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1、1,Diabetes Mellitus,2,CONTENTS,Definition of DM diagnostic criteria for diabetes The different types of diabetes Clinical manifestations and Diabetic complications treatment,3,何谓糖尿病? DM is a metabolic disorder , resulting from absolute absence or the low creature effect of insulin. It is characteriz

2、ed by hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and other signs, as distinct from a single disease or condition. .It can be coursed by genic factors and environmental factors.,4,Epidemiology of DM,全球特点: 2000年DM患者1.71亿 2010年- 2.4亿 预计2030年- 3.66亿 我国国情:80年14省市调查-DM患病率0.61% 96年11省市调查-DM患病率3.21% 估计目前DM患者2000-3000

3、万 IGT患者3000-4000万,5,糖尿病患者人数最多的三个国家,百万,在2000年隶属于I.D.F的国家中2型糖尿病估计患病率,7,Diagnostic Criteria of DM(ADA 1997),T2DM,IFG,IFG/IGT,NG,IGT,IPH,7.0mmol/L,6.1mmol/L,负荷后血糖,空 腹 血 糖,7.8mmol/L,11.1mmol/L,IFG-空腹血糖减损; IGT-糖耐量减损; IPH-单一负荷后高血糖,8,糖尿病的诊断由血糖水平确定,分割点则是人为制定,主要是依据血糖水平对人类健康的危害程度 随着血糖水平对人类健康影响研究的深化,对糖尿病诊断标准中的血

4、糖水平分割点会不断进行修正,9,The new Diagnostic Criteria of DM,糖尿病症状+任意时间血浆葡萄糖水平 11.1mmol/l(200mg/dl) 或 2. 空腹血浆葡萄糖(FPG)水平7.0mmol/l (126mg/dl) 或 3. 口服葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT)中,2hPG水平 11.1mmol/l(200mg/dl) 儿童的糖尿病诊断标准与成人一致(1.75g葡萄糖/kg),10,Interpret the new Diagnostic Criteria,糖尿病诊断是依据空腹、任意时间或OGTT中2小时血糖值 空腹指至少8小时内无任何热量摄入 任意时间指一

5、日内任何时间,无论上次进餐时间及食物摄入量 OGTT是指以75克无水葡萄糖为负荷量,溶于水内口服 (如用1分子结晶水葡萄糖,则为82.5克),11,Impaired Glucose homeostasis(IGH),任何类型DM的前期状态 IGH有两种状态:空腹血糖受损(Impaired Fasting Glucose,IFG)及糖耐量受损(Impaired Glucose tolerance,IGT,原称糖耐量减退或糖耐量低减)。IFG及IGT可单独或合并存在,12,The different types of diabetes(ADA,1997),Type 1 diabetes (98年后

6、) Type 2 diabetes Eight other special types of diabetes Gestational diabetes mellitus(GDM),13,Clinical classes of DM,不再应用胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(IDDM)及非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(NIDDM)(治疗病因和发病机制) 保留1型及2型名称,用阿拉伯数字表示 取消原NIDDM(2型糖尿病)中的肥胖及非肥胖亚型 的定义与以往不同,涵盖了以往的妊娠糖尿病及妊娠糖耐量受损 两种情况,14,Clinical classes of DM(一),T1DM(胰岛素绝对缺乏) 自身免疫性(急发型、缓发

7、型) 特发性(抗体指标阴性,明显家族史、发病早、B细胞功 能不一定进行性下降、胰岛素用量较自身免疫性 者少) T2DM(胰岛素抵抗和胰岛素分泌不足) Special types of 胰岛细胞功能基因异常 ( maturity-onset diabetes of the young)5 线粒体突变 其他,15,Clinical classes of DM(二),胰岛素作用基因异常 型胰岛素抵抗 矮妖精貌综合征(leprechaunism)(罕见):常染色体隐性遗传 Rabson-Mendenhall综合征(C型胰岛素抵抗) lipoatrophic diabetes 胰腺外分泌疾病 内分泌疾病

8、,16,Clinical classes of DM(三),药物或化学制剂所致 烟酸,糖皮质激素,甲状腺素,激动剂,受体拮抗剂,噻嗪类利尿剂,苯妥英钠等 感染:先天性风疹,巨细胞病毒等 免疫介导的罕见类型(包括B型胰岛素抵抗) 伴糖尿病的遗传综合征 Turner综合征,Down综合征,Klinefelter综合征等等 (gestational diabetes mellitus),17,Gestational Diabetes Mellitus,妊娠中初次发现的(妊娠前已知有者称之为合并妊娠) 75g OGTT中所见任何程度的糖耐量异常(DM/IGH) 产后6周需复查OGTT,重新确定诊断 正

