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1、Revision:,Words: pilot飞行员 return返回 New York 纽约 Tokyo Madrid fly (flew flew)飞行,1,学习交流PPT,2,学习交流PPT,Lessons 9596,Tickets, please.,3,学习交流PPT,New words:,return/rIt:n/往返 return tickets 往返车票 他买了两张往返票。 He bought two return tickets. train/trein/火车 by train坐火车 他们坐火车去北京。 They went to Beijing by train.,4,学习交流P

2、PT,platform/pltf:m/站台 platform two 2号站台 2号站台在哪? Where is the platform two? plenty/plenti/大量 Plenty of 许多,大量 我有很多的时间。 I have plenty of time.,5,学习交流PPT,bar/ba:/酒吧 在那边有一个酒吧。 There is a bar over there. station/stein/火车站,车站 bus station 公共汽车站 他现在在公共汽车站呢。 He is at the bus station.,6,学习交流PPT,porter/p:t/乘务员

3、Tom 是一名乘务员。 Tom is a porter. catch/kt/赶上 (caught/k:t/) Catch the train 赶上火车 他没赶上火车。 He didnt catch the train.,7,学习交流PPT,miss/mIs/错过 miss the bus 错过公共汽车 我们错过了公共汽车。 We missed the bus.,8,学习交流PPT,Words:,return/rIt:n/往返 train/trein/火车 platform/pltf:m/站台 plenty/plenti/大量 bar/ba:/酒吧 station/stein/火车站,车站 po

4、rter/p:t/乘务员 catch/kt/赶上 (caught/k:t/) miss/mIs/错过,9,学习交流PPT,Free talk,Have you ever been somewhere by train? Did you have a good journey? Have you ever missed the train?,10,学习交流PPT,11,学习交流PPT,Listening:,Listen to the tape then answer these questions. 1.What time will the next train leave? At ninete

5、en minutes past eight. 2.Where is the bar? Its next door to the station. 3.Whydid they miss the train? Because that clock is ten minutes slow.,12,学习交流PPT,GEORGE: Two return tickets to London, please. What time will the next train leave? ATTENDANT: At nineteen minutes past eight.,n. 往返 v.归还 返回( to) P

6、lease return the book in time.,to 表示所有关系 a ticket to London一张到伦敦的车票 a train to London去伦敦的火车 the way to London到伦敦的路,复习时间表示法:,13,学习交流PPT,GEORGE: Which platform? ATTENDANT: Platform Two. Over the bridge. KEN: What time will the next train leave? GEORGE: At eight nineteen.,14,学习交流PPT,KEN: Weve got plent

7、y of time.,plenty of =lots of=a lot of+ 可数/不可数n. 许多 A number of= many +可数n. much= a great deal of+ 不可数n. 我们有很多的时间。 We have a lot/plenty/ lots of time. 有很多的苹果。 There are a lot/plenty/ lots of apples. 有很多土豆。 There are a number of/ many potatoes. 有很多水。 There is much/a great deal of water.,15,学习交流PPT,GE

8、ORGE: Its only three minutes to eight. KEN: Lets go and have a drink. Theres a bar next door to the station.,bar n. 酒吧,棒,条 A snack bar 快餐厅 There is a snack bar over there.在那边有个快餐厅。 a bar of chocolate= a chocolate bar 巧克力棒 a bar of gold= a gold bar金条,16,学习交流PPT,GEORGE: We had better go back to the st

9、ation now, Ken. PORTER: Tickets, please. GEORGE: We want to catch the eight nineteen to London.,catch up with =keep up with 追上,赶上 最后,警察追上了小偷。 At last, the policeman caught/kept up with the thief. catch/have a cold 患感冒 他昨天感冒了。 He caught/had a cold.,17,学习交流PPT,PORTER: Youve just missed it!,miss v.错过,思

10、念 Miss 小姐 miss out 漏掉,省略 别错过去北京的火车 Dont miss the train to Beijing. 他点名的时候把我漏掉了。 He missed me out when he called the names.,18,学习交流PPT,GEORGE: What! Its only eight fifteen. PORTER: Im sorry, sir. That clocks ten minutes slow. GEORGE: Whens the next train? PORTER: In five hours time!,in five hours tim

11、e =five hours later 五个小时后 in a minutes time=a minute later 一分钟后,19,学习交流PPT,Grammar(had better do/must do) We had better go back to the station now.我们最好现在就回到车站去。 1. had better do sth 最好做某事 had better not do 最好不做某事 (表示忠告建议,没有人称和数的变化,表示现在和将来,没有过去),20,学习交流PPT,你们最好明天去上学。 You had better go to school tomorrow. 他最好现在就吃药。 He had better take some medicine now. 你最好不要告诉他。 You had better not tell him. 我们最好不要离开。 We had better not leave.,21,学习交流PPT,We must go back to the station now. 我们必须现在就回车


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