已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、在名词词组中心词之前如果有两个或两个以上限定词出现时,就会产生限定词的先后顺序问题。,限定词与限定词的搭配关系,前位,中位,后位限定词,前位限定词(Predeterminer):all, both, half, double, twice; one-third, two-thirds;what,such(a/an)等。,从这些前位限定词,我发现它们包括了: 分数 :One-third ,two-fifths 倍数 :Half, double. twice, three times 不定限定词: All ,both ,half 以及What , such (a/an),有的学者把出现在不定冠词之

2、前的quite 和 rather 也归入前位限定词,包含下列词: 定冠词:a(an),the ,zero; 指示词:this / that / these / those ; 形容词性物主代词,名词所有格:my ,your, his ,her ; Johns; 不定限定词(量词):some, any, no, every, each, either, neither, enough, much等 疑问限定词:即wh-words :what(ever), which(ever), whose等。,中位限定词(Central determiners),后位限定词 (post Determiner)

3、,包括以下单词: 基数词:one ,two, three 序数词:first ,second ,third 量词:many, much, (a)few ,(a)little, fewer, (the)fewest ,less, (the)least, more, most, plenty of, a lot of ,lots of , a great number of, a great/good day ,a great quantity of , ect。 不定限定词:other ,another,next, last,个别跨类现象,Such 既属于前位限定词,又可归入后位限定词。 只在

4、such a 和 such an 这样的搭配中属于前者; 而与其他限定词: Some , any , no, all, few,another ,other ,many ,one ,two 等 搭配时为后者, 如:some such , any such ,no such ,few such , one such等。 1.Ive never seen such a crowd! / Such a beautiful girl. 2.As the old saying goes, there is no such thing as a free lunch.,2.三类限定词的搭配关系,搭配关系:

5、前位中位后位, 只含两类词时也适用。,All the four teachers , all your three books , all these last few days , half his lecture , those last few months , such a misfortune The teacher asked his students to write their answers on every other line. Both my brothers have graduated from universities. The old men had a ver

6、y good time during all these last few days., 前位限定词之间,中位限定词之间是互相排斥的。不能在一个中心词前同时使用两个或两个以上中、前位限定词。 比如: 我的那本书:my that book That book of mine half all the cake ,some Johns friends是错误的 限定词不能用来修饰代词,如不可以说both they ,most they,而应用both of them , most of them的形式。 表示同类意义的不同位的限定词不能同时修饰同一名词. some much water(wrong)

7、,注意, 后位限定词可以重叠使用,即可同时出现但位置比较固定,(比如序数词+基数词;序数词+数量词)例如: Last few months Several hundred guests His last two book The first two chapters Two more sheets. The next few weeks. Many more copies. A few more samples. Another twenty tons.,在英语中,当名词有多个形容词修饰时,就有它们的先后顺序。下面的口诀可帮你记住这一先后顺序,也是解题的关键。 限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老;

8、 颜色国籍跟材料,作用类别往后靠; 其中,“限定”是 限定词的搭配。 “描绘”性形容词如:beautiful、bad、cold、great等。 “大长高”表示大小、长短、高低等一些词。 表示“形状”的词如:round square等。 “国籍”指一个国家或地区的词。 “材料”的词如:wooden, woolen, stone , silk等。 “作用类别”的词如:medical, college,writing desk,police car等,延伸:,典型例题: 1) Tony is going camping with _ boys. A. little two other B. two

9、little other C. two other little D. little other two 答案:C。由“限定词-数词-描绘词-(大小,长短,形状,新旧,颜色) -性质-名词”的公式可知数词,描绘词,性质依次顺序。 2) One day they crossed the _bridge behind the palace. A. old Chinese stone B. Chinese old stone C. old stone Chinese D. Chinese stone old 答案A. 几个形容词修饰一个名词,他们的排列顺序是:年龄,形状,大小+颜色+来源+质地+用途

10、+国家+名词。,3) - How was your recent visit to Qingdao? - It was great. We visited some friends,and spent the _days at the seaside. A. few last sunny B. last few sunny C. last sunny few D. few sunny last 答案:B。本题考查多个形容词的排序问题。一般与被修饰形容词关系密切的形容词靠近名词;如果几个形容词的重要性差不多,音节少的形容词在前,音节多的方在后。 1 ( 2004 年重庆卷 33 题) The h

11、usband gave his wife_ every month in order to please her. A. all half his income B. his half all income C. half his all income D. all his half income,2 ( 2004 年浙江卷 24 题) _ students are required to take part in the boat race. A. Ten strong young Chinese B. Ten Chinese strong young C. Chinese ten young strong D. Young s


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