1、ECE 398RES RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS presentation byPat Chapman and George GrossDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaignat the PAP 2006 Annual MeetingOUTLINEThe scope of the courseThe course within the current energy/ environment contextThe role of r
2、enewable sourcesCourse objectives and perspectivesTopical outlineThe first classRENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMSWe focus on the technical, economic and environmental aspects of renewable and alternative energy systems to obtain an understanding of their role in meeting societys electricity needsWe analyze t
3、he full range of renewable energy supplies The course provides a basis for understanding the distinctive scientific principles of renewableRENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMSenergy and the ability to provide an assessment of the economics and environmental impacts of renewable energyThe course covers the basic
4、s of energy produc-tion from renewable sources, the relevant thermodynamics background, the structure and nature of the electric transmission grid, the integration of renewable resources into the grid, environmental aspects and the regulatory environment for electricityINCREASE IN WORLD ENERGY PRODU
5、CTION AND CONSUMPTIONMton oil equivalent*2000 2030 1971 2000 productionconsumptionproductionconsumption01000200030004000500060007000Source: IEA 2002transition economiesdeveloping countriesOECD* 1 tonne of oil equivalent (toe) = 42 GJ (net calorific value) = 10034 Mcal PREDOMINANCE OF OIL AND GASOUT
6、OF GASPRICE OF OILMAJOR CHALLENGES IN ENERGYEnergy security: fuel supply resources for the futureEconomic growth: accommodation of the developing nations needsEnvironmental effects: global warming and emission controlElectricity system reliability: assurance of integrity of electric power infrastruc
7、ture SUSTAINABILITYSustainable development refers to living, product-ion and consumption in a manner and at a level that meets the needs of the present without unduly impact on the ability of future generations to meet their own needsThe World Commission on Environment and Development set up by the
8、UN issued a seminal report in 1987; the report established the concept of sustainable developmentThe major thrust of the report was to explicitly recognize the scale and unevenness of economicSUSTAINABILITYdevelopment and population growth continue to place unprecedented pressures on the planets lan
9、d, water and other natural resources and without constraints are severe enough to wipe out regional populations and, over the long term, to lead to global catastrophes Sustainability is a key guiding principle of policy of many nationsThe applicability at international, national, state and local lev
10、els varies widelyROLE OF RENEWABLES IS OF GROWING IMPORTANCERENEWABLES ROLE IN THE 2004 U.S. ENERGY SUPPLY 2005 RENEWABLE PORTFOLIO STANDARDS AND STATE MANDATES2005 WIND ENERGY STATUSAlaska1California2,096Colorado229Hawaii9Iowa632Kansas114Massachusetts1Michigan2Minnesota615Nebraska14New Mexico267New
11、 York48North Dakota66Oregon263Pennsylvania129Tennessee29Texas1,293Vermont6Wisconsin53Wyoming285Washington240South Dakota44West Virginia66ArkansasIdahoMaineMontana2New HampshireOklahoma176UtahIllinois81Ohio7total U.S. capacity installed: 6740MWSource: American Wind Energy Association, Outlook 2005200
12、3 05 GLOBAL WIND CAPACITY010000200003000040000500006000070000200320042005MWSource: Global Wind Energy Council8,20711,769GLOBAL INSTALLED WIND POWER CAPACITY ( MW ) REGIONAL DISTRIBUTIONAfrica & The Middle EastAsiaEuropeLatin America & CaribbeanNorth AmericaPacific RegionSource: Wind Energy Fact Shee
13、t, American Wind Energy Association, 2005 INSTALLED WIND CAPACITYEurope 40,500 MW68%Americas and Africa 10,979 MW19%Asia 7,135 MW12%Australia708 MW1%Source: Global Wind Energy Counciltotal wind59,322 MW2005 INSTALLED WIND CAPACITY02,0004,0006,0008,00010,00012,00014,00016,00018,00020,000Aus
