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1、Unit 4 Then and now教材分析 本单元学习的主题是谈论事物和人物的今昔变化。教学内容主要围绕吴一凡和爷爷、爸爸参观学校校史展览馆的情景展开。教学重点是能听、说、读、写核心句型“There was/were (no/not)years ago. Now there is/are” “Before, I/he/she/it was Now, I/he/she/it”。能听、说、读、写单词或短语:dining hall, grass, gym, ago, cycling, go cycling, ice-skate, badminton。教学目标知识与能力目标:能够听、说、读、写并在

2、情景中恰当运用句型以及相关词汇“There was/were (no)years ago.” “Now there is/are”谈论或描述某个地方的今昔能够听、说、读、写并在情景中恰当运用句型以及相关词汇“Before, I/he/she/it was Now, I/he/she/it”谈论或描述自己、家人以及朋友过去到现在的变化能够在语境中理解生词或短语“star, easy, look up, Internet”的意思,并能正确发音情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标:鼓励学生将自己的烦恼、恐惧讲述给父母,释放内心的压力,保持身心健康能够在语篇中捕捉不同类型的信息,提炼文章的主旨大意,并进行

3、简单的推理学会上网查阅资料,自主学习课时安排第一课时: Part A Lets try & Lets talk第二课时: Part A Lets learn & Find the mistakes第三课时: Part B Lets try & Lets talk第四课时: Part B Lets learn & Listen, match and say第五课时: Part B Read and write 第六课时: Part B Lets check & Lets wrap it upThe first period(第一课时)Part A Lets try & Lets talk Tea

4、ching Contents & Teaching AimsLets tryPredict the main content of the listening part by reading the sentences.Understand the recording and complete the tick or cross exercise.Lets talkUnderstand the main idea of the dialogue and be able to answer the questions below the dialogue.Read the dialogue co

5、rrectly, fluently and emotionally, and then act out.Use “There be” sentence pattern properly to describe the changes from the past to the present.Understand and read the new words “star, moon, look up, Internet”.Know something about mans first landing on the moon. Teaching PrioritiesUnderstand and m

6、aster the key words and sentence patterns. Teaching DifficultiesUse “There be” sentence pattern properly to describe the changes from the past to the present. Teaching ProceduresTeachingStagesTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching PurposesWarm-up& Revision& Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Revision.3.

7、 Lead-in.1. Greetings.2. Review the words.3. Describe the changes in hometown.Review the key words quickly and get prepared for the following learning. Lead in the topic of this class.Presentation1. Lets try.(1)Present the picture.(2)Present part A “Lets try”.(3)Check the answers.(4)Teach the key se

8、ntences.(1)Look at the picture. Predict the changes of our school.(2)Listen and tick or cross.(3)Listen and check the answers.(4)Read and learn.Create a scene to lead students to predict the changes of our school and lead in the new words. Get to know the background of the dialogue through listening

9、 activities.2. Read and predict.Read the picture and guess the differences between Wu Yifans school and Grandpas school. Predict the main ideas of this dialogue.Cultivate students ability of observation and logical thinking through prediction. Get a good preparation for the following learning.Presen

10、tation3. Watch and answer.(1)Present the video and ask questions.(2)Check the answers.(1)Watch and answer.(2)Check the answers.(3)Check the prediction.(4)Learn the key sentences.Lead students to get deeper understanding of the content.4. Get more details.Answer the questions.Learn about humans first

11、 landing on the moon.Practice1. Make sentences.Try to make sentences using “Im going to” and then make a brief summary of the usage of this sentence patternPractice the key sentences and get prepared for the next part.2. Read and act.Read and practice in groups. Then act out and read in roles.Make s

12、ure students can read the dialogue correctly, fluently and emotionally.3. Fill in the blanks.Fill in the blanks.Learn to catch key words while reading. Get a better Consolidation&Extension1. Make a presentation.Draw pictures. Then discuss and make a presentation.Consolidate students ability of using

13、 the target language reasonably and properly.2. Show some clues and ask students to talk about the differences in their life.Talk about the differences of the life from the past to the present.Homework1. Practice the dialogue.2. Do the exercises.作业批改典型问题记录辅导学生记录时 间学生姓名主要内容教学后记The second period(第二课时)

