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1、From the beginning.开始 Ford Motor Company entered the business world on June 16, 1903.福特汽车公司开始全球业务在1903年6月16日 With a lot of faith, but only $28,000 (US)in cash许多信念,但仅有现金$28,000(美元) The company founder was Henry Ford 公司创始人享利、福特 Henry Ford became the Companys second President in 1906 在1906年享利、福特成为公司第二总

2、裁,A History of Ford Motor Company福特汽车公司历史,A History of Ford Motor Company福特汽车公司历史,There were only about ten employees. 大约仅有10位员工 The company was to become one of the worlds largest corporations公司成业全球大企业之一 Ford foreign expansion plan commenced in1904 with first branch in Canada 福特对外扩展计划于1904年,第一个分工厂是

3、加拿大 By the end of 1913 Ford was producing half of the cars in America在1913年未美国一半的汽车是福特的产品 The Ford Corporation started its operation in a small Detroit wagon shop. 福特开始生产是四轮马车在底特律,A History of Ford Motor Company福特汽车公司历史,In 1911, Henry Ford won an eight year court battle that freed Ford and the entir

4、e automotive industry from a patent held on the “road locomotive” 在1911 年享利福特经过8年时间并拥有福特与成汽车业界的“开拓者” The Ford Motor Company continued to improve machinery and processes福特汽车公司是持续改进机械与工艺 In 1913 Ford invented the “Assembly Line” 1913年福特发明了“流水线生产” Henry Ford committed to provide high quality affordable

5、 vehicles for the mass market 享利福特忠于提高质量,大多数人能购买空卖空 的占有大多数市场 By 1927 Ford had sold 15 million vehicles 1927年福特乙售1亿五仟万辆车,A History of Ford Motor Company福特汽车公司历史,In 1917 the company became wholly owned by Henry Ford and his son Edsel在1917年整个公司由享利福特与他的儿子爱德歇尔拥有 In 1925 the company built the first of 199

6、 Ford Tri-Motor airplanes 在1925年公司制造了第一辆199福特T型车 By 1927 the Ford assembly line had set in motion an industrial revolution in the ways of work 在1927年福特装配线标志着工业革命 Henry Ford was acclaimed world wide as the man who put “wheels on the world”享利福特被全世界称为安装“全球的车轮”,A History of Ford Motor Company福特汽车公司历史,Th

7、e secret of Henry Fords success享利福特成功的秘密 “To truly understand the needs of the consumer真正明白消费者的需求 to use the best materials and the best employees to make an affordable car”用最好的材料与最好的员工造大众购买的车 This philosophy earned Henry Ford the title of “Businessman of the Century”福特理念挣得头衔“世纪商人”,A History of Ford

8、 Motor Company福特汽车公司历史,The Ford Motor Company had become a giant industrial complex that spanned the globe福特公司已成为全求工业巨头 During the Second World War 1939 1944 car production cease and a wartime program produced 8,685 Liberator bombers, 57,000 aircraft engines and 277,896 Jeeps 第二次世界大战期间1939-1944停止生产汽

9、车,战争期间生了8,685辆轰炸机,57,000飞机发动机与277,896辆吉普车,A History of Ford Motor Company福特汽车公司历史,Throughout its history Ford has been an international company福特已经成为国际性公司 Within ten years of its beginning Ford sold cars in Europe, South America and Asia . reflecting the Henry Fords philosophy; “to build them where

10、you sell them” 十年里福特开始向欧洲、南美及亚洲销售汽车 .反映了享利福特理念:“在制造哪儿销售”,A History of Ford Motor Company福特汽车公司历史,Ford first manufactured vehicles in Asia in 1972 in Taiwan 福特制造亚洲第一辆汽车是台湾在1972年 Since the 1990s Ford has launched plants in. 自1990年福特已投产工厂有. Philippines菲律宾 Thailand泰国 Vietnam越南 India印度 China中国 ,A History

11、 of Ford Motor Company福特汽车公司历史,Ford has seven well known brand names of vehicles:福特有七个知名牌 Ford 福特Lincoln林肯 Mercury Jaguar Aston MartinMazda Volvo,A History of Ford Motor Company福特汽车公司历史,Ford Motor (China) was established in 1995福特汽车(中国)建立于1995年 Bring world class manufacturing expertize to this count

12、ry带来世界级的制造到这个国家 In 1997 the first locally built Ford Transit was produced 1997年制造第一辆本地福特全顺 Ford also import into China.福特也进口到中国 Taurus Windstar Explorer Lincoln,A History of Ford Motor Company福特汽车公司历史,Ford 2000 created a global management team that allowed Ford to.福特2000创造了全球管理允许如 eliminate duplication消除复制 Initiate “Best Practices”开始“最好实践” Use common components and designs运用普通结构与设计 For the advantage of scale and allocated resources优势比例与 分配资源,A History of Ford Motor Company福特汽车公司历史,This Changan Ford joint venture is the next chapter in the world-wi


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