七年级英语上册《Unit 2 Looking Different》导学案 仁爱版_第1页
七年级英语上册《Unit 2 Looking Different》导学案 仁爱版_第2页
七年级英语上册《Unit 2 Looking Different》导学案 仁爱版_第3页




1、Unit 2 Looking Different学案预习目标1 通过听录音熟读第40页新单词,并勾画出不会读的;2 结合p112的课文注释,理解2a的大意;3. 完成【自主学习】中的练习题。学习目标1 重点单词:at, photo, strong, happy2 重点短语:look at, in a yellow dress, good friend3 重点句型:The girl in a yellow dress is Maria. They are good friends and they look happy.4 语法: 能用in颜色这一结构表达衣着。5 能力目标:.训练学生阅读能力。

2、 .培养学生合作学习的能力。6 情感目标:通过探究活动体验学习英语的乐趣。 学习重点1掌握阅读策略和技巧。 学习方法问答法,跟读法,归纳法,合作学习法,任务型教学法等。【自主学习】做一做,读一读:.1、 翻译短语。 1. 一顶黄色的帽子 2. 一件紫色的外套 3. 蓝色长裤 4. 一条白短裙 5. 绿色鞋子 6. 一条橙色连衣裙 7. 一件红体恤 二、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 1. Those _ (鞋子) are green. 2. What color is this _ (体恤衫)? 3. Girls like _ (短裙). 4. She has a red _ (连衣裙). 5

3、. I have a blue _(帽子). 6. Look a_ this photo. 7. Yi Jianlian is very _(强壮的). 8. We are good _(朋友).9. The boy is _(穿) a red coat. 10. They dont look the _(相同的).小结:你在完成预习目标时难点是:_组长签字:_ 组长打等级:_(ABCD)【互助探究】想一想:三、小组讨论试着理解下面的句子:1. The girl in a yellow dress is Maria.2. He is in a black cap and blue shoes.

4、 3. Jane is in a purple T- shirt and a pink skirt. 4. The boy in a white T-shirt is Kangkang.提示:观察画线的部分,试着总结出这一语言表达结构:_ 试一试:4、 比一比看哪组同学能在30秒之内用in + (a/ an) + 颜色+服装造更多的句子。 _ 练案【课堂自测】测一测:一、单项选择。( )1. What color _ her shoes? Black.A. amB. isC. areD. be( )2. Excuse me, is Michael in black pants now? No.

5、 Hes in _ coat and _ pants now.A. black; a whiteB. a black; whiteC. black; whiteD. a black; a white( )3. Lucy, do you _ your sister, Lily? No, we look different.A. lookB. look atC. look the sameD. look like( )4_ orange is _ orange. Thats right.A. An; /B. /; anC. An; anD. /; /( )5. What do you want t

6、o buy? _A. Two pairs of glove.B. Two pair of gloves.C. Two pair gloves.D. Two pairs of gloves.二、根据短文内容,从方框中选择合适的词填空,每词限用一次。other young next but manThis is a photo of my family. The young 11 is my dad. He is not tall, 12 he is strong. He is in a white shirt and black trousers. The 13 woman is my mom. Her hair is long. She is in a blue dress. The boy 14 to my mom is my broth


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