14、Part A Lets learn & Find the mistakes Teaching Contents & Teaching AimsLets learnLearn to listen to, say, read and write the new words: dining hall, grass, gym, ago. Master the adverbial expressions of time: years ago, months ago, last year, last month.Skillfully use “There be” sentence pattern to d

15、escribe the differences of someplace from the past time to the present.Find the mistakesBe able to complete the exercise of “Find the mistakes”. Use the words and sentence patterns learned in Part A to describe peoples life in the Tang Dynasty. Teaching PrioritiesUnderstand and master the key words

16、and sentence patterns. Teaching DifficultiesUse “There be” sentence pattern properly to describe the differences of someplace from the past to the present. Teaching ProceduresTeachingStagesTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching PurposesWarm-up&Revision&Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Guessing time.3.

17、 Lead-in.1. Greetings.2. Guess what place it is in the school.3. Describe Wu Yifans school.Review the expressions learned before through a game and create a scene to lead students to observe the picture Presentation1. Teach the word “grass”. Talk with the teacher and learn the word “grass”.The teach

18、er creates a real scene to lead in the new words. Lead students to combine the knowledge theyve learned with the new. Extend and enrich their expressions while learning.Lead students to classify andconclude the adverbial expressions of time systematically.2. Teach the word “gym”.(1)Present the word“

19、gym”.(1)Learn the word “gym”.(2)Free talk.3. Teach the phrase“dining hall”.Talk with the teacher and learn the words “dining hall”. Watch the video and learn the phrase.4. Teach the word “ago”.(1)Present the video and ask the questions.(2)Present the calendars.(1)Watch the video and answer the quest

20、ions.(2)Learn how to express “ago/ last”.(3)Work in groups.Practice1. Listen and match.Listen to the supplementary listening material. Match the buildings with the time.Extend the dialogue with a supplementary listening material. Help students to understand the key words and phrases while listening.

21、2. Practice the dialogue.(1)Listen and read.(2)Read in pairs.(3)Read in roles.Make sure students can read the dialogue correctly, fluently and emotionally.3. Practice the sentence pattern.Make a brief summary of how to use “There be” sentence pattern.Lead students to conclude the usage of “There be”

22、 sentence pattern. Cultivate their ability of independent learning. Use a chant to help them understand and memorize better.Consolidation&Extension1. Look and complete.Use “There be” and the adverbial expressions of time to complete the sentences.The activity of completing the sentences with the hel

23、p of the pictures and the content can help students understand the 2. Find the mistakes.(1)First the teacher makes a model.(2)Lead students to do exercises.(3)Let students find out more mistakes.(1)Watch the model on the PPT.(2)Complete the sentences and circle the mistakes on the picture.(3)Find ou

24、t more mistakes.The mistake-finding activity can effectively arouse students interest in learning and expressing. It can also consolidate “There be” sentence pattern and the adverbial expressions of time theyve learned in Part A. Get to know about the life of the Tang Dynasty.3. Work in groups.Work

25、in groups. Talk about the life in ancient times.Extend students expressions, and help them learn more about the life in ancient times. Promote students comprehensive abilities of using English.Homework1. Practice the dialogue.2. Do the exercises.作业批改典型问题记录辅导学生记录时 间学生姓名主要内容教学后记The third period(第三课时)P

26、art B Lets try & Lets talk Teaching Contents & Teaching AimsLets tryPredict the main content of the listening part by reading the questions.Understand the recording and choose the right options.Lets talkUnderstand the main idea of the dialogue by observing the pictures and be able to answer the ques

27、tions below the dialogue.Read the dialogue correctly, fluently and emotionally, and then act out.Understand and read the words “change, different, active” and the phrase “go cycling”.Use the sentence patterns “Before, I/he/she didnt” properly to describe the changes in personality, hobbies, behavior

28、 of yourself and others. Teaching PrioritiesUnderstand and master the key sentence patterns and communicate in practical situations. Teaching DifficultiesBe able to use the sentence patterns to complete activities describing changes in personality, hobbies, behavior of yourself and others. Teaching

29、ProceduresTeachingStagesTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching PurposesWarm-up&Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Present the topic and play a video.3. Lead-in.1. Greetings.2. Watch a video and say something about the video.3. Learn the words “before, active” and the phrase “go cycling”.Help students un

30、derstand the meaning of the words “change, different, before, active” and the phrase “go cycling” through the video, pictures, or situations.Presentation1. Lets try.(1)Show the questions of“Lets try” on the PPT.(2) The teacher plays the recording of “Lets (1) Look at the pictures. Predict what the d

31、ialogue is about and Mikes grade.(2) Listen and choose the right options.Lead students to predict the main idea of the dialogue and some key information.Presentation2. Read and predict.(1) How did Mike change?(2) How did John change?(1) Look at Mikes old photo.(2) Describe the changes between Johns

32、past and present.Lead students to learn the key sentence patterns. Cultivate students ability of observation and logical thinking through prediction.Practice1. Listen and imitate.Read the dialogue fluently, correctly and emotionally.Make sure students can read the dialogue correctly, fluently and em

33、otionally. Practice the key sentence patterns. Get students prepared for the language output.2. Read and practice.3. Think and complete the dialogue.Read the dialogue and complete the incomplete dialogue.4. Read in roles and act.(1) Practice in groups of three.(2) Show time: read in roles.(3) Retell

34、 the dialogue.Consolidation&Extension1. How did your classmates change?Look at the photos and talk about their changes.Consolidate students ability of using the target language properly and reasonably.2. Create a dialogue.Create a dialogue about changes of family members or friends and act it out.Ho

35、mework1. Practice the dialogue.2. Do the exercises.作业批改典型问题记录辅导学生记录时 间学生姓名主要内容教学后记The fourth period(第四课时)Part B Lets learn & Listen, match and say Teaching Contents & Teaching AimsLets learnLearn to listen, speak, read and write the word and phrases: go cycling, ice-skate, play badminton.Skillfully

36、use the sentence patterns “Before, I/he/shecouldnt/didnt like Now, I/he/she”to describe the changes in someones likes or dislikes under certain circumstances.Arrange and summarize the sports relative words or phrases with the teachers help.Listen, match and sayBe able to complete the exercise of “Li

37、sten, match and say”. Match the pictures according to the listening materials. Teaching PrioritiesUnderstand and master the key words and sentence patterns. Teaching DifficultiesUse the sentence patterns “Before, I/he/she Now, I/he/she” to describe the changes in someones likes or dislikes under cer

38、tain circumstances. Teaching ProceduresTeachingStagesTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching PurposesWarm-up&Revision&Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Lets sing.3. Lead-in.1. Greetings.2. Sing Seasons Song.3. Talk about your favourite season.Lead in the lesson through a cheerful song. Activate students

39、 attention and participation in class. Talk with students about their Presentation1. Teach the phrase “go cycling”.Brainstorm the relative activities people can do in spring.Creates a real scene to lead in the topic of seasons, weather and activities. Activate students vocabularies of relevant activ

40、ities. Lead in the new 2. Teach the phrase“play badminton”.Talk freely about the activities we can do in autumn.3. Teach the sentence patterns.Learn the sentence patterns “I didnt before. I thought it was”Lead in the key sentence patterns through the changes in likes and dislikes between the past an

41、d the present. Lead students to pay attention to the tense and the verbs forms.4. Teach the word “ice-skate”.Learn the new word through brief talks with the teacher.Presentation5. Lets learn.Watch the video of “Lets learn”. Answer the two questions.Use the questions to lead students to pay attention

42、 to the details of the dialogue. Practice1. Practice the dialogue.(1) Listen and read.(2) Read in pairs.(3) Read in roles.Make sure students can read the dialogue correctly, fluently and emotionally.2. Look and say.Complete the sentences according to the pictures.Help students to practice the knowle

43、dge theyve learned in this class.3. Free talk.Make free talks with partners.Help students to use the words theyve learned to Consolidation&Extension1. Listen, match and say.Listen and match the pictures.Consolidate the key words and sentence patterns of this class. Pay attention to the cultivation o

