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1、Unit One Mold Constructions,Passage One Plastics Forming and Molds,Passage Two Three -plate Injection Molds,Mold muld 模具 Constructions knstrkn 结构 Passage psid 段落 Plastics plstiks 塑料 Forming f:m 形成和成型 plate pleit 碟,盘,金属板,板块 Injection indekn 注射,第一段 塑料成型与模具,模具结构,第二段 三板式注射模具,Unit One Mold Constructions,

2、Passage One Plastics Forming and Molds,1,1.General denrl 一般,大体 ,概要 The continuing development of injection mold technology demands more and more of the processes.,continue kntinju: v. 继续,连续 ; development divelpmnt n. 发展,显影 technology teknldi n. 技术,工艺 ;demands dim:nd v. 要求 processes prses n. 过程, 工艺流程

3、,undoubtedly ndatidli ad. 无疑(毕定) molding shop 成型车间 influence influns v. 影响 if any”引出转折状语从句,译为“即便要”。 on对,依赖,The most important problem in the process of injection molding is undoubtedly the correct design of injection mold, because the molding shop has little influence, if any, on the construction of

4、 the machine.,第一段 塑料成型与模具,Unit One Mold Constructions,Efficient production of the most diverse injection -molded parts depends primarily on the injection mold.,模具结构,The durability of the molds depends on their care and treatment. Since the moving components and cavity of the mold are always hardened

5、 and ground , they should produce between 500 000 and 1 000 000 000 shots.,高效率地生产各类注射成型零件首先取决于注射模具。 diverse daiv:s a. 不同的, 多种多样的,模具的使用寿命取决于对它们的维护保养和加工处理,例如对一些活动件及型腔的表面硬化和磨削加工,使得它们的生产批量可以达到500 0001 000 000 000件。 Grind graind (ground,ground) v.磨削,磨光,For ease of construction and to lower manufacturing

6、cost, injection molds are becoming standardized. Some firms offer ready -made bases of square or round design as standard or stripper plate molds for immediate use. Only the inserts then have to be fitted into the bases.,Unit One Mold Constructions,为了简化模具结构和降低制造成本,使注射模具标准化,许多制造商提供了已经生产 好的标准方形或圆形底及脱模

7、板供直接使用,仅需要将它们很好地与机座配合起来就可以了。,firm f:m a. 坚定的,坚固的,结实的 ;n. 商行,公司 standardize stnddaiz v. 标准化,使合于标准 insert ins:t v. 插入,Unit One Mold Constructions,2.Basic Mold Construction (1)Operating Principle Basically the injection mold consists of two halves. One mold half contains the sprue bushing and runner sy

8、stem, the other half houses the ejection system. The molded part is located at the parting line(ref. To DIN 16700).,模具结构,2.模具的基本结构 (1)工作原理 从根本上说,注射模具包括两个部分:一部分包括浇口和浇注系统,另一部分是放置顶出系统。模具零件是在分型面被定位的(参考DIN 16700)。,basically beisikli ad. 基本上,主要地 Consists of knsist v.由 组成 halves h:vz 同分数 is located at被放置在

9、DIN 16700德国标准化组织16700,(2) Single or Multicavity Molds To set up a calculation conceiving the choice of cavities in an injection mold requires accurate knowledge of the material to be processed, of the injection -molding machine and of the molds. The mold costs increase with the rising number of cavi

10、ties and the relative machine costs decrease.,Unit One Mold Constructions,(2)单型腔注射模具及多型腔注射模具 注射模具型腔选择等设计计算要求掌握加工材料、注射机和模具等方面的准确知识。 模具的制造成本随着型腔数目的增加而增加,而相关的加工费用减少了。,single -cavity mold 单型腔注射模具 multicavity mold 多型腔注射模具 calculationklkjulein n. 计算 conceive knsi:v v. 构思,以为,怀孕 be processed 被加工 relative re

11、ltiv a. 相对的,比较的,The production time required for a given molded part depends on the wall thickness, the injection speed, the recovery rate, the time required to cool the molded material, the cooling capacity of the mold and the necessary incidental time such as duration of pressure holding time, eje