9、常 IFG或IGT 重新分型,18,Etiology(一),T1DM Family HistoryGenetic Factors HLA-DR3、DR4是T1DM发生的背景条件 HLA-DQ位点是T1DM易感性的主要决定因子 其他:热休克蛋白70、TNF基因 Environmental FactorsViruses、Chemical Substances and Dietary Factors等 Autoimmunity胰岛细胞自身抗体 ICCA-islet cell cytoplasm Ab ICSA-islet cell surface Ab IAA-insulin autoantibod

10、y ;IA-2A GADA-glutamic acid decarboxylase Ab,Human leukocyte antigen,19,Etiology (二),T2DM Family History多基因多环境因素复合病(异质性) 主效基因、次要基因 B细胞功能缺陷(葡萄糖激酶缺陷、GLUT2、线粒 体缺陷、胰岛素原加工障碍、胰岛 素结构异常、胰淀粉样肽) 胰岛素抵抗(GLUT4、胰岛素受体病变),20,Etiology (三),T2DM Environmental Factors肥胖、高热量饮食、少动 肥胖具高遗传性:Leptin、褐色脂肪细胞功 能、抵抗素; 食欲、食量和食物选择

11、均 受遗传因素影响; Low-birthweight胰岛细胞体积变小 限制前脂肪细胞形成成人期 脂肪细胞数目,21,瑙鲁的故事: 人类的进化 和自然残酷 的选择,22,Pathology(一),T1DM: 胰岛B细胞数量及胰岛炎 胰高糖素、生长抑素、胰多肽分泌的细胞数N或相对 T2DM: 胰岛淀粉样变性、纤维化 B细胞数中度或无减少 胰高糖素分泌细胞,23,Pathology(二),Diabetic macroangiopathy: 大、中动脉粥样硬化,中、小动脉硬化 Diabetic microangiopathy : 100m的毛细血管和微血管网的病变 PAS阳性物质沉积于内皮下cap基底

12、膜增厚 DN 结节性肾小球硬化 DR玻璃样变性小动脉硬化、cap基底膜增厚、微血管瘤和小静脉迂曲渗出新生血管形成 Diabetic neuropathy 轴突变性伴节段性或弥漫 性脱髓鞘,24,Pathophysiology(一),The absence of insulin is an important link Type 1 diabetes: Disorder of glycometabolism mechanisms result in hyperglycemia : Utilization of glucose decreases Output of liver sugar inc

13、reases,25,Patho-physiology(二),2. Disorder of fat metabolism when the insulin is too little to translate enough suger to ATP to provide energy, fat breakdown and produces Keto-bodies. Keto-bodies can course ketosis when the organism cant afford it.,26,Patho-physiology(三),3. Disorder of protein metabo

14、lism Protein synthesis can be weakened, while protein breakdown accelerating. Negative nitrogen balance might be resulted in.,27,The two characteristics of pathogenesis of Type 2 diabetes: insulin resistance defect of insulin secretion,Patho-physiology(四),28,胰岛素抵抗,肝糖生成,内源性胰岛素,餐后血糖,内源性胰岛素, 4 7 年 ,“诊断

15、DM”,显性糖尿病,Natural development and progression of DM,微血管,大血管,空腹血糖,IGH,29,Natural development and progression of DM,30,Clinical manifestation,Hyperdiuresis Polydipsia Polyphagia body weight loss,31,These four symptoms can be obviously observed when people have Type 1 diabetes. People with Type 2 diabe

16、tes have less symptoms.,32,Diabetic complication(一),A Acute complication Diabetic ketoacidosis;DKA Nonketotic hyperosmolar diabetic coma,NHDC The motivation could be: infect discontinuationof insulin treatment improper diet wound and so on.,33,Diabetic complication(二),B chronicity complication 1.Mac

17、roangiopathy: Coronary heart disease Cerebrovascular disease;CVD Peripheral vascular disease,34,正常,脂肪条纹,纤维斑块,动脉粥样 斑块,斑块破裂/ 血栓形成,稳定性心绞痛,无临床症状,不稳定心绞痛,心梗,缺血性中风/ 短暂性脑缺血,周围血管 疾病,心血管死亡,动脉粥样硬化 : 一个血管疾病的全身性 及进展性过程,35,Diabetic complication(三),2. microangiopathy: 蛋白质非酶促性糖基化 山梨醇代谢旁路增强 血液动力学改变 蛋白激酶C激活,36,Diabet

