1、Unit 5 Words and Expressions,volcano,diagram / graph,erupt eruption,appoint: vt 任命;委派 They appointed Camacho to be head coach if our football team. He appointed Yi Jianlian to finish the tough task for our basketball team. Vt 安排;确定(时间、地点等) appoint a time/place for n: appointment: 约定;约会 Id love to go
2、 there with you, but I have an appointment with my lawyer.,appoint sb as/to be: appoint sb to do sth: make/have an appointment with sb:,任命某人担任,委派某人做某事,与某人约会,He has no place to live in because his house has been burnt to the ground. After covering 20 miles, I was totally burnt out. Qiu Shaoyun burnt
3、himself to death for our country.,全部焚毁,累垮,把烧死,burn burned burned burn burnt burnt,wave:n,波浪,飘扬,挥手wave ones hands wave to/at sb,suit: n 一套外衣;套装 The business suit suits the young lady well. suit: vt 适合;使适宜 suitable: 合适的 suit to:使适合于,fit,suit,match,大小;形状合适,颜色、花样或款式适合;还指合乎需要、口味、性格、地位,衣服的搭配,The skirt _ y
4、ou well, but its color doesnt _ you. The tie and coat _ perfectly. Will the date _ you?,fits,suit,match,suit,make ones way she made her way to her home. 2. We made our way to the shopping mall. 3.so long as you work hard with a strong will, you can make your way in life.,way,前往;向走去(后接to/towards+地点),
5、成功;有所成就,feel ones way push ones way find ones way wind ones way fight ones way,feel ones way: 摸索着前进,push ones way:挤过;挤进,fight ones way: 杀出一条血路,wind ones way: 蜿蜒前进,Zhou Kehua was shot in the head, therefore, he was shot dead at last.,头部中弹,被击毙,母亲向那只狼射击,但是没打中。,My mother shot at the wolf, but missed it.
6、,向射击,shoot (shot; shot),选词填空:shoot 或shoot at 填空 He is _ a bird, and he _ it.,shoot at: 向射击,shoot: 射中(强调射击的结果),shooting at,shots,anxious: 忧虑的;不安的; 渴望的(对结果感到不安) anxiety: 担心;焦虑;渴望,The college entrance examination is around the corner, the girl feel anxious about the grades of the exam.,为担心/担忧,be anxiou
7、s (for sb) to do sth: 渴望某人做某事,The poor kid is anxious for kind people to help him.,panic: v 惊慌;惊恐 (panicked; panicked) n 惊慌;恐慌,panic over/at: 因而惊慌 panic sb into doing sth: 使某人惊慌做某事,人们听到枪声都感到惊慌失措。 H7N9使得农民们惊慌地低价卖鸡。,The crowd panicked over/at the sound of the guns.,The H7N9 flu panicked the farmers in
8、to selling the chickens at a low price.,in panic: 惊慌失措 get into a panic: 陷入恐慌,People in panic had nothing to do but wait for death. She got into panic when she couldnt find the money.,glance,1.”I must go”, Julia said , _ her watch 2. He often _ newspapers during breakfast. 3. The boy is quite handso
9、me _.,glance at: 匆匆瞥一眼 glance through: 匆匆看一遍;浏览 at first glance: 乍一看;乍看之下,glancing at,glances through,at first glance,vary from to :由到不等 vary in sth 在某方面不同,老师之间的教学方法非常不一样 Teaching methods _ greatly _ teacher _ teacher. 在这个问题上,每个人的观点大不一样。 Opinions on this matter _ greatly _ person _ person. The stude
10、nts work varies _ quantity.,vary,from,to,vary,from,to,in,n: variety a variety of = varieties of 各种各样的 adj: various 各种各样的,guarantee非常重要,give sb a guarantee that: 向某人保证 be under guarantee: 在保修期内,你能向我保证以后考试不再作弊吗?,Can you give me a guarantee that you will not cheat in the exam?,This camera has a two-yea
11、r _(保修期). Now its still _(在保修期内),guarantee,under guarantee,guarantee: vt 担保;保证 This kind of behavior is guaranteed to make her angry. We guarantee to replace the broken door free of charge. We will guarantee that we will replace the broken door free of charge.,保证,保证做某事,必定会做某事,1. When I bought this w
12、atch, I was given a years_. A. assurance B. insurance C. guarantee D. safety . 2. Buying a train ticket two days ahead of time will usually _ you a good seat. A. get B. gather C. guarantee D. make,C,C,1. People who do not smoke have less _ of suffering from lung cancer than those who do so. A. poten
13、tial B. cause C. hope D. choice 2. People should stop using their cars and start using public transport. _ . The roads are too crowded as it is.A. All rightB. Absolutely C. Go ahead D. Fine 3. The hopes, goals, fears and desires _ widely between man and women, between the rich and the poor. A. alter B. transfer C. transform D. vary 4. The fire last night was so serious that the whole buil
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