拉克的成功來自他的努力以赴110For, to find his Shangri-la,為了找到香格里拉111 not only had h

23、e to travers eendless mountain ranges,他不只橫越數不清的山脈112 but some of the deepest gorges in the world.還跨越一些世上最深的峽谷113The Nujiang is called The Angry River. 怒江被稱之為忿怒的河流114This 300-kilometre stretch ofraging rapids 這條 300 公里的湍急河流115is as much abarrier to life as arethe mountains above. 如上述的山脈一樣成為許多生物的屏障116

24、WAVES CRASH 117But the plant hunters werent the first people to travel here.但是植物獵人不是最早到此地的人118 Along the Nujiang, 沿著怒江119less than 30 ropecrossings allow locals passage across the torrents. 會發現不到 30 條的繩子吊索讓當地人渡過洪流120Tiny hamlets cling to the slopes.小小村莊緊帖著山坡地121Thismorning, its market day,今早是市集日122d

25、rawing people from up and downthevalley.山坡上下的居民紛紛出門123PIG OINKS 124GOAT BLEATS 125Hangingfrom simple rope slings, 吊在吊索上126people have been using the crossings for manyhundreds ofyears. 這已是人們幾百年渡江的老辦法127In such narrow,precipitousgorges 在這麼狹窄的險峻峭壁128its by far the easiest way to get around. 這是最容易的交通方式

26、129 Once across, the steep sides mean its still a hike. 一旦渡過陡峭的山坡意味著還有一段徒步130Many trekfor hours by foot before they get to the market.許多人要徒步幾個小時才到市場131Theimmense valleyis hometoover a dozenethnicgroups. 這無邊無際的山谷聚集超過12個少數民族132Some, like theNupeople,are found only here. 像怒族就只生活在此區133 The markets bring

27、 the mountaintribestogether. 市集讓山上的族群聚在一起134To continuehis expeditions, 為了繼續探險135 Rock had to get his entire entourage across the giant Yunnan rivers.拉克必須讓全隊通過浩瀚的雲南大河136He commissioned especially thickropesmadefromforest rattan他以樹藤做的粗繩為輔137and filmed the entire event.並拍攝整個過程138 With yak butter to sm

28、ooth the ride,40 men and 15 mules made the journey.利用犛牛油使過程平順 40 個人及 15只騾上路了139Not all made it across.並不是每個人都過140On the far side of the greatNujianggorge,在怒江峽谷遙遠的另一邊141thePlant Hunters made a remarkable discovery.植物獵人有個很棒的發現142Far from the3最新 料推荐tropics, 雖然遠離熱帶143 they seemed to be entering a steamy

29、,vibrant tropical jungle,他們似乎進入了充滿蒸氣與生氣的熱帶雨林144theforest of Gaoligongshan. 高黎貢山的森林145The flora here is unlike anywhere else in the world.這裏的植物不像世界其他地方146Next to subtropical species,alpine plants grow in giant form.緊臨亞熱帶植物的是生長茂盛的高山區植物147Crowningthe canopy,rhododendrons,upto30meters high. 萬綠森中點點紅那是高達3

30、0公尺的杜鵑花148InApriland May, theirflowers turn the forests ruby red,杜鵑花在4、 5月染紅翠綠的森林149attracting birdspecies found only here. 150吸引只在此地生長的鳥類151Constant moisture in the airmeans that the branches are laden with flowering epiphytes,空氣中充滿了濕氣152樹枝開滿美麗的花朵153fiercely guarded by tiny sun birds,unique to thes

31、e valleys.山谷有種獨特的小太陽鳥極力保護這些花森154Nectar feeders, these are the hummingbirds ofthe Old World tropics. 它們採集花蜜155這些蜂鳥穿梭在東方世界的熱帶地區156The forests of Gaoligongshan are home to some of Chinas rarest wildlife.高黎貢山的森林有許多中國最罕見的珍禽異獸157This is a female TemmincksTragopan. 這是母的紅腹角雉158She has a colorful male admire