14、traliaChinaDenmarkIndiaUSASpainGermanyMWSource: Global Wind Energy Council18,428 MW10,027 MW9,149 MW4,430 MW3,122 MW1,260 MW708 MWTHE TOP 20 STATES FOR WIND ENERGY POTENTIALNDTXKS SDMT NE WY OKMNIA CO NMID MI NYILCA WIME MOStates1101001,00010,000annual energy potential ( billions of kWhs )Source: Wi
15、nd Energy Fact Sheet, American Wind Energy Association, DOE WIND PROGRAM GOALS3 /kWh in classes 4 and above onshore wind areas 5 /kWh for off-shore regionsWIND SYSTEM CAPITAL COSTS02004006008001000120014001600198919911993199519962000150 kW225 kW300 kW500 kW600 kW1650 kWcapital costs ( $/kW
16、 )capital costs include turbine, tower, grid connection, site preparation controls and landSOLAR ENERGY U.S. SOLAR INSOLATION MAP2004 SOLAR ENERGY STATUSTotal U.S. installed PV and solar thermal capacity is 0.5 GWTotal world PV capacity is 4 GW with 1.8 GW being grid connectedThe nine parabolic trou
17、gh plants for concentra-ting solar power produce energy at 12 14 /kWh The price of power from grid-connected PV systems is 20 30 /kWhPV systems at APS facility in Prescott, AZDOE SOLAR PROGRAM GOALSPhotovoltaics: 6 /kWh by 2020The goal of the US DOE is to install 1000 MW of new concentrating solar p
18、ower systems in the southwestern United States by 2010 with costs of 0.07 $/kWhConcentrating solar power/troughs: 5 /kWh by 2012FORECASTED RENEWABLE COSTSWind1980 1990 2000 2010 2020PVcents / kWh1980 1990 2000 2010 2020403020100100806040200BiomassGeothermalSolar thermal1980 1990 2000 2010 20201980 1
19、990 2000 2010 2020cents / kWh1086420706050403020100151296301980 1990 2000 2010 2020all costs are levelized in constant year 2000 dollarsSource: NREL Energy Analysis Office ( /analysis/docs/cost_curves_2002.ppt)KEY CHALLENGES IN RENEWABLE EXPANSIONIntegration into the gridinterconnection grid
20、 capabilityreliability issuespower qualityCompetitiveness of technology costsEnvironmental problemsDevelopment of storage technologyKEY CHALLENGES IN RENEWABLE EXPANSIONGovernment policies at thefederalstatelocallevelsRegulatory accommodationpermitting processesback up power“green power” differentia
21、lCOURSE OBJECTIVESAcquaint students with some basic physical principles used in renewable energyStress the importance of economics and environ-mental aspects in electricity developments Expose students to the exciting aspects of energyCOURSE OBJECTIVESExpose students to some of the major development
22、s in renewable resources and their integration into the power gridProvide a basic understanding of impacts of market forces on shaping the electricity businessGive students the opportunity to do a project in a team environment and to make a formal presen-tationPERSPECTIVESUnderstanding of the scient
23、ific principles underlying renewable resources is essentialAwareness of the role that renewables can play is importantChallenges in the integration of renewables are majorTOPICAL OUTLINEGeneral overview of electricity demand, supply, industry structure, interconnected system operations and state of
24、technologyNature and role of alternative generation sources Review of concepts in electric circuit analysisTOPICAL OUTLINEEngineering aspects of alternative source generation technologies: thermodynamics considerations; solar resource and solar array systems; wind resource and wind generation system
25、s; other renewable resource technologies; hydro, geothermal, closed system fuel cells; role of power electronic circuits in renewable technologies; economics of various technologies; environmental attributes TOPICAL OUTLINEEngineering principles of electrical storage technologies: electrical vs. chemical energy storage; batteries; double-layer capacitors; superconducting magnetic energy storage; flywheels The demand picture: the nature of electrical loads; time variation, periodicity and price
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