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1、第7章4. Describe the procedures in re-floating ship aground.a) The different situations of being aground.b) The measures taken to re-float the ship aground.c) Special attention paid to re-float the ship. There are different situations of ships being aground such as aground forward, aground aft and agr

2、ound full length. We should judge the aground situation. Then we will take proper measures to refloat the ship. (1) de-ballast or jettison cargo to reduce its displacement; (2) require tugs assistance; (3) waiting for the tide. The depth of water will raise when the tide is rising, so your vessel ma

3、y re-float. (4) shifting cargoes or liquid, adjusting vessels list, trim, to make the vessels grounded part clear of the bottom. When you try to re-float your vessel, you must pay attention to the water depth around the ship, tide situation, whether the vessel is making water or not and so on. 第10章

4、5. Give instructions on how to embark and behave in lifeboats or life-rafts.a) Attention to be paid before entering. b) Attention to be paid while entering. c) Attention to be paid after entering. Attention to be paid before entering:1. all crewmembers should wear warm clothing and lifejackets.2. pl

5、ug the drain of the lifeboat before entering.3. make sure the painter is made fast to a strong point on the ship. Attention to be paid while entering:the crewmembers shall enter the craft via ladders, nets or lines, if possible, boarding the liferaft from a slide ladder, never jump onto the canopy o

6、f a liferaft. Attention to be paid after entering:1. After every one board the lifeboats or liferafts, cut the painters with the safety knife. 2. crew members should sit evenly on both sides with more at the stern 3. jettison all sharp objects.4. close the entrances of life raft.5. keep clear of the

7、 vessel. 6. set the sea anchor to remain in the vicinity of the distress vessel. 6. Give briefing on how to respond to emergency signal for boat drills.Items to be taken;Clothing to be put on;Other work to be doneWhile hearing the boat drill signal, the crewmembers shall put on lifejackets and take

8、emergency equipment according to the muster list. Every crewmember should put on plenty of warm clothing as many layers as possible and immersion suit if possible.Other work to be done: All crewmembers should go to your muster station in an good order, act and behave according to the duties designat

9、ed on the muster list. Security level 1 means the level for which minimum appropriate protective security measures shall be maintained at all times. Security level 2 means the level for which appropriate additional protective security measures shall be maintained for a period of time as a result of

10、heightened risk of a security incident. Security level 3 means the level for which further specific protective security measures shall be maintained for a limited period of time when a security incident is probable or imminent, although it may not be possible to identify the specific target. 听说评估补充新

11、题2014年2月1. Please describe the Captains security responsibilities on board.a. The responsibilities while staying in the port;b. The responsibilities while handling security emergencies at sea;c. The responsibilities while conducting a security drill.答:Declare and complete the Security Level; carry o

12、ut the overriding authority in ship security; make temporary decisions at Masters discretion. Take measures at higher security level when the security risk is increased; refuse the access of the unauthorized personnel, cargo and articles into the ship. Keep records of security drawbacks or deficienc

13、ies and report to authorities concerned while conducting the drills.4. Please say something about navigation in ice area a. Potential dangers to be encountered in ice area; b. Special attention to be given while navigating in ice area; c. experience or lessons of previous transit in ice area.答:When

14、ships navigate in the ice area, the principal dangers that they could encounter are chiefly the drifting ice and the icebergs. Besides, when ice occupies over 60% of the sea surface, ships could get trapped or icebound. Thus, if a ship is going to transit an ice covered sea area, she needs to, first

15、 of all, pay great attention to the amount of ice on the sea so as to determine the next step. Keep a safe speed, keep sharp look out. Besides, she should always navigate on the windward side in order to avoid collision. When necessary, she needs to seek icebreaker assistance. As for experience of m

16、y previous transit, firstly, we ran into the ice edge at right angles. Besides, we joined the ice convoy with other ships and saved much money. As our ships condition was the poorest, we followed the icebreaker immediately and kept a safe distance from her.5. Describe your actions when risk of colli

17、sion exists.答:When risk of collision exists, we should proper avoiding action immediately. These avoiding action shall be positive, made in ample time and with due regard to the observance of good seamanship. Any alteration of course and/or speed to avoid collision shall be large enough to be readil

18、y apparent to another vessel; a succession of small alteration of course and / or speed should be avoided.If there is sufficient sea room, alteration of course alone may be the most effective action. If necessary, we should reduce speed to increase CPA to allow more time to asses the situation.6. Pl

19、ease say something about ships stranding accident handling.Investigation of stranding. Investigation of possibilities of self-refloating and urgency of danger.Recording of refloating operation.答:After ships stranding, we should first investigate the stranding condition, to determine whether the ship

20、 is aground forward, aground aft or full length. We must pay attention to the water depth around ship, the tide situation, the damage situation and so on. If it is possible to self-refloat the vessel, we should take proper measures to refloat her, such as: pumping out ballast water, jettisoning carg

