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1、Module 2 Unit 7 Travelling in Garden City,词汇预习导航,【导航目标】,知识:,要求能正确朗读本课单词和词组,要求能谈论交通方式,能力:,会借助工具书来查阅生词和重要词组,逐渐学会如何课前自主预习,情感:,通过本课的预习,培养学生良好的学习习惯以及良好的合作意识。,通过自学、小组讨论等多种形式的教学活动,激发学生学英语、用英语的兴趣,鼓励他们积极参与课堂活动,良性竞争并增加集体荣誉感。,【重点难点】,Perhaps,all of; most of; some of; none of,will do,4. more/ fewer,Boys and girl

2、s, lets make a breakthrough! (让我们一起来闯关吧!),Level A 请大声朗读并背诵P49词汇。,Close your book and fill in the Word Box.,单词音标词性中文单词音标词性中文,双层车fare,公共的 交通、运输,售票员现今,insteadsingle-decker,大多数 没有一个,stillperhaps,few堵车、交通阻塞,轻便摩托车flyover,铁路人行道,隧道 桥,crossing人行桥,poster,大家都闯过第一关了吧?怎么样?不难吧!让我们继续冲关!,Level B 请大声朗读P46-48课文及重要词组,

3、至少读两遍哦!,在课文中找出以下单词、词组和句子并用记号笔在课本中划出。,1. 乘公车旅行_ 2. 一辆双层车_,3. 一个投币箱_4. 一辆空调巴士_,5. 一张公共交通卡_,6. 过去_7. 从售票员处买票_,8. 从乘客处收钱_ 9. 更少的交通堵塞_,10. 更多地铁站_ 11. 一张未来交通出行的海报_,12. 他们把钱投入车票箱或者用一张公交卡来取代。_,13. 如今,大部分巴士是有空调的。_,14. 过去,没有一位公交司机是女性。_,15. 所有公交司机都是男性。_,16. 大部分公交司机仍是男性。_,17. 10年后,在“花园城”内的交通会是怎样的?,_,18. 可能没有人会乘

4、轮渡旅行。,_,祝贺你!又一次闯关成功!马上要进入第三关了。有些小难度哟!加油啊!如果完成有困难,上课时注意听讲哦!或者求助你的学习小组吧!,Level C 【动动手 查一查】,1. double adj. 译_ a double room译_ single adj. 译_,一个单人房 译_,2. public adj. 译_ 在公众场合_,3. transportation n. 译_(一般作不可数名词)它的动词形式是_,公共交通车辆_ 一张公共交通卡_,4. conductor n. 译_它的意思比较丰富,还可以解释为_等等,它的动词形式是_,5. instead adv. 译_ inst

5、ead of 译_,请翻译以下句子:,I went to the meeting instead of him._,I didnt go to the meeting. Instead, he went to the meeting._,由此可见,instead和instead of的区别在于_,_,_,6. none pron. 译_ 全部 译_,none与all的关系类同于_和_,请翻译以下句子:,All of the students have been to the library._,All of the students have not been to the library._

6、,None of the students have/has been to the library._,Both of them are doctors._,Both of them are not doctors._,Neither of them is a doctor._,请注意黑体斜体部分哦!,请翻译以下词组:,所有书本 _ 大部分书本_,一些书本_ 没有一本书 _,所有学校_ 大部分学校_,一些学校_ 没有一所学校_,7. perhaps adv. 译_ 它的同义词有_,8. traffic jam 译_ 是个_(可数、不可数)名词。,traffic 译_是个_(可数、不可数)名词

7、。,9. railway n. 译_ 在火车站 译_,pavement n 译_ 在人行道 译_,crossing n. 译_ 在十字路口 译_,tunnel n. 译_ 穿越隧道 译_,bridge n. 译_ 过桥 译_,祝贺你已完成了本单元所有的词汇预习任务!,您的孩子是否按要求完成了本单元的词汇预习导航(包括朗读和勾划重点词组、句型)?期待得到家长的配合,谢谢! 家长签名_,【当堂检测】,( ) 1. We cant keep balance _.,A. in spaceB. in the spaceC. at space D. at the space,( ) 2. There ma

8、y be living things _.,A. on moonB. in the moon C. on the moonD. in moon,( ) 3. Dont talk loudly _.,A. in the public B. in publicC. at the publicD. at public,( ) 4. _ of the twins is good at singing.,A. Neither B. Both C. None D. All,( ) 5. _ of the students have been to Bangkok before. Which one is

9、wrong?,A. All B. Both C. Neither D. None,( ) 6. There are many trees on _ sides of the street.,A. all B. both C. neither D. none,( ) 7. There are many trees on _ side of the street.,A. each B. both C. neither D. none,( ) 8. There are many stores on _ sides of the square.,A. all B. both C. neither D.

10、 none,( ) 9. _ of my parents are kind to animals.,A. All B. Both C. Neither D. None,( ) 10. _ of the students in our class like the film because its interesting.,A. All B. Both C. Neither D. None,( ) 11. _ of the ten problems are/is easy for Mary.,A. All B. Both C. Neither D. None,12. He didnt go to

11、 the museum. I_, Alice went there.(用instead of改为同义句),_,13. There are too m_ traffic jams on the road.,There is too m_ traffic on the road.,14. All of them enjoy the journey. (改为否定句),_,15. Both of them are teachers. (改为否定句),_,介词填空:,16. A bridge stands _ the river.,17. There is a beautiful rainbow _ the river after the heavy


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