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1、Unit 3 Is this your pencilPeriod 1教学内容Section A 1a,1b,1c. 2a,2b, 2c. 教师准备制作la部分的插图和人物对话的课件,人物以动画片的形式呈现,将听力部分的内容插入,使学生学会询问物品的主人的基本句型;同时复习单词pencil pen book eraser ruler pencil case,学习词汇backpack pencil dictionary, his,hers ,mine, yours, Excuse ,me 学生准备复习所学物品的单词,体会一般疑问句的用法,巩固所学单词的拼写;掌握Using contest gues

2、sing和Role playing的学习策略。1. Warming up这部分的重点是引出本单元的话题-Things in the classroom,了解学生对教室中物品英语表达的熟悉程度并充分发挥学生的想象力。同时训练学生说的能力。活动步骤:师生互动:教师通过聊天的形式复习日常交际用语。 T: Good morning Whats your name? S: My names T: Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you, too. T:How are you ? S:Fine, thank you, and you? T: Im fine, too.

3、Whats your phone number? S: Its . T: Thank you. S: Thats all right. 然后向不同的学生搜集一些文具(课堂上需要讲的), 比如: pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, backpack, notebook等, 同时可以说一些简单的英语,像: I need your help./May I use/borrow your?/Thank you for your等, 自然地创造一个英语情景. 考虑到有些东西学生可能不会带在身边, 教师可以在课前做一些准备. 把这些东西放到一个盒子

4、/袋子里, 然后逐一拿出, 学习单词和句型。2. Match the words在此基础上,教师利用插图或实物卡片,让学生将单词与实物相连复习一些单词、学一些生词。完成Section A 1a, 并检查答案。3. Listen and number然后教师引导学习询问物品的主人的基本句型Is this/that your/her/his pencil? Yes, it is. Its mine. No, it isnt Its hers.” 让学生听对话。Section A 1bPlay the recording the first time. Students only listen. P

5、oint out the boxes where they have to write a number for each conversation.Play the recording again and write the numbers.Check the answers.4. Make own conversations练习并模仿对话。Section A 1c 识别物品的所属。学生分两人小组编对话。在学生进行语言活动时,教师检查进程并加以帮助。5. Listen and do1. 播放2a部分的录音让学生听,引导学生通过听录音熟悉物品名称pencil pen book eraser r

6、uler pencil case”,完成2a,的教学任务。2、完成2b的教学任务。Point to the words in the box and read aloud. Play the recording and check the answers. 发音提示,提醒学生一般疑问句的语调。6. Guessing game1. 2c Ask about the things in the picture.2. Guessing game (利用上课时收集上来的物品进行任务活动。)Teacher: I have something of yours. What are they? Maybe

7、they are your friends. Can you identify her or his things?操作建议:1、 展示上课时收集来的物品,让学生一一说出这些物品的英文名称。2、 让一些学生走上讲台确认自己朋友的物品。3、 询问并确认这些物品的主人。完成任务所需的语言结构:1. Whats this in English? Whats that in English? Its a/an2. My friend is This is hers/his.3. Is this your/his/her pen? Yes, it is. Its mine/ his/ hers. No,

8、 it isnt. Its hers/ mine/ his.7. Grammar focus概括语法点。 板书设计Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Words: pencil pen book eraser ruler pencil case backpack pencil sharpener dictionaryDrills:Is this/that/your /her/his pencil? Yes, it is. Its mine/ his/ hers. No, it isnt. Its hers/ mine/ his.How do you spell pen? P-

9、E-N.Whats this in English? Its a pen.Grammar:Is this/ that your/her/his ? Yes, it is. Its mine/ his/ hers. No, it isnt. Its hers/ mine/ his.练习设计随堂练习设计从B栏中选出A栏各句的答语。A B( )1. Whats this in English? A. Nice to meet you, too.( )2. Is it your dictionary? B. P-E-T-E-R.( )3. Im Gina. Nice to meet you. C. Y

10、es, it is.( )4. Whats your last name? D. Its an ID card.( )5. How do you spell it? E. Smith.KEYS: 1.D 2. C 3. A 4. E 5. B个性练习设计比比看:把两个同学铅笔盒里的文具混在一起。然后请他们分别挑出自己和同伴的物品,看谁花的时间最少。在做这种练习时,可要求学生采用自言自语的方式,即一边挑物品,一边运用“This is my. Thats her/his”句型进行描述,这样可练习物主代词和指示代词的用法。Period 2-3教学内容Section A 2d 3a 3b Sectio

11、n B 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e教学准备教师准备制作3部分的插图;制作Section B 1a 1b 2a 2b 的课件,将听力部分的内容插入;课前收集物品,准备任务活动:找主人这是谁的?制作表示物品归属的表格。学生准备复习所学物品的单词,体会一般疑问句的用法,巩固所学单词的拼写;掌握Using contest guessing和Task learning的学习策略。1. Warming up教师通过与学生谈论教室物品复习所学的单词和句型。单词:pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, dictionary, backpack, base

12、ball, watch, key, computer game, notebook, ring句型:Is this/that your/her/his pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Its hers.Are these your pencils? No, they are Bobs.2. Role-play the conversation 2d3.练习巩固 3a, Complete the questions and answers about each picture.3b Read the questions and complete the answ