21、o, waiting for high water and so on. While refloating the ship, we should pay special attention to keep the ships seaworthiness. If there is any leakage, take some blocking measures. While taking measures, you should report the grounding to the authority concerned and ship owner, and make entries in

22、 detail in log book as well.7. Please talk about your successful or failed experiences of going through a PSC inspection. (参照第三版11章的第三题) a. The general procedure; b. The most impressive scenes; c. Experience or Lessons learned.8. Describe ISM inspection based on the PSC inspection regime. (和第三版11章的第

23、五题类似) a. The typical procedures; b. Particular items to be checked in PSC inspection; c. Attention to be paid during the inspection.答:The typical procedures of ISM inspection based on the PSC inspections are embarkation, checking, taking measurement to correct deficiencies, and/ or banning of a ship

24、.The particular items to be checked in ISM inspection based on the PSC inspection are checking the validity of all kinds of documents and certificate, such as DOC, SMC, safety certificate; vessels structural integrity, machinery, maintenance programs, crew proficiency and so on. They also examine th

25、e SMS reports on firefighting and life saving equipment.While a ship is during the PSC inspection, the first thing is to keep clean and tidy. It can give a good impression to the PSCO. The second is to keep all certificates valid. And ships crew should strictly obey the SMS requirements.9. Describe

26、the normal procedure for calling a pilot station.a. Information exchange with pilot station;b. Expressing the purpose of calling and get instructions from pilot station;c. Summary.When the vessel intends to call a pilot station for a pilot, first of all, the vessel should report to the pilot station

27、; the vessel should report the pilot station about the vessels particular information, such as the ships name, call sign, LOA, ETA, and so on, and get instructions from the pilot station, to make sure which side should the pilot ladder be rigged, when to pick the pilot. The vessel should make a good

28、 communication with the pilot station which can ensure the pilotage be successful.10. List some effective ways to manage multinational crew. a. Difficulties in managing a multinational crew; b. Some effective ways; c. Your experiences (if any)The difficulties in managing multinational crew is the co

29、mmunication and some different customs and habits. Crew from different countries act differently. So the best way to manage multinational crew is to get familiarize with the customs and habits of the other crews as soon as possible, especially for the senior officers. The effective ways includes: St

30、e up some rules which crews must obey wherever he comes from, try to communicate more with the crews about his daily habits and working experiences, This can effectively help manage multinational crew.问答1. What is the special attention of the ship with respect to the carriage of solid bulk cargo?答:T

31、he distribution of cargo and stability.2. What does a confined space refer to?答:A space that is large enough and so configured that an employee can enter bodily and perform work or has limited and restricted means of entry and exit or is not designed for continual occupancy. 3. You are about to ente

32、r a fairway and you want to relay your intention to the VTS. Using a standard message marker and a phrase. What should you say?答:Intention: I will enter the fairway!4. Could you please talk about different ways to send off emergency signal?答:Visual and aural ways and body language.5. How do you co-o

33、rdinate handling of cargo and ships store with crew and PFSO?答:Supervise the handling of the cargo and the ships store with crew and PFSO.6. A ship is signaling you with Aldis lamp “Morse Code” letter “O”, what does it mean?答:Man overboard.7. How do you like your career as a seafarer?答:I like this c

34、areer very much. I think I can do it best.1. Piracy and Maritime industry a. Piracy impacts on the Maritime industry b. Pirate Infested Waters c. International anti-piracy efforts2. Gangway Watch Security Inspection. a. Brief comment on the importance of gangway watch security inspection; b. Differe

35、nt measures need to be taken at different levels; c. Attention needs to be called when conducting searches (co-operation with the port authorities, non-intrusive manner, preserve the basic human dignity, etc.)3. 11. Security Equipment and Safe Operation a. Common security equipment on board; b. Ways

36、 to keep the function well; c. Specific requirements for SSAS, its function, location, in particular the requirements in the SSP. 4. Please give a detailed description of the procedures of pilotage. a. The general practice of requesting for a pilot; b. Preparatory work to be done before pilots board

37、ing; c. Factors to be paid attention to during pilotage.8. Please describe something about ship security training and drills.a. The time or interval of such ship security training and drills to be conducted onboard.b. The persons involved in ship security training and drills.c. The main procedures a

38、nd requirements of ship security training and drills. 问答:1. When there is a muster for an emergency there are several things that must be closed. Give three examples.2. What procedures or controls do you use to ensure security on board before departure?3. What is the angle between magnetic and true

39、meridian called?4. What must be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilots embarkation?5. Can you list some information relating to security that AIS can receive or transmit?6. Can you list some items to be checked for hull, machinery and cargo in PSC inspection?7. What are

