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1、LettersWords you knowsTry more ingysingingdancingflyingrunningfightingstingsunnyrainycloudywindylilystormyLets sing义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 五年级上册Module 6 WeatherUnit 11 Whats the weather like today?学校:广州市荔湾区金兰苑小学任课老师:陈跨文下一期的跑男组即将开始拍摄, 他们将在全国各地挑选一个天气晴朗的地方来进行玩游戏的拍摄。你能帮跑男团们看懂天气预报图,挑选出气候最合适的地方吗?Its sunny.sun ( Su

2、nday )sunnyWhats the weather like today? Its windy.windywindWhats the weather like now?rainrainycloudcloudyWhats the weather like?Its .snowsnowywindyrainycloudysnowysunny【Task 1】I can match. 我能连一连。0900018765432150004987654321039876543210987654321021987654321098765432100HoursMinutesSecondsTimes up!Le

3、ts matchwindyrainycloudysnowysunny【Task 1】I can match. 我能连一连。12345cold寒冷的Whats the weather like in Harbin?It is _ and _.snowy coldHarbin 哈尔滨I wear and .hat coat What is the weather like in October? Its windy and cool.cool 凉爽的 tooOctoberI wear and .jacket pants What is the weather like today? It is _

4、 and _.rainy wet wet 湿的 Whats the weather like in September? It is _ and _.cloudy warm I wear .T-shirt warm 温暖的 (or)dry 干旱的 What is the weather like now? Its dry.try Whats the weather like in Gansu? It is _ and _.sunny dry Gansu 甘肃Bombs!Game time规则:快速说出图片或单词,看到炸弹时迅速击掌说bombs!Lets play1. 2. 3. weather

5、sunnyClap your hands quickly and say BOMB loudly.How to play?weatherweatherwetcool跑男组的导演初定了四个地方,你能根据天气预报图对比四地的天气选出最佳地点吗?Whats the weather like in?Its PairworkBeijingSanyaHarbinLhasawindy and rainysnowy and coldcloudy and warmsunny and dryWhats the weather like in?Its 【Task 2】I can talk. 我能用以下句子与同桌讨论

6、。Pairwork跑男团们已来到了三亚进行拍摄,同时他们即将邀请嘉宾过来三亚一起拍摄,假设你是跑男中的中一员,你能向嘉宾介绍三亚的当天的天气吗?Whats the weather like in Sanya?In the morning, its In the evening, itsIn the afternoon, itsSanyaWelcome to Sanya. This is the weather in Sanya.In the morning, its In the afternoon, its . In the evening, its 2016.11.27SY三亚市区天气预报在小组里面说出三亚的天气Show timeSummary你学习了什么?Homework1, Copy the new words.2, Make a weather forecast for tomorrow to your classmates.自我评价小组评价学习任务达成程度(请打勾)本课还没掌握的知识或疑问小组合作表现得分(请打勾)【Task1】我能运用phonics拼读单词以及词组。【Task2】我能完成I can talk的对话熟练单词句型【Task3】我能完成三亚天气的介绍我给自己打星: 优秀:5颗 良好:3-4颗


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