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1、Unit 1 Whats the matter?,人教新目标(Go for it)八年级下册,SectionA Period 1,绥宁县实验中学 杨丽艳,Warming-up,能力 目标,情感目标,知识 目标,1.Learn the names of the body,2.Learn to talk bout health problems and give advice with the target language.,Care more about ourselves and our family memebers health.,Learning aims,图片波动越慢,你的学习状态调

2、整得越好。,Are you ready for this class?,Three challenges(三个挑战),words单词篇,sentences句型篇,listening 听力篇,Three challenges (三个挑战),Challenge 1(第一个挑战),Words,ear,neck,eye,hand,head,arm,leg,foot,back,nose,mouth,stomach,Name the parts of the body.,tooth,Parts of body,Touch and say,Touch the parts of body when you h

3、ear your teacher say Each group choose a student to come to the front.,GAME 1,_arm _back _ear _eye _foot _hand_head _leg _mouth _neck _nose _stomach _tooth,h,e,g,i,b,a,g,l,c,d,m,k,f,Look at the picture. Write the correct letter am for each part of the body.,1a,This is me,Introduce(介绍) parts of body

4、in English.,Show Time,Do you pass Challenge 1?,Challenge 2(第一个挑战),sentences,The first way of having a problem. “患病”的三种表达方式一:1. I have a +疾病,I have a fever.,I have a cold.,Whats the matter?,I have a cough.,cold,He/She has a,- Whats the matter with ?,cough,fever,- He/She has a .,- Whats the matter wit

5、h . ?,- He/She has a .,The second way of having a problem. “患病“的三种表达方式之二:2. I have a +部位+ache.,I have a headache.,I have a toothache.,I have a stomachache.,Whats the matter?,headache,stomachache,toothache,-ache,- Whats the matter ?,- He/She has a .,The third way of having a problem. “患病”的三种表达方式之三: 3

6、. I have a sore + 部位,I have a sore throat .,I have a sore back.,Whats the matter?,I have a sore neck.,sore throat,sore back,sore,- Whats the matter ?,- He/She has a .,- Whats the matter with . ?,- He/She has a .,Chant,Lets watch the video.,(请展示你个性化的动作),从第一组开始,做动作,第二组猜疾病,并将单词拼读出来,从第二组做动作,第三组猜单词,依次类推。

7、,Guess: Whats the matter with me?,Game 2,Act and say different illnesses,Hours,Minutes,Seconds,Preparing Time,A:Whats the matter with you?,Groupwork,B:I have a +illness(疾病).,C:Whats the matter with her/him?.,D:He/she has a+illness.,Hours,Minutes,Seconds,Discussing Time,Do you pass Challenge 2?,Chall

8、enge 3(第三个挑战),Listening,Whats the matter with them? Sarah:_ David: _ Ben: _ Nancy: _ Judy: _,Fill in the blanks after listening:,has a cold,has a stomachache,has a sore back,has a toothache,has a sore throat,Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names1-5.,Nancy: _ Sarah:_David:_ Ben: _Judy

9、:_,1,3,2,5,4,1b,Do you pass Challenge 3?,Lets act,(小组合作表演),Task,Imagine you are the school doctor. A few students have health problems. Role-play a conversation between the doctor and the students.,Role-play,Hours,Minutes,Seconds,Preparing Time,head、ear、nose、tooth (teeth)、 foot (feet)、neck、mouth、han

10、d、arm、stomach、eye、back、leg、throat,Whats the matter with you/ him/ her? I have a He has a She has a -What should I/he/she do? -主语+should+advice,Key words:,2. Target language,1. 牙疼 2. 胃疼 3. 背疼 4. 头疼 5. 喉咙疼 6. 发烧 7. 感冒,have a toothache have a stomachache have a backache have a headache have a sore throat have a fev


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