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1、Module 6 words and expressions,contain v. 包含、包括,a jar that contains candies,eg. This mixture contains several substances. 此混合物含有几种物质。,固定搭配,a meal that includes steak,辨析,contain oneself 克制自己 eg. He could contain himself no longer. 他再也无法自制。,contain:包含、含有。侧重指某种物质中含有其他成分。 include:包括。指作为整体将某一部分包括在内,主语和宾语

2、为同一事物。,即学即练,1. This tour _(包括)a visit to the Science Museum. 这次游览包括参观科学博物馆。 2. This drink doesnt _(含有)any alcohol. 这种饮料不含有任何酒精。,included,contain,access n. 接近、通路 v. 取得、获取、使用,be easy hard of access 容易难接近 have get obtain gain access to 得以接近,得以进入,得以使用,到达某地,固定搭配,eg. The only access to the town is across

3、the bridge.,到镇上唯一的路径是经过这座桥。,派生词,accessible adj. 容易接近的、可以使用的 eg. She is not very accessible. 她不大好接近。,固定搭配,sb. sth. be accessible 某人某物是易接近的 be accessible to 易接近,可使用的,可进入的,eg. The island is only accessible by boat. 这个岛只有坐船才能到。 eg. The English teacher is accessible to the students. 这位英语老师对学生们很亲近。,crash,

4、eg. He was the only one who survived the plane crash. 他是飞机坠毁中的唯一生还者。,eg. The driver crashed the bus through brushwood. 司机把公共汽车开进了灌木丛中。 eg. His company crashed last year. 他的公司去年破产了。,. v. (计算机)崩溃、碰撞、坠落、破产,. n. 碰撞、崩溃、坠落,crash into 闯入、撞到上 be crashed to pieces 被撞成碎片 a car crash 汽车碰撞、车祸 a bank crash 银行破产,

5、固定搭配,keyword n. 密码、口令,software n. 软件 software 包括 operating system (操作系统) device driver (设备驱动程序) application (应用程序) 等。 program n. 程序 application n. 应用程序 (缩写成APP) 区分:软件由很多程序组成,程序由很多应用组成 。,breakdown n.故障、失败、崩溃、衰弱,eg. The computer had a breakdown because of sudden electricity failure. 计算机出了故障是由于突然断电。 eg

6、. He couldnt hold down a job after his breakdown. 他病倒以后,工作也就保不住了。,知识拓展,break down (机器等)损坏、停止运转;(健康状况)垮掉;崩溃、瓦解 eg. Their car broke down. 他们的车抛锚了。 eg. His health has broken down because of working too hard. 他因工作过度劳累,身体垮下来了。,breakdown是由短语break down 转化而来的合成词,类似的还有: break through 突破breakthrough n. 突破 bre

7、ak out 发生outbreak n.爆发,data n. 数据,The age of big data has come. 大数据时代已经到来。,(datum的复数),defence n. 保护、防护,in defence of 保卫,为辩护 defence against 防护 national defence 国防,固定搭配,派生词,defend v. 保卫、防御defence n. 保护、防护,拓展,defendagainst from 保卫以免受 eg. White blood cells help defend the body against infection. 白细胞有助于

8、保护身体免受感染。,create v. 创造、发明,eg. Health and wealth create beauty. 健康和财富创造美丽。,派生词,create v. 创造、发明creation n. 创作、创造、创作物creative adj. 有创造力的、创造性的creativity n. 创造力,eg.Creation is a special ability. 创造是一个特殊的能力。,4. via prep. 1) by means of “通过,凭借” The news programmes came to us via satellites. 2) by way of “经

9、由,经过(某一地方)” He sent me a letter via one of my friends. I want to travel from Beijing to Shanghai via Tianjin。 他以电子邮件方式给我发了封信。 He sent me a letter _ e-mail.,via,design n. 图样、设计 v. 设计、制图,eg. They wanted to design a machine that was both attractive and practical.,eg. Have you seen the latest design for

10、 the new library. 你见过新图书馆的最新设计图样吗?,他们想设计一台既有吸引力又实用的机器。,designer n. 设计者、策划者,派生词,designfor sb. 为某人设计 be designed for 做之用 be designed to do sth. 目的在于做某事 by design = on purpose 故意地,固定搭配,eg. Im sorry. I didnt do it by design. 对不起。我不是故意做这件事的。,vt. 发明 invent n.发明 invention n. 发明者 inventor,permission n. 许可【U

11、】,eg. The boy rushed off as his father gave him permission. 一得到父亲的许可。这个男孩就急急忙忙地跑掉了。 eg. You need permission from the World Wide Web before you can access information. 在你使用(网站上的)信息之前,你需要得到万维网的许可。,派生词,permit v. 允许、许可、(使)有可能 n. 许可证、通行证,ask request apply for permission 请求许可 without permission with ones

12、permission 未经允许在某人许可的情况下 permit doing sth. 允许做某事 permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 a business permit 营业许可证、营业执照,固定搭配,eg. Dick asked the teachers permission to leave school early. 迪克请求老师准许他早退。 eg. With your permission, Id like to use your phone. 如果你允许,我想用用你的电话。 eg. Smoking is not permitted here. 此处禁止吸烟。

13、eg. Father doesnt permit us to go to parties. 父亲不许我们参加聚会。,concentrate v. 集中(注意力、思想等)于、全神贯注于,固定搭配,concentrateon sth.doing sth. 集中于某事做某事 concentrate on = focus on 专注于 concentrate ones mind attention on (doing) sth. 集中精力注意力(做)某事 eg. Im concentrating my efforts on preparing for tomorrows interview. 我正在全

14、神贯注准备明天的面试。 eg. We could not concentrate on the lesson because the room was noisy. 屋里太吵,我们无法全神贯注地听课。,concentrate v. 集中concentration n. 集中注意力、专心,派生词,拓展,with concentration 聚精会神,independent adj. 独立的、自主的、有主见的,depend v. 依靠、依赖dependent adj. 依靠的、依赖的( independent adj. 独立的、自主的)dependence n. 依靠、依赖(independenc

15、e n. 独立、自主),派生词,固定搭配,depend on 依赖、依靠 be dependent on 依靠、取决于 it depends 视情况而定,depend,dependent,dependence后需接介词onupon;而independent,independence后接of。 eg. I used to be dependent on my parents. But now, Im independent of them. 我以前常常依赖父母。但现在,我独立了。,disadvantage n. 弊端、缺点、不利条件,eg. Both methods have their adv

16、antages and disadvantages. 两种方法各有其利弊。,固定搭配,put sb. at a disadvantage 置某人处于不利地位境地 to ones disadvantage 对某人不利 to ones advantage 对某人有利 take advantage of 利用 have an advantage over 比强、胜过 eg. The situation put us at a serious disadvantage. 这个形势使我们处于非常不利的地位。 eg. They are taking advantage of you. 他们在利用你。,派生

17、词,advantage n. 益处、优势、有利条件,average, adj. 平均的、普通的、平常的 eg. Weaverage8hours(work)a day. 我们每天平均工作8小时。 eg.The average adult man burns 1,500 to 2,000 calories per day. 一个普通成年男子每天消耗1500到2000卡路里热量。, n. C平均、平均数;U一般水平、平均水平,固定搭配,above below average 一般水平以上以下 on average 平均、一般而言 an average of 平均是, v. 算出的平均数、将平均分配 eg. Ifyouaverage4, 6a


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