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1、文档编码 : CO4S4Z3U10O3 HA1I3P10R4C10 ZA3B7F6B10J9Unit 1 1. You should keep calm during your_A_test. Do not be nervous.A. oral B. platform C. rude D. shield 2. Our guide gave us a detailed _B_ of this painting but we still do not understand.A. authority B. interpretation C. instruction D. institution3.

2、Our _C_ is London. But the plane took us to Paris.A. departure B. donkey C. destination D. discount 4. Generally speaking, there is always a generation _A_ in every country.A. gap B. break C. globe D. equality 5. Careful planning and hard work will _B_ our final success.A. enclose B. ensure C. disch

3、arge D. deny D. dissolved to get a sharp 6. He _C_ to his roommate for being so rude yesterday.A. worried B. doubted C. apologized 7. When you take a picture, you should _A_ carefully picture.A. focus B. object C. preserve D. fix8. The Chinese food in the United States is usually _C_ for American pe

4、ople.A. exchanged B. alternated C. modified D. cooked9. There are _D_ approaches to English teaching. But not all of them are equally efficient for our Chinese students.A. double B. joint C. originate D. diverse 10. He has a bad impression of his _A_ in the office.A. colleagues B. bullets C. barbers

5、 D. audience11. His eyes _A_ with rage but he did not dare to say anything.A. flashed B. wicked C. voted D. protested12. The list is arranged according to the _A_ professions of the audience.A. respective B. responsible C. resource D. resolution 13. This is our _B_. So you can do what you need to do

6、 here.A. substance B. schedule C. notice D. noun 14. That rich man has been dead for a long time but his _D_ is still not known to the public.A. sausage B. shelf C. portion t.D. willD. 15. I could have _A_ such a situation but I didnA. forecast B. overcame C. shed urged 16. I prefer a _B_ typewriter

7、 to an automatic one.A. medal B. manual C. merchant D. mental17. If you want to stop for a moment, just press the “ _D_” button on your tape recorder.A. toilet B. thumb C. violin D. pause 18. This printer is _B_ with most microcomputers.A. comparable B. compatible C. competent D. compact19. Business

8、 was _B_ last year because of the financial crisis.A. stop B. stagnant C. booming D. prosperous 20. I have _C_ three terrible English examinations this week.A. observed B. operated C. undergone D. suffered6-10:CACDA 11-15:AABDA Keys: 1-5:ABCAB 16-20:BDBBC Unit 2 1. The desire to find new challenges

9、is an admirable human _D_. A. action B. quality C. behavior D. trait 2. The biggest _A _ of the entrepreneurs penchant to understand everything about nothing and a little bit about a lot of things is that they get bored quickly with any one task.A. downside B. fault C. positive aspect D. benefit 3.

10、Entrepreneurs want results immediately, while managers are happy to wait, confident that if they _C_ perfectly over time the results will eventually follow.A. play B. behave C. execute D. fulfill4. A longer _A_ of healthy years will lead to greater wealth and prospects for happiness.C. distance D. A

11、. span B. width length5. The entrepreneur is constantly dont go as planned.being pulled _B_ course when plans A. away B. off C. on D. out6. Some diseases are _D_ by certain water animals.A. transplanted B. transformed C. transported D. transmitted 7. He _A_ through the names on the list.A. ran B. wa

12、lked C. wrote D. waved8. They _C_ to make arrangement beforehand.A. aimed B. presented C. proposed D. offered 9. They _C_ a treaty between the two countries.A. included B. ended C. concluded D. worked10. The vacuum cleaner is a valuable labor-saving _A_.A. device B. engine C. piece D. problems and w

13、as finally instrument11. The flight was postponed because of technical cancelled last week when a _B_ was discovered.A. accident B. defect C. damage D. defeat12. When she was crossing the road, she was knocked down by a motor-car and lay _C_ by the roadside.A. asleep B. thoughtless C. unconscious D.

14、 unware 13. The novels he has written have shown his _D_ ability as an author.B. literally C. literature D. A. literal literary14. The reader is urged to be a leader, rather than a follower, to rely on his own power, rather than to _B_.A. inform B. conform C. deform D. reform15. He would much _C_ it

15、 if you could do him the favor.A. award B. apply C. appreciate D. anticipate 16. If our _A_ is correct, then the spacecraft should reach the moon on Monday.A. calculation B. composition C. communication D. vision17. San Francisco s Chinese community, comprising 67,000 _D_, is the largest concentrati

16、on of Chinese outside of Asia.A. visitors B. workers C. adults D. inhabitants 18. We didnt catch the train on _ C_ of the traffic congestion.A. basis B. charge C. account D. behalf 19. Though he has suffered from cancer for so many years, it is so strange that he has _B_ to the present day.A. depriv