12、ction time, delay time, etc.,Unit One Mold Constructions,一个给定的模具零件的生产周期取决于壁厚、注射速度、收缩率、模内材料的冷却时间、冷却的效能及必要的辅助时间,如压力持续时间、排气时间及延迟时间等。,Recovery rate rikvri 回收率 ,复原 Capacity kpsiti 容量,容积,能量,生产力 incidental ,insidentl附带的 ,伴随的,辅助的 such as 例如 Duration djurein 持续,持久;持续期间,Therefore the decision concerning the n

13、umber of cavities to be determined depends on: size of the order(number of molded parts in connection with delivery time); shape of the molded parts(size, quality requirements);,Unit One Mold Constructions,因此确定型腔数量的主要因素涉及以下几点: 订单大小(制品数量及相关交货时间); 制品形状(尺寸、质量要求);,Therefore f: 因此;因而;所以 Concerning kns:ni

14、 关于,因素 Cavities kviti 型控母模 Order订购;订货,汇票,汇单 Delivery dilivri 交付,交货 Shape eip 形状;样子,外形,injection -molding machine( clamping force, plasticizing and injection capacity); mold costs. There are several known procedures for calculating the economical number of cavities. Unfortunately they are so varied t

15、hat it is impossible to condense them.,Unit One Mold Constructions,clamping force klmp 夹紧力,合模力 Capacity kpsiti容量,容积 Procedures prsi:d程序;方法;步骤 Unfortunately遗憾地;不幸地 Condense kndens压缩;浓缩 ;使简洁,缩短,注射机(合模力、可塑性、注射容量); 模具费用。 尽管已有多种计算经济型腔数目的方法,但这些计算方法多种多样,根本没法将它们提炼成为简便公式。,As an example: The theoretical max.

16、number of cavities is: F1=Max.injection volume of machine(cm3)/Volume of molded parts,sprue and runner(cm3) F2=Plasticizing capacity(cm3/min)/Number of shots/min(part,sprue and runner(cm3) F2 must be equal to or smaller than F1. F1 is the maximum number of cavities attainable.,Unit One Mold Construc

17、tions,plasticize pl stisaiz v.(使)成为可塑;(使)可塑 injection capacity注射容量 Theoretical iretikl理论的 Sprue spru:注料口;浇注口,例如: 型腔的理论最大数目为 : F1=注射机注射容量的最大值(cm3) /制件、注料口和流道体积(cm3) F2=注塑容量(cm3/min) /制造数量/min(制件、注料口和流道(cm3) F2必须小于等于F1 ,F1是可得到的型腔数目的最大值。,Unit One Mold Constructions,动模座板,顶料板 (Ejector plate),顶料杆,出料杆,注塑机顶

18、杆,导柱/导套,垫脚,模脚,凸模板,凹模板,冷却水道,定位环,主流道,主流道衬套,浇注系统,静模座板,导柱,导套,动模垫板,Unit Three Mold Constructions,Passage Two Three -plate Injection Molds,2,Three -plate injection molds are injection molds possessing two parting lines, having been designed as degating molds.,This means that the sprue is separated from th

19、e parts in the mold. At the conclusion of injection the mold opens at the first parting line, which contains the sprue and runner and separated the pinpoint gate from the part.,三板式注射模具是具有两个分型面的注射模具 ,这种模具带有浇口,也就是直浇道在模型中和塑件相分离。在注射结束之后,模具沿第一层分型面开模,其中包含了注料口、浇道和塑件中分流的针孔型浇口。,possessingpzes拥有,持有;具有;占有; Mea

20、ns意味着; sprue ;spru:直浇道; is separated 被分离; conclusionknklu:n结尾,结局,Unit One Mold Constructions,模具结构,Only when the second parting line opened, the part would be released. There are several possibilities for achieving this.,仅当沿第二层分型面开模时,塑件才脱离型芯。有多种可能性来实现这种情况。,would be released rili:s 放松,松开 possibility ,

