七年级英语下册 Module 10 Unit 3 Language in use导学案(新版)外研版_第1页
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1、Unit 3 Language in use第五课时一、学习目标1、掌握动词的过去时的特殊疑问句的用法。2、熟练运用本模块所学的单词、短语和固定搭配。3、通过体验旅行的快乐,培养乐观的生活态度。4、能够谈论旅行。二、学习重点:单词、短语与重要句型三、学习难点:用过去时谈论旅行。课前预习一、使用说明与学法指导课前熟读本模块课文,归纳找出重点单词和短语二、教材助读:预习教材101页上的语法点三、预习自测1、同桌听写单词短语_2、写出下列动词的过去式: 1)walk_ 2)stay_ 3)enter _ 4)decide _ 5)arrive_ 6)live _ 7)hurry_ 8)marry_

2、9)carry_ 10)stop _ 11) step _ 12) am/is_13) are _ 14) do_ 15) keep _ 16) learn _ 17) leave _ 18) lend _ 19) lose _ 20) make _ 四、我的疑惑:_ 课内探究一、质疑探究合作找出重点短语,老师点拨_二、Work in pair, and then do Activity 1.三、.Do Activity 4-6. 四、课堂检测。用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I _(spend) a lot of money on books last Sunday. 2. They had

3、 dinner in a (China) _ restaurant. 3. Last night Mike _(send) an email to me. 4. I hope you _ (love) the film. 5. Many _(wife) are looking forward to seeing their husbands.6. What is the _(big) animal in the world?7. We had an _(interest) holiday in America last year.8. Jim is good at _(study) Engli

4、sh.9. Hong Kong is a _(busy) city than Tianjin.10. He _(see) a film tomorrow with me.11. He spent an hour _ (finish) his work last night.12. We _ (meet) our new teacher at the school gate yesterday morning.13. We _ (have) a good time in Hangzhou last week.14. Jenny _ (buy) lots of presents for her f

5、amily last Christmas.15. She was _ (tire) after she climbed the mountain. 课后训练一、根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。1. 上周日我用两个小时游览了水上公园。It _ me two hours _ the Water Park last Sunday.2. 怀特一家经常饭后散步。The Whites often _ after dinner.3. 贝蒂和她的父母上个月游览了上海。Betty and her parents _ in Shanghai last month.二、单项选择。1. It takes me three

6、 hours _ to the cinema.A. going B. to go C. go D. went2. Id like _ Tom today.A. to visit B. visit C. visits D. will visit3. I hope _ the work soon.A. to do B. do C. you to do D. doing4. Are you _ holiday?A. on B. at C. in D. for 5. I want to do some _.A. shop B. shops C. shopping D.shoping6. We _ ha

7、ve a football match next week. A. will B. are going to C. go to D. going to 7. Tomorrow _ be rainy.A. will B. is going to C. be going to D. are going to 8-_ does he usually get to school?-He usually _ the bus. A. How,take B. How,takes C. What,take D. What, takes9. I go to school _ every day.A. by fo

8、ot B. on foot C. on feet D. by feet10. He _ the teacher now.A. listening B. listening to C. is listening to D. are listening 11. Timmy goes to school _ every day. Its one hours walk from his home to school.A. in a bus B. by plane C. on foot D. by foot 12. Bills mother often tells him _ spend too muc

9、h time playing computer games.A. not to B. be not C. dont D. doesnt课后反思:_Unit 3 Language in use第六课时模块小测验一、用所给单词的正确形式填空:1 . I _( spend ) much money on books last Sunday .2 . On her birthday , she got lots of _ ( present ) .3 . My parents did some _ ( shop ) on Sunday .4 . A :- How was your weekend ?

10、B:- We _( have ) a great time .5 . We had dinner in a _ ( France ) restaurant last night .6 . A :- What did your father do last night ? B :- He _ ( write ) a letter to my brother .7 . A :- Where did they go _ ( swam ) ? B :- In a lake near their house .8 . We are going _ ( take ) a plane to Beijing

11、next Sunday .9 . I am sorry . I dont want to buy _ ( something ) .10 . Mr Smith _ ( drive ) a car to work every day .11 . We _ ( arrive ) here the day before yesterday .12 . Tony and I _ ( take ) a walk after dinner last night .13 . Last week , we _ ( begin ) our trip across this country .14 . Their

12、 grandfather _ ( visit ) France last year .15 . There were lots of _ ( tour ) on the Great Wall .二、翻译句子,在横线上填上适当的词,使句子完整。1. 你们假期愉快吗?Did you _ during your holiday ?2. 昨天早晨我们去散步了。We _ yesterday morning .3. 我们在七月十八日开始了我们的城市之旅。We began _ on July 18th .4. 他们一直等到所有的学生到达那里才离开。They didnt leave _ all the stu

13、dents _ there .5. 我们打算明天在塞纳河上系乘船旅行。We are going to _ on the River Seine tomorrow .6. 你到达上海花了多长时间?How long _ you _ Shanghai ?7. 我叔叔到机场接我们并驾车带我们去他家。My uncle _ us _ the airport and _ us to his home .8. 我们昨晚举行地一个大聚会,大家玩的很开心。We _ last night and every one _ .9. 五月三十日那天,我们很累,因此我们在家放松(休息)。_ 30th May we were

14、 tired _ we _ at home .10. 我们一直等到所有的灯点亮。We waited _ all the lights _ .三、从方框中选择正确的句子完成对话。A : 1 B :I am going to Kunming for a week .A : 2 What are you doing there ?B : 3 How about you , Wang Yang ? What are you doing for your holiday ?A :I am visiting my grandparents in Hong Kong .B :Oh , well ! 4 A :For about five days .B : 5 A :Thank you .A . How long are you staying there ?B . Im going boating there .C . What do you usually do on weekends ?D . Have a good time .E . That sounds nice !F . What are you doing for holiday , Betty ?四、 书面表达:旅游能让我们愉悦身心,增长见识


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