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1、2022-2023学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、一 can you finish the report? 一Maybe in three days.AHow soon BHow long CHow far DHow often

2、2、How about going hiking this weekend?Sorry, I prefer _ rather than _.Ato stay at home, go outBto go out, stay at homeCstaying at home, go outDgoing out, stay at home.3、Li Ming is an active boy student and he always tries his best to make his life colorful though he is in Grade 9. The table below sh

3、ows that he spends _ minutes on after-class activities every week.Li Mings After-class ActivitiesWeekdaysWeekendsReading booksRiding a bikeRunningBall games50 minutes100 minutes20 minutes/day30 minutes/dayA250B850C6004、Who did English homework better, Leo or Nick? Leo is more careful. I think Leo di

4、d _ Nick.Aas good asBas well asCbetter thanDworse than5、 We are going to take the high-speed train to Xian tomorrow, so an early arrival at the station_ .AadvisesBis advisedCis advisingDwas advised6、He was advised to eat fewer hamburgers and drink cola to keep fit.AmuchBlessCfewerDmore7、Id like to g

5、o with you, _Im too busy.AorBandCsoDbut8、Bob took a photo of his girlfriend while she _ at the party.AdancesBwas dancingChas dancedDis dancing9、Mrs. Smith explained the problem clearly _ all of us could understand her.AuntilBalthoughCso thatDas soon as10、Whats your father doing now? He _ the room.Ac

6、leanedBcleansChas cleanedDis cleaning. 完形填空11、On a trip to California, my family stopped for lunch. As we walked towards the entrance to the restaurant, a man, with a messy beard and _ hair, jumped up from a bench outside the restaurant and opened the door for us. Paying no attention to his _, he gr

7、eeted us in a friendly way.Once inside, my daughters said in a low voice, “Mom, he _.” After we ordered our lunch, I explained, telling the the kids to look beyond the dirt. We then watched other _ come into the restaurant but many took no notice of him. Seeing this rudeness truly _me. The day I bec

8、ame a mother, I had determined to set a good example to my children. Yet sometimes being a good example was _, especially when things didnt go right. After our meal arrived, I realized I had left my car-sick pills in the car, so I went back to the car to get them.Just then, the “doorman”was opening

9、the door for a couple. They _ him without even noticing his presence. Letting them in first, I said a loud “thank you” to _ as I went out.When I returned, we talked a bit. He said he was not allowed inside _ he bought food. I went back and asked our waitress to _ one soup and sandwich. The kids look

10、ed puzzed as they had already eaten. But when I told them his story and said the _ was for the “doorman”, they smiled. When it was time to continue our _, I found the “doorman” enjoying his meal. Upon seeing me, he stood up and thanked me heartily with tears in his eyes.Back in the car, I fell into

11、deep thought. While we cant choose many things in life, we can choose _ to show gratitude. I said thanks to a man who had _held open a door for me, and also said thanks for that opportunity to teach my children by _.1Adirty Bclean Cpretty Dshiny2Aappearance Bhappiness Cillness Dcarelessness3Asmokes

12、Bshouts Csmells Dsmiles4Atravelers Bvisitors Cpassengers Dcustomers5Ataught Bupset Ctroubled Dsurprised6Atiring Bamazing Cdifficult Dsuccessful7Awaited for Brushed past Cstopped by Dreturned to8Ahim Bthem Cmyself Dthemselves9Abefore Bsince Cthough Dunless10Abuy Badd Cshow Dborrow11Aorder Bmoney Cnot

13、e Dservice12Ameal Btalk Ctrip Dstory13Awhere Bwhen Chow Dwhy14Aactually Btruly Creally Dsimply15Ajourney Bexample Clesson Dexperience. 语法填空12、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。In my life, a person who has influenced me most is my father. He is a model for me. Now Ill tell you about his story. My fathe

