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1、中药学专业英文求职信范文 中药学专业英文求职信范文 以下是给大家提供的一篇中药学专业英文信,一起来看看吧。 dear so and so the leadership of: hello! i叫徐xx, after graduation from high school with a childhood dream and bee emei, chengdu university of traditional chinese medicine at national cheng kung university college of pharmacy 07, a student in a cla

2、ss. now, with the ideals of young people leaving school took to work, intending to work in marketing. in order to bee a moral, in _ectual, physical, and aesthetic development of students, i invested in a positive learning and life. whether in the in _ectual capacity or the personal qualities of self

3、-cultivation, i have to upgrade their efforts. in teacher education and to foster the efforts of individuals, i have a solid foundation of professional knowledge: familiar with the gsp authentication technology, medicine identification techniques, pharmacology, pharmaceuticals, marketing and other d

4、rug survey of marketing technology; and familiar with the master office software, office, word skills, through an examination of the national puter. i work hard in life, steadfast, honest and trustworthy, good interpersonal relationships; modest character i cheerful, generous and prudent, strong ada

5、ptability. as a discipline in the class members, teachers and students get the confidence of a serious and responsible work, strict requirements on their own, and always follow the small boast, the principle of doing things more practical. theory and practice well aware of the importance of, and i t

6、ake full advantage of after-school time, to expand horizons of knowledge and improve the knowledge structure. in an increasingly petitive today, i firmly believe that only multi-level, all-round development and to master the professional knowledge of personnel, will be in line with social developmen

7、t and the needs of employers in order to remain invincible. during the summer break in the 100 letter luzhou pharmacy sales during the internship to do, to some extent from some of the varieties of drugs, specifications, storage, and the local residents, the effectiveness of monly used drugs have a

8、certain understanding of the situation, which develop their own munication skills and language ability when they should. i class by virtue of unity and cooperation, the spirit of hard work in XX, 12.9 singing petition in the excellence award by the group; in XX the festival campus tug of war, group

9、calisthenics petitions were the first three; and 2-6 bedroom where i had were excellent bedroom, the title. as a good concentration of a class, i feel very proud. i enrich the mind, good health and abundant energy is eternal wealth. your choice is my hope, give me an opportunity is also a pleasant s

10、urprise you! sincerely: salute! 附: 提称语 提称语是用来提高称谓的敬语,它用在称呼之后,起提高称谓的作用。对于尊长或地位较高的人,通常可用“尊鉴”、“钧鉴”、“赐鉴”、“大鉴”;对于平辈可用“惠鉴”、“台鉴”;对于女士可用“芳鉴”、“淑鉴”;对于夫妇可用“俪鉴”、“同鉴”等。提称语要注意与称呼相一致,千万要注意不要弄巧成拙,例如,如果对方是个老厂长,而你只是个初出茅庐的小伙子,应当写“厂长尊鉴”或“厂长赐鉴”,万不可写成“厂长台鉴”,否则不但闹了大,你 求职 的努力也将付诸东流了。 祝颂语 最普通、最常见的祝颂语莫过于“此致敬礼”、“祝您愉快”、“祝您健康”等诸如此类的惯用格式。在 求职 信中用这些约定俗成的祝颂语,好处是放之四海而皆准,不大可能会犯错误,但不免落于俗套。其实,简短的祝颂语也能体现一个人的水平,好的.祝颂语更能表示出对对方的良好祝愿。根据对方的身份不同,对尊长可写“敬请金安”、“叩请福安”、“恭请平安”,对平辈可写“即颂时祺”、


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