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1、Unit 5 A Circus in the Park,The fifth period:More reading and writing (On page64-65),Its Friday today.,December,Christmas Eve,Christmas Day,December 24th is _. December 25th is_.,Christmas Eve,Christmas Day,What festivals do you like? Why?,National Day,Halloween,Spring Festival,Mothers Day,Fathers D

2、ay,Teachers Day,Childrens Day,?,Christmas,?,?,Festival Holidays,限时阅读60秒,A. Xiaomings first Christmas dinner B. Janes Spring Festival C. Both A and B,Read and choose.,The text is about_.,C,What was the date?,1,2,2. Where was Xiaoming?,3. What did Xiaoming do on that day? 4. What did Xiaoming eat for

3、dinner? 5. How did he feel?,1,2,3. What did Xiaoming do on that day? 4. What did Xiaoming eat for dinner? 5. How did he feel?,1,2,3,4,turkey 火鸡,5. How did he feel?,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,Dec. 24th,at a friends house,had a big Christmas party,had dinner,1.,2.,Dec. 24th,at a friends house,had a big Chris

4、tmas party,turkey,fun,had dinner,1.,2.,January 28th,1,Chinese Spring Festival Eve,January 28th,1,2,at a friends house,3,3,had a big family dinner,made dumplings,1.,2.,dumplings,4,January 28th,1,2,at a friends house,3,3,had a big family dinner,made dumplings,1.,2.,dumplings,4,5,happy,Jane,Sorry, I am

5、 not in this picture. I was behind the camera!,Is Xiaoming in this picture?,Xiaoming,He was behind the camera.,taking a picture with a camera,standing behind the camera,A,B,跟着音频同时开始读(注意语速),Listen and read.,( ) 1. Turkey is the main food in a Christmas dinner. ( ) 2. There is always a big family dinn

6、er in the Spring Festival. ( ) 3. It is always(总是) cold in Christmas and the Spring Festival.,Read and judge. “T” or “F”,T,T,All the members of my friends family were at the dinner.,= every one of the family,( ) 3. It is always(总是) cold in Christmas and the Spring Festival.,Read and judge. “T” or “F

7、”,F,It was a snowy night.,Australia,About Christmas,unforgettable(难忘的) festivals,Think and fill in the form.,My unforgettable(难忘的) festival,Group work: make a report.,My unforgettable(难忘的) festival,I was at _ on _. _ _ _,我的第一个圣诞晚餐 在一个朋友的家里 一个下雪的夜晚 很多乐趣 一个大的圣诞派对 一个大火鸡 在这张照片里 在相机后面 一个大的家庭聚餐 我朋友家的所有成员

8、在晚宴 饺子 1、平安夜是在12月24日。 2、圣诞晚会上我们吃了一个大火鸡。 3. 这是中国春节第一天的前一个晚上。,My first Christmas dinner,at a friends house,a snowy night,a lot of fun,a big Christmas party,all the members of my friends family,a big family dinner,in this picture,at the dinner,Christmas Eve is on December 24th.,At Christmas party we ha

9、d a big turkey.,It was the evening before the first day of the Chinese Spring Festival.,a big turkey,behind the camera,dumplings,3. 在春节,通常有一个大的家庭聚餐。所有的家庭成员会共进晚餐, 通常吃饺子。 4. 火鸡是圣诞晚宴上的主食。,At Spring Festival, we usually have a big family dinner. All family members will get together to have dinner. We us

10、ually eat dumplings.,Turkey is the main food in a Christmas dinner,Lets know more festivals!,1、When is Dragon Boat Festival ? A. Its in May. B. Its in June. C. Its in May or in June. 2. What do we do on Dragon Festival? A. We watch the boating. B. We go fishing. 3. What do we eat on Dragon Festival?

11、 A. We eat dumplings. B. We eat Zongzi. C. We eat turkey.,Dragon Boat Festival 端午节,1、When is Mid-autumn Festival ? A. Its in September. B. Its in October. C. Its in September or in October. 2. What do we do on Mid-autumn Festival ? A. We watch the moon. B. We watch the movie. 3. What do we eat on Mi

12、d-autumn Festival ? A. We eat moon cake. B. We eat Zongzi. C. We eat turkey.,Lets know more festivals!,Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节,Easter(复活节),Lets know more festivals!,复活节来历 复活节是最古老最有意义的基督教节日之一。它庆祝的是基督的复活,世界各地的基督徒每年都要举行庆祝。复活节还象征重生和希望。时间是春分月圆后的第一个星期日。 复活节活动介绍 复活节前夕,孩子们为朋友和家人给鸡蛋着色打扮一番。这些蛋有的煮得很老,有的只是空空的蛋壳

13、。复活节那天早上,孩子们会发现床前的复活节篮子里装满了巧克力彩蛋、复活节小兔子、有绒毛的小鸡及娃娃玩具等。据说复活节兔子会将彩蛋藏在室内或是草地里让孩子们去寻找。一年一度的美国白宫滚彩蛋活动经常被电视台实况转播。,Painted eggs(彩蛋),1、端午节 2、粽子 3、中秋节 4、月饼 5、复活节 6、彩蛋 1、端午节在5或6月。我们在端午节看龙舟。 2、中秋节在9或10月。我们在中秋节赏月和吃月饼。 3、复活节在3或4月.人们在复活节制作彩蛋。,Dragon Boat Festival,Mid-Autumn Festival,Easter,Zongzi,moon cake,painted eggs,Dragon Boat Festival is in May or in June. We watch Boating and eat Zongzi on that day.,Mid-Autumn Festival is i


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