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1、Culture and EducationCulture and EducationYang Chen Ning杨振宁Lee Tsung Dao李政道Samuel Chao Chung Ting丁肇中Steven Chu朱棣文Yang Chen NingLee Tsung DaoSamChinese AmericansAmy TanI. M. Pei (贝聿铭)Chinese AmericansAmy TanI. M. Why these Chinese Americans are successful?Talent effort concentrationAmbition intellige

2、ncePressure sacrificeDiscrimination tradition1. Why are these statics “amazing”?2. What do you think the explanation is?Why these Chinese Americans arA Story of Asian-American StudentParagraph1-4,describing a story of Kim-chi Trinh .Her parents did a lot to make her get a good education and enjoy a

3、better life.In ordered to repay them she worked hard and did well in her subjects.A Story of Asian-American Studexcel: (at, in) be exceptionally good; do or be better thanHe excelled all of us in/at tennis. She excels as a teacher of dancing. I didnt excel academically so I left school as soon as I

4、had the chance. New words (P. 33)excel: (at, in) be exceptionacope with: manage successfully; be able to deal with (something difficult, unpleasant, etc.)Poor families have to cope with a lot of problems. She felt unable to cope with driving in heavy traffic after her accident. cope with: manage suc

5、cessfullfoster: 1) giving or receiving parental care although not related legally or by bloodfoster parents a foster home With a home full of foster children she was always busy. 2) look after or bring up (a child or young animal) as ones own, usu. for a certain period and without taking on the full

6、 lawful responsibilities of the parent We fostered the young girl while her mother was in hospital. When they are fostered, boys have more behavior problems than girls. foster: 1) giving or receivinCf. adopt: take a (child of other parents), as approved by law, and bring up as ones own child; 采纳Teen

7、agers who discover they were adopted often search for their biological parents when they are old enough. Adoptive parentsCf. adopt: take a (child of opassage: (cost of a ticket for) a journey by ship or plane from one place to anotherOliver had booked a passage to London. He is too poor to afford th

8、e passage and so he will have to work his passage by doing jobs on the ship. Language pointspassage: (cost of a ticket foin hopes / in the hope (that): hoping (that)Mother was in hopes that the cake would be good to eat. He showed me a picture of the missing girl in hopes I might recognize her. We l

9、eft the house early in the hope of avoiding traffic jams. in hopes / in the hope (that):run out: come to an end; be used upThe car ran out of gas three miles from town. If coal reserves run out, the situation will become critical. run out: come to an end; be uowe . . . to: have (something good) beca

10、use of (something/someone)We owe our success to our parents and teachers. I owe it to my colleagues that I have been able to finish this work. I owe my knowledge of music to my mother. owe . . . to: have (somethingstereotype: a fixed general image, characteristic, etc. that is believed to represent

11、a particular type of person or thingShe does not fit the stereotype of a woman who spends all her time with her children. New words ( P 34-P 35 )stereotype: a fixed general ilabel: put into a particular kind or class; describe asHis enemies labeled him a thief. He was labeled (as) a conservative. la

12、bel: put into a particular The emphatic form It be . . . that/who . . .Mary got a very beautiful birthday present from her aunt. It was Mary that/who got a very beautiful birthday present from her aunt. It was a very beautiful birthday present that Mary got from her aunt. It was from her aunt that M

13、ary got a very beautiful birthday present. The emphatic form It be . . . imbue: fill (sb with a feeling, idea, etc.)Churchill imbued Englishmen with enormous patriotism. He was able to imbue even the friendliest words with a tone of biting criticism. imbue: fill (sb with a feelinAnalysis of the Text

14、 (Para 1- 11)Part I. Para 1- 4: a story of a Asian AmericanKim-Chi TrinhPart II. Para 5 & 6: the transitional paragraph which leads to the reasons why Chinese Americans excelPart III. Para 7- 11: Harold. W. Stevensons research and its resultAnalysis of the Text (Para 1- by contrast (or in contrast):

15、 (indicating how different one thing or person is from another thing or person mentioned earlier) very differently; on the other handHe had almost failed the exam, but his sister, by contrast, had done very well. Their economy has expanded enormously in the last five years whereas ours, by/in contra

16、st, has declined. Language Points in Part III by contrast (or in contrast): have what it takes: have the right qualities or skills required for successI dont think Rebecca has what it takes to be a ballet dancer.Do you have what it takes to become a businessman? have what it takes: have the whereasc

17、onj. while at the same time; while on the contrarye.g.The elephant weighs about 3,600 kg.The blue whale weighs up to 130,000 kg.Whereas the elephant weighs about 3,600 kg, the blue whale weighs up to 130,000 kg.whereasconj.e.g.Whereas the New Words (P 36)orientation: a direction or position 定位 1) a

18、new orientation in life2) Professor Lis essay gave us a new orientation in the academic research. orient v. 给定方位;使侧重1) Most teachers are academically oriented. 2) We must orient our products to the needs of the market. Orient n. 东方New Words (P 36)orientation: aoblige v. to constrain by physical, leg

19、al, social, or moral means.oblige sb. to do sth.obligation: n. sth. that one must do out of duty or promise 1) We are under an obligation to help. 2) The obligation fall upon us all.oblige v. to constrain by phyPart IV. Three factors that lead to the success of Chinese Americans ConfucianismParents

20、bondassistantTopBaseFrameSource : Arthur D.LittleThe belief in hard workPart IV. Three factors that lespring from: have ones origin in; result fromHer doubts spring from too much experience of failure. His rude behavior springs from selfishness. What unhappiness can spring from the love of money! La

21、nguage points in Part IV.spring from: have ones origi paraphrase And theres a sense of obligation or even guilt that is as strong a force among Asians as Protestant philosophy is among those in the West. Asians have a strong sense of obligation or even a sense of guilt, and this sense is as influent

22、ial among Asians as Protestant philosophy is among Westerners. paraphrase And theres a tie: a connection, relationship, or feeling that links a person with another person, a place, an organization, etc. the tie between mother and child I no longer feel any ties with my hometown. tie: a connection, r

23、elationshtransplant: move to a different environment; transfer (skin, an organ, or other parts) from one person, animal, or part of the body to anotherTea was transplanted from China to India. These plants should be grown indoors until spring, when they can be transplanted outside. Doctors hope to t

24、ransplant an artificial heart into the patient within the next few days. New Words (P 36-P 37)transplant: move to a differee.g.life spanmemory spanspan of knowledge寿命记忆力保持时间知识面spann. the length of time between two dates or events or during which sth. exists or functionse.g.寿命记忆力保持时间知识面spann.Start Se

25、t higher standards for our kids Second Commit their childrens educationmoreThirdTake simple but effective ways in schoolsLearning from the AsiansPart V. (Para 15-18) StartSecond ThirdLearning from Language points in Part V. commit: do something illegal or bad. 犯 (罪); 做 (坏事) 1) commit a crime deliber

26、ately kill oneself2) commitsuicide使 (自己) 致力于; 使 (自己) 承诺 (与某人的长期关系) 3) commit to doing=be committed to doing He has committed himself to the cause of mitted 坚定的 acommittedsocialist Language points in Part V. cant wait for something/to do something: be very excited about something and eager for someth

27、ing/to do somethingAll of the kids cant wait for the holidays to begin.He couldnt wait to tell the good news to his parents. cant wait for something/to doe.g.industrial potentialacting potentialpotential customerpotential resources工业潜力表演潜力潜在的顾客potentiala. & n. the inherent ability or capacity for growth, development, or


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