21、psbiliti 可能性 Achieving ti:v 完成,实现,Unit One Mold Constructions,模具结构,In Fig.3 -1, with short stroke distances of plate 2, compression spring 4 or spring washers can be inserted between plate 1 and plate 2, which push plate 2 forward. The stop 3 limits the stroke.,在图3 -1中,模板2具有一个短小的行程距离,压缩弹簧4或弹簧垫圈可以插入模

22、板1 和模板2之间,推动模板2向前,而止动销3则可以限制模板2的行程。,Fig.3 -1 Spring type 1plate;2push plate;3stop; 4compression spring,Fig. figure fig的缩写 图表;图解;插图 stroke struk 冲程,行程,Unit One Mold Constructions,The retention system of plate 1 shown in Fig.3 -2 is often employed. Dowel 2 is provided with an annular groove 3 into whi

23、ch the ball catch 4 is pushed. A not too heavy plate can be carried along by the resultant adhesive effect.,模具结构,Fig.3-2 Retention system 1plate;2dowel;3annular groove;4ball catch,在图3 -2中,模板1在滞留系统中也经常被使用。定位销2中有一个环形凹槽3可以使球掣4进入,一块不太厚的模板可以沿着黏合面而移动。,retention system ritenn保留;保持 Is employed impli使用,利用; D

24、owel daul定位销 nnular njul 环状的,轮状的;有环纹的 groove gru:v 沟;槽 Resultant rizltnt组合的,合成的 Adhesive dhi:siv粘的;粘着的; effect ifekt效果,效力;作用;,Unit Three Mold Constructions,The plate 2 to be moved in Fig.3 -3 is connected to the ejector plates by ejector rods, which in turn are fixed in their basic position by stron

25、g spring 3. Plate 2 is carried along until the ejector plates are stopped by running against the ejector bar of the machine.,图3-3中的模板2通过顶料杆和顶料板相连。顶料杆由强度很大的弹簧3依次固定在它们的基本位置。模板2被移动直到顶料板由于撞上机器的推出杆而停止。,Fig.3-3 Three-plate injection mold 1plate1;2plate2;3spring; 4ejector rod;5ejector bar,is connected to通过

26、.被连接 be moved in被搬入 in turn依次,轮流 is carried along被移动 ;running against撞上,Unit Three Mold Constructions,当一个完整的模型保持正常方式运行时,需注意推出杆5应设计得稍长点。,Then only the complete mold body keeps moving on in the usual manner. Care must be taken with this design that the ejector bar 5 is slightly delayed.,ejector bar 推出

27、杆 delayed.1.延缓;使延期 2.耽搁;延误,Unit One Mold Constructions,They must not be rigidly connected to the ejector plate; otherwise there would be a tendency for the parts to be pushed back into the cavities in plate 2. With this design the stroke of plate 2 can be arbitrary,模具结构,Moreover, when the ejector ro

28、ds 4 are hardened and guided in bushes, these ejector rods can take over the function of the guide pins fitted on the fixed mold half,,顶料杆不能和顶料板刚性相连,否则塑件将会有被推回模板2型腔的可能。对于这种设计,模板2的行程可以是任意的。,而且当顶料杆4被加固并且用轴套引导时,这些顶料杆可替代导向销的作用来与定模部分配合,,Rigidly rididli 僵硬地;严厉地;严格地;固执地 Otherwise waiz 否则 tendency tendnsi倾向

29、;趋势 Arbitrary :bi,trri 随心所欲的,任意的,Unit One Mold Constructions,so that the space between plates 1 and 2 is not cluttered up with protruding rods or springs . This can be of advantage if a rather complicated runner system has to be designed.,模具结构,所以在模板1和模板2之间不能乱放伸出杆或弹簧。如果要设计一个非常复杂的浇道系统,这种方法具有优势。,Clutte

30、r klt 使凌乱;乱堆在,塞满(+up) Protruding prtru:d vt伸出,突出 Springs 弹簧 Rather r: 相当,颇,有点儿 Complicated kmplikeitid 复杂的,Unit One Mold Constructions,模具结构,Fig.3 -4 shows a mechanical type of plate movement. Although more elaborate, it is nevertheless the safest way, particularly if large, heavy plates have to be m