40、the key items to be checked within your duties on board?8. Can you list some risks to crew while abandoning vessels?9. A ship ahead hoists the flag “D” and gives one long blast followed by two short blasts. What is the message?10. When would you need a “resuscitator”?11. Can you list some items to b

41、e checked for MARPOL and Chemical in PSC inspection?12. What relevant provisions should the responsible crewmembers be familiar with?13. What kind of paint is usually given to the places such as radiators, pipes and funnels? Heat resistant paint.(问答) Procedures of cargo stowageThe chief officer shou

42、ld make out a suitable stowage plan as the voyage instructions (must care about the cargoes characters and the vessels stabilities.)Loaded the cargoes as stowage plan and signed (make some remarks if in need) the mate receipt as the actual loaded (if any changed and should make a revised stowage pla

43、n as the actual loaded.)2. (问答)you are about to enter a fairway and you want to relay your intention to VTS, using a standard message marker and phrase. What should you say?I should say: “Intention: I will enter the fairway.”(问答) when will more detailed inspection be conducted?After apparent deficie

44、ncies have been found, such as there are some important certificates missing or overdue, or any other important safety equipments out of using etc, the more details will be conducted for inspection.(问答)how do you promote awareness and vigilance on security on board?For promoting awareness and vigila

45、nce on security on board we should carry out effective training and drills on board vessel regularly. What do you have to do to get ship management certificate?For getting a ship management certificate, we can through applying the initial survey or the renew survey. How are the loading and unloading

46、 operations of crude oil carried out?For safety, when carried out loading or unloading operation of crude oil, we must comply with the crude oil transfer safety operation procedures as safety management system.What assistance is required if a fire on ship loses control? If a fire on ship loses contr

47、ol, we should ask for shore based fire fighting assistance as soon as possible.What are the main differences between a flag state and a port state inspection?Usually, a flag state inspection is carried out by the port of registry while the port state inspection is carried out by the port of calls. D

48、escribe the proper way of using VHF?During using of VHF ,we should establish communication on channel 16 and then change to the other working channel so that will not impede the other stations communications. What does confined space refer to?A space or a place for working will cause some danger if

49、operated improper as the safety operation procedure, such as enclosed space (water tanks, oil tanks closed void space etc.) on board. Where heavier loads should be placed.For safety, normally the heavier loads should be placed at the bottom of the cargo hold. 13. Which document demonstrates a ship b

50、eing in fit and efficient condition and classed?The Certificate of class demonstrates a ship being in fit and efficient condition and classed.Describe some precautions to be taken during medical assistance by helicopter?being familiar with characteristic of helicopterships action prior to operations

51、hips action during hoistANSWER: When we required the medical assistance by helicopter, we should get the helicopter receive station ready, such as flag for showing wind direction, fire hose and portable extinguisher etc. And one more thing must pay attention, before the helicopters hook dip into the

52、 sea water, do not touch it due to static.The ship should keep communicate with the helicopter, ask for what course and speed should maintain, get the injured crew ready with a stretcher, get the documents ready for the injured crew.During hoist action the ship should keep course and speed, communic

53、ation and monitoring. There are some procedures to describe how to respond to the change of security level in the ship security plan.how to get the ship security informationTake additional measures.Report to the company security officer.ANSWER: We can get the ship security information from the regis

54、tered country authorities through the company. And take a strictly control the access, carry out more frequently security patrolling And the master report to the CSO that the additional measure has carried out as the ISPS procedure base on present security level.Describe the procedures of search and

55、 rescue operation.actions to be done in man-overboard operationwhat should be taken into consideration when carrying out the operation.How to rescue a life raft at sea.ANSWER: When there found a man-overboard, at once, throw a life buoy with a light and smoking signal, inform the bridge, and keep th

56、e over-board man in sight. The bridge should make a hard rudder to the man-overboard side, sound signal, call master on bridge and carried out rescue action.When the ship slow down and reach the survivals, such as the overboard man or the life raft at sea, should keep it on the lee side, and use sui

57、table means hoist them up.Give some example on importance of keeping watching on VHF.necessity of keeping a proper lookoutobtain navigational warning in time aid to collision avoidanceANSWER: It is very important to keep a proper watching on VHF, there are navigation warnings, weather forecasting an

58、d other navigation information broadcasted. You can check the radio signal station lists to get the locale navigation warning in time on VHF. For collision avoidance operation you may make a call by VHF, if any distress happened, a distress call on VHF CH16 needed.Describe procedures that can be ado

59、pted to ensure security on board before departure.action on crewmember failing to return to the ship.hostage situationaction on discovery of suspected package.ANSWER: If failing crewmember to return to the ship, report it to agency, PFSO and CSO. If there are some hostages, should try best to discus

60、s with the pirates and keep the hostages safety, try best reaching the pirates wishes. When there found a suspected package, do not touch, report to the SSO, if in need, request shore based security team for assistance by SSO or master.Say something about navigation in ice area.potential dangers to


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