32、r.它的愛慕者鮮豔奪目159Hes hoping towoo her with his peculiarpeekaboo display希望以獨特的偷窺方式贏得佳人芳心160but shes not about to be rushed.但母雉不急著表態161His colorful skin wattle reflectsmore light than feathers do. 公雉鮮豔的肉垂比羽毛還亮眼162To her, this is like aneon sign. 對母雉來說就像個霓虹燈163Seeing his chance,the malemakes his move.公雉看到

33、機會馬上行動164Constant moisture in theGaoligongshan forests 高黎貢山森林的濕氣165means that throughout the year there are always fruits on the trees.讓樹木終年結實累累166Such abundance of food encouragesahighdiversityof fruiteaters 167豐沛的食物遠勝於一般熱帶林地168morecommonlyfound in thetropics.所以也聚集各式各樣的食果動物169Theblackgiantsquirrel

34、is foundonlyinundisturbedrainforest. 巨松鼠只生活在這片原始的雨林170At close to a metreinlength, it sone of the worlds largest squirrels.它長達 1尺171是世上最大的松鼠172 The mystery is that these forests are growing well outside the tropics.奇怪的是這些森林竟在熱帶地區以外茂盛生長173By rights, none ofthis jungle,or its animals,shouldbe here. 按理

35、說這些森林和動物不應該在此174These are bear macaques. 這是熊猴175 Theyre found only in tropical and sub-tropical jungle. 只居住在熱帶及亞熱帶森林176 With a tiny home range of just a few square kilometers, 生活範圍只有幾平方公里177they dependon the abundant fruit 它們需要進食大量果子178thatonly truerain forests can provide all year round.只有真正的雨林才能終年

36、提供如此數量179TotheEuropean planthunters, 對於歐洲的植物獵人來說這些北方的雨林180thesenorthern rain forests must have seemed a fantastic and mysterious lost world. 181簡直就像奇幻神秘的遺忘世界182Yet, when they came here, they wouldhave found beautifullyconstructedancientstonepathways但當他們到此183卻發現精心鋪設的古老石路184onwhich the forest couldbe

37、explored. 已經伸入森林之中185Windingwestwardsinto thehills, 蜿蜒通往西邊山坡186these were once some ofthemostimportant highways in Asia,這曾經是亞洲最重要的公路187 the southwestern tea andsilk road. 西南方的茶與絲路188 Built thousands of years ago,這條西南茶絲之路建於幾千年前189the southwestern tea and silkroad gaveaccess to the world beyondChinas

38、borders, 190連接中國和境外的世界191carrying tradesmen andtravelers from4最新 料推荐as far away as Rome. 帶來遠自羅馬的商人及旅客192Wars were fought over access tothis tiny path,過去為了爭奪這條小路引發不少戰爭193the only sure route in or outof China, 畢竟這是唯一得以進出中國194that was guaranteed to be clear of snow allyear round. 又保證終年無雪的通道195So, what

39、causes Gaoligongshans strange andremarkable climate? 是什麼造成高黎貢山奇怪又獨特的氣候?196In late May, gustsof wind arrive, 5月下旬的強勁季風197 bringing with them the key to Gaoligongshansmystery. 足以解開高黎貢山的神秘面紗198The winds are hotand saturatedwithwater. 風很熱而且充滿了水份199They come all the way from the Indian Ocean.一路從印度洋吹來200

40、Channeled by Yunnans unique geography, 因雲南獨特的縱谷地形201they bring with them the moisture of the tropical monsoon.帶來熱帶梅雨季節的濕氣202The giant river valleys,created millions of years ago, 幾百萬年前形成的高山縱穀203act likeimmense funnels.就像是巨大的漏斗204The gorges are so deep andnarrow, 這些溪穀又深又窄205 that the moist warm air i

41、s driven right up into the northof Yunnan. 促使濕暖空氣直接進入雲南北部206The result is rain, in torrents! 結果是大雨如注!207Four months of daily rainstorms sustain luxuriant vegetation.連續 4 個月的暴雨讓植物茂盛生長208The arrival of themonsoon梅雨季節的來臨喚醒209awakens one of the forests most extraordinary moisture-loving inhabitants.森林中最