14、r is in his 1 (fifty). He never smokes or drinks. He 2(work) in a local factory for years. You will not find anything unusual about him until you learn more. He works carefully all the time, so he 3 (respect) by his workmates. My father has always been kind and helpful. He has fun 4 (talk) with old

15、people. He gave our TV to a family who could not afford one. He cares for the children 5 have lost their parents. Whenever he has some money left, he will give it to someone in need.My father has donated (捐赠) blood many times since we 6 (move) here. The blood he has donated is much enough 7 (save) o

16、ver 10 lives. He has also donated blood cells to people with blood cancer. To my surprise, he has decided to donate his body for medical research 8 his death.When I was a little girl, I could not understand why my father always seemed to be 9 (kind) to others than to his own family and why he thinks

17、 of others more than 10 (he). Now I realize that he owns a heart full of love. 阅读理解A13、Pocket money means that you have money in your pocket(口袋)that you can spend. You may get a regular amount of money from your parents or grandparents , for example , every week or once a month. How much pocket mone

18、y should you get ? That depends on what your parents or grandparents can afford, how many kids there are in your family and how old you are . A little primary school kid may get one yuan , but older children would get more . Each family is different. Many parents or grandparents give kids pocket mon

19、ey so that their kids can :use the money to buy things that they want .learn to find out how much things cost .learn to look after money well .learn to shop around for the best price learn to save their pocket money for the future. learn what is worth (值得)buying.It is difficult tohandlemoney . If yo

20、u spend all of your money too quickly ,you will not be able to buy the necessary things that you will need in the future life . If you always save money , you will not get many nice things that you really like . Try to use your pocket money in the right way and you will always get something good.1Us

21、ually kids can get their pocket money from their _.Aparents BfriendsCparents or grandparents DTeachers2What can not influence how much pocket money kids get ?_.AThe kids ages BThe kids gradesCThe salary (薪水) Dthe number of kids in a family .3The underlined word “ handle ” means _.Apick up Bdeal with

22、 Cbuy Dsave4Parents hope that their children _instead of only buying what they want .Alearn to handle their pocket moneyBsave their pocket moneyClearn to buy thingsDknow how to shop5The writer writes the passage mainly to tell us _.Awhat pocket money meansBwe should get more pocket moneyCto save mor

23、e and more pocket money.Dhandling pocket money is useful.B14、For hundreds of years, Japan has been hit, from time to time, by enormous (巨大的) tsunamis(海啸). These awful sudden risings of the sea are caused by earthquakes or underwater volcanic actions. The story of the boy Yuuki is the story of such a

24、 disaster. Yuuki lived with his family in a seaside village, below a small mountain. One day, as he played on top of the mountain, Yuuki felt a small earthquake but it was not strong enough to frighten anybody and passed quickly. Soon after, however, Yuuki noticed the sea darken and begin running aw

25、ay from the shore very fast, leaving behind wide stretches of beach that had never been seen before. With a grasp, Yuuki remembered reading that just before a terrible tsunami, the sea suddenly and quickly rolls backward. He ran to the beach, warning the villagers who had gathered to admire the new

26、beach land. “Get back!” shouted the boy, “There is a terrible danger!”But no one listened. They laughed at him and continued playing in the new sand and watched the sea roll backward even more. Desperate, Yuuki could think of only one thing to do. He lit a tree branch, raced to the rice fields and b

27、egan burning the harvested rice. Then he called out, “Fire! Fire! Everyone run to the mountain! Now!” When everyone reached the mountain-top, a villager cried out, “Yuuki is mad! I saw him set the fire.” Yuuki hung his head in shame, but said nothing as the villagers cursed him. Just then, someone s

28、houted, “Look!” In the distance what seemed to be a huge dark line was speeding towards the shore. As it got nearer the people realized the long thin line of darkness was the returning sea, towering like a mountain.The villagers watched in terror as the water struck the shore, smashing over their ho

