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1、八年级英上第三学月试题听力部份( )第一节 按所听到内容,选择应的图 ( )1.分)ABC( )2.AB C( AB C( ABC$3$13$30( A B C第二节 对理解 听下面的对话,从题中所给的 A、C 三个选项当选出最佳 答案。(10 分)听下面的对话,回答第 6 小题。( ) Lucy MingB. Ming C. Yao Ming 听下面的对话,回答第 7 小题。( Linda last Sunday? cleaned house.B. She the C. She went to zoo with parents.听下面的对话,回答第 8 小题。( the s favorite

2、 football player In October, B. In October, C. In December, 听下面的对话,回答第 9 小题。( does live In B. In Beijing C. In 听下面的对话,回答第 小题。( What did Marys for her? Fruit B. A C. A milk shake.听下面的对话,回答第 12 题。( did Susan go to Her brothers. B. Her Her cousins.( What was the they watched B. Seals. C. 听下面的对话,回答第 至 小

3、题。( did go the beach with? His B. His family. C. ( What did John see? Some sharks. B. Some C. dolphins.( What didnt John the beach? He t photos. t surfing. C. He didnt swim.第三节 笔要点 按照你所听到的内容写下面的表格空不超过 个单词。 (5 ) Mr Brown Mr GreenDate on 16 , on 17th, Working in a 17 in 1819 in the third place 20第四节 反

4、 按照你所听到的内容和实际情形,写出尽可能简要的答语 ) 4.25.笔试部份一单选择( 15 分( ) 21. He hours violin play B. to play D. playing( ) 22. She was the May 5, in; of B. on; of in; in D. in( ) 23. When did Bob the join B. C. take in D. ( ) 24. - 69 When; B. How; for C. / D. for( The man was say a word. too; B. so; to C. to

5、D. to( ) 26 Mozart music? start B. start writing C. D. ( ) likes basketball I good piano.( )m _ my brother. a few B. C. a little D. little( ) you know parents? Yes, they _English teachers our are all B. all are C. both D. is( )30“I just finished _ my last movie.” A .to B D .makes( ) cleaned the room

6、 on day _.A . of B. C. D. away( ) 32. His hair shorter _.A B. D. me( ) had to his _ farm on A work B works D worked( ) of are _ in it. A .interesting, interested B .interesting, C interesting D. , interested( ) hung with friends _ .A .last Sunday B .on Sunday C Sunday D .next Sunday 二完填空(10 分Do know

7、 Liu He is the most 36 starts in China.Liu Xiang on in Like sports stars,he started training when very 37 In Grade Four, he went to Junior Sports of Putuo District of Shanghai. 38 he was trained jumper. Then, in noticed his skill in hurdling(跨栏.Liu Xiang into training. the of Liu Xiang set In 2002 h

8、e won first 40 hurdles in in he gold medal at the Games in Korea. In Liu Xiang the Olympic gold of track field in Athens, Greece. In he a world with a time of seconds in the mens 110m in Lausanne.43 star, Liu Xiang invited the world, he in advertisements(广告 movies. So whats next for Liu Will he 44 t

9、ime from sports? Liu Xiang will go for more for 45 a of Chinas sporting ( )36Amovie B. sports D. music( )37Aold B. C. young D. short ( )38AAt B. At C. Firstly D. Next ( )39A B. C. D. At ( )40A100m B. 110m C. 120m D. 125m ( )41Awon B. D. ( )42Alast B. third C. second D. first ( )43ALike B. C. D. To (

10、 )44A B. D. ( )45Abecause B. but C. D. although三阅理解(每小 分,共 30 分)A in a small village, his Mr. Brown, big piece of farm and works hard He good harvests. Now is old, but there s near the He is worried.“ sister works in ” says Mrs. Brown, “We take Jim to there. What do you think of it?“It a good idea!

11、” said The next day all went to London by train. s glad to them. A week Jim came to school.“ your name, boy? asked a “ Brown. the boy. “You be ” the “ sir” when you tothe old. Now answer again. s your name?“Sir Jim Brown.( The Browns live in a village B. England( _. a a C. a worker( ) . Mrs. Brown t

12、ook their to London because s many nice in city. B. they to a lotC. there no school near village.( ) teacher wanted Jim_. to polite to himself B. to know to say C. to know to the ( The boy called himself Sir Jim Brown because_. was Jim Brown B. he wasnt polite the C. he t know how to the word “Sir”B

13、 an old She rich and lived in a big sunnymorning, looked her garden. sun was shining brightly. “What good day!” She Suddenly she a in front garden of her house. She walked to the man and asked, “Why are you eating grass? Are you very hungry? The man answered, “I have no money to buy any food. I have

14、nt had meals for days. Im dying of hunger. “Poor boy,” said Jane, “come to the back ” Then walked into the house again. “The rich lady will give some food to eat. s so kind of her.” The thought. But when he went into the house, Jane opened the back door and said to him, “th grass is taller the house

15、.”( ) the weather day? Windy. Sunny. C. Rainy. D. Snowy.( ) the eating Some B. Some C. Some D. Some ( ) did Jane see At street. B. In front of C. her D. her ( ) did Jane the To cut grass. food in C. To in D. To grass behind her house.( ) 55. If are will you poor Write down your opinion._CEvery count

16、ry its favorite food. like to eat Indians like to hot food. like to Often they t cook In England, of most of is chips. usually it in a They it in paper bags, and take it home, to Sometimes it in on the road. s favorite food American If you go to some important cities in the you find people Fish Chin

17、ese in But they less in USA, take-away too, chicken. But popular kind of take-away is hamburger. It looks with meat in (火腿) a kind of the hamburger does not in The a kind of cake hamburger delicious. also in England and ( )56 like eat A B. pizza food D. fish( )57Fish chips are very in .AEngland C. t

18、he D. Canada( )58 Adifferent B. C. the D. ( )59 hamburger does not have in it.A B. pork C. D. chips( )60 a kind of .Ameat B. drink C. D. 四从框当选择适的句子全对话 5 分)A really Jordan.BWho is Ruth?CWhen he born?DHe is He is a basketball star.F dont like baseball.G an outstanding runner.Betty: do admire Wilma Rudolph?Paul: Betty: What athletes do Paul: Betty: I him. 63Paul: ve


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