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1、Holding your objects,华南理工大学 计算机科学与工程学院 韦佳 ,You need to create any number of objects, anytime, anywhere. The java.util library has a reasonably complete set of container classes to solve this problem, the basic type of which are List, Set, Queue, and Map.,Generics and type-safe containers,One of the

2、problems of using pre-Java SE5 containers was that the compiler allowed you to insert an incorrect type in to a container. / With generics, youre prevented, at compile time, from putting the wrong types of objects to a container. /

3、,You are not limited to putting the exact type of objects into a container when you specify that type as a generic parameter. Upcasting works the same with generics as it does with other types. /,Basic concepts of container,Collection: a sequence of individual elements with

4、one or more rules applied to them. List: must hold the elements in the way they were inserted; Set: cannot have duplicate elements; Queue: produces the elements in the order determined by a queuing discipline (FIFO).,Map: a group of key-value object pairs, allowing you to look up a value using a key

5、. A map allows you to look up an object using another object. Its also called an associative array.,Adding groups of elements,Arrays.asList(): takes either an array or a comma-separated list of elements and turn it into a List object. Collections.addAll(): takes a Collection object and either an arr

6、ay or a comma-separated list and adds the elements to the Collection. /,A limitation of Arrays.asList() is that it takes a best guess about the resulting type of the List, and doesnt pay attention to what youre assigning it to. /,Printing containers,You can print

7、 containers without any help. / List: ArrayList, LinkedList. Set: HashSet, TreeSet, LinkedHashSet. Map: HashMap, TreeMap, LinkedHashMap.,List,There are two types of List: ArrayList, which excels at randomly accessing elements. LinkedList, which excels at inserting and deleting

8、 elements from the middle of the List. /,Iterator,An iterator is an object whose job is to move through a sequence and select each object in that sequence without the client programmer knowing or caring about the underlying structure of that sequence. The Java Iterator can move in o

9、nly one direction.,Theres not much you can do with an Iterator except: Ask a Collection to hand you an Iterator using a method called iterator(). Get the next object in the sequence with next(). See if there are any more objects with hasNext(). Remove the last element returned by the iterator with r

10、emove(). / /,ListIterator,The ListIterator is a more powerful subtype of Iterator that is produced only by List classes. While Iterator can only move forward, ListIterator is bidirectional. /,LinkedList,The LinkedList performs inserti

11、on and removal in the middle of the List more efficiently than ArrayList. Conversely, the LinkedList is less efficient for random-access operations than ArrayList. /,Stack,A stack is sometimes referred to as a “last-in, first out” (LIFO) container. LinkedList has methods that

12、directly implement stack functionality, so you can also just use a LinkedList rather than making a stack class. /;,Set,A Set refuses to hold more than one instance of each object value. / If you want the results to be sorted, one approach is to use a TreeSet instead of a HashSet. /;,Map,The ability to map objects to other objects can be an powerful way to solve programming problems. A Map easily solves the problem. /;


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