29、mes then tearing out the land as it receded.On the mountain everyone stared speechlessly at the destruction below.“Im sorry I burned the fields,” said Yuuki, his voice trembling.“Yuuki,” village-chief answered. “You saved us all.”The villagers cheered and raised Yuuki into the air. “We were going to

30、celebrate our rice harvest tonight,” said one, “but now well celebrate that were all still alive!”1Where was Yuuki when the earthquake struck?AOn the beach.BOn the mountain.CIn the rice fields.DAt his family home.2In what order did the following events take place?a. Yuuki set fire to the rice fields

31、.b. The villagers laughed and played on the beach.c. The land was torn away by the water.d. Yuuki ran to warn the villagers.e. The villagers stared at the destruction.f. The people were cursing Yuuki.Ad, b, e, a, c, fBb, a, d, e, c, fCd, b, a, f, c, eDa, d, b, e, f, c3How did Yuuki save the villager

32、s from the disaster?AHe told them about the earthquake.BHe explained why the sea was flowing out.CHe told the village chief to warn the people.DHe set fire to the rice field.4What were the people planning to do before the tsunami struck their village?AHarvest the rice crop.BPlay on the beach.CClimb

33、the mountain.DCelebrate the rice harvest.C15、Everyone has traits ( 4+性 ) that make us who we are. We have physical. traits, like red hair, long legs and funny-looking toes. We also have character traits including humor, warmth, creativity and so on.Certain physical traits are fully inherited (遗传 ),

34、such as blue eyes and knobby knees. About 25,000 t0 35,000 genes (基因 ) are in a single cell in the human body. These genes carry the traits that are passed down genetically from parents to their children.Many traits exist between inheritance and development - the interaction with environment.One exa

35、mple is body shape. It tends to be passed down from parents. But once diet becomes a factor, environment begins to play an important role in how the body develops. Body shape is a trait that is a mixture ofinheritance from parents and influence of environment.So lots of our most important traits hav

36、e been learned, rather than inherited. For example, if youre really great at video games, its not because your parents passed down the skills in genes. Its because you have practiced a lot of video games and developed those skills yourself. If you have kids who turn out to be great at video games, i

37、t is because they put in the hours, learned the skills, and memorizedthe moves that are necessary to play the video games well.Of course, some of us have brains that are more advantageous to video game playing. Say you were born with a large and powerful part of the brain that controls your hand-eye

38、 coordination (协调能力 ).Thats inherited. What you do with it, how you choose to develop that advantage, is up to you.You can pierce your nose or get a tattoo - it doesnt matter how much you change your body during the lifetime. None of those things will turn into genetic material to be passed down to

39、the next generation. However, if your children grow up in an enwronment with role models who are pierced and covered in tattoos, they are more likely to get piercings and tattoos!1is a physical trait that is fully inheritedAThe eye color BThe special dietCThe body shape DThe pierced nose2According t

40、o the passage, the writer believes thatAcharacter traits can hardly change during the lifetimeBthe skills of video game playing are passed down to kidsCa kids hand-eye coordination isnt related to inheritanceDenvironment plays an important role in traits development3Which of the following would be t

41、he best title for the passage?AWhy are Traits Important? BHow does Inheritance Influence Traits?CWhere do Traits Come from? DWhat are Physical and Character Traits?D16、On March 14, one of sciences brightest stars went dark. Stephen Hawking, the world-famous British scientist, died at 78 in Cambridge

42、, UK.Hawking is considered by many to be the greatest scientist in history since Albert Einstein. He came up with the theory(理论) that theuniverse(宇宙) began with the Big Bang and will end in black holes. His theories became the base for a lot of later research. He also wrote books to help common peop

43、le understand the universe. His most famous book isA Brief History of Time, which has sold more than 10 million copies around the world.Besides his scientific achievements, Hawking was also someone who had a strongwill. When he was 21, he got a serious illness that stopped him from walking and talki