18、ic complication(四),2. microangiopathy: diabetic nephropathy diabetic retinopathy diabetic neuropathy,37,DR4期(左眼),DR2期(左眼),38,微量白蛋白尿(MAU)的定义,MAU:尿白蛋白的排泄率超过正常范围,但低于常规方法可检测到的尿蛋白水平 K/DOQI,2002,39,Diabetic complication(五),3. Neuropathy Peripheral neuropathy(PNP)is the most commonest, usually displays as

19、peripheral neuritis. autonomic neuropathy.,40,Diabetic complication(六),C diabetic gangrene peripheral neuropathy, insufficiency of blood, bacterial infection can result in this disease.,41,laboratory examination,Text of urine glucose urine glucose positive result is the clue to find diabetes. But,to

20、 make sure,we need further texts. Text of urine keto-bodies 硝基氢氰酸盐法,42,HbA1C and ( FA) HbA1c should be tested,which can reflect the blood average glucose level in 2-3 months. 4.06.0%:normal 8.0%:badly controled,2011年ADA 新的DM诊断标准,43,The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) The OGTT is a gold standard f

21、or making the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. With an oral glucose tolerance test, the person fasts overnight . Then first, the fasting plasma glucose is tested. After this test, the person receives 75 grams of glucose . Blood samples are taken at specific intervals to measure the blood glucose.,44,pl

22、asma insulin and c-peptid release test These two tests can estimate function of islet cells.,45,Diagnostic criteria for diabetes Symptoms 101:515-520; Adapted from Larsson H, et al. Acta Physiol Scand. 1997;160:413-422; Adapted from Nauck MA, et al. Diabetologia. 1996;39:1546-1553; Adapted from Druc

23、ker DJ. Diabetes. 1998;47:159-169.,进食促进 GLP-1分泌,降低 细胞负荷,增加 细胞反应,74,葡萄糖转运蛋白,K/ATP 通道,电压依赖性 Ca2+通道,GLP-1受体,Ca2+,胰岛素颗粒,缺乏葡萄糖时激活GLP-1受体仅引起少量胰岛素释放,胰腺细胞,胰岛素释放,葡萄糖,Gromada J, et al. Pflugers Arch Eur J Physiol. 1998;435:583-594; MacDonald PE, et al. Diabetes. 2002;51:S434-S442.,75,GLP-1受体,胰岛素颗粒,GLP-1的促胰岛素分

24、泌作用是葡萄糖依赖的,胰腺细胞,葡萄糖转运蛋白,K/ATP 通道,电压依赖性 Ca2+ 通道,Ca2+,葡萄糖,Ca2+,胰岛素释放,Gromada J, et al. Pflugers Arch Eur J Physiol. 1998;435:583-594; MacDonald PE, et al. Diabetes. 2002;51:S434-S442.,76,快速灭活限制了GLP-1 的临床治疗价值,快速灭活 (DPP-4), 清除半衰期短 (1-2 min),GLP-1 必须持续给药 (静脉注射),用于治疗2型糖尿病这样的慢性疾病非常不便,Drucker DJ, et al. Dia

25、betes Care. 2003;26:2929-2940.,77,目前以GLP-1为通道改善血糖控制的方法,模拟 GLP-1作用的药物 能模拟GLP-1的糖代谢调节作用的新的肽类 GLP-1类似物,与白蛋白结合的GLP-1(利拉鲁肽) 不被DPP-4降解的GLP-1衍生物 GLP-1受体激动剂艾塞那肽 延长内源性GLP-1活性的药物 DPP-4抑制剂,Drucker DJ, et al. Diabetes Care. 2003;26:2929-2940,78,正常人中GLP-1对 细胞的作用,餐后,79,2型糖尿病患者中GLP-1对 细胞的作用,80,如何增强GLP-1的作用?,抑制 DPP

26、-4 酶活性 可降解多种趋化因子及肽类激素,包括GLP-11 DPP-4 是循环中具有完整生物活性GLP-1的半衰期的主要决定因子1,激活GLP-1受体 当GLP-1受体被激活时,可产生多种糖调节作用2 GLP-1 受体激动剂可激活 GLP-1 受体2 GLP-1 受体激动剂不会被DPP-4降解1,See accompanying Prescribing Information and safety information included in this presentation 1. Drucker DJ. Diabetes Care. 2007;30:1335-1343. 2. Druc

27、ker DJ, Nauck MA. Lancet. 2006;368:1696-1705.,81,GLP-1 被 DPP-4 降解及灭活,82,艾塞那肽不被DPP-4降解,83,insulin treatment,Indication Type 1 diabetes Type 2 diabetes ,when oral antidiabetic drugs works badly or the patientsuffers bad physical condition. when complication appears. To meet an emergency ,such as operation


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