31、oved. The latch 3, which hooks over plate 1, moves the latter along.,图3-4所示为平板运动的机械形式。虽然这种形式更为精细,但这无疑是最安全的方法,特别是当大而重的平板需要被移动时。挂在模板1上的插销3沿着模板移动,,Fig.3-4 Plate movement 1plate;2pin;3latch;4guide strip;5leaf spring;6waterway,elaborate ilbrit 精细,精心制作的 nevertheless ,nevles 仍然,不过,然而 hook huk 钩住,图3-4 模板运动

32、1模板; 2销; 3插销; 4导轨; 5片弹簧;6冷却水道,Unit One Mold Constructions,模具结构,The movement is continued until the pin 2 in the hook is lifted by the rise in the guide strip 4 on which it runs. The pin has to escape upward, thereby releasing the hook from the plate 2. The plate now pushes up against a stop, which i

33、n this case has been fitted to the underside of the guide strip at 6, and the mold can continue opening.,直到销被滑块抬起,销不得不向上移动,所以释放了模板1上的挂钩。这时模板反向止动销向上推,在这种情况下,止动销已在6处与导轨的下侧相配合,所以模具能一直打开。,escape iskeip 逃跑;逃脱 thereby 因此,由此,从而 guide strip strip支板 ; 导轨,Unit One Mold Constructions,The hook is pushed down ag

34、ain by the leaf spring 5.,模具结构,Fig.3 -5 illustrates a typical degating tool. Contrary to the usual mold design, this tool has an additional mold parting line for the star -shaped runner.,然后,挂钩再一次被片弹簧5向下拉。,图3-5所示为一典型注塑模具。与通常的模具设计不同,在此模具中为星形流道设计了一个附加的模具分型线。,illustrates ilstreit (用图,实例等)说明,阐明(+with) Co

35、ntrary kntrri 相反的,对立的(+to) additional dinl添加的;附加的;额外的,Unit Three Mold Constructions,Fig.3-5 Typical degating tool 1sprue separating area; 2latch; 3sprue; 4retainer pin; 5head of bolt; 6sprue-stripping plate; 7pin; 8guide strip; 9waterway; 10bolt; 11main parting line; 12ejector rod; 13stripper sleeve

36、; 14plate assembly; 15mold cores,图3-5 典型注塑模具 1浇道分离面; 2、10插销; 3直浇道; 4固定销; 5、10插销头; 6注料口分模板; 7销; 8导轨; 9冷却水道; 11主要分型线; 12卸料杆; 13分型(模)套; 14模板装置; 15模具型芯,Unit One Mold Constructions,Mold constructed on this principle is preferably employed because of the simplicity of the gating technique .,模具结构,But there

37、 is some concern that bulky runner often do not drop easily between the mold parting lines. It is important that a sufficiently large gap always be set.,因为有简单的脉冲选通技术,所以用这种方法设计的模具更适于使用。,但是需要注意的是,通常大浇道不易滴在分型线之间,所以大的间隙设计是非常重要的。,Constructed knstrkt 建造,构成,设计; principleprinspl原则;原理 preferablyprefrbli 更好地

38、employed,emplii:使用 concernkns:n使担心;使不安,要注意(about/for) bulky blki 体积大的,庞大的;过大; sufficientlysfintli足够地,充分地,Unit One Mold Constructions,At the conclusion of injection the mold first parted at 1 in the sprue separating area when the machine opens.,模具结构,The complete mold block, with the exception of the

39、fixed mold half, is interlocked within itself by the latch 2.,一个完整的动模部分,由其余的固定板通过插销2使它们连接在一起,,当注射成型结束时,随着机器的打开,模具将首先在浇道分离面1处分型。 句中短语“At the conclusion of”译为“当完结时”。,conclusion knklu:n 终结,结束 Exception iksepn 例外;,Unit One Mold Constructions,As the sprue 3 is held captive by the in the retainer pin 4, the part is severed from the sprue, which stays on the fixed half. When the head of the bolt 5 catches the sprue -stripping plate 6, this is moved forward, ther


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