44、f listening strategies. Lead students to learn to predict the listening content before listening. Use .2. Lets say.Complete the sentences according to the pictures and then make new sentences.Homework1. Practice the dialogue.2. Do the exercises.作业批改典型问题记录辅导学生记录时 间学生姓名主要内容教学后记The fifth period(第五课时)Pa

45、rt B Read and write Teaching Contents & Teaching AimsRead and writeBe able to listen, speak and read the words: race, nothing, thought, felt, cheetah, trip, woke, dream correctly.Be able to listen, understand and read the key sentences: There were many animals in that race. But suddenly he tripped a

46、nd fell.Be able to predict the content with the help of the pictures and the teacher.Be able to understand the context, number the pictures and fill in the blanks in the dialogue.Be able to write a short passage about the dream according to life experience. Teaching PrioritiesBe able to read and und

47、erstand the passage, and then complete the relevant exercises after reading. Teaching DifficultiesDevelop students reading skills.Understand and master the key words and sentences. Teaching ProceduresTeachingStagesTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeachingPurposesPre-reading1. Greetings.2. A sto

48、ry The Race Between Tortoise and Hare.3. Lead-in.1. Greetings.2. A story. Learn the new words “race, fast & slow, dream, felt”.3. Free talk.Lead in the new words “race, fast, slow, dream, felt” with the help of the storyThe Race Between Tortoise and Hare. Pave the way for the following reading.While

49、-reading1. Predict the dream.Predict what made Wu Yifan worried.Let students observe the pictures and predict the main idea of the story. Activate the relevant vocabularies and 2. Fast reading.Find out what made Wu Yifan worried. Number the pictures.Help students perceive the context preliminarily a

50、nd check their prediction.3. Careful reading.Read and answer the questions.(1) Read the first paragraph. (2) Read the second paragraph.(3) Read the third paragraph.Lead students to learn the passage gradually by answering questions and get more details while reading.4. Make a mind map.(1) Read the s

51、tory.(2) Complete the mind map.(3) Retell the story.Make sure students can read correctly, fluently and emotionally. Lead them to retell the passage with the ability of using English.Post-reading1. Fill in the blanks.Fill in the blanks to complete the dialogue.Lead students to complete the dialogue

52、after reading. Deepen their understanding of the context.2. Complete the passage.Choose the correct words to complete the passage.Consolidate the key words and sentences theyve learned in this class. Learn to use them correctly.3. Your interesting dream.Tell their own dream to their partners. Then w

53、rite a short passage about it.Lead students to write a short passage about their own dreams. Cultivate their comprehensive ability of using English.Homework1. Read the article and practice the dialogue.2. Do the exercises.作业批改典型问题记录辅导学生记录时 间学生姓名主要内容教学后记The sixth period(第六课时)Part B Lets check & Lets

54、wrap it up Teaching Contents & Teaching AimsLets checkConsolidate the key words and sentence patterns in this unit by completing the listening exercise.Be able to predict the test points through the questions and pictures, and try to catch the key words to complete the exercises while listening.Deve

55、lop students good listening habits, and improve their listening ability.Lets wrap it upBe able to review and consolidate the key sentence patterns of this unit.Be able to describe the pictures in contrast by using the simple past tense and the simple present tense properly and correctly. Teaching Pr

56、ioritiesHave a good command of the key words and sentence patterns of this unit. Teaching DifficultiesBe able to describe the pictures in contrast by using the simple past tense and the simple present tense properly and correctly.Be able to understand the content of “Story time”. Teaching Procedures

57、TeachingStagesTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeachingPurposesWarm-up&Revision1. Greetings.Greetings.Lead students to review the key words and sentences of this unit through quick review and singing the song Changes in me. Activate their background knowledge of this unit and 2. Lets sing.Sing the song Changes in me.3. Quick review.Review the key words and phrases of this unit quickly.Presentation&Practice1. Changes between then and now.Describe the changes in the pictures between then and now.Lead students to describe things in contract with the simple past t


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