42、愛濕氣的動物210The crocodile newt is one of the most unusual of the many amphibianspecies found here.鱷魚蠑是一種兩棲動物211也是其他地方找不到的奇特生物212As the rains arrive,they emerge to mate.當梅雨降臨,蠑螈開始交配213The newts aresaid to leave an odour trail that potential mates can follow.據說它們會留下氣味蹤跡214讓未來的伴侶得以尋跡而至215 The crocodile ne

43、wt gets its name from the bumps along itsback. 鱷魚蠑因背部的突起而得名216These are its defense. 那是它的防禦系統217If grabbed by a potentialpredator,如果被潛伏的食肉動物抓住218thetips ofits ribs squeeze a deadly poison from the bumps. 肋骨的尖端就會從凸塊釋放致命毒液219The delugewakes another forestinhabitant.洪水喚醒另一個森林居住者220This one is particula

44、rly astounding in its vigor!它有特別驚人的活力!221It can growup to a meter day, 一天能長1 公尺222fast overtaking the other plants around it.很快就追上周遭的植物223The taller it grows,the faster its growth rate,它長得越高,生長速度就越快224so that in a matter of days it towers above the undergrowth,所以一天之內就比矮樹森高225and continues reaching f

45、or the sky. 繼續朝天空發展226Not bad for what is essentially a grass. 對禾本科植物來說這樣的速度還不賴227Itsbamboo. 這就是竹子!228Giventhechance, 如果有機會竹子會發展成很大的林子229bamboo will create immense forests,dominating entire areas. 230佔領整個區域231Bamboo forests occur across southwest China,竹林主要生長在中國西南方232all theway to Shanghai. 一直到上海233

46、 But probably the highest diversity of bamboos in theworld但世界上竹子種類最多的地方234is found on the hills and valleys of Yunnan. 還是在雲南的山谷235Though incredibly strong,bamboos have hollow stems,雖然竹子很堅韌,但中心是空的236a perfect shelter for any creatures which can find a way in.對任何能找到方法進入的生物是最佳的庇護所237This entrance hole

47、was madeby a beetle 入口是被甲蟲弄的238but itsbeing used by a very differentanimal.但卻被完全不同的動物所使用239A bamboo bat.竹蝙蝠!240 The size of a bumblebee, its one of the tiniest mammals in5最新 料推荐theworld. 如蜜蜂的大小241是世上最小的哺乳動物242The entire colony, up to25 bats, 整群可住到 25 只243fits into a single section of bamboo stem, sm

48、aller than atea cup. 通通擠入一段竹節裏244 比茶杯小 245Its quite a squeeze! 還蠻會擠的!246Half the colony are babies. 一半都是幼獸247Though barely a week old, they arealready almost as big as their mums.雖然只有一個星期大248它們已經跟媽媽一樣大249Feeding such a fast -growing brood is hard work.養一窩生長如此迅速的孩子實在很辛苦250 The mums leave to hunt just

49、 after dusk each night.蝙蝠媽媽每天傍晚後出去獵食 251 Back in the roost,the young are left on their own. 寶寶被留在竹節的窩巢裏252Special pads on their wings help them to grip on the bamboo walls-翅膀上的肉趾幫助它們緊緊抓住竹壁253most of the time. 但偶爾還是會失足254The youngbats use the extra space to prepare for a life on the wing幼蝙蝠利用多餘的空間255

50、用喙理毛及伸展它們的翅膀為飛行做準備256by preening and stretching. 257Packed inlike sardines, they would make an easy target for a snake.它們擠得像沙丁魚258很容易成為蛇類覬覦的目標259But the snake has no chance of getting in.但是蛇沒機會進入260The entranceis thinner than thewidth of a pencil. 入口的大小比鉛筆還細261When the mothersreturn,當母蝙蝠回巢後262they can push throughthe narrowentrance only because of their unusually flattened sk


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