17、ed B. survived C. derived D. revived 20. During the races there were two accidents to motor-cyclists including one _A_ accident.A. fatal B. killing C. dead D. deathlyKeys: 1-5:DACAB 6-10:DACCA 11-15:BCDBC 16-20:ADCBAUnit 3 1. This is a purely _D_ problem, not apolitical one.A. additional B. advantag

18、e C. announce D. academic 2. The _D_ TOEFL score for entering this program is 600.A. less B. sandy C. stain D. minimum3. The best example of a paradox is the proverb speed” .“ More _A_, less A. haste B. range C. possession D. purse 4. This company provides a very good _A_ service for products.A. mai

19、ntenance B. merit C. philosophy D. pigeon5. There is more _B_ in meat than in vegetables.A. dam B. protein C. cash D. bloody6. Do not _C_ in the exam. This will do you no good.A. coin B. disaster C. cheat D. resort 7. Because of the boring _A_, we need to take a vacation every year.A. routine B. sur

20、gery C. rifle D. sake8. We need to _A_ the purpose of the experiment again.A. clarify B. cheek C. claim D. clap 9. I _D_ great success for my study in this university.A. disgust B. proceed C. pioneer D. anticipate10. From the _A_ from this examination, we know it is too easy for the students.A. feed

21、back B. frost C. outline D. overlook 11. He drove very fast to _B_ that red car.A. scatter B. overtake C. site D. sponsor12. This is a box with a _D_ lid, so I can see whats in there clearly.A. whistle B. vigorous C. robot D. transparent13. Professor Smith _A_ the most important part in his paper.A.

22、 omitted B. disputed C. designed D. chased 14. This knife is made of steel _B_ and it can be used for a long time.A. mixed B. alloy C. champion D. grasp 15. The theory of _D_ was developed by Darwin and is now understood by nearly everybody in the world.A. determination C. discipline D. evolutions 1

23、6. Mr. Green has recently been _C_ to director of the president office.A. pushed B. purchased C. promoted D. promised 17. We dont think that his _ B_ ability has been well developed.A. possible B. potential C. underneath D. vital 18. Our _C_ talks promise a good future for our cooperation.A. interio

24、r B. insurance C. initial D. invisible 19. The _C_ can help people to see very small objects.A. metropolitan B. microphone C. microscope D. microwave 20. Physically we feel comfortable. But _A_, we suffer a lot.A. psychologically B. moderately C. naturally D. precisely6-10:CAADA 11-15:BDABD Keys: 1-

25、5:DDAAB 16-20:CBCCAUnit 5 1. Efficiency has been affected by the _ way of management.A. bureaucratic B. bureaucracy C. bureaucrats D. bureaucracies 2. There is an _ of possibilities in cancer researches.A. average B. ample C. area D. array3. He _ the mouse to the trap.A. cheats B. fooled C. lured D.

26、 fertilizing 4. Before being transferred into the container, this shipment has to be packed in strong _.A. basket B. cask C. crate D. cage5. Holland is famous for its _ products such as milk powder.A. machinery B. food C. dairy D. agricultural 6. The novel is full of _ and offers nothing new in its

27、plot.A. genius B. clichs C. innovation D. originality7. You can rephrase your sentence to make it less _.A. longer B. long C. lengthy D. lengthen8. She experienced a moment of _ when she got the news of the scholarship.A. ecstasy B. melancholy C. sorrow D. dizziness9. It will be the largest _ magnet

28、ic storm.A. imaginable B. imaginative C. imaginary D. imagining10. Rapid development has created a market overflowing _ opportunities.A. up B. with C. on D. in11. Prior reform has already _ the way for future development.A. built B. constructed C. paved D. laid12. Inner sense of balance can keep us

29、sane and _.A. busy B. serene C. peace D. clearD. 13. Early birds can receive a discount in _ fee.A. register B. registration C. registering registered 14. The tea is very hot, please _ it slowly.A. gulp B. draw C. sip D. swallow15. Is the wisdom revolution _A. in way B. underway C. by way D. wayward

30、16. Changes in the policy will, _, affect your daily life.A. on turn B. in turn C. by turn D. with turn D. meted17. The old couple always dreamt of _ their lost child.A. meet B meeting C. met 18. Both sides of the road are lined _ flowers.A. up B. with C. off D. against19. His strategy for language

31、learning turned _ to be effective.A. down B. up C. out D. in20. Some students are good at blending _ local life.A. on C. into D. upKeys: 1-5:ADCCC 6-10:BCAAB 11-15:CBBCB 16-20:BBBCCUnit 61. The modern city has its unique _ in terms of colonial architectures.A. charm B. feature C. style D. fame2. The