44、ng. Later in life, he had to sit in a wheelchair and “speak” using a computerized voice. But this didnt stop him from living a meaningful and colorful life. He celebrated his 60th birthday by going up in a hot-air balloon; when he was 65, he took part in a zero-gravity(零重力) flight to experience weig

45、htlessness. He hoped to travel into space one day. In 2015, Hawking spoke about how he felt life was unfair when he first knew about his illness. “But now, 50 years later, I can be quietly satisfied with my life,” he said.1Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 2?AAlbert Einstein is l

46、ess popular than HawkingBHawking wrote books to make his theory simplerCHawkings most famous book is “Black Holes”.DStephen Hawking is well-known as a successful writer2Hawking first felt_ when he knew he got such a serious illness.Asuccessful Bafraid Chopeless Dbrave3According to Paragraph 4, how d

47、id Hawking celebrate his 60th birthday?ABy travelling into the space BBy making an exciting speechCBy writing a famous book DBy going up in a hot-air balloon4What can we know about Hawkings whole life?AMeaningful and colorful BColorful but dangerousCSad but satisfied DMeaningful but excitingE17、Do y

48、ou like visiting parks? The following three might be the ones that you are interested in.Hyde Park, the biggest royal park of the UK, lies in the center of London, next to Green Park. It was built to be a royal park in 1536. About one hundred years later, the park was open to the public. Speakers Co

49、rner in Hyde Park is famous all over the world. Anyone can make a speech there on Sunday afternoon.Central Park is a man-made park in the center of Manhattan, New York. It took about 15 years to build the park and in 1873 it was open to the public. With 21 playgrounds and 2 zoos, Central Park is a w

50、onderful place for children to have fun.Banff National Park, the largest park in Alberta, Canada, was open in 1885. The park is as large as 6, 641 km2. Whether by car, boat, bike or on foot, you can enjoy the beautiful mountains and lakes, as well as the plants and wild animals. Therere 3 famous ski

51、 areas in the park, which attracts millions of people to come every winter.1Hyde Park is in _.ALondonBBanffCNew YorkDAlberta2There are _ playgrounds in Central Park.A2B3C15D213_ was open to the public in 1885.AGreen ParkBHyde ParkCBanff National ParkDCentral ParkF18、Ive loved my mothers desk since I

52、 was just tall enough to sit above the top of it when mother sat writing letters. Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens, and white paper, I decided that the act of writing must be the most wonderful thing in the world. Years later, during her final illness, mother kept different thi

53、ngs for my sister and brother. “But the desk,” she said again “ is for Elizabeth.” I never saw her angry, never saw her cry. I knew she loved me; she showed it action. But as a young girl. I wanted to have heart-to heart talks between mother and daughter.They never happened. And a_opened between us.

54、 I was “ too emotional(易动感情的). But she lived “on the surface”.As years passed and I had my own family. I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family. I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she did forgive me.My hope turned to disappointment, t

55、hen little interest and, finally, peace-it seemed that nothing happened. I couldnt be sure that the letter had even got to mother. I only knew that I had written it, and I could stop trying to make her into someone she was not.But the present of her desk told me, as shed never been able to, that she

56、 was pleased that writing was my chosen work. I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers inside-a photo of my father and a oneletter, folded and refolded many times. It was my letter. “ In any way you choose, mother, you always chose the act that speaks louder than words”1The writer began to

57、 love her mothers desk_.Aafter Mother diedBwhen she was a childCbefore she became a writerDwhen mother gave it to her2The passage shows that _.AMother was too serious about her daughter in words.Bwas cold on the surface but kind in her heart to her daughter.Ccared much about her daughter in words.Dm

58、other wrote to her daughter in careful words.3The word “gulf” in the passage means _.Adeep understanding between the old and the young.Bpart of the sea going far in land .Cfree talks between mother and daughter.Ddifferent ideas between mother and daughter .4What did Mother do with her daughters letter asking for forgiveness?AShe re


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