13、ers4. Match the words Section B 1a 在上一个教学环节中,利用图片或课件引入更多的物品。Ask pairs of students to practice the example conversation ;Ask students to work in pairs again. Have them substitute the words shown in the pictures;Ask some pair of students to perform one of their conversations for the class.5. Spell the

14、 words 在复习的基础上引出新句型:.Whats this in English? Its a pen.How do you spell pen? P-E-N. 然后完成Section B 1b的教学任务。Ask pairs of students to practice the example conversation ;Show students how to substitute these words in the example conversation;Ask students to work in pairs again. Have them substitute the w

15、ords shown in the pictures.6. Listen, circle and write听录音完成Section B 1c 1d的教学内容。1c该活动目的是为了培养学生在口语交际中辨认出特定词汇的能力。1d该活动目的是为了培养学生听和写的能力。7. Find the owner任务活动 find the owner教师拿出课前收集的物品。Teacher: I have something of yours. But Im sorry I dont know whose they are. Could you help me find the owners? Lets see

16、 who can find all the owners first and write the owners names in the chart.Objects math bookwatchred penOwners 操作建议:1、把收集来的物品展示给学生,让所有的学生弄清是什么物品。2、询问几个学生物品是谁的,然后把学生的名字填在表格里。3、让学生互相询问物品的主人。当所有的学生都做完后,和他们一起确认这些物品的主人,并归还给他们。完成任务所需要的语言结构:2 Is this your? Yes ,it is. Its my3 Is that her ? No ,it isnt . It

17、s her ( My ruler is blue.)4 Li Lei, is this your dictionary? Yes ,its my dictionary. Here you are. Thank you.5. Whats this in English? Its a pen.How do you spell pen? P-E-N. 板书设计Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Drills:Is this/that/your/our/her/his pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.How do you spell pen? P-E-

18、N.Whats this in English? Its a pen.个性练习设计今日我介绍:课后让学生准备家庭成员照片,介绍自己的家庭成员以及他(她)所拥有的一件物品,确保能使用所学的语言材料。Period 4-5教学内容Section B 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 教学准备教师准备利用录音使学生学习一些物品名词,并引导学生进行Pair work,学会询问“Whats this? Its a . How do you spell watch? W-A-T-C-H.”;引导学生写“寻物启事”和“失物招领”,画图猜测物品,巩固所学内容,培养学生动脑、动手的能力及拾金不昧的精神和助人为乐、团结

19、友爱的品德。学生准备学习一些物品名词,了解写寻物启事和失物招领的内容和格式。1. Warming up考虑到大多数学生以前学过一部分单词,可以以猜谜语竞赛的形式导出本课内容. 以pencil为例:Step1: 说出谜面, 可以用汉语解释.Our little JohnHas a wooden shirt on, And a long, sharp nose.He leaves his mark wherever he goes.接着教师画一件物品如:baseball 问学生:Whats this? 让学生使用句型 Is this a/an?进行猜测。2. Group work学生分成四人或六人

20、小组,将本单元的单词画出来加以猜测并评出最佳图画和最佳猜词者3. Write the things you lost easily:4. Read ,circle and write1) Read Section B 3a. 2) Check the answers by having one student read his or her circled answers. Answers: computer game, ring, ID card, watch 3) Do 2c 3a As students work, move around the room and check their

21、 progress. 5. “Lost and found ”任务活动 “Lost and found ”Teacher :Most of people have picked up others things. Do you know how to give it back to the owners? Do you know how to write “Lost and found ”操作建议:1、 想一想,你曾经捡过别人丢失的东西吗?是什么呢?2、 如果捡到别人的东西,你怎么归还给主人呢?3、 如何写失物招领呢?看课文范例。4、 试着为你捡到的东西写一份失物招领。完成任务所需要的语言结构

22、:1、 pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, dictionary, backpack, baseball, watch, key, computer game, notebook, ring, etc.2、 Is this your ?3、 Is that your ?4、 Please call5、 Phone 637-892.接着教师介绍并引导学生写寻物启事。板书设计Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Section BWords:backpack pencil sharpener dictionary baske

23、tball computer game ring watch notebook ID card key eraser ruler bookDrills:Whats this?its a . Is it a watch?Yes,it isNo,it isnt.How do you spell watch? W-A-T-C-H.Lost and Found个性练习设计1、 写出失物招领和寻物启事,并推选出最佳作品加以展示。2、 如果别的同学错拿了自己的东西或自己找不到自己的东西,该怎么办?教师提出问题后,让学生分组进行讨论并记下自己的想法;然后让学生将每组中所有学生的想法进行分类,每组选派一名学生向全班进行阐述;教师再将学生的主要想法收集起来,并记在黑板上。Period 4教学内容Self Checka test.教学准备教师准备制作1,2,3部分的课件、补充一些内容(针对能力强的学生)。学生准备收集本单元中尽可能多的单词进行自测。利用Lost and Found操练“Is that/this your?”引导学生进行自我检测,完成自我评估。引导学生看3中的图,编写对话操练“Is that


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