32、 _ of the issue is beyond common comprehension.A. complexion B. difficulty C. hard D. complexity3. The scholar was so _ that he sneered at everything worth living.that made life D. criticalD. confineA. sane B. wise C. cynical 4. He didn t _ himself to one major.A. delimit B. strict C. fine 5. When w

33、ill the train _ from the stationA. start B. commence C. depart D. begin6. It is better to _ up the painting for preservation.A. build B. frame C. fame D. put7. People tend to _ much more for breath when climbing a mountain.A. pants B. panted C. pant D. panting8. After the exam, he loitered _ the web

34、 for pleasure and relaxation.A. from B. on C. in D. to9. His remarks left the audience _.A. displeased B. displeasing C. displeasement D. displease10. He _ in the direction of the sun and had to put his hand over his eyes to see clearly.A. looked B. saw C. squinted D. smeared11. They found a _ of ca

35、ttle in the mountain.A. wave B. group C. herd D. pack12. HE has an acute _ of latent risks.A. view B. perception C. perceive D. viewpoint13. The guard _ a fire in the nearby factory.A. disguised B. spotted C. spoil D. recognize14. He knows the _ of this locality like the back of this hand. A. shape

36、B. geography C. terrain D. world 15. The latest _ of the famous British novel has been on sale.A. verse B. version C. copy D. model16. The tourists weaved _ the forest.A. cross B. through C. on D. along17. He worked in China, Korea and much further _, building up a reputation of his own.A. away B. a

37、far C. afield D. field18. The disaster crept _ them bit by bit.A. up B. upon C. up on D. against19. The specialist predicts that economy will flatten _ in 2022.A. down B. out C. up D. in20. The reform has been in full _.A. sway B. set C. swing D. sweepKeys: 1-5:ADCDC 6-10:BCBAC 11-15:CBBCB 16-20:BCC

38、BCUnit 7s paper.D. 1. I m looking for the _ section in todayA. column B. combination C. comb classified 2. Where can I _ in the TV Is the outlet rightA. plug B. paint C. shoot D. upset3. Please put your _ on this application form.A. site B. silly C. shower D. signature4. Professor Li _ in doing his

39、experiment for nearly ten years.A. insisted B. piled C. persisted D. split5. The new plan is _ and everybody present agrees with if.A. feasible B. adventure C. appendix D. camel 6. Jack wants to be _ when he grows up.A. a bar B. a cousin C. an opponent D. an astronaut7. She failed to call the office

40、 to _ her appointment.D. A. greet B. miss C. ruin cancel8. Please be _. Your question is too general.A. limited B. narrow C. specific D. through9. What is the total circulation of this _A. leather B. pale C. journal D. wagon10. He gave us a very good description of the _ of this university.A. lawyer

41、 B. orient C. layout D. oven11. This is a very big hotel and it can _ more than 1,000 people.A. accommodate B. display C. faint D. loafD. 12. I couldn t hear the program because there was too much _.A. grasp B. globe C. superior interference13. Thanks for the advice, but this is something I have to

42、_ out myself.A. fulfill B. identify C. figure D. claim14. Mary was seriously injured in a _.A. collision B. geology C. manuscript D. pool15. If the _ in the test is too small, we cannot get a good result.A. sample B. percent C. leisure D. flight16. According to Mr. Green, this is a _ problem.A. gran

43、d B. complicated C. owing D. powder17. I m going to call a _ to repair my car this afternoon.A. mechanic B. host C. giant D. glance18. I am very _. You may tell me your suggestion.A. fog B. debate C. culture D. flexible19. The roof has _ in it, and the front steps need to be fixed.A. ants B. drums C

44、. leaks D. grains20. He received four years of training in English and two years in English teaching. He is a _ English instructor.A. responsible B. scared C. vast D. qualifiedKeys: 1-5:DADCA 6-10:DDCCC 11-15:ADCAA 16-20:BADCDUnit 81. You are very _ to take the trouble to help me. I cannot thank you

45、 enough.A. whisper B. vital C. thoughtful D. considerable2. Whats your favorite kind of music Do you like _ music.A. domestic B. classical C. existence D. feature3. This nation is noted for its economic _.D. A. uniform B. stability C. gulf democratic4. He wants to _ his appointment from Monday to Wednesday.A. transfer B. decay C. advance D. postpone5. This is what I could do. There is no other _ for me.A. sleeve B. residence C. burden D. alternative6. Our teacher always sees the _ side of everything.A. spot B. negative C. ef


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