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1、新视野大学英语读写教程第四册教案B4U1Unit 1Life and Logic*Teaching Objectives:Students will learn to use English to1. To practice the skimming and scanning reading skills2. To apply the phrases and patterns3. To master the writing pattern of a narrative essay4. To write an essay creatively based on the understanding

2、 of the text*Time Allotment: each unit8 classes1st-2nd classes: Part I Warming up1. Lead-in : Background introduction and theme-related questions for warming up2. Understanding of the text: Detailed understanding focus on Reading Strategyincluding Topic Sentence, Key Words, Logic Words, Reading Clue

3、s etc. in orderto help students have a better understanding about the passage by asking somequestions about it.3rd-4th classes:Part II Text Study3. Reading in Depth: Structure Analysis, Summary, Difficult sentences analysis4. Language Focus: More practice in Language Points (language points explanat

4、ion,Sentence Patterns, Useful Expressions)5th6th classes: Part III Reflection5. Critical thinking: More speaking practice in discussion related to love and logic6. Writing Practice: Text writing My first meeting with my roommate My most embarrassing experienceA time I felt most proud of myself7th8th

5、 classes: Part IV Assignment7. Post-reading activities:review words and expressions, role-play, exercises, etc8. Section B: Focus on fast reading and Practice in reading skill 1 A aPart I Warming up1. Lead-in:1) What do you know about logic?Tips:It is the use and study of valid reasoning;Most promin

6、ent in the subjects of philosophy, mathematics, and computerscience;Established as a formal discipline by Aristotle;One of the classical trivium (三学科), the other two being grammar and rhetoric(修辞);Divided into three parts: inductive reasoning(归纳推理), abductive reasoning(反绎推理), and deductive reasoning

7、(演绎推理).2) Do you think it is possible to deal with life in a completely rational and logicalway?Tips:When it comes to making a choice, many people tend to use rational and logicalreasoning;Rational world is not necessarily a wonderful one;Rational individuals can make choices that are bad news for o

8、thers;It is ridiculous to deal with love in a logical way.3) The following are some statements to test your reasoning ability. Tell whetherthe conclusions after the word “Therefore” are true (T), false (F), or uncertain(U). Write your answer on the line before each statement.1. All odd numbers are i

9、ntegers 整数). All even numbers are integers. Therefore,all odd numbers are even numbers.2. There are no dancers that t slim and no singers that t dancers.Therefore, all singers are slim.3. A toothpick 牙签) is useful. Useful things are valuable. Therefore, a toothpickis valuable.4. Three pencils cost t

10、he same as two erasers. Four erasers cost the same as oneruler. Therefore, pencils are more expensive than rulers.5. Class A has a higher enrollment than Class B. Class C has a lower enrollmentthan Class B. Therefore, Class A has a lower enrollment than Class C.2. Cultural Background:1) What is a fa

11、llacy? And how is it used?2) How many types of fallacy do you know?Part II Text Study1. Global Reading:Tips for Reading: A Good Reader should1) Try to become an active reader.2) Learn to ask more questions. ( what, why, how)3) Do the efficient reading. (key points, topic sentence, key words, locatin

12、gwords, necessary and sufficient )4) Develop a habit of marking during reading.2) Why does the narrator decide to teach Polly logic?Tips: Because he believes logic is essential to critical thinking. By teachingPolly logic, he can make her intelligent and well-spoken.1.2 Structure Analysis:The text t

13、ells a humorous but ironic story. The narrator, a smart and promising1.3 SummaryMy roommate Rob made a pact with me that hed give me his girlfriend Polly inexchange for my jacket. And I agreed.Polly had the right background to be the girlfriend of a dogged, brilliant lawyer likemyself. She was prett

14、y, well-off, and radiant. Still, I want to dispense her enoughpearls of wisdom to make her “well-spoken”.So I tried my best to teach her such logical fallacies as Dicto Simpliciter, HastyGeneralization, Ad Misericordiam, and False Analogy. After five nights of diligentwork, I actually made a logicia

