二0二三年度五年级上册Module9教案2:m9u1areyoufeelingbored 省赛获奖_第1页
二0二三年度五年级上册Module9教案2:m9u1areyoufeelingbored 省赛获奖_第2页
二0二三年度五年级上册Module9教案2:m9u1areyoufeelingbored 省赛获奖_第3页




1、Module9 Unit1 Are you feeling bored ?一、教学内容:1、单词:feel,sad,miss,bored,angry,nothing,secret,tell,surprise。2、句子:Im feeling ;Are you feeling ? Yes, I am. No, Im not.Is he/ she feeling ? Yes, he/ she is. No, he/ she isnt.二、教学目标:知识目标:能听懂、会说、会读、会写本单元的单词与句型。能力目标:学生能对本单元的内容进行扩展运用。情感目标:培养学生有爱心,学会关心、爱护他人。三、教学重

2、难点:学生能运用所学句型进行扩展性的对话。四、教学过程:Warm-up:1. Flash Cartoon: Good morning to you. ( greet each other,边唱边和学生热情的问候。)Lead-in:T: You did a good job!1. Introduction: First Ill introduce myself to all of you. My name is Jenny. You can call me “Jenny”.2. T: Tell me, how are you? How old are you? Whats your name?3

3、. T: Do you want to be my friends? I will tell you a secret. My mother went to Shanghai last week. I miss her very much! (贴单词:tell,secret,miss) Are you feeling happy now? (板书:Are you feeling ?)Presentation:Play a game: Finger guessing game (引出单词,并板书:sad,angry,bored;领读、各读、小组。)T: Are you feeling bored

4、? Whats the matter? Nothing. (引出nothing,板书)2. Chant.3. Game: Are you feeling ? (考眼力,抢答,使用句型。)T: You did very well! Im so surprise! (引出surprise,贴单词、播课件、领读、各读、小组读。)T: At the weekend, I was bored ,so I played chess. (课件播国际象棋)4. Text teaching. 课文教学。T: Youll see the words that you learned just now. Lingl

5、ing is going to do a surprising thing. Now open your books turn to page34.a. Listen and pointb. Listen and readc. Listen and tickd. Read it dependently and guide5. 连线问答。Consolidation:1. 抽表情卡 T: Heres a box. Do you want to know whats in it? There are some facial expressions cards. You come to the front and get one. Make the expressions, and the others say: are you feeling ? (事先准备好小盒子,让学生到盒子里抽表情卡。)Further development:英语短剧:“Are you feeling sad, Mum? ”(妈妈一边切洋葱一边流眼泪,孩子担心的询问妈妈怎么了。)(


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