



1、现在完成时教学设计中专部赵巧慧一、教学背景分析(一)教材分析:本课为中专一年级语法课,在已经复习完动词一般现在时,一般过去时基础上,进行动词时态中最重要的现在完成时学习。(二)学情分析:学生在升入中专以来, 对语法接触较少。 在前阶段的语法复习中能够看出来学生的对于语法项目遗忘程度比较严重。而现在完成时在考试中的地位较高,是单选的每年必考的项目,所以针对学生的现状和考试的要求,所以对于现在完成时得掌握尤为重要。二、教学设计教学目标教学重点难点Knowledge Aims:The Structure of Present Perfect Tense.The usage of Present Pe

2、rfect Tense. Aims:Enable students to use the correct Present Perfect Tense in their writing and speaking.Enable students to use the right words in Present Perfect Tense. and Attitude:Let students know the importance of English grammar.Try to build up the studentsconfidence in themselves.Encourage st

3、udents to speak English in public.let the students understand the usages of present perfect tense.The differences between past simple tense and present perfect tense.Help students use present perfect tense with verbs to describe events which happen at a particular point in time and to describe event

4、s that can continue over a period of timeA computer, a projector, blackboard, chalks教学流程Step1:Lead-inLet students think about one poem about the winter. Besides the teacher will give some hints and play a song about it.Then the students say out the poem“如果冬天来了,教学工具设计思路课堂导入用诗句导入,与当春天还会远吗 ”下季节相吻合,拉近学T

5、he teacher encourages the students totranslate it.生与教材知识之间的Then show the correct answer of it, “Ifwinter hasalready come, can spring be far behind”距离,激发学生参与课堂教学的积极性。Let students think about the main sentence structure of it especially the red words.Step2: New Lesson1. After reading that sentence, as

6、k students toconclude the structures of Present Perfect Tenseaccording to that poem.1).肯定句:主语 +助动词 has/have+动词的过去分词2).否定句:主语 +助动词 has/have+not+动词的过去分词新课教学3).疑问句:助动词 has/have+主语 +动词的过去分词利用幻灯片及感觉听of Present Perfect Tense觉的刺激, 让学生积表示过去发生的动作或事情对现在的影响或产生的极联想,及时总结,增结果,它强调的是过去的动作同现在的联系。常用强自主意识,及时唤醒的时间状语有 a

7、lready(已经), yet(已经), ever(曾学生的知识储备。经) , never(从不) , just(刚刚) , before(以前),since(自从), for(长达), so far (到目前为止),up to now (到目前为止) , recently (近来) .Play the flash (a pig and his mom), and tell students to recall the main usages of this tense.Q: The story happens in the past, but the pig and his mom use

8、present perfect tense to describe it. Can you tell me the reason Draw a time line on the blackboard.Step3: Role-playA teacher and a student practice one conversation first.-Teacher: John, clean your teeth please-John:I have already(已经 ) cleaned them.Then let students practice the other three dialogu

9、es.your hands - have washed themfor your English test - have studied for ityour grandpa - have visited him用形象的时间轴来记忆现在完成时的概念,更有助于学生对其含义的掌握和运用。学生在理解意义和结构的基础上,还要增强实际运用能力。 运用对话角色扮演增强趣味性, 锻炼了实际运用现在完成时的能Step4: The usage of present perfect tense1). Usage1: “完成用法”力。强调过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,常用状语有: already, yet,

10、 never, ever, just, before .I have just cleaned my hands.I have lost my wallet.I have already finished my homework. I am free.Show the following sentences and have students summarize the difference between the past simpletense and present perfect tense.has already read that book.(说明他现在知道那本书的内容)He re

11、ad that book last year.(只说明他去年读过那本书)has gone to America.(他现在不在此地 , 在美国 )went to America eight weeks ago.(只说明他去过美国 )summary:一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,与现在情况无关,常用时间状语为yesterday,last year, in the past等,而现在完成时与现在有关。show two pictures and guide students to describe them with present perfect tense.He has just lo

12、st his job. She has just got the letter .2). Usage2: “未完成用法”表动作或状态已开始,持续到现在,可能还会继具体详细讲解现在完成时得用法,增强只是储备。理论与例句结合,加强记忆和理解。续进行下去,常用时间状语since+时间段 ago/ 时间点/ 从句 , for+时间段 ,since then, ever since, so far, up to now.I have lived here since 2003.I have studied English for seven years.Up to the present everyth

13、ing has been successful. He has stayed here since 5 hours ago.Step 5:Practices ( for or since)haven t seen each other _ a long time.father has been in the Party _ 10 years ago.film has been on _ 20 minutes.Green has worked here _ he came to China.grandparents have been dead _ several years.6. It s f

14、ive years _ we met last time.Step6: The differences betweenThe Past Tense学以致用,检查学习and Present Perfect Tense.理解效果。1.相同点:现在完成时和一般过去时都是说过去的事情2.不同点:(1)现在完成时注意的不是事情本身,而是强调事情与现在保持的某种密切联系(如现在的结果,影响 ,一直延续到现在等)(2)一般过去时,则只讲述发生在过去的动作和事情与现在没有关系。Step7: Summary区分两种时态,对比记Step8: Test忆, 更能突出每种时一.现在完成时的构成:态的侧重点,加强理1.肯定句:解。2.否定句:3.疑问句:二.现在完成时常用的时间状语(至少五个).三.选择题 .1. I _ that book yet.A. havent readB. have readC. read2. Tom _English for 5 years.A. have learnedB. learnedC. has learned三、课后反思本节课的教学内容多,难度大。在45 分钟里,既要让学生理解相关知识点,又


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