15、n out of Polly. She was an analytical thinker at last.When I asked her to develop our relationship into a romantic one, however, sherefuted my arguments as those logical fallacies I had taught her! And she refused myproposition by making full proposition: She liked Rob in leather, therefore, she had

16、told him to make the pact with me so that Rob could have my jacket.2. Language Focus:1) in exchange 作为对的交换为了给后代换来一个和平的环境,我们的革命先烈们抛头颅、洒热血。In exchange for a peaceful environment for the future generations, our revolutionarypredecessors shed their blood and even sacrificed their precious lives.2) set a

17、 date for 为定日期要想取得成功,最好马上开始努力,不要推三推四。In order to achieve success, one had better start immediately rather than set dates forhis/her efforts.3) appeal to 唤起;吸引引了来自世界各地的学子和研究人员。This university boasts many world-famous experts, professors, and the world s bestresearch library, therefore, it appeals to

18、students and researchers from all over theworld.4) make/draw an analogy between 在之间作类比我们经常把学习和登山进行类比:两者在你达到巅峰之前都需要付出巨大的努力。We often make an analogy between studying and climbing a mountain: both of themrequire great efforts before you can reach the top.5) make sth. out of sb./sth. 使变成这所军校的目标是经过四年的学习与

19、训练将这些年轻的军校生变成合格的军官。The aim of the military academy is to make qualified officers out of the young cadetsafter four study and training.6) give sb. the axe 抛弃(恋人);解雇如果你继续浪费宝贵的大学时光,毕业时你将一事无成。If you continue playing your precious college years away, success will give you theaxe upon graduation.7) be dri

20、pping with 满是这位漂亮的女士尽管浑身珠光宝气,言行却低俗无礼。Though the beautiful lady is dripping with jewels, her words and actions are drippingwith vulgarity and rudeness.3. Language Application:1) Sentence writinga) If sb. could do , sb. just might do 用于表达 “假设”。成功了。If you could make the best of what you have instead of

21、 dreaming of what you don thave, you just might have already achieved great success.b) Sb. never/seldom do . Instead, sb. do 用于表达“强调”。谋取私利。Some of our public servants never serve the people, instead they take advantage oftheir privileges and authorities to seek personal interests to the maximum exte

22、nt.c) Look at , look at . Can you do ?用于表达“对比”。看看我们,住着高楼大厦,穿着耐克、阿迪,吃着麦当劳、肯德基,喝着百事和可乐。再看看那些战乱地区的难民们,躲在破烂不堪的草棚里,没穿、没吃、没喝。我们怎么还能抱怨我们的生活呢?Look at us, living in tall buildings, wearing Nike and Adidas, eating McDonalds andKFCs, drinking Pepsis and Colas. Look at the refugees in the war stricken areas,she

23、ltering in poor straw sheds, having almost nothing to wear, to eat and to drink.How can we complain about our lives?2) Text writingWrite a narrative essayNarrative writing can be broadly defined as story writing. It is a piece of writingcharacterized by a main character who encounters a problem or e

24、ngages in aninteresting, significant or entertaining activity/experience in a particular setting. Whathappens to this main character is called the “plot. The plot follows a “beginning,middle, end” sequence. The middle of the story is the largest and most significantpart, which we call “the main even

25、t”. The main event is what the story is all aboutand involves either a problem to be solved or a significant life experience for the maincharacter.Example:4) What do you know about the difference between Chinese and western patterns ofthinking?Western analytical pattern of thinking: man and nature a

26、re separate;Man against nature, separation between subjective world and objective world;Viewing the objective world with objective and sober scientific attitudes;Exploring nature by means of logic and reason;Grasping the nature of a thing through its phenomena;Use of logical concepts.Western pattern of thinking tends to be more logical than the Chinese one;Chinese integral pattern of thinking: